非对比度CT(NCCT)图像中准确的梗塞分割是迈向计算机辅助急性缺血性中风(AIS)评估的关键步骤。在临床实践中,脑半球的双侧对称比较通常用于定位病理异常。最近的研究探索了不对称的协助AIS分割。但是,在评估其对AIS的贡献时,大多数以前基于对称性的工作都混合了不同类型的不对称性。在本文中,我们提出了一个新型的不对称分解网络(ADN),以自动将NCCT中的病理不对称性和内在的解剖不对称分离,以进行更有效和可解释的AIS分割。 ADN首先基于输入NCCT进行不对称分解,该输入nccts产生不同类型的3D不对称图。然后生成合成的,固有的 - 敏化补偿和病理 - 空气 - 对称盐的NCCT体积,后来用作分割网络的输入。 ADN的培训结合了领域知识,并采用了组织型意识到的正则化损失函数,以鼓励临床上敏感的病理不对称提取。加上无监督的3D转换网络,ADN在公共NCCT数据集上实现了最新的AIS分割性能。除了出色的表现外,我们认为学到的临床可解剖的不对称图也可以为更好地理解AIS评估提供见解。我们的代码可从https://github.com/nihaomiao/miccai22_adn获得。
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从磁共振成像(MRI)数据(称为颅骨条状)中去除非脑信号是许多神经图像分析流的组成部分。尽管它们很丰富,但通常是针对具有特定采集特性的图像量身定制的,即近乎各向异性的分辨率和T1加权(T1W)MRI对比度,这些分辨率在研究环境中很普遍。结果,现有的工具倾向于适应其他图像类型,例如在诊所常见的快速旋转回声(FSE)MRI中获得的厚切片。尽管近年来基于学习的大脑提取方法已获得吸引力,但这些方法面临着类似的负担,因为它们仅对训练过程中看到的图像类型有效。为了在成像协议的景观中实现强大的颅骨缠身,我们引入了Synthstrip,这是一种快速,基于学习的脑萃取工具。通过利用解剖学分割来生成具有解剖学,强度分布和远远超过现实医学图像范围的完全合成训练数据集,Synthstrip学会了成功推广到各种真实获得的大脑图像,从而消除了使用训练数据的需求目标对比。我们证明了合成条的功效对受试者人群的各种图像采集和决议的功效,从新生儿到成人。我们显示出与流行的颅骨基线的准确性的实质性提高 - 所有这些基线都采用单个训练有素的模型。我们的方法和标记的评估数据可在https://w3id.org/synthstrip上获得。
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Achieving accurate and automated tumor segmentation plays an important role in both clinical practice and radiomics research. Segmentation in medicine is now often performed manually by experts, which is a laborious, expensive and error-prone task. Manual annotation relies heavily on the experience and knowledge of these experts. In addition, there is much intra- and interobserver variation. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop a method that can automatically segment tumor target regions. In this paper, we propose a deep learning segmentation method based on multimodal positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT), which combines the high sensitivity of PET and the precise anatomical information of CT. We design an improved spatial attention network(ISA-Net) to increase the accuracy of PET or CT in detecting tumors, which uses multi-scale convolution operation to extract feature information and can highlight the tumor region location information and suppress the non-tumor region location information. In addition, our network uses dual-channel inputs in the coding stage and fuses them in the decoding stage, which can take advantage of the differences and complementarities between PET and CT. We validated the proposed ISA-Net method on two clinical datasets, a soft tissue sarcoma(STS) and a head and neck tumor(HECKTOR) dataset, and compared with other attention methods for tumor segmentation. The DSC score of 0.8378 on STS dataset and 0.8076 on HECKTOR dataset show that ISA-Net method achieves better segmentation performance and has better generalization. Conclusions: The method proposed in this paper is based on multi-modal medical image tumor segmentation, which can effectively utilize the difference and complementarity of different modes. The method can also be applied to other multi-modal data or single-modal data by proper adjustment.
