Many machine learning algorithms have been developed in recent years to enhance the performance of a model in different aspects of artificial intelligence. But the problem persists due to inadequate data and resources. Integrating knowledge in a machine learning model can help to overcome these obstacles up to a certain degree. Incorporating knowledge is a complex task though because of various forms of knowledge representation. In this paper, we will give a brief overview of these different forms of knowledge integration and their performance in certain machine learning tasks.
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Deep learning models, though having achieved great success in many different fields over the past years, are usually data hungry, fail to perform well on unseen samples, and lack of interpretability. Various prior knowledge often exists in the target domain and their use can alleviate the deficiencies with deep learning. To better mimic the behavior of human brains, different advanced methods have been proposed to identify domain knowledge and integrate it into deep models for data-efficient, generalizable, and interpretable deep learning, which we refer to as knowledge-augmented deep learning (KADL). In this survey, we define the concept of KADL, and introduce its three major tasks, i.e., knowledge identification, knowledge representation, and knowledge integration. Different from existing surveys that are focused on a specific type of knowledge, we provide a broad and complete taxonomy of domain knowledge and its representations. Based on our taxonomy, we provide a systematic review of existing techniques, different from existing works that survey integration approaches agnostic to taxonomy of knowledge. This survey subsumes existing works and offers a bird's-eye view of research in the general area of knowledge-augmented deep learning. The thorough and critical reviews of numerous papers help not only understand current progresses but also identify future directions for the research on knowledge-augmented deep learning.
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Neural-symbolic computing (NeSy), which pursues the integration of the symbolic and statistical paradigms of cognition, has been an active research area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for many years. As NeSy shows promise of reconciling the advantages of reasoning and interpretability of symbolic representation and robust learning in neural networks, it may serve as a catalyst for the next generation of AI. In the present paper, we provide a systematic overview of the important and recent developments of research on NeSy AI. Firstly, we introduce study history of this area, covering early work and foundations. We further discuss background concepts and identify key driving factors behind the development of NeSy. Afterward, we categorize recent landmark approaches along several main characteristics that underline this research paradigm, including neural-symbolic integration, knowledge representation, knowledge embedding, and functionality. Then, we briefly discuss the successful application of modern NeSy approaches in several domains. Finally, we identify the open problems together with potential future research directions. This survey is expected to help new researchers enter this rapidly-developing field and accelerate progress towards data-and knowledge-driven AI.
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机器学习方法尤其是深度神经网络取得了巨大的成功,但其中许多往往依赖于一些标记的样品进行训练。在真实世界的应用中,我们经常需要通过例如具有新兴预测目标和昂贵的样本注释的动态上下文来解决样本短缺。因此,低资源学习,旨在学习具有足够资源(特别是培训样本)的强大预测模型,现在正在被广泛调查。在所有低资源学习研究中,许多人更喜欢以知识图(kg)的形式利用一些辅助信息,这对于知识表示变得越来越受欢迎,以减少对标记样本的依赖。在这项调查中,我们非常全面地审查了90美元的报纸关于两个主要的低资源学习设置 - 零射击学习(ZSL)的预测,从未出现过训练,而且很少拍摄的学习(FSL)预测的新类仅具有可用的少量标记样本。我们首先介绍了ZSL和FSL研究中使用的KGS以及现有的和潜在的KG施工解决方案,然后系统地分类和总结了KG感知ZSL和FSL方法,将它们划分为不同的范例,例如基于映射的映射,数据增强,基于传播和基于优化的。我们接下来呈现了不同的应用程序,包括计算机视觉和自然语言处理中的kg增强预测任务,还包括kg完成的任务,以及每个任务的一些典型评估资源。我们最终讨论了一些关于新学习和推理范式的方面的一些挑战和未来方向,以及高质量的KGs的建设。
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Relational machine learning studies methods for the statistical analysis of relational, or graph-structured, data. In this paper, we provide a review of how such statistical models can be "trained" on large knowledge graphs, and then used to predict new facts about the world (which is equivalent to predicting new edges in the graph). In particular, we discuss two fundamentally different kinds of statistical relational models, both of which can scale to massive datasets. The first is based on latent feature models such as tensor factorization and multiway neural networks. The second is based on mining observable patterns in the graph. We also show how to combine these latent and observable models to get improved modeling power at decreased computational cost. Finally, we discuss how such statistical models of graphs can be combined with text-based information extraction methods for automatically constructing knowledge graphs from the Web. To this end, we also discuss Google's Knowledge Vault project as an example of such combination.
