非convex受限的优化问题可用于模拟许多机器学习问题,例如多级Neyman-Pearson分类和受限的Markov决策过程。但是,由于目标和约束可能是非概念,因此这些问题都是具有挑战性的,因此很难平衡减少损失价值和减少约束违规行为的平衡。尽管有几种方法可以解决此类问题,但它们都是双环或三环算法,它们需要Oracles来解决某些子问题,通过在每次迭代中调整多个超级参数,以达到某些准确性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的梯度下降和扰动的上升(GDPA)算法,以解决一类平滑的非概念不平等的限制问题。 GDPA是一种原始的偶算法,仅利用目标和约束函数的一阶信息,以交替的方式更新原始变量和双重变量。该算法的关键特征是它是一种单循环算法,其中只需要调整两个步骤尺寸。我们表明,在轻度的规律性条件下,GDPA能够找到非convex功能约束问题的Karush-Kuhn-Tucker(KKT)点,并保证了收敛率。据我们所知,这是第一个可以通过非convex不等式约束来解决一般非凸的平滑问题的单循环算法。与最著名的算法相比,数值结果还显示了GDPA的优越性(就平稳性测量和获得的溶液的可行性而言)。
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最近,由于这些问题与一些新兴应用的相关性,最近有许多研究工作用于开发有效算法,以解决理论收敛的保证。在本文中,我们提出了一种统一的单环交替梯度投影(AGP)算法,用于求解平滑的非convex-(强烈)凹面和(强烈)凸出 - 非concave minimax问题。 AGP采用简单的梯度投影步骤来更新每次迭代时的原始变量和双变量。我们表明,它可以在$ \ MATHCAL {O} \ left(\ Varepsilon ^{ - 2} \ right)$(rep. $ \ Mathcal {O} \ left)中找到目标函数的$ \ VAREPSILON $ -STAIMATARY点。 (\ varepsilon ^{ - 4} \ right)$)$迭代,在nonconvex-strongly凹面(resp。nonconvex-concave)设置下。此外,获得目标函数的$ \ VAREPSILON $ -STAIMATARY的梯度复杂性由$ \ Mathcal {o} \ left(\ varepsilon ^{ - 2} \ right)界限O} \ left(\ varepsilon ^{ - 4} \ right)$在强烈的convex-nonconcave(resp。,convex-nonconcave)设置下。据我们所知,这是第一次开发出一种简单而统一的单环算法来解决非convex-(强烈)凹面和(强烈)凸出 - 非concave minimax问题。此外,在文献中从未获得过解决后者(强烈)凸线 - 非孔孔的最小问题的复杂性结果。数值结果表明所提出的AGP算法的效率。此外,我们通过提出块交替近端梯度(BAPG)算法来扩展AGP算法,以求解更通用的多块非块非conmooth nonmooth nonmooth noncovex-(强)凹面和(强烈)convex-nonconcave minimax问题。我们可以在这四个不同的设置下类似地建立所提出算法的梯度复杂性。
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在许多机器学习应用程序中出现了非convex-concave min-max问题,包括最大程度地减少一组非凸函数的最大程度,并对神经网络的强大对抗训练。解决此问题的一种流行方法是梯度下降(GDA)算法,不幸的是,在非凸性的情况下可以表现出振荡。在本文中,我们引入了一种“平滑”方案,该方案可以与GDA结合以稳定振荡并确保收敛到固定溶液。我们证明,稳定的GDA算法可以实现$ O(1/\ epsilon^2)$迭代复杂性,以最大程度地减少有限的非convex函数收集的最大值。此外,平滑的GDA算法达到了$ O(1/\ epsilon^4)$ toseration复杂性,用于一般的nonconvex-concave问题。提出了这种稳定的GDA算法的扩展到多块情况。据我们所知,这是第一个实现$ o(1/\ epsilon^2)$的算法,用于一类NonConvex-Concave问题。我们说明了稳定的GDA算法在健壮训练中的实际效率。
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Nonconvex minimax problems have attracted wide attention in machine learning, signal processing and many other fields in recent years. In this paper, we propose a primal dual alternating proximal gradient (PDAPG) algorithm and a primal dual proximal gradient (PDPG-L) algorithm for solving nonsmooth nonconvex-strongly concave and nonconvex-linear minimax problems with coupled linear constraints, respectively. The corresponding iteration complexity of the two algorithms are proved to be $\mathcal{O}\left( \varepsilon ^{-2} \right)$ and $\mathcal{O}\left( \varepsilon ^{-3} \right)$ to reach an $\varepsilon$-stationary point, respectively. To our knowledge, they are the first two algorithms with iteration complexity guarantee for solving the two classes of minimax problems.
