影响最大化是挖掘社交网络深入信息的关键问题,该信息旨在选择从网络中选择种子以最大程度地增加受影响的节点的数量。为了评估种子套装的影响,现有的努力提出了拟议的代理模型(转换),以较低的计算成本来代替昂贵的蒙特卡洛模拟过程。这些基于网络先验知识的替代转换从各个角度引起具有相似特征的不同搜索行为。对于特定情况,用户很难先验确定合适的转换。在本文中,我们提出了一个多种转化的进化框架,以进行影响最大化(MTEFIM),并保证了融合保证,以利用替代转换的潜在相似性和独特的优势,并避免用户手动确定最合适的转换。在MTEFIM中,将多个转换同时优化为多个任务。每个转换均分配一个进化求解器。进行了MTEFIM的三个主要组成部分:1)根据不同人群的个人(种子集)重叠程度估算转化之间的潜在关系,2)根据转变关系,将个体转移到跨种群中,3)选择最终输出种子集,包含所有代理模型知识。 MTEFIM的有效性在基准和现实世界社交网络上得到了验证。实验结果表明,与几种流行的IM特异性方法相比,MTEFIM可以有效地利用跨多个转换的潜在转移知识,以实现高度竞争性能。可以在https://github.com/xiaofangxd/mtefim上访问MTEFIM的实现。
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Influence Maximization (IM) is a classical combinatorial optimization problem, which can be widely used in mobile networks, social computing, and recommendation systems. It aims at selecting a small number of users such that maximizing the influence spread across the online social network. Because of its potential commercial and academic value, there are a lot of researchers focusing on studying the IM problem from different perspectives. The main challenge comes from the NP-hardness of the IM problem and \#P-hardness of estimating the influence spread, thus traditional algorithms for overcoming them can be categorized into two classes: heuristic algorithms and approximation algorithms. However, there is no theoretical guarantee for heuristic algorithms, and the theoretical design is close to the limit. Therefore, it is almost impossible to further optimize and improve their performance. With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the technology based on Machine Learning (ML) has achieved remarkable achievements in many fields. In view of this, in recent years, a number of new methods have emerged to solve combinatorial optimization problems by using ML-based techniques. These methods have the advantages of fast solving speed and strong generalization ability to unknown graphs, which provide a brand-new direction for solving combinatorial optimization problems. Therefore, we abandon the traditional algorithms based on iterative search and review the recent development of ML-based methods, especially Deep Reinforcement Learning, to solve the IM problem and other variants in social networks. We focus on summarizing the relevant background knowledge, basic principles, common methods, and applied research. Finally, the challenges that need to be solved urgently in future IM research are pointed out.
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我们考虑了最大化的影响(IM)问题:'如果我们能说服社交网络中的一部分个人采用新产品或创新,目的是触发大量的进一步收养级联我们应该定位吗?正式地,这是在社交网络中选择$ K $种子节点的任务,以使网络中预期的影响节点(在某些影响下传播模型)最大化。在文献中已经广泛研究了这个问题,并提出了几种解决方案方法。但是,大多数基于模拟的方法涉及耗时的蒙特卡洛模拟,以计算种子节点在整个网络中的影响。这限制了这些方法在大型社交网络上的适用性。在本文中,我们有兴趣以时间效率的方式解决影响最大化的问题。我们提出了一种社区意识的分歧和纠纷策略,涉及(i)学习社交网络的固有社区结构,(ii)通过解决每个社区的影响最大化问题,以及(iii)选择最终的影响力来生成候选解决方案。使用新颖的渐进预算计划来自候选解决方案的个人。我们提供有关现实世界社交网络的实验,表明所提出的算法在经验运行时和启发式算法方面优于基于仿真的算法。我们还研究了社区结构对算法性能的影响。我们的实验表明,具有较高模块化的社区结构导致所提出的算法在运行时和影响方面表现更好。
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学习优化在接收器操作特性曲线(AUC)下的区域,近年来引起了不平衡数据的显着关注。虽然有几种AUC优化方法,但由于其成对学习风格,缩放UP OP优化仍然是一个开放问题。最大化大规模数据集中的AUC可以被视为非凸和昂贵的问题。灵感来自成对学习的特征,构建了具有从大型数据集采样的小型数据集的廉价AUC优化任务,以促进原始,大规模和昂贵的AUC优化任务的AUC准确性。本文开发了一种进化的多任务框架(称为EMTAUC),以充分利用构造的便宜和昂贵的任务之间的信息,以获得更高的性能。在EMTAUC中,一个任务是优化来自采样数据集的AUC,另一个任务是从原始数据集中最大化AUC。此外,由于包含有限知识的廉价任务,提出了一种动态调整廉价任务数据结构的策略,以引入更多知识,进入多任务定量的AUC优化环境。在一系列二进制分类数据集上评估所提出的方法的性能。实验结果表明,EMTAUC对单一任务方法和在线方法具有竞争力。可以在HTTPS://github.com/xiaofangxd/emtauc访问EMTAUC的补充材料和源代码。
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社交网络(SN)是一个由代表它们之间相互作用的群体组成的社会结构。 SNS最近被广泛使用,随后已成为产品推广和信息扩散的合适平台。 SN中的人们直接影响彼此的利益和行为。 SNS中最重要的问题之一是,如果选择将它们作为网络扩散场景的种子节点选择,那么他们可以以级联的方式对网络中的其他节点产生最大影响。有影响力的扩散器是人们,如果他们被选为网络中出版问题中的种子,那么该网络将拥有最多了解该扩散实体的人。这是称为影响最大化(IM)问题的文献中的一个众所周知的问题。尽管已证明这是一个NP完整的问题,并且在多项式时间内没有解决方案,但有人认为它具有子模块化功能的属性,因此可以使用贪婪的算法来解决。提出改善这种复杂性的大多数方法都是基于以下假设:整个图都是可见的。但是,此假设不适合许多真实世界图。进行了这项研究,以扩展使用链接预测技术与伪可见性图的电流最大化方法。为此,将一种称为指数随机图模型(ERGM)的图生成方法用于链接预测。使用斯坦福大学SNAP数据集的数据对所提出的方法进行了测试。根据实验测试,所提出的方法在现实世界图上有效。
