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We present a new, embarrassingly simple approach to instance segmentation. Compared to many other dense prediction tasks, e.g., semantic segmentation, it is the arbitrary number of instances that have made instance segmentation much more challenging. In order to predict a mask for each instance, mainstream approaches either follow the "detect-then-segment" strategy (e.g., Mask R-CNN), or predict embedding vectors first then use clustering techniques to group pixels into individual instances. We view the task of instance segmentation from a completely new perspective by introducing the notion of "instance categories", which assigns categories to each pixel within an instance according to the instance's location and size, thus nicely converting instance segmentation into a single-shot classification-solvable problem. We demonstrate a much simpler and flexible instance segmentation framework with strong performance, achieving on par accuracy with Mask R-CNN and outperforming recent single-shot instance segmenters in accuracy. We hope that this simple and strong framework can serve as a baseline for many instance-level recognition tasks besides instance segmentation. Code is available at https://git.io/AdelaiDet
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了解具有丰富布局的文档是迈向信息提取的重要一步。商业智能过程通常需要大规模从文档中提取有用的语义内容,以进行后续决策任务。在这种情况下,不同文档对象(标题,部分,图形等)的实例级分割已成为文档分析和理解社区的有趣问题。为了朝这个方向推进研究,我们提出了一个基于变压器的模型,称为\ emph {docsegtr},用于文档图像中复杂布局的端到端实例分割。该方法适应了一个双重注意模块,用于语义推理,这有助于与最先进相比,有助于高度计算效率。据我们所知,这是基于变压器的文档细分的第一部作品。对竞争性基准等广泛的实验,例如PublayNet,Prima,“历史日语”和Tablebank,表明我们的模型比现有的最先进的方法具有可比较或更好的细分性能,平均精度为89.4、40.4、40.3、83.4和93.33 。这个简单而灵活的框架可以作为文档图像中实例级识别任务的有前途的基线。
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本文提出了一种用于对象和场景的高质量图像分割的新方法。灵感来自于形态学图像处理技术中的扩张和侵蚀操作,像素级图像分割问题被视为挤压对象边界。从这个角度来看,提出了一种新颖且有效的\ textBF {边界挤压}模块。该模块用于从内侧和外侧方向挤压对象边界,这有助于精确掩模表示。提出了双向基于流的翘曲过程来产生这种挤压特征表示,并且设计了两个特定的损耗信号以监控挤压过程。边界挤压模块可以通过构建一些现有方法构建作为即插即用模块,可以轻松应用于实例和语义分段任务。此外,所提出的模块是重量的,因此具有实际使用的潜力。实验结果表明,我们简单但有效的设计可以在几个不同的数据集中产生高质量的结果。此外,边界上的其他几个指标用于证明我们对以前的工作中的方法的有效性。我们的方法对实例和语义分割的具有利于Coco和CityCapes数据集来产生重大改进,并且在相同的设置下以前的最先进的速度优于先前的最先进的速度。代码和模型将在\ url {https:/github.com/lxtgh/bsseg}发布。
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我们介绍了一种名为RobustAbnet的新表检测和结构识别方法,以检测表的边界并从异质文档图像中重建每个表的细胞结构。为了进行表检测,我们建议将Cornernet用作新的区域建议网络来生成更高质量的表建议,以更快的R-CNN,这显着提高了更快的R-CNN的定位准确性以进行表检测。因此,我们的表检测方法仅使用轻巧的RESNET-18骨干网络,在三个公共表检测基准(即CTDAR TRACKA,PUBLAYNET和IIIT-AR-13K)上实现最新性能。此外,我们提出了一种新的基于分裂和合并的表结构识别方法,其中提出了一个新型的基于CNN的新空间CNN分离线预测模块将每个检测到的表分为单元格,并且基于网格CNN的CNN合并模块是应用用于恢复生成细胞。由于空间CNN模块可以有效地在整个表图像上传播上下文信息,因此我们的表结构识别器可以坚固地识别具有较大的空白空间和几何扭曲(甚至弯曲)表的表。得益于这两种技术,我们的表结构识别方法在包括SCITSR,PubTabnet和CTDAR TrackB2-Modern在内的三个公共基准上实现了最先进的性能。此外,我们进一步证明了我们方法在识别具有复杂结构,大空间以及几何扭曲甚至弯曲形状的表上的表格上的优势。
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Deep learning based methods have significantly boosted the study of automatic building extraction from remote sensing images. However, delineating vectorized and regular building contours like a human does remains very challenging, due to the difficulty of the methodology, the diversity of building structures, and the imperfect imaging conditions. In this paper, we propose the first end-to-end learnable building contour extraction framework, named BuildMapper, which can directly and efficiently delineate building polygons just as a human does. BuildMapper consists of two main components: 1) a contour initialization module that generates initial building contours; and 2) a contour evolution module that performs both contour vertex deformation and reduction, which removes the need for complex empirical post-processing used in existing methods. In both components, we provide new ideas, including a learnable contour initialization method to replace