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二重优化发现在现代机器学习问题中发现了广泛的应用,例如超参数优化,神经体系结构搜索,元学习等。而具有独特的内部最小点(例如,内部功能是强烈凸的,都具有唯一的内在最小点)的理解,这是充分理解的,多个内部最小点的问题仍然是具有挑战性和开放的。为此问题设计的现有算法适用于限制情况,并且不能完全保证融合。在本文中,我们采用了双重优化的重新制定来限制优化,并通过原始的双二线优化(PDBO)算法解决了问题。 PDBO不仅解决了多个内部最小挑战,而且还具有完全一阶效率的情况,而无需涉及二阶Hessian和Jacobian计算,而不是大多数现有的基于梯度的二杆算法。我们进一步表征了PDBO的收敛速率,它是与多个内部最小值的双光线优化的第一个已知的非质合收敛保证。我们的实验证明了所提出的方法的预期性能。
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本文分析了双模的彼此优化随机算法框架。 Bilevel优化是一类表现出两级结构的问题,其目标是使具有变量的外目标函数最小化,该变量被限制为对(内部)优化问题的最佳解决方案。我们考虑内部问题的情况是不受约束的并且强烈凸起的情况,而外部问题受到约束并具有平滑的目标函数。我们提出了一种用于解决如此偏纤维问题的两次时间尺度随机近似(TTSA)算法。在算法中,使用较大步长的随机梯度更新用于内部问题,而具有较小步长的投影随机梯度更新用于外部问题。我们在各种设置下分析了TTSA算法的收敛速率:当外部问题强烈凸起(RESP。〜弱凸)时,TTSA算法查找$ \ MATHCAL {O}(k ^ { - 2/3})$ -Optimal(resp。〜$ \ mathcal {o}(k ^ {-2/5})$ - 静止)解决方案,其中$ k $是总迭代号。作为一个应用程序,我们表明,两个时间尺度的自然演员 - 批评批评近端策略优化算法可以被视为我们的TTSA框架的特殊情况。重要的是,与全球最优政策相比,自然演员批评算法显示以预期折扣奖励的差距,以$ \ mathcal {o}(k ^ { - 1/4})的速率收敛。
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该工作研究限制了随机函数是凸的,并表示为随机函数的组成。问题是在公平分类,公平回归和排队系统设计的背景下出现的。特别令人感兴趣的是甲骨文提供组成函数的随机梯度的大规模设置,目标是用最小对Oracle的调用来解决问题。由于组成形式,Oracle提供的随机梯度不会产生目标或约束梯度的无偏估计。取而代之的是,我们通过跟踪内部函数评估来构建近似梯度,从而导致准差鞍点算法。我们证明,所提出的算法几乎可以肯定地找到最佳和可行的解决方案。我们进一步确定所提出的算法需要$ \ MATHCAL {O}(1/\ EPSILON^4)$数据样本,以便获得$ \ epsilon $ -Approximate-approximate-apptroximate Pointal点,同时也确保零约束违反。该结果与无约束问题的随机成分梯度下降方法的样品复杂性相匹配,并改善了受约束设置的最著名样品复杂性结果。在公平分类和公平回归问题上测试了所提出的算法的功效。数值结果表明,根据收敛速率,所提出的算法优于最新算法。
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NonConvex-Concave Minimax优化已经对机器学习产生了浓厚的兴趣,包括对数据分配具有稳健性,以非解释性损失,对抗性学习为单一的学习。然而,大多数现有的作品都集中在梯度散发性(GDA)变体上,这些变体只能在平滑的设置中应用。在本文中,我们考虑了一个最小问题的家族,其目标功能在最小化变量中享有非平滑复合结构,并且在最大化的变量中是凹入的。通过充分利用复合结构,我们提出了平滑的近端线性下降上升(\ textit {平滑} plda)算法,并进一步建立了其$ \ Mathcal {o}(\ epsilon^{ - 4})在平滑设置下,平滑的gda〜 \ cite {zhang2020single}。此外,在一个温和的假设下,目标函数满足单方面的kurdyka- \ l {} ojasiewicz条件,带有指数$ \ theta \ in(0,1)$,我们可以进一步将迭代复杂性提高到$ \ MATHCAL {O }(\ epsilon^{ - 2 \ max \ {2 \ theta,1 \}})$。据我们所知,这是第一种非平滑nonconvex-concave问题的可证明有效的算法,它可以实现最佳迭代复杂性$ \ MATHCAL {o}(\ epsilon^{ - 2})$,如果$ \ theta \ 0,1/2] $。作为副产品,我们讨论了不同的平稳性概念并定量澄清它们的关系,这可能具有独立的兴趣。从经验上,我们说明了拟议的平滑PLDA在变体正规化WassErstein分布在鲁棒优化问题上的有效性。