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Network structure evolves with time in the real world, and the discovery of changing communities in dynamic networks is an important research topic that poses challenging tasks. Most existing methods assume that no significant change in the network occurs; namely, the difference between adjacent snapshots is slight. However, great change exists in the real world usually. The great change in the network will result in the community detection algorithms are difficulty obtaining valuable information from the previous snapshot, leading to negative transfer for the next time steps. This paper focuses on dynamic community detection with substantial changes by integrating higher-order knowledge from the previous snapshots to aid the subsequent snapshots. Moreover, to improve search efficiency, a higher-order knowledge transfer strategy is designed to determine first-order and higher-order knowledge by detecting the similarity of the adjacency matrix of snapshots. In this way, our proposal can better keep the advantages of previous community detection results and transfer them to the next task. We conduct the experiments on four real-world networks, including the networks with great or minor changes. Experimental results in the low-similarity datasets demonstrate that higher-order knowledge is more valuable than first-order knowledge when the network changes significantly and keeps the advantage even if handling the high-similarity datasets. Our proposal can also guide other dynamic optimization problems with great changes.
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Recently, evolutionary multitasking (EMT) has been successfully used in the field of high-dimensional classification. However, the generation of multiple tasks in the existing EMT-based feature selection (FS) methods is relatively simple, using only the Relief-F method to collect related features with similar importance into one task, which cannot provide more diversified tasks for knowledge transfer. Thus, this paper devises a new EMT algorithm for FS in high-dimensional classification, which first adopts different filtering methods to produce multiple tasks and then modifies a competitive swarm optimizer to efficiently solve these related tasks via knowledge transfer. First, a diversified multiple task generation method is designed based on multiple filtering methods, which generates several relevant low-dimensional FS tasks by eliminating irrelevant features. In this way, useful knowledge for solving simple and relevant tasks can be transferred to simplify and speed up the solution of the original high-dimensional FS task. Then, a competitive swarm optimizer is modified to simultaneously solve these relevant FS tasks by transferring useful knowledge among them. Numerous empirical results demonstrate that the proposed EMT-based FS method can obtain a better feature subset than several state-of-the-art FS methods on eighteen high-dimensional datasets.
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在网络中找到最有影响力的节点是一个计算困难的问题,其中有多种基于网络的问题的几个可能的应用程序。尽管已经提出了几种解决影响最大化问题(IM)问题的方法,但当网络大小增加时,它们的运行时间通常会缩放较差。在这里,我们提出了一种基于网络缩减的原始方法,该方法允许多目标进化算法(MOEA)在减少的比例网络上解决IM问题,同时保留原始网络的相关属性。然后使用基于中心度指标(例如Pagerank)的机制将缩小的解决方案升级到原始网络。我们在八个大型网络(包括$ \ sim $ 50k节点)上的结果证明了该方法的有效性,与原始网络所需的时间相比,运行时增益超过10倍,最高为82美元\%与CELF相比,$减少了时间。
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在影响最大化(IM)的现实世界应用中,网络结构通常是未知的。因此,我们可以通过仅探索基础网络的一部分来确定最有影响力的种子节点,但对于节点查询的预算很小。由于收集节点元数据比通过查询节点调查节点之间的关系更具成本效益,我们提出了IM-Meta,这是一种端到端的解决方案,这是通过从查询和节点中检索信息的网络中IM的端到端解决方案元数据。但是,由于元数据的嘈杂性质和连通性推断的不确定性,使用这种元数据来帮助IM过程并非没有风险。为了应对这些挑战,我们制定了一个新的IM问题,旨在找到种子节点和查询节点。在IM-META中,我们开发了一种有效的方法,该方法可以迭代执行三个步骤:1)我们通过暹罗神经网络模型学习了收集的元数据和边缘之间的关系,2)我们选择了许多推断的自信边缘来构建增强的图形, 3)我们通过使用我们的拓扑感知的排名策略来最大程度地提高推断影响扩展,以确定查询的下一个节点。通过查询仅5%的节点,IM-META达到了上限性能的93%。
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随着组合优化的机器学习领域,通过这种新的视角,传统问题重新敷设和重新进行了折叠。大多数文献中的绝大多数侧重于小的图形问题,而几个真实问题致力于大图。在这里,我们专注于两个这样的问题:影响估计,#p-coll counting问题,以及影响最大化,np-colly问题。我们开发Glie,一个图形神经网络(GNN),其固有地参数化影响估计的上限并在小模拟图上培训。实验表明,Glie为真正的图表提供了精确的影响,该估计比列车集大10倍。更重要的是,它可以用于对大大更大图的影响最大化,因为预测排名不受精度降低的影响。我们使用Glie制定一个Cely Optimization,而不是模拟的影响估计,超越了影响最大化的基准,尽管具有计算开销。为了平衡时间复杂性和影响质量,我们提出了两种不同的方法。第一个是Q-Network,学会使用Glie的预测顺序选择种子。第二种基于Glie的表示在构建种子集的同时,基于Glie的表示来定义一个可怕的子模块功能。后者提供了时间效率和影响的最佳组合,表现优于SOTA基准。
