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我们研究了用于线性回归的主动采样算法,该算法仅旨在查询目标向量$ b \ in \ mathbb {r} ^ n $的少量条目,并将近最低限度输出到$ \ min_ {x \ In \ mathbb {r} ^ d} \ | ax-b \ | $,其中$ a \ in \ mathbb {r} ^ {n \ times d} $是一个设计矩阵和$ \ | \ cdot \ | $是一些损失函数。对于$ \ ell_p $ norm回归的任何$ 0 <p <\ idty $,我们提供了一种基于Lewis权重采样的算法,其使用只需$ \ tilde {o}输出$(1+ \ epsilon)$近似解决方案(d ^ {\ max(1,{p / 2})} / \ mathrm {poly}(\ epsilon))$查询到$ b $。我们表明,这一依赖于$ D $是最佳的,直到对数因素。我们的结果解决了陈和Derezi的最近开放问题,陈和Derezi \'{n} Ski,他们为$ \ ell_1 $ norm提供了附近的最佳界限,以及$ p \中的$ \ ell_p $回归的次优界限(1,2) $。我们还提供了$ O的第一个总灵敏度上限(D ^ {\ max \ {1,p / 2 \} \ log ^ 2 n)$以满足最多的$ p $多项式增长。这改善了Tukan,Maalouf和Feldman的最新结果。通过将此与我们的技术组合起来的$ \ ell_p $回归结果,我们获得了一个使$ \ tilde o的活动回归算法(d ^ {1+ \ max \ {1,p / 2 \}} / \ mathrm {poly}。 (\ epsilon))$疑问,回答陈和德里兹的另一个打开问题{n}滑雪。对于Huber损失的重要特殊情况,我们进一步改善了我们对$ \ tilde o的主动样本复杂性的绑定(d ^ {(1+ \ sqrt2)/ 2} / \ epsilon ^ c)$和非活跃$ \ tilde o的样本复杂性(d ^ {4-2 \ sqrt 2} / \ epsilon ^ c)$,由于克拉克森和伍德拉夫而改善了Huber回归的以前的D ^ 4 $。我们的敏感性界限具有进一步的影响,使用灵敏度采样改善了各种先前的结果,包括orlicz规范子空间嵌入和鲁棒子空间近似。最后,我们的主动采样结果为每种$ \ ell_p $ norm提供的第一个Sublinear时间算法。
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我们在限制下研究了一阶优化算法,即使用每个维度的$ r $ bits预算进行量化下降方向,其中$ r \ in(0,\ infty)$。我们提出了具有收敛速率的计算有效优化算法,与信息理论性能匹配:(i):(i)具有访问精确梯度甲骨文的平稳且强烈的符合目标,以及(ii)一般凸面和非平滑目标访问嘈杂的亚级别甲骨文。这些算法的关键是一种多项式复杂源编码方案,它在量化它之前将矢量嵌入随机子空间中。这些嵌入使得具有很高的概率,它们沿着转换空间的任何规范方向的投影很小。结果,量化这些嵌入,然后对原始空间进行逆变换产生一种源编码方法,具有最佳的覆盖效率,同时仅利用每个维度的$ r $ bits。我们的算法保证了位预算$ r $的任意值的最佳性,其中包括次线性预算制度($ r <1 $),以及高预算制度($ r \ geq 1 $),虽然需要$ o \ left(n^2 \右)$乘法,其中$ n $是尺寸。我们还提出了使用Hadamard子空间对这种编码方案的有效放松扩展以显着提高梯度稀疏方案的性能。数值模拟验证我们的理论主张。我们的实现可在https://github.com/rajarshisaha95/distoptconstrocncomm上获得。
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我们研究神经网络的基于规范的统一收敛范围,旨在密切理解它们如何受到规范约束的架构和类型的影响,对于简单的标量价值一类隐藏的一层网络,并在其中界定了输入。欧几里得规范。我们首先证明,通常,控制隐藏层重量矩阵的光谱规范不足以获得均匀的收敛保证(与网络宽度无关),而更强的Frobenius Norm Control是足够的,扩展并改善了以前的工作。在证明构造中,我们识别和分析了两个重要的设置,在这些设置中(可能令人惊讶)仅光谱规范控制就足够了:首先,当网络的激活函数足够平滑时(结果扩展到更深的网络);其次,对于某些类型的卷积网络。在后一种情况下,我们研究样品复杂性如何受到参数的影响,例如斑块之间的重叠量和斑块的总数。
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高维模型通常具有较大的内存足迹,必须在训练后进行量化,然后将其部署在资源受限的边缘设备上以进行推理任务。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个信息理论框架,用于量化从训练数据$(\ mathbf {x},\ mathbf {y})$的线性回归剂的问题,用于某些基本统计关系$ \ mathbf {y} = \ Mathbf {X} \ BoldSymbol {\ Theta} + \ Mathbf {V} $。博学的模型是对潜在参数$ \ boldsymbol {\ theta} \ in \ mathbb {r}^d $的估计值,仅使用$ bd $ bits来代表,其中$ b \ in(0,in 0,0,in(0) \ infty)$是预先指定的预算,$ d $是维度。在此设置下,我们为Minimax风险提供了信息理论的下限,并建议使用基于嵌入的算法进行匹配的上限,该算法紧密到恒定因素。上限和上限共同表征了达到与未量化设置相当的性能风险所需的最小阈值位预算。我们还提出了在计算上有效且最佳的随机hadamard嵌入到下限的轻度对数因子。我们的模型量化策略可以概括,我们通过将方法和上限扩展到两层relu神经网络以进行非线性回归来显示其功效。数值模拟表明,我们提出的方案的性能得到改善,以及其与下限的亲密关系。
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We study the fundamental task of outlier-robust mean estimation for heavy-tailed distributions in the presence of sparsity. Specifically, given a small number of corrupted samples from a high-dimensional heavy-tailed distribution whose mean $\mu$ is guaranteed to be sparse, the goal is to efficiently compute a hypothesis that accurately approximates $\mu$ with high probability. Prior work had obtained efficient algorithms for robust sparse mean estimation of light-tailed distributions. In this work, we give the first sample-efficient and polynomial-time robust sparse mean estimator for heavy-tailed distributions under mild moment assumptions. Our algorithm achieves the optimal