We describe a single convolutional neural network architecture that, given a sentence, outputs a host of language processing predictions: part-of-speech tags, chunks, named entity tags, semantic roles, semantically similar words and the likelihood that the sentence makes sense (grammatically and semantically) using a language model. The entire network is trained jointly on all these tasks using weight-sharing, an instance of multitask learning. All the tasks use labeled data except the language model which is learnt from unlabeled text and represents a novel form of semi-supervised learning for the shared tasks. We show how both multitask learning and semi-supervised learning improve the generalization of the shared tasks, resulting in stateof-the-art performance.
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We propose a unified neural network architecture and learning algorithm that can be applied to various natural language processing tasks including: part-of-speech tagging, chunking, named entity recognition, and semantic role labeling. This versatility is achieved by trying to avoid task-specific engineering and therefore disregarding a lot of prior knowledge. Instead of exploiting man-made input features carefully optimized for each task, our system learns internal representations on the basis of vast amounts of mostly unlabeled training data. This work is then used as a basis for building a freely available tagging system with good performance and minimal computational requirements.
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自动言论(POS)标记是许多自然语言处理(NLP)任务的预处理步骤,例如名称实体识别(NER),语音处理,信息提取,单词sense sisse disampigation和Machine Translation。它已经在英语和欧洲语言方面取得了令人鼓舞的结果,但是使用印度语言,尤其是在Odia语言中,由于缺乏支持工具,资源和语言形态丰富性,因此尚未得到很好的探索。不幸的是,我们无法为ODIA找到一个开源POS标记,并且仅尝试为ODIA语言开发POS标记器的尝试。这项研究工作的主要贡献是介绍有条件的随机场(CRF)和基于深度学习的方法(CNN和双向长期短期记忆)来开发ODIA的语音部分。我们使用了一个公开访问的语料库,并用印度标准局(BIS)标签设定了数据集。但是,全球的大多数语言都使用了带有通用依赖项(UD)标签集注释的数据集。因此,要保持统一性,odia数据集应使用相同的标签集。因此,我们已经构建了一个从BIS标签集到UD标签集的简单映射。我们对CRF模型进行了各种特征集输入,观察到构造特征集的影响。基于深度学习的模型包括BI-LSTM网络,CNN网络,CRF层,角色序列信息和预训练的单词向量。通过使用卷积神经网络(CNN)和BI-LSTM网络提取角色序列信息。实施了神经序列标记模型的六种不同组合,并研究了其性能指标。已经观察到具有字符序列特征和预训练的单词矢量的BI-LSTM模型取得了显着的最新结果。
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Contextualized representation models such as ELMo (Peters et al., 2018a) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) have recently achieved state-of-the-art results on a diverse array of downstream NLP tasks. Building on recent token-level probing work, we introduce a novel edge probing task design and construct a broad suite of sub-sentence tasks derived from the traditional structured NLP pipeline. We probe word-level contextual representations from four recent models and investigate how they encode sentence structure across a range of syntactic, semantic, local, and long-range phenomena. We find that existing models trained on language modeling and translation produce strong representations for syntactic phenomena, but only offer comparably small improvements on semantic tasks over a non-contextual baseline.
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We propose a transition-based approach that, by training a single model, can efficiently parse any input sentence with both constituent and dependency trees, supporting both continuous/projective and discontinuous/non-projective syntactic structures. To that end, we develop a Pointer Network architecture with two separate task-specific decoders and a common encoder, and follow a multitask learning strategy to jointly train them. The resulting quadratic system, not only becomes the first parser that can jointly produce both unrestricted constituent and dependency trees from a single model, but also proves that both syntactic formalisms can benefit from each other during training, achieving state-of-the-art accuracies in several widely-used benchmarks such as the continuous English and Chinese Penn Treebanks, as well as the discontinuous German NEGRA and TIGER datasets.
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The rapid advancement of AI technology has made text generation tools like GPT-3 and ChatGPT increasingly accessible, scalable, and effective. This can pose serious threat to the credibility of various forms of media if these technologies are used for plagiarism, including scientific literature and news sources. Despite the development of automated methods for paraphrase identification, detecting this type of plagiarism remains a challenge due to the disparate nature of the datasets on which these methods are trained. In this study, we review traditional and current approaches to paraphrase identification and propose a refined typology of paraphrases. We also investigate how this typology is represented in popular datasets and how under-representation of certain types of paraphrases impacts detection capabilities. Finally, we outline new directions for future research and datasets in the pursuit of more effective paraphrase detection using AI.