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我们研究具有多个奖励价值函数的马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)的政策优化,应根据给定的标准共同优化,例如比例公平(平滑凹面标量),硬约束(约束MDP)和Max-Min Trade-离开。我们提出了一个改变锚定的正规自然政策梯度(ARNPG)框架,该框架可以系统地将良好表现的一阶方法中的思想纳入多目标MDP问题的策略优化算法的设计。从理论上讲,基于ARNPG框架的设计算法实现了$ \ tilde {o}(1/t)$全局收敛,并具有精确的梯度。从经验上讲,与某些现有的基于策略梯度的方法相比,ARNPG引导的算法在精确梯度和基于样本的场景中也表现出卓越的性能。
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Convex function constrained optimization has received growing research interests lately. For a special convex problem which has strongly convex function constraints, we develop a new accelerated primal-dual first-order method that obtains an $\Ocal(1/\sqrt{\vep})$ complexity bound, improving the $\Ocal(1/{\vep})$ result for the state-of-the-art first-order methods. The key ingredient to our development is some novel techniques to progressively estimate the strong convexity of the Lagrangian function, which enables adaptive step-size selection and faster convergence performance. In addition, we show that the complexity is further improvable in terms of the dependence on some problem parameter, via a restart scheme that calls the accelerated method repeatedly. As an application, we consider sparsity-inducing constrained optimization which has a separable convex objective and a strongly convex loss constraint. In addition to achieving fast convergence, we show that the restarted method can effectively identify the sparsity pattern (active-set) of the optimal solution in finite steps. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first active-set identification result for sparsity-inducing constrained optimization.