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Metaheuristics are popularly used in various fields, and they have attracted much attention in the scientific and industrial communities. In recent years, the number of new metaheuristic names has been continuously growing. Generally, the inventors attribute the novelties of these new algorithms to inspirations from either biology, human behaviors, physics, or other phenomena. In addition, these new algorithms, compared against basic versions of other metaheuristics using classical benchmark problems without shift/rotation, show competitive performances. In this study, we exhaustively tabulate more than 500 metaheuristics. To comparatively evaluate the performance of the recent competitive variants and newly proposed metaheuristics, 11 newly proposed metaheuristics and 4 variants of established metaheuristics are comprehensively compared on the CEC2017 benchmark suite. In addition, whether these algorithms have a search bias to the center of the search space is investigated. The results show that the performance of the newly proposed EBCM (effective butterfly optimizer with covariance matrix adaptation) algorithm performs comparably to the 4 well performing variants of the established metaheuristics and possesses similar properties and behaviors, such as convergence, diversity, exploration and exploitation trade-offs, in many aspects. The performance of all 15 of the algorithms is likely to deteriorate due to certain transformations, while the 4 state-of-the-art metaheuristics are less affected by transformations such as the shifting of the global optimal point away from the center of the search space. It should be noted that, except EBCM, the other 10 new algorithms proposed mostly during 2019-2020 are inferior to the well performing 2017 variants of differential evolution and evolution strategy in terms of convergence speed and global search ability on CEC 2017 functions.
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由于其在线社交网络上的广泛应用,影响力最大化(IM)在过去几十年中引起了广泛关注。当前的IM研究缺乏对种子如何产生影响效应的人类理解的解释,从而降低了现有解决方案的可信度,尽管它们适用。由于IM的复杂性,目前的大多数研究都集中在估计一阶扩散能力上,并且经常考虑从不同种子分散的流量之间的相互作用。这项研究使用SOBOL指数,这是基于方差的灵敏度分析的基石,可以分解对单个种子及其相互作用的影响效果。 SOBOL指数是针对IM上下文量身定制的,通过将种子选择作为二进制变量进行建模。这种说明方法普遍适用于所有网络类型,IM技术和扩散模型。基于解释方法,提出了一个称为Sobolim的一般框架,以通过过度选择节点,然后是消除策略来提高IM研究的性能。关于合成和现实世界图的实验表明,对影响效应的解释可以可靠地识别各种网络和IM方法之间种子之间的关键高阶相互作用。在经验上,Sobolim在有效性和效率上具有优势。
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Point cloud registration (PCR) is a popular research topic in computer vision. Recently, the registration method in an evolutionary way has received continuous attention because of its robustness to the initial pose and flexibility in objective function design. However, most evolving registration methods cannot tackle the local optimum well and they have rarely investigated the success ratio, which implies the probability of not falling into local optima and is closely related to the practicality of the algorithm. Evolutionary multi-task optimization (EMTO) is a widely used paradigm, which can boost exploration capability through knowledge transfer among related tasks. Inspired by this concept, this study proposes a novel evolving registration algorithm via EMTO, where the multi-task configuration is based on the idea of solution space cutting. Concretely, one task searching in cut space assists another task with complex function landscape in escaping from local optima and enhancing successful registration ratio. To reduce unnecessary computational cost, a sparse-to-dense strategy is proposed. In addition, a novel fitness function robust to various overlap rates as well as a problem-specific metric of computational cost is introduced. Compared with 7 evolving registration approaches and 4 traditional registration approaches on the object-scale and scene-scale registration datasets, experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method has superior performances in terms of precision and tackling local optima.
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