asymptotic error using a number of samples scaling logarithmically with the ambient dimension. Importantly, the sample complexity of our method is optimal as a function of the failure probability $\tau$, having an additive $\log(1/\tau)$ dependence. Our algorithm leverages the stability-based approach from the algorithmic robust statistics literature, with crucial (and necessary) adaptations required in our setting. Our analysis may be of independent interest, involving the delicate design of a (non-spectral) decomposition for positive semi-definite matrices satisfying certain sparsity properties.
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The fundamental learning theory behind neural networks remains largely open. What classes of functions can neural networks actually learn? Why doesn't the trained network overfit when it is overparameterized?In this work, we prove that overparameterized neural networks can learn some notable concept classes, including two and three-layer networks with fewer parameters and smooth activations. Moreover, the learning can be simply done by SGD (stochastic gradient descent) or its variants in polynomial time using polynomially many samples. The sample complexity can also be almost independent of the number of parameters in the network.On the technique side, our analysis goes beyond the so-called NTK (neural tangent kernel) linearization of neural networks in prior works. We establish a new notion of quadratic approximation of the neural network (that can be viewed as a second-order variant of NTK), and connect it to the SGD theory of escaping saddle points.
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This work studies training one-hidden-layer overparameterized ReLU networks via gradient descent in the neural tangent kernel (NTK) regime, where, differently from the previous works, the networks' biases are trainable and are initialized to some constant rather than zero. The first set of results of this work characterize the convergence of the network's gradient descent dynamics. Surprisingly, it is shown that the network after sparsification can achieve as fast convergence as the original network. The contribution over previous work is that not only the bias is allowed to be updated by gradient descent under our setting but also a finer analysis is given such that the required width to ensure the network's closeness to its NTK is improved. Secondly, the networks' generalization bound after training is provided. A width-sparsity dependence is presented which yields sparsity-dependent localized Rademacher complexity and a generalization bound matching previous analysis (up to logarithmic factors). As a by-product, if the bias initialization is chosen to be zero, the width requirement improves the previous bound for the shallow networks' generalization. Lastly, since the generalization bound has dependence on the smallest eigenvalue of the limiting NTK and the bounds from previous works yield vacuous generalization, this work further studies the least eigenvalue of the limiting NTK. Surprisingly, while it is not shown that trainable biases are necessary, trainable bias helps to identify a nice data-dependent region where a much finer analysis of the NTK's smallest eigenvalue can be conducted, which leads to a much sharper lower bound than the previously known worst-case bound and, consequently, a non-vacuous generalization bound.