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可变形的图像注册对于许多医学图像分析是基础。准确图像注册的关键障碍在于图像外观变化,例如纹理,强度和噪声的变化。这些变化在医学图像中很明显,尤其是在经常使用注册的大脑图像中。最近,使用深神经网络的基于深度学习的注册方法(DLR)显示了计算效率,比基于传统优化的注册方法(ORS)快几个数量级。 DLR依靠一个全球优化的网络,该网络经过一组培训样本训练以实现更快的注册。但是,DLR倾向于无视ORS固有的目标对特异性优化,因此已经降低了对测试样品变化的适应性。这种限制对于注册出现较大的医学图像的限制是严重的,尤其是因为很少有现有的DLR明确考虑了外观的变化。在这项研究中,我们提出了一个外观调整网络(AAN),以增强DLR对外观变化的适应性。当我们集成到DLR中时,我们的AAN提供了外观转换,以减少注册过程中的外观变化。此外,我们提出了一个由解剖结构约束的损失函数,通过该函数,我们的AAN产生了解剖结构的转化。我们的AAN被目的设计为容易插入广泛的DLR中,并且可以以无监督和端到端的方式进行合作培训。我们用三个最先进的DLR评估了3D脑磁共振成像(MRI)的三个公共数据集(MRI)。结果表明,我们的AAN始终提高了现有的DLR,并且在注册精度上优于最先进的OR,同时向现有DLR增加了分数计算负载。
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Brain extraction and registration are important preprocessing steps in neuroimaging data analysis, where the goal is to extract the brain regions from MRI scans (i.e., extraction step) and align them with a target brain image (i.e., registration step). Conventional research mainly focuses on developing methods for the extraction and registration tasks separately under supervised settings. The performance of these methods highly depends on the amount of training samples and visual inspections performed by experts for error correction. However, in many medical studies, collecting voxel-level labels and conducting manual quality control in high-dimensional neuroimages (e.g., 3D MRI) are very expensive and time-consuming. Moreover, brain extraction and registration are highly related tasks in neuroimaging data and should be solved collectively. In this paper, we study the problem of unsupervised collective extraction and registration in neuroimaging data. We propose a unified end-to-end framework, called ERNet (Extraction-Registration Network), to jointly optimize the extraction and registration tasks, allowing feedback between them. Specifically, we use a pair of multi-stage extraction and registration modules to learn the extraction mask and transformation, where the extraction network improves the extraction accuracy incrementally and the registration network successively warps the extracted image until it is well-aligned with the target image. Experiment results on real-world datasets show that our proposed method can effectively improve the performance on extraction and registration tasks in neuroimaging data. Our code and data can be found at https://github.com/ERNetERNet/ERNet
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Clinical diagnostic and treatment decisions rely upon the integration of patient-specific data with clinical reasoning. Cancer presents a unique context that influence treatment decisions, given its diverse forms of disease evolution. Biomedical imaging allows noninvasive assessment of disease based on visual evaluations leading to better clinical outcome prediction and therapeutic planning. Early methods of brain cancer characterization predominantly relied upon statistical modeling of neuroimaging data. Driven by the breakthroughs in computer vision, deep learning became the de facto standard in the domain of medical imaging. Integrated statistical and deep learning methods have recently emerged as a new direction in the automation of the medical practice unifying multi-disciplinary knowledge in medicine, statistics, and artificial intelligence. In this study, we critically review major statistical and deep learning models and their applications in brain imaging research with a focus on MRI-based brain tumor segmentation. The results do highlight that model-driven classical statistics and data-driven deep learning is a potent combination for developing automated systems in clinical oncology.
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Segmenting the fine structure of the mouse brain on magnetic resonance (MR) images is critical for delineating morphological regions, analyzing brain function, and understanding their relationships. Compared to a single MRI modality, multimodal MRI data provide complementary tissue features that can be exploited by deep learning models, resulting in better segmentation results. However, multimodal mouse brain MRI data is often lacking, making automatic segmentation of mouse brain fine structure a very challenging task. To address this issue, it is necessary to fuse multimodal MRI data to produce distinguished contrasts in different brain structures. Hence, we propose a novel disentangled and contrastive GAN-based framework, named MouseGAN++, to synthesize multiple MR modalities from single ones in a structure-preserving manner, thus improving the segmentation performance by imputing missing modalities and multi-modality fusion. Our results demonstrate that the translation performance of our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods. Using the subsequently learned modality-invariant information as well as the modality-translated images, MouseGAN++ can segment fine brain structures with averaged dice coefficients of 90.0% (T2w) and 87.9% (T1w), respectively, achieving around +10% performance improvement compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms. Our results demonstrate that MouseGAN++, as a simultaneous image synthesis and segmentation method, can be used to fuse cross-modality information in an unpaired manner and yield more robust performance in the absence of multimodal data. We release our method as a mouse brain structural segmentation tool for free academic usage at https://github.com/yu02019.