the empirical methods, dynamic predicted and ground truth vertex pairing for the static vertex correspondence problem, and a lightweight encoder for vertex information extraction and aggregation, which benefit a general contour-based method; and a well-designed vertex classification head for building corner vertices detection, which casts light on direct structured building contour extraction. We also built a suitable large-scale building dataset, the WHU-Mix (vector) building dataset, to benefit the study of contour-based building extraction methods. The extensive experiments conducted on the WHU-Mix (vector) dataset, the WHU dataset, and the CrowdAI dataset verified that BuildMapper can achieve a state-of-the-art performance, with a higher mask average precision (AP) and boundary AP than both segmentation-based and contour-based methods.
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In contrast to fully supervised methods using pixel-wise mask labels, box-supervised instance segmentation takes advantage of simple box annotations, which has recently attracted increasing research attention. This paper presents a novel single-shot instance segmentation approach, namely Box2Mask, which integrates the classical level-set evolution model into deep neural network learning to achieve accurate mask prediction with only bounding box supervision. Specifically, both the input image and its deep features are employed to evolve the level-set curves implicitly, and a local consistency module based on a pixel affinity kernel is used to mine the local context and spatial relations. Two types of single-stage frameworks, i.e., CNN-based and transformer-based frameworks, are developed to empower the level-set evolution for box-supervised instance segmentation, and each framework consists of three essential components: instance-aware decoder, box-level matching assignment and level-set evolution. By minimizing the level-set energy function, the mask map of each instance can be iteratively optimized within its bounding box annotation. The experimental results on five challenging testbeds, covering general scenes, remote sensing, medical and scene text images, demonstrate the outstanding performance of our proposed Box2Mask approach for box-supervised instance segmentation. In particular, with the Swin-Transformer large backbone, our Box2Mask obtains 42.4% mask AP on COCO, which is on par with the recently developed fully mask-supervised methods. The code is available at: https://github.com/LiWentomng/boxlevelset.
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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Image segmentation is a key topic in image processing and computer vision with applications such as scene understanding, medical image analysis, robotic perception, video surveillance, augmented reality, and image compression, among many others. Various algorithms for image segmentation have been developed in the literature. Recently, due to the success of deep learning models in a wide range of vision applications, there has been a substantial amount of works aimed at developing image segmentation approaches using deep learning models. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of the literature at the time of this writing, covering a broad spectrum of pioneering works for semantic and instance-level segmentation, including fully convolutional pixel-labeling networks, encoder-decoder architectures, multi-scale and pyramid based approaches, recurrent networks, visual attention models, and generative models in adversarial settings. We investigate the similarity, strengths and challenges of these deep learning models, examine the most widely used datasets, report performances, and discuss promising future research directions in this area.