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我们解决了加固学习的安全问题。我们在折扣无限地平线受限的Markov决策过程框架中提出了问题。现有结果表明,基于梯度的方法能够实现$ \ mathcal {o}(1 / \ sqrt {t})$全球收敛速度,用于最优差距和约束违规。我们展示了一种基于自然的基于政策梯度的算法,该算法具有更快的收敛速度$ \ mathcal {o}(\ log(t)/ t)$的最优性差距和约束违规。当满足Slater的条件并已知先验时,可以进一步保证足够大的$ T $的零限制违规,同时保持相同的收敛速度。
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本文认为,使用一组不平等凸期望约束最小化凸期望函数的问题。我们提出了一种可计算的随机近似类型算法,即乘数的随机线性近端方法来解决此凸随机优化问题。该算法可以粗略地看作是随机近似和传统的乘数近端方法的混合体。在轻度条件下,我们表明该算法表现出$ o(k^{ - 1/2})$预期的收敛速率,如果正确选择了算法中的参数,则客观降低和约束违规率,其中$ k $表示$ k $表示的数量表示迭代。此外,我们表明,算法具有$ o(\ log(k)k^{ - 1/2})$约束违规和$ o(\ log^{3/2}(k)k)^{ - 1/2})$目标结合。一些初步的数值结果证明了所提出的算法的性能。
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Many real-world problems not only have complicated nonconvex functional constraints but also use a large number of data points. This motivates the design of efficient stochastic methods on finite-sum or expectation constrained problems. In this paper, we design and analyze stochastic inexact augmented Lagrangian methods (Stoc-iALM) to solve problems involving a nonconvex composite (i.e. smooth+nonsmooth) objective and nonconvex smooth functional constraints. We adopt the standard iALM framework and design a subroutine by using the momentum-based variance-reduced proximal stochastic gradient method (PStorm) and a postprocessing step. Under certain regularity conditions (assumed also in existing works), to reach an $\varepsilon$-KKT point in expectation, we establish an oracle complexity result of $O(\varepsilon^{-5})$, which is better than the best-known $O(\varepsilon^{-6})$ result. Numerical experiments on the fairness constrained problem and the Neyman-Pearson classification problem with real data demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms an existing method with the previously best-known complexity result.
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强化学习被广泛用于在与环境互动时需要执行顺序决策的应用中。当决策要求包括满足一些安全限制时,问题就变得更加具有挑战性。该问题在数学上是作为约束的马尔可夫决策过程(CMDP)提出的。在文献中,可以通过无模型的方式解决各种算法来解决CMDP问题,以实现$ \ epsilon $ - 最佳的累积奖励,并使用$ \ epsilon $可行的政策。 $ \ epsilon $可行的政策意味着它遭受了违规的限制。这里的一个重要问题是,我们是否可以实现$ \ epsilon $ - 最佳的累积奖励,并违反零约束。为此,我们主张使用随机原始偶对偶方法来解决CMDP问题,并提出保守的随机原始二重算法(CSPDA),该算法(CSPDA)显示出$ \ tilde {\ tilde {\ Mathcal {o}} \ left(1 /\ epsilon^2 \ right)$样本复杂性,以实现$ \ epsilon $ - 最佳累积奖励,违反零约束。在先前的工作中,$ \ epsilon $ - 最佳策略的最佳可用样本复杂性是零约束的策略是$ \ tilde {\ Mathcal {o}}} \ left(1/\ epsilon^5 \ right)$。因此,与最新技术相比,拟议的算法提供了重大改进。
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Iterative regularization is a classic idea in regularization theory, that has recently become popular in machine learning. On the one hand, it allows to design efficient algorithms controlling at the same time numerical and statistical accuracy. On the other hand it allows to shed light on the learning curves observed while training neural networks. In this paper, we focus on iterative regularization in the context of classification. After contrasting this setting with that of regression and inverse problems, we develop an iterative regularization approach based on the use of the hinge loss function. More precisely we consider a diagonal approach for a family of algorithms for which we prove convergence as well as rates of convergence. Our approach compares favorably with other alternatives, as confirmed also in numerical simulations.