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We introduce a new type of deep contextualized word representation that models both (1) complex characteristics of word use (e.g., syntax and semantics), and (2) how these uses vary across linguistic contexts (i.e., to model polysemy). Our word vectors are learned functions of the internal states of a deep bidirectional language model (biLM), which is pretrained on a large text corpus. We show that these representations can be easily added to existing models and significantly improve the state of the art across six challenging NLP problems, including question answering, textual entailment and sentiment analysis. We also present an analysis showing that exposing the deep internals of the pre-trained network is crucial, allowing downstream models to mix different types of semi-supervision signals.
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Information Extraction (IE) aims to extract structured information from heterogeneous sources. IE from natural language texts include sub-tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER), Relation Extraction (RE), and Event Extraction (EE). Most IE systems require comprehensive understandings of sentence structure, implied semantics, and domain knowledge to perform well; thus, IE tasks always need adequate external resources and annotations. However, it takes time and effort to obtain more human annotations. Low-Resource Information Extraction (LRIE) strives to use unsupervised data, reducing the required resources and human annotation. In practice, existing systems either utilize self-training schemes to generate pseudo labels that will cause the gradual drift problem, or leverage consistency regularization methods which inevitably possess confirmation bias. To alleviate confirmation bias due to the lack of feedback loops in existing LRIE learning paradigms, we develop a Gradient Imitation Reinforcement Learning (GIRL) method to encourage pseudo-labeled data to imitate the gradient descent direction on labeled data, which can force pseudo-labeled data to achieve better optimization capabilities similar to labeled data. Based on how well the pseudo-labeled data imitates the instructive gradient descent direction obtained from labeled data, we design a reward to quantify the imitation process and bootstrap the optimization capability of pseudo-labeled data through trial and error. In addition to learning paradigms, GIRL is not limited to specific sub-tasks, and we leverage GIRL to solve all IE sub-tasks (named entity recognition, relation extraction, and event extraction) in low-resource settings (semi-supervised IE and few-shot IE).
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The word alignment task, despite its prominence in the era of statistical machine translation (SMT), is niche and under-explored today. In this two-part tutorial, we argue for the continued relevance for word alignment. The first part provides a historical background to word alignment as a core component of the traditional SMT pipeline. We zero-in on GIZA++, an unsupervised, statistical word aligner with surprising longevity. Jumping forward to the era of neural machine translation (NMT), we show how insights from word alignment inspired the attention mechanism fundamental to present-day NMT. The second part shifts to a survey approach. We cover neural word aligners, showing the slow but steady progress towards surpassing GIZA++ performance. Finally, we cover the present-day applications of word alignment, from cross-lingual annotation projection, to improving translation.
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As an important fine-grained sentiment analysis problem, aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), aiming to analyze and understand people's opinions at the aspect level, has been attracting considerable interest in the last decade. To handle ABSA in different scenarios, various tasks are introduced for analyzing different sentiment elements and their relations, including the aspect term, aspect category, opinion term, and sentiment polarity. Unlike early ABSA works focusing on a single sentiment element, many compound ABSA tasks involving multiple elements have been studied in recent years for capturing more complete aspect-level sentiment information. However, a systematic review of various ABSA tasks and their corresponding solutions is still lacking, which we aim to fill in this survey. More specifically, we provide a new taxonomy for ABSA which organizes existing studies from the axes of concerned sentiment elements, with an emphasis on recent advances of compound ABSA tasks. From the perspective of solutions, we summarize the utilization of pre-trained language models for ABSA, which improved the performance of ABSA to a new stage. Besides, techniques for building more practical ABSA systems in cross-domain/lingual scenarios are discussed. Finally, we review some emerging topics and discuss some open challenges to outlook potential future directions of ABSA.