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Knowledge graph (KG) embedding is to embed components of a KG including entities and relations into continuous vector spaces, so as to simplify the manipulation while preserving the inherent structure of the KG. It can benefit a variety of downstream tasks such as KG completion and relation extraction, and hence has quickly gained massive attention. In this article, we provide a systematic review of existing techniques, including not only the state-of-the-arts but also those with latest trends. Particularly, we make the review based on the type of information used in the embedding task. Techniques that conduct embedding using only facts observed in the KG are first introduced. We describe the overall framework, specific model design, typical training procedures, as well as pros and cons of such techniques. After that, we discuss techniques that further incorporate additional information besides facts. We focus specifically on the use of entity types, relation paths, textual descriptions, and logical rules. Finally, we briefly introduce how KG embedding can be applied to and benefit a wide variety of downstream tasks such as KG completion, relation extraction, question answering, and so forth.
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Natural Language Processing (NLP) has been revolutionized by the use of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) such as BERT. Despite setting new records in nearly every NLP task, PLMs still face a number of challenges including poor interpretability, weak reasoning capability, and the need for a lot of expensive annotated data when applied to downstream tasks. By integrating external knowledge into PLMs, \textit{\underline{K}nowledge-\underline{E}nhanced \underline{P}re-trained \underline{L}anguage \underline{M}odels} (KEPLMs) have the potential to overcome the above-mentioned limitations. In this paper, we examine KEPLMs systematically through a series of studies. Specifically, we outline the common types and different formats of knowledge to be integrated into KEPLMs, detail the existing methods for building and evaluating KEPLMS, present the applications of KEPLMs in downstream tasks, and discuss the future research directions. Researchers will benefit from this survey by gaining a quick and comprehensive overview of the latest developments in this field.
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Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn, and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (a) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (b) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (c) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes towards these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.
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尽管在现代的机器学习算法的最新进展,其内在机制的不透明仍是采用的障碍。在人工智能系统灌输信心和信任,解释的人工智能已成为提高现代机器学习算法explainability的响应。归纳逻辑程序(ILP),符号人工智能的子场中,起着产生,因为它的直观的逻辑驱动框架的可解释的解释有希望的作用。 ILP有效利用绎推理产生从实例和背景知识解释的一阶分句理论。然而,在发展中通过ILP需要启发方法的几个挑战,在实践中他们的成功应用来解决。例如,现有的ILP系统通常拥有广阔的解空间,以及感应解决方案是对噪声和干扰非常敏感。本次调查总结在ILP的最新进展和统计关系学习和神经象征算法的讨论,其中提供给ILP协同意见。继最新进展的严格审查,我们划定观察的挑战,突出对发展不言自明的人工智能系统进一步ILP动机研究的潜在途径。
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications have sparked extraordinary interest in recent years. This achievement can be ascribed in part to advances in AI subfields including Machine Learning (ML), Computer Vision (CV), and Natural Language Processing (NLP). Deep learning, a sub-field of machine learning that employs artificial neural network concepts, has enabled the most rapid growth in these domains. The integration of vision and language has sparked a lot of attention as a result of this. The tasks have been created in such a way that they properly exemplify the concepts of deep learning. In this review paper, we provide a thorough and an extensive review of the state of the arts approaches, key models design principles and discuss existing datasets, methods, their problem formulation and evaluation measures for VQA and Visual reasoning tasks to understand vision and language representation learning. We also present some potential future paths in this field of research, with the hope that our study may generate new ideas and novel approaches to handle existing difficulties and develop new applications.
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