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本文认为具有非线性耦合约束的多块非斜率非凸优化问题。通过开发使用信息区和提出的自适应制度的想法[J.Bolte,S。Sabach和M. Teboulle,NonConvex Lagrangian优化:监视方案和全球收敛性,运营研究数学,43:1210--1232,2018],我们提出了一种多键交替方向来解决此问题的多块交替方向方法。我们通过在每个块更新中采用大量最小化过程来指定原始变量的更新。进行了独立的收敛分析,以证明生成的序列与增强Lagrangian的临界点的随后和全局收敛。我们还建立了迭代复杂性,并为所提出的算法提供初步的数值结果。
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Robust Markov decision processes (RMDPs) are promising models that provide reliable policies under ambiguities in model parameters. As opposed to nominal Markov decision processes (MDPs), however, the state-of-the-art solution methods for RMDPs are limited to value-based methods, such as value iteration and policy iteration. This paper proposes Double-Loop Robust Policy Gradient (DRPG), the first generic policy gradient method for RMDPs with a global convergence guarantee in tabular problems. Unlike value-based methods, DRPG does not rely on dynamic programming techniques. In particular, the inner-loop robust policy evaluation problem is solved via projected gradient descent. Finally, our experimental results demonstrate the performance of our algorithm and verify our theoretical guarantees.
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Nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization has been the focus of intense research over the last decade due to its broad applications in machine learning and operation research. Unfortunately, most existing algorithms cannot be guaranteed to converge and always suffer from limit cycles. Their global convergence relies on certain conditions that are difficult to check, including but not limited to the global Polyak-\L{}ojasiewicz condition, the existence of a solution satisfying the weak Minty variational inequality and $\alpha$-interaction dominant condition. In this paper, we develop the first provably convergent algorithm called doubly smoothed gradient descent ascent method, which gets rid of the limit cycle without requiring any additional conditions. We further show that the algorithm has an iteration complexity of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-4})$ for finding a game stationary point, which matches the best iteration complexity of single-loop algorithms under nonconcave-concave settings. The algorithm presented here opens up a new path for designing provable algorithms for nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization problems.
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We study stochastic monotone inclusion problems, which widely appear in machine learning applications, including robust regression and adversarial learning. We propose novel variants of stochastic Halpern iteration with recursive variance reduction. In the cocoercive -- and more generally Lipschitz-monotone -- setup, our algorithm attains $\epsilon$ norm of the operator with $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon^3})$ stochastic operator evaluations, which significantly improves over state of the art $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon^4})$ stochastic operator evaluations required for existing monotone inclusion solvers applied to the same problem classes. We further show how to couple one of the proposed variants of stochastic Halpern iteration with a scheduled restart scheme to solve stochastic monotone inclusion problems with ${\mathcal{O}}(\frac{\log(1/\epsilon)}{\epsilon^2})$ stochastic operator evaluations under additional sharpness or strong monotonicity assumptions.
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Difference-of-Convex (DC) minimization, referring to the problem of minimizing the difference of two convex functions, has been found rich applications in statistical learning and studied extensively for decades. However, existing methods are primarily based on multi-stage convex relaxation, only leading to weak optimality of critical points. This paper proposes a coordinate descent method for minimizing a class of DC functions based on sequential nonconvex approximation. Our approach iteratively solves a nonconvex one-dimensional subproblem globally, and it is guaranteed to converge to a coordinate-wise stationary point. We prove that this new optimality condition is always stronger than the standard critical point condition and directional point condition under a mild \textit{locally bounded nonconvexity assumption}. For comparisons, we also include a naive variant of coordinate descent methods based on sequential convex approximation in our study. When the objective function satisfies a \textit{globally bounded nonconvexity assumption} and \textit{Luo-Tseng error bound assumption}, coordinate descent methods achieve \textit{Q-linear} convergence rate. Also, for many applications of interest, we show that the nonconvex one-dimensional subproblem can be computed exactly and efficiently using a breakpoint searching method. Finally, we have conducted extensive experiments on several statistical learning tasks to show the superiority of our approach. Keywords: Coordinate Descent, DC Minimization, DC Programming, Difference-of-Convex Programs, Nonconvex Optimization, Sparse Optimization, Binary Optimization.
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