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The relationship between words in a sentence often tells us more about the underlying semantic content of a document than its actual words, individually. In this work, we propose two novel algorithms, called Flexible Lexical Chain II and Fixed Lexical Chain II. These algorithms combine the semantic relations derived from lexical chains, prior knowledge from lexical databases, and the robustness of the distributional hypothesis in word embeddings as building blocks forming a single system. In short, our approach has three main contributions: (i) a set of techniques that fully integrate word embeddings and lexical chains; (ii) a more robust semantic representation that considers the latent relation between words in a document; and (iii) lightweight word embeddings models that can be extended to any natural language task. We intend to assess the knowledge of pre-trained models to evaluate their robustness in the document classification task. The proposed techniques are tested against seven word embeddings algorithms using five different machine learning classifiers over six scenarios in the document classification task. Our results show the integration between lexical chains and word embeddings representations sustain state-of-the-art results, even against more complex systems.
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Automatic keyword extraction (AKE) has gained more importance with the increasing amount of digital textual data that modern computing systems process. It has various applications in information retrieval (IR) and natural language processing (NLP), including text summarisation, topic analysis and document indexing. This paper proposes a simple but effective post-processing-based universal approach to improve the performance of any AKE methods, via an enhanced level of semantic-awareness supported by PoS-tagging. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach, we considered word types retrieved from a PoS-tagging step and two representative sources of semantic information -- specialised terms defined in one or more context-dependent thesauri, and named entities in Wikipedia. The above three steps can be simply added to the end of any AKE methods as part of a post-processor, which simply re-evaluate all candidate keywords following some context-specific and semantic-aware criteria. For five state-of-the-art (SOTA) AKE methods, our experimental results with 17 selected datasets showed that the proposed approach improved their performances both consistently (up to 100\% in terms of improved cases) and significantly (between 10.2\% and 53.8\%, with an average of 25.8\%, in terms of F1-score and across all five methods), especially when all the three enhancement steps are used. Our results have profound implications considering the ease to apply our proposed approach to any AKE methods and to further extend it.
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State-of-the-art named entity recognition systems rely heavily on hand-crafted features and domain-specific knowledge in order to learn effectively from the small, supervised training corpora that are available. In this paper, we introduce two new neural architectures-one based on bidirectional LSTMs and conditional random fields, and the other that constructs and labels segments using a transition-based approach inspired by shift-reduce parsers. Our models rely on two sources of information about words: character-based word representations learned from the supervised corpus and unsupervised word representations learned from unannotated corpora. Our models obtain state-of-the-art performance in NER in four languages without resorting to any language-specific knowledge or resources such as gazetteers. 1
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Part of Speech (POS) tagging is crucial to Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is a well-studied topic in several resource-rich languages. However, the development of computational linguistic resources is still in its infancy despite the existence of numerous languages that are historically and literary rich. Assamese, an Indian scheduled language, spoken by more than 25 million people, falls under this category. In this paper, we present a Deep Learning (DL)-based POS tagger for Assamese. The development process is divided into two stages. In the first phase, several pre-trained word embeddings are employed to train several tagging models. This allows us to evaluate the performance of the word embeddings in the POS tagging task. The top-performing model from the first phase is employed to annotate another set of new sentences. In the second phase, the model is trained further using the fresh dataset. Finally, we attain a tagging accuracy of 86.52% in F1 score. The model may serve as a baseline for further study on DL-based Assamese POS tagging.
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Natural Language Understanding has seen an increasing number of publications in the last few years, especially after robust word embeddings models became prominent, when they proved themselves able to capture and represent semantic relationships from massive amounts of data. Nevertheless, traditional models often fall short in intrinsic issues of linguistics, such as polysemy and homonymy. Any expert system that makes use of natural language in its core, can be affected by a weak semantic representation of text, resulting in inaccurate outcomes based on poor decisions. To mitigate such issues, we propose a novel approach called Most Suitable Sense Annotation (MSSA), that disambiguates and annotates each word by its specific sense, considering the semantic effects of its context. Our approach brings three main contributions to the semantic representation scenario: (i) an unsupervised technique that disambiguates and annotates words by their senses, (ii) a multi-sense embeddings model that can be extended to any traditional word embeddings algorithm, and (iii) a recurrent methodology that allows our models to be re-used and their representations refined. We test our approach on six different benchmarks for the word similarity task, showing that our approach can produce state-of-the-art results and outperforms several more complex state-of-the-art systems.
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