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The existence of completely aligned and paired multi-modal neuroimaging data has proved its effectiveness in diagnosis of brain diseases. However, collecting the full set of well-aligned and paired data is expensive or even impractical, since the practical difficulties may include high cost, long time acquisition, image corruption, and privacy issues. A realistic solution is to explore either an unsupervised learning or a semi-supervised learning to synthesize the absent neuroimaging data. In this paper, we are the first one to comprehensively approach cross-modality neuroimage synthesis task from different perspectives, which include the level of the supervision (especially for weakly-supervised and unsupervised), loss function, evaluation metrics, the range of modality synthesis, datasets (aligned, private and public) and the synthesis-based downstream tasks. To begin with, we highlight several opening challenges for cross-modality neuroimage sysnthesis. Then we summarize the architecture of cross-modality synthesis under various of supervision level. In addition, we provide in-depth analysis of how cross-modality neuroimage synthesis can improve the performance of different downstream tasks. Finally, we re-evaluate the open challenges and point out the future directions for the remaining challenges. All resources are available at https://github.com/M-3LAB/awesome-multimodal-brain-image-systhesis
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We present VoxelMorph, a fast learning-based framework for deformable, pairwise medical image registration. Traditional registration methods optimize an objective function for each pair of images, which can be time-consuming for large datasets or rich deformation models. In contrast to this approach, and building on recent learning-based methods, we formulate registration as a function that maps an input image pair to a deformation field that aligns these images. We parameterize the function via a convolutional neural network (CNN), and optimize the parameters of the neural network on a set of images. Given a new pair of scans, VoxelMorph rapidly computes a deformation field by directly evaluating the function. In this work, we explore two different training strategies. In the first (unsupervised) setting, we train the model to maximize standard image matching objective functions that are based on the image intensities. In the second setting, we leverage auxiliary segmentations available in the training data. We demonstrate that the unsupervised model's accuracy is comparable to state-of-the-art methods, while operating orders of magnitude faster. We also show that VoxelMorph trained with auxiliary data improves registration accuracy at test time, and evaluate the effect of training set size on registration. Our method promises to speed up medical image analysis and processing pipelines, while facilitating novel directions in learning-based registration and its applications. Our code is freely available at http://voxelmorph.csail.mit.edu.
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基于深度学习的疾病检测和分割算法承诺提高许多临床过程。然而,由于数据隐私,法律障碍和非统一数据采集协议,此类算法需要大量的注释训练数据,通常在医学环境中不可用。具有注释病理学的合成数据库可以提供所需的培训数据量。我们展示了缺血性卒中的例子,即利用基于深度学习的增强的病变分割的改善是可行的。为此,我们训练不同的图像到图像转换模型,以合成大脑体积的磁共振图像,并且没有来自语义分割图的中风病变。此外,我们培养一种生成的对抗性网络来产生合成病变面具。随后,我们组合这两个组件来构建大型合成描边图像数据库。使用U-NET评估各种模型的性能,该U-NET在临床测试集上培训以进行段中风病变。我们向最佳性能报告$ \ mathbf {72.8} $%[$ \ mathbf {70.8 \ pm1.0} $%]的骰子分数,这胜过了单独临床图像培训的模型培训$ \ mathbf { 67.3} $%[$ \ mathbf {63.2 \ pm1.9} $%],并且接近人类互相互联网骰子评分$ \ mathbf {76.9} $%。此外,我们表明,对于仅为10或50个临床案例的小型数据库,与使用不使用合成数据的设置相比,合成数据增强产生了显着的改进。据我们所知,这提出了基于图像到图像翻译的合成数据增强的第一个比较分析,并将第一应用于缺血性卒中。
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迄今为止,迄今为止,众所周知,对广泛的互补临床相关任务进行了全面比较了医学图像登记方法。这限制了采用研究进展,以防止竞争方法的公平基准。在过去五年内已经探讨了许多新的学习方法,但优化,建筑或度量战略的问题非常适合仍然是开放的。 Learn2reg涵盖了广泛的解剖学:脑,腹部和胸部,方式:超声波,CT,MRI,群体:患者内部和患者内部和监督水平。我们为3D注册的培训和验证建立了较低的入境障碍,这帮助我们从20多个独特的团队中汇编了65多个单独的方法提交的结果。我们的互补度量集,包括稳健性,准确性,合理性和速度,使得能够独特地位了解当前的医学图像登记现状。进一步分析监督问题的转移性,偏见和重要性,主要是基于深度学习的方法的优越性,并将新的研究方向开放到利用GPU加速的常规优化的混合方法。