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自动核细胞分割和分类在数字病理学中起着至关重要的作用。但是,以前的作品主要基于具有有限的多样性和小尺寸的数据构建,使得在实际下游任务中的结果可疑或误导。在本文中,我们的目标是建立一种可靠且强大的方法,能够处理“临床野生”中的数据。具体地,我们研究和设计一种同时检测,分段和分类来自血红素和曙红(H&E)染色的组织病理学数据的新方法,并使用最近的最大数据集评估我们的方法:Pannuke。我们以新颖的语义关键点估计问题解决每个核的检测和分类,以确定每个核的中心点。接下来,使用动态实例分段获得核心点的相应类别 - 不可止液掩模。通过解耦两个同步具有挑战性的任务,我们的方法可以从类别感知的检测和类别不可知的细分中受益,从而导致显着的性能提升。我们展示了我们提出的核细胞分割和分类方法的卓越性能,跨越19种不同的组织类型,提供了新的基准结果。
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We present a new method for efficient high-quality image segmentation of objects and scenes. By analogizing classical computer graphics methods for efficient rendering with over-and undersampling challenges faced in pixel labeling tasks, we develop a unique perspective of image segmentation as a rendering problem. From this vantage, we present the PointRend (Point-based Rendering) neural network module: a module that performs point-based segmentation predictions at adaptively selected locations based on an iterative subdivision algorithm. PointRend can be flexibly applied to both instance and semantic segmentation tasks by building on top of existing state-ofthe-art models. While many concrete implementations of the general idea are possible, we show that a simple design already achieves excellent results. Qualitatively, PointRend outputs crisp object boundaries in regions that are oversmoothed by previous methods. Quantitatively, PointRend yields significant gains on COCO and Cityscapes, for both instance and semantic segmentation. PointRend's efficiency enables output resolutions that are otherwise impractical in terms of memory or computation compared to existing approaches. Code has been made available at https:// github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2/ tree/master/projects/PointRend.
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现有的实例分割方法已经达到了令人印象深刻的表现,但仍遭受了共同的困境:一个实例推断出冗余表示(例如,多个框,网格和锚点),这导致了多个重复的预测。因此,主流方法通常依赖于手工设计的非最大抑制(NMS)后处理步骤来选择最佳预测结果,这会阻碍端到端训练。为了解决此问题,我们建议一个称为Uniinst的无盒和无端机实例分割框架,该框架仅对每个实例产生一个唯一的表示。具体而言,我们设计了一种实例意识到的一对一分配方案,即仅产生一个表示(Oyor),该方案根据预测和地面真相之间的匹配质量,动态地为每个实例动态分配一个独特的表示。然后,一种新颖的预测重新排列策略被优雅地集成到框架中,以解决分类评分和掩盖质量之间的错位,从而使学习的表示形式更具歧视性。借助这些技术,我们的Uniinst,第一个基于FCN的盒子和无NMS实例分段框架,实现竞争性能,例如,使用Resnet-50-FPN和40.2 mask AP使用Resnet-101-FPN,使用Resnet-50-FPN和40.2 mask AP,使用Resnet-101-FPN,对抗AP可可测试-DEV的主流方法。此外,提出的实例感知方法对于遮挡场景是可靠的,在重锁定的ochuman基准上,通过杰出的掩码AP优于公共基线。我们的代码将在出版后提供。
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The recently introduced panoptic segmentation task has renewed our community's interest in unifying the tasks of instance segmentation (for thing classes) and semantic segmentation (for stuff classes). However, current state-ofthe-art methods for this joint task use separate and dissimilar networks for instance and semantic segmentation, without performing any shared computation. In this work, we aim to unify these methods at the architectural level, designing a single network for both tasks. Our approach is to endow Mask R-CNN, a popular instance segmentation method, with a semantic segmentation branch using a shared Feature Pyramid Network (FPN) backbone. Surprisingly, this simple baseline not only remains effective for instance segmentation, but also yields a lightweight, topperforming method for semantic segmentation. In this work, we perform a detailed study of this minimally extended version of Mask R-CNN with FPN, which we refer to as Panoptic FPN, and show it is a robust and accurate baseline for both tasks. Given its effectiveness and conceptual simplicity, we hope our method can serve as a strong baseline and aid future research in panoptic segmentation.
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