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我们探索稀疏优化问题的算法和局限性,例如稀疏线性回归和稳健的线性回归。稀疏线性回归问题的目的是确定少数关键特征,而强大的线性回归问题的目标是确定少量错误的测量值。具体而言,稀疏线性回归问题寻求$ k $ -sparse vector $ x \ in \ mathbb {r}^d $以最小化$ \ | ax-b \ | _2 $,给定输入矩阵$ a \ in \ mathbb in \ mathbb {r}^{n \ times d} $和一个目标向量$ b \ in \ mathbb {r}^n $,而强大的线性回归问题寻求一个$ s $ s $,最多可以忽略$ k $行和a向量$ x $最小化$ \ |(ax-b)_s \ | _2 $。我们首先显示了在[OWZ15]工作上稳健回归构建的近似近似值的双晶格,这意味着稀疏回归的结果相似。我们通过减少$ k $ clique的猜想,进一步显示出稳健回归的精细颗粒硬度。在正面,我们给出了一种鲁棒回归的算法,该算法可实现任意准确的添加误差,并使用运行时与从细粒硬度结果中的下界紧密匹配的运行时,以及与类似运行时稀疏回归的算法。我们的上限和下限都依赖于从鲁棒线性回归到我们引入的稀疏回归的一般减少。我们的算法受到3SUM问题的启发,使用大约最近的邻居数据结构,并且可能具有独立的兴趣来解决稀疏优化问题。例如,我们证明我们的技术也可以用于研究稀疏的PCA问题。
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我们研究了在存在$ \ epsilon $ - 对抗异常值的高维稀疏平均值估计的问题。先前的工作为此任务获得了该任务的样本和计算有效算法,用于辅助性Subgaussian分布。在这项工作中,我们开发了第一个有效的算法,用于强大的稀疏平均值估计,而没有对协方差的先验知识。对于$ \ Mathbb r^d $上的分布,带有“认证有限”的$ t $ tum-矩和足够轻的尾巴,我们的算法达到了$ o(\ epsilon^{1-1/t})$带有样品复杂性$的错误(\ epsilon^{1-1/t}) m =(k \ log(d))^{o(t)}/\ epsilon^{2-2/t} $。对于高斯分布的特殊情况,我们的算法达到了$ \ tilde o(\ epsilon)$的接近最佳错误,带有样品复杂性$ m = o(k^4 \ mathrm {polylog}(d)(d))/\ epsilon^^ 2 $。我们的算法遵循基于方形的总和,对算法方法的证明。我们通过统计查询和低度多项式测试的下限来补充上限,提供了证据,表明我们算法实现的样本时间 - 错误权衡在质量上是最好的。
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聚类是无监督学习中的基本原始,它引发了丰富的计算挑战性推理任务。在这项工作中,我们专注于将$ D $ -dimential高斯混合的规范任务与未知(和可能的退化)协方差集成。最近的作品(Ghosh等人。恢复在高斯聚类实例中种植的某些隐藏结构。在许多类似的推理任务上的工作开始,这些较低界限强烈建议存在群集的固有统计到计算间隙,即群集任务是\ yringit {statistically}可能但没有\ texit {多项式 - 时间}算法成功。我们考虑的聚类任务的一个特殊情况相当于在否则随机子空间中找到种植的超立体载体的问题。我们表明,也许令人惊讶的是,这种特定的聚类模型\ extent {没有展示}统计到计算间隙,即使在这种情况下继续应用上述的低度和SOS下限。为此,我们提供了一种基于Lenstra - Lenstra - Lovasz晶格基础减少方法的多项式算法,该方法实现了$ D + 1 $样本的统计上最佳的样本复杂性。该结果扩展了猜想统计到计算间隙的问题的类问题可以通过“脆弱”多项式算法“关闭”,突出显示噪声在统计到计算间隙的发作中的关键而微妙作用。
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Low-rank matrix approximations, such as the truncated singular value decomposition and the rank-revealing QR decomposition, play a central role in data analysis and scientific computing. This work surveys and extends recent research which demonstrates that randomization offers a powerful tool for performing low-rank matrix approximation. These techniques exploit modern computational architectures more fully than classical methods and open the possibility of dealing with truly massive data sets.This paper presents a modular framework for constructing randomized algorithms that compute partial matrix decompositions. These methods use random sampling to identify a subspace that captures most of the action of a matrix. The input matrix is then compressed-either explicitly or implicitly-to this subspace, and the reduced matrix is manipulated deterministically to obtain the desired low-rank factorization. In many cases, this approach beats its classical competitors in terms of accuracy, speed, and robustness. These claims are supported by extensive numerical experiments and a detailed error analysis.The specific benefits of randomized techniques depend on the computational environment. Consider the model problem of finding the k dominant components of the singular value decomposition of an m × n matrix. (i) For a dense input matrix, randomized algorithms require O(mn log(k)) floating-point operations (flops) in contrast with O(mnk) for classical algorithms. (ii) For a sparse input matrix, the flop count matches classical Krylov subspace methods, but the randomized approach is more robust and can easily be reorganized to exploit multi-processor architectures. (iii) For a matrix that is too large to fit in fast memory, the randomized techniques require only a constant number of passes over the data, as opposed to O(k) passes for classical algorithms. In fact, it is sometimes possible to perform matrix approximation with a single pass over the data.