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使用多模式磁共振成像(MRI)对于精确的脑肿瘤细分是必需的。主要问题是,并非所有类型的MRI都始终可以在临床考试中提供。基于同一患者的先生模式之间存在强烈相关性,在这项工作中,我们提出了一种缺少一个或多种方式的脑肿瘤分割网络。所提出的网络由三个子网组成:特征增强的生成器,相关约束块和分割网络。特征增强的生成器利用可用模态来生成表示缺少模态的3D特征增强图像。相关性约束块可以利用模态之间的多源相关性,并且还限制了发电机,以合成特征增强的模态,该特征增强的模态必须具有与可用模式具有相干相关性的特征增强的模态。分段网络是基于多编码器的U-Net,以实现最终的脑肿瘤分割。所提出的方法在Brats 2018数据集上进行评估。实验结果表明,拟议方法的有效性分别在全肿瘤,肿瘤核心和增强肿瘤上实现了82.9,74.9和59.1的平均骰子得分,并且优于3.5%,17%和18.2的最佳方法%。
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用于图像分割的深卷卷卷神经网络不会明确学习标签结构,并且可能会在类似树状结构(例如气道或血管)分割的圆柱形结构中产生不正确的结构(例如,具有断开的圆柱形结构)的分割。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的标签改进方法,以从初始分割中纠正此类错误,并隐含地包含有关标签结构的信息。该方法具有两个新颖的部分:1)生成合成结构误差的模型,以及2)产生合成分割(带有误差)的标签外观仿真网络,其外观与实际初始分段相似。使用这些合成分割和原始图像,对标签改进网络进行了训练,以纠正错误并改善初始分割。该方法对两个分割任务进行了验证:来自胸部计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描和大脑3D CT血管造影(CTA)图像的脑血管分割的气道分割。在这两种应用中,我们的方法都大大优于标准的3D U-NET和其他先前的改进方法。当使用其他未标记的数据进行模型培训时,改进甚至更大。在消融研究中,我们证明了所提出方法的不同组成部分的值。
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我们实施了两个不同的三维深度学习神经网络,并评估了它们在非对比度计算机断层扫描(CT)上看到的颅内出血(ICH)的能力。一种模型,称为“沿正交关注u-net沿正交级别的素隔离”(Viola-Unet),其体系结构元素可适应2022年实例的数据挑战。第二个比较模型是从No-New U-NET(NNU-NET)得出的。输入图像和地面真理分割图用于以监督方式分别训练两个网络。验证数据随后用于半监督培训。在5倍交叉验证期间比较了模型预测。中提琴 - UNET的表现优于四个性能指标中的两个(即NSD和RVD)的比较网络。将中提琴和NNU-NET网络组合的合奏模型在DSC和HD方面的性能最高。我们证明,与3D U-NET相关的ICH分割性能优势有效地合并了U-NET的解码分支期间的空间正交特征。 Viola-Unet AI工具的代码基础,预估计的权重和Docker图像将在https://github.com/samleoqh/viola-unet上公开获得。
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Segmentation of lung tissue in computed tomography (CT) images is a precursor to most pulmonary image analysis applications. Semantic segmentation methods using deep learning have exhibited top-tier performance in recent years. This paper presents a fully automatic method for identifying the lungs in three-dimensional (3D) pulmonary CT images, which we call it Lung-Net. We conjectured that a significant deeper network with inceptionV3 units can achieve a better feature representation of lung CT images without increasing the model complexity in terms of the number of trainable parameters. The method has three main advantages. First, a U-Net architecture with InceptionV3 blocks is developed to resolve the problem of performance degradation and parameter overload. Then, using information from consecutive slices, a new data structure is created to increase generalization potential, allowing more discriminating features to be extracted by making data representation as efficient as possible. Finally, the robustness of the proposed segmentation framework was quantitatively assessed using one public database to train and test the model (LUNA16) and two public databases (ISBI VESSEL12 challenge and CRPF dataset) only for testing the model; each database consists of 700, 23, and 40 CT images, respectively, that were acquired with a different scanner and protocol. Based on the experimental results, the proposed method achieved competitive results over the existing techniques with Dice coefficient of 99.7, 99.1, and 98.8 for LUNA16, VESSEL12, and CRPF datasets, respectively. For segmenting lung tissue in CT images, the proposed model is efficient in terms of time and parameters and outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, this model is publicly accessible via a graphical user interface.
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在多模式分割领域中,可以考虑不同方式之间的相关性以改善分段结果。考虑到不同MR模型之间的相关性,在本文中,我们提出了一种由新型三关注融合引导的多模态分段网络。我们的网络包括与N个图像源,三关注融合块,双关注融合块和解码路径的N个独立于模型编码路径。独立编码路径的模型可以从n个模式捕获模态特征。考虑到从编码器中提取的所有功能都非常有用,我们建议使用基于双重的融合来重量沿模态和空间路径的特征,可以抑制更少的信息特征,并强调每个模态的有用的功能在不同的位置。由于不同模式之间存在强烈的相关性,基于双重关注融合块,我们提出了一种相关注意模块来形成三关注融合块。在相关性注意模块中,首先使用相关描述块来学习模态之间的相关性,然后基于相关性的约束来指导网络以学习对分段更相关的潜在相关特征。最后,通过解码器投影所获得的融合特征表示以获得分段结果。我们对Brats 2018年脑肿瘤分割进行测试的实验结果证明了我们提出的方法的有效性。
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