本文档提供了SNACS的详细语言描述(Adposition和Case Supersenses的语义网络; Schneider等,2018),这是52个语义标签(“ Supersenses”)的库存,这些标签(“ Supersenses”)表征了在某种程度上使用ADIP定位和案例标记的使用。粒度水平,如Streusle语料库中所示(https://github.com/nert-nlp/streusle/;版本4.5 track track track offelines guidelines guidelines版本2.6)。尽管SNACS的库存渴望成为普遍的,但该文档是特定于英语的。其他语言的文档将单独发布。版本2是Schneider等人对英语提出的超音库存的修订。 (2015,2016)(此后为“ V1”),这又基于以前的计划。本清单是在对英语的V1语料库注释进行广泛审查后开发的,以及以前未分析的属格案例所有人(Blodgett和Schneider,2018年),并考虑了希伯来语,印地语,韩国和德国的定义和案例现象的考虑。 Hwang等。 (2017)介绍了V2方案的理论基础。 Schneider等。 (2018)总结了该方案,其应用于英语语料库数据以及自动歧义任务。刘等。 (2021)提供了一个英语词法语义识别标签仪,其中包括SNACS标签的输出。该文档也可以与Xposition网站上的语料库数据一起浏览(Gessler等,2022):http://www.xposition.org/
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虽然高度多语言普遍依赖性(UD)项目为Clausal结构提供了广泛的指导方针以及规范名义短语内的结构,但缺乏缺乏打破模具的“恶作剧”标称现象的标准治疗。因此,即使用广泛的UD TreeBanking工作,如英语,也可以找到众多不一致的语言内部和跨越语言。本文调查英语UD Corpora证明的淘气名义表达式,并提出了主要用英语的解决方案,但这可能会为各种UD语言提供解决方案的路径。
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Recent work pre-training Transformers with self-supervised objectives on large text corpora has shown great success when fine-tuned on downstream NLP tasks including text summarization. However, pre-training objectives tailored for abstractive text summarization have not been explored. Furthermore there is a lack of systematic evaluation across diverse domains. In this work, we propose pre-training large Transformer-based encoder-decoder models on massive text corpora with a new selfsupervised objective. In PEGASUS, important sentences are removed/masked from an input document and are generated together as one output sequence from the remaining sentences, similar to an extractive summary. We evaluated our best PEGASUS model on 12 downstream summarization tasks spanning news, science, stories, instructions, emails, patents, and legislative bills. Experiments demonstrate it achieves state-of-the-art performance on all 12 downstream datasets measured by ROUGE scores. Our model also shows surprising performance on low-resource summarization, surpassing previous state-of-the-art results on 6 datasets with only 1000 examples. Finally we validated our results using human evaluation and show that our model summaries achieve human performance on multiple datasets.
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There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to make their algorithms more understandable. Much of this research is focused on explicitly explaining decisions or actions to a human observer, and it should not be controversial to say that looking at how humans explain to each other can serve as a useful starting point for explanation in artificial intelligence. However, it is fair to say that most work in explainable artificial intelligence uses only the researchers' intuition of what constitutes a 'good' explanation. There exists vast and valuable bodies of research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science of how people define, generate, select, evaluate, and present explanations, which argues that people employ certain cognitive biases and social expectations towards the explanation process. This paper argues that the field of explainable artificial intelligence should build on this existing research, and reviews relevant papers from philosophy, cognitive psychology/science, and social psychology, which study these topics. It draws out some important findings, and discusses ways that these can be infused with work on explainable artificial intelligence.
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We propose the Detailed Outline Control (DOC) framework for improving long-range plot coherence when automatically generating several-thousand-word-long stories. DOC consists of two complementary components: a detailed outliner and a detailed controller. The detailed outliner creates a more detailed, hierarchically structured outline, shifting creative burden from the main drafting procedure to the planning stage. The detailed controller ensures the more detailed outline is still respected during generation by controlling story passages to align with outline details. In human evaluations of automatically generated stories, DOC substantially outperforms a strong Re3 baseline (Yang et al., 2022) on plot coherence (22.5% absolute gain), outline relevance (28.2%), and interestingness (20.7%). Humans also judged DOC to be much more controllable in an interactive generation setting.
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在Mapuche语法由Smeets进行了介绍,介绍了Mapud \“Un诺的主要变形学方面,解释了它们的触发和所产生的上下文。我们提出了一种计算方法,其产生能够进行分类和分类的有限状态形态分析仪(和发电机)的计算方法适当地标记以Mapuche Word形式交互的所有组件(根和后缀)。本文的大部分侧重于呈现有关Mapud \“Un诺动词的形态及其使用FOMA的形式化的详细信息。本文还存在系统评估过程及其结果。
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当前的语言模型可以产生高质量的文本。他们只是复制他们之前看到的文本,或者他们学习了普遍的语言抽象吗?要取笑这些可能性,我们介绍了乌鸦,这是一套评估生成文本的新颖性,专注于顺序结构(n-gram)和句法结构。我们将这些分析应用于四种神经语言模型(LSTM,变压器,变换器-XL和GPT-2)。对于本地结构 - 例如,单个依赖性 - 模型生成的文本比来自每个模型的测试集的人类生成文本的基线显着不那么新颖。对于大规模结构 - 例如,总句结构 - 模型生成的文本与人生成的基线一样新颖甚至更新颖,但模型仍然有时复制,在某些情况下,在训练集中重复超过1000字超过1,000字的通道。我们还表现了广泛的手动分析,表明GPT-2的新文本通常在形态学和语法中形成良好,但具有合理的语义问题(例如,是自相矛盾)。
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Curiosity for machine agents has been a focus of lively research activity. The study of human and animal curiosity, particularly specific curiosity, has unearthed several properties that would offer important benefits for machine learners, but that have not yet been well-explored in machine intelligence. In this work, we conduct a comprehensive, multidisciplinary survey of the field of animal and machine curiosity. As a principal contribution of this work, we use this survey as a foundation to introduce and define what we consider to be five of the most important properties of specific curiosity: 1) directedness towards inostensible referents, 2) cessation when satisfied, 3) voluntary exposure, 4) transience, and 5) coherent long-term learning. As a second main contribution of this work, we show how these properties may be implemented together in a proof-of-concept reinforcement learning agent: we demonstrate how the properties manifest in the behaviour of this agent in a simple non-episodic grid-world environment that includes curiosity-inducing locations and induced targets of curiosity. As we would hope, our example of a computational specific curiosity agent exhibits short-term directed behaviour while updating long-term preferences to adaptively seek out curiosity-inducing situations. This work, therefore, presents a landmark synthesis and translation of specific curiosity to the domain of machine learning and reinforcement learning and provides a novel view into how specific curiosity operates and in the future might be integrated into the behaviour of goal-seeking, decision-making computational agents in complex environments.
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Advocates of algorithmic techniques like data mining argue that these techniques eliminate human biases from the decision-making process. But an algorithm is only as good as the data it works with. Data is frequently imperfect in ways that allow these algorithms to inherit the prejudices of prior decision makers. In other cases, data may simply reflect the widespread biases that persist in society at large. In still others, data mining can discover surprisingly useful regularities that are really just preexisting patterns of exclusion and inequality. Unthinking reliance on data mining can deny historically disadvantaged and vulnerable groups full participation in society. Worse still, because the resulting discrimination is almost always an unintentional emergent property of the algorithm's use rather than a conscious choice by its programmers, it can be unusually hard to identify the source of the problem or to explain it to a court. This Essay examines these concerns through the lens of American antidiscrimination law-more particularly, through Title
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