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恢复来自简单测量的稀疏向量的支持是一个广泛研究的问题,考虑在压缩传感,1位压缩感测和更通用的单一索引模型下。我们考虑这个问题的概括:线性回归的混合物,以及线性分类器的混合物,其中目标是仅使用少量可能嘈杂的线性和1位测量来恢复多个稀疏载体的支持。关键挑战是,来自不同载体的测量是随机混合的。最近也接受了这两个问题。在线性分类器的混合物中,观察结果对应于查询的超平面侧随机未知向量,而在线性回归的混合物中,我们观察在查询的超平面上的随机未知向量的投影。从混合物中回收未知载体的主要步骤是首先识别所有单个组分载体的支持。在这项工作中,我们研究了足以在这两种模型中恢复混合物中所有组件向量的支持的测量数量。我们提供使用$ k,\ log n $和准多项式在$ \ ell $中使用多项式多项式的算法,以恢复在每个人的高概率中恢复所有$ \ ell $未知向量的支持组件是$ k $ -parse $ n $ -dimensional向量。
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We study the relationship between adversarial robustness and differential privacy in high-dimensional algorithmic statistics. We give the first black-box reduction from privacy to robustness which can produce private estimators with optimal tradeoffs among sample complexity, accuracy, and privacy for a wide range of fundamental high-dimensional parameter estimation problems, including mean and covariance estimation. We show that this reduction can be implemented in polynomial time in some important special cases. In particular, using nearly-optimal polynomial-time robust estimators for the mean and covariance of high-dimensional Gaussians which are based on the Sum-of-Squares method, we design the first polynomial-time private estimators for these problems with nearly-optimal samples-accuracy-privacy tradeoffs. Our algorithms are also robust to a constant fraction of adversarially-corrupted samples.
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Artificial neural networks are functions depending on a finite number of parameters typically encoded as weights and biases. The identification of the parameters of the network from finite samples of input-output pairs is often referred to as the \emph{teacher-student model}, and this model has represented a popular framework for understanding training and generalization. Even if the problem is NP-complete in the worst case, a rapidly growing literature -- after adding suitable distributional assumptions -- has established finite sample identification of two-layer networks with a number of neurons $m=\mathcal O(D)$, $D$ being the input dimension. For the range $D<m<D^2$ the problem becomes harder, and truly little is known for networks parametrized by biases as well. This paper fills the gap by providing constructive methods and theoretical guarantees of finite sample identification for such wider shallow networks with biases. Our approach is based on a two-step pipeline: first, we recover the direction of the weights, by exploiting second order information; next, we identify the signs by suitable algebraic evaluations, and we recover the biases by empirical risk minimization via gradient descent. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
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我们开发了第一个快速频谱算法,用于分解$ \ mathbb {r}^d $排名到$ o的随机三阶张量。我们的算法仅涉及简单的线性代数操作,并且可以在当前矩阵乘法时间下在时间$ o(d^{6.05})$中恢复所有组件。在这项工作之前,只能通过方形的总和[MA,Shi,Steurer 2016]实现可比的保证。相反,快速算法[Hopkins,Schramm,Shi,Steurer 2016]只能分解排名最多的张量(D^{4/3}/\ text {polylog}(d))$。我们的算法结果取决于两种关键成分。将三阶张量的清洁提升到六阶张量,可以用张量网络的语言表示。将张量网络仔细分解为一系列矩形矩阵乘法,这使我们能够快速实现该算法。
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深度学习的成功以巨大的计算和能源成本,而训练大规模过度参数的神经网络的可伸缩性正成为AI进步的真正障碍。尽管传统反向传播通过梯度不错的传统反向传播的流行和低成本,但在理论和实践中,SGD在非凸面设置中具有高度的收敛速度。为了减轻这一成本,最近的工作提议采用替代性(牛顿型)培训方法,但收敛速度更快,尽管其每题成本更高。对于具有$ m = \ mathrm {poly}(n)$参数的典型神经网络,$ n $ datapoints in $ \ mathbb {r}^d $ of $ n $ datapoints的输入批次, Weinstein,ITCS'2021]需要$ \ sim mnd + n^3 $每次迭代。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的培训方法,它仅需要$ m^{1- \ alpha} n d + n^3 $摊销时间在同一过度叠加机制中,其中$ \ alpha \ in(0.01,1)$是某些固定常数。此方法依赖于神经网络的新替代视图,作为一组二进制搜索树,每个迭代都对应于修改树中节点的一小部分。我们认为,这种观点将在DNN的设计和分析中进一步应用。
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