This article presents the application of the Universal Named Entity framework to generate automatically annotated corpora. By using a workflow that extracts Wikipedia data and meta-data and DBpedia information, we generated an English dataset which is described and evaluated. Furthermore, we conducted a set of experiments to improve the annotations in terms of precision, recall, and F1-measure. The final dataset is available and the established workflow can be applied to any language with existing Wikipedia and DBpedia. As part of future research, we intend to continue improving the annotation process and extend it to other languages.
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With the ever-growing popularity of the field of NLP, the demand for datasets in low resourced-languages follows suit. Following a previously established framework, in this paper, we present the UNER dataset, a multilingual and hierarchical parallel corpus annotated for named-entities. We describe in detail the developed procedure necessary to create this type of dataset in any language available on Wikipedia with DBpedia information. The three-step procedure extracts entities from Wikipedia articles, links them to DBpedia, and maps the DBpedia sets of classes to the UNER labels. This is followed by a post-processing procedure that significantly increases the number of identified entities in the final results. The paper concludes with a statistical and qualitative analysis of the resulting dataset.
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We present, Naamapadam, the largest publicly available Named Entity Recognition (NER) dataset for the 11 major Indian languages from two language families. In each language, it contains more than 400k sentences annotated with a total of at least 100k entities from three standard entity categories (Person, Location and Organization) for 9 out of the 11 languages. The training dataset has been automatically created from the Samanantar parallel corpus by projecting automatically tagged entities from an English sentence to the corresponding Indian language sentence. We also create manually annotated testsets for 8 languages containing approximately 1000 sentences per language. We demonstrate the utility of the obtained dataset on existing testsets and the Naamapadam-test data for 8 Indic languages. We also release IndicNER, a multilingual mBERT model fine-tuned on the Naamapadam training set. IndicNER achieves the best F1 on the Naamapadam-test set compared to an mBERT model fine-tuned on existing datasets. IndicNER achieves an F1 score of more than 80 for 7 out of 11 Indic languages. The dataset and models are available under open-source licenses at
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非结构化的文本数据是卫生系统的核心:医生之间的联络信,操作报告,根据ICD-10标准编码的程序等。这些文件中包含的详细信息使得更好地了解患者,更好地管理他或她,以更好地研究病理,以准确地偿还相关的医学行为\ ldots,这似乎(至少在部分)被人工智能技术触及了。但是,出于明显的隐私保护原因,这些AIS的设计师只要包含识别数据,就没有合法权利访问这些文件。取消识别这些文档,即检测和删除它们中存在的所有识别信息,是在两个互补世界之间共享此数据的法律必要步骤。在过去的十年中,已经提出了一些建议,主要是用英语来识别文件。虽然检测分数通常很高,但替代方法通常不是很健壮。在法语中,很少有基于任意检测和/或替代规则的方法。在本文中,我们提出了一种专门针对法语医学文件的新的综合识别方法。识别要素(基于深度学习)的检测方法及其替代(基于差异隐私)的方法都是基于最有效的现有方法。结果是一种方法,可以有效保护患者的隐私,这是这些医疗文件的核心。整个方法已经在法国公立医院的法语医学数据集上进行了评估,结果非常令人鼓舞。
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我们介绍了Paranames,这是一种多语言并行名称资源,由1.18亿个名称组成,涉及400种语言。为1360万个实体提供了名称,这些实体映射到标准化实体类型(每/loc/org)。使用Wikidata作为来源,我们创建了此类类型的最大资源。我们描述了我们过滤和标准化数据以提供最佳质量的方法。PANAMES对于多语言语言处理非常有用,既可以定义名称翻译/音译的任务,又可以作为任务的补充数据,例如命名实体识别和链接。我们通过训练与英文和英语的规范名称翻译的多语言模型来展示对照群的应用。我们的资源是根据发布的创意共享许可证(CC By 4.0)发布的。
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Personal assistants, automatic speech recognizers and dialogue understanding systems are becoming more critical in our interconnected digital world. A clear example is air traffic control (ATC) communications. ATC aims at guiding aircraft and controlling the airspace in a safe and optimal manner. These voice-based dialogues are carried between an air traffic controller (ATCO) and pilots via very-high frequency radio channels. In order to incorporate these novel technologies into ATC (low-resource domain), large-scale annotated datasets are required to develop the data-driven AI systems. Two examples are automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language understanding (NLU). In this paper, we introduce the ATCO2 corpus, a dataset that aims at fostering research on the challenging ATC field, which has lagged behind due to lack of annotated data. The ATCO2 corpus covers 1) data collection and pre-processing, 2) pseudo-annotations of speech data, and 3) extraction of ATC-related named entities. The ATCO2 corpus is split into three subsets. 1) ATCO2-test-set corpus contains 4 hours of ATC speech with manual transcripts and a subset with gold annotations for named-entity recognition (callsign, command, value). 2) The ATCO2-PL-set corpus consists of 5281 hours of unlabeled ATC data enriched with automatic transcripts from an in-domain speech recognizer, contextual information, speaker turn information, signal-to-noise ratio estimate and English language detection score per sample. Both available for purchase through ELDA at 3) The ATCO2-test-set-1h corpus is a one-hour subset from the original test set corpus, that we are offering for free at We expect the ATCO2 corpus will foster research on robust ASR and NLU not only in the field of ATC communications but also in the general research community.
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识别跨语言抄袭是挑战性的,特别是对于遥远的语言对和感知翻译。我们介绍了这项任务的新型多语言检索模型跨语言本体论(CL \ nobreakdash-osa)。 CL-OSA表示从开放知识图Wikidata获得的实体向量的文档。反对其他方法,Cl \ nobreakdash-osa不需要计算昂贵的机器翻译,也不需要使用可比较或平行语料库进行预培训。它可靠地歧义同音异义和缩放,以允许其应用于Web级文档集合。我们展示了CL-OSA优于从五个大局部多样化的测试语料中检索候选文档的最先进的方法,包括日语英语等遥控语言对。为了识别在角色级别的跨语言抄袭,CL-OSA主要改善了感觉识别翻译的检测。对于这些挑战性案例,CL-OSA在良好的Plagdet得分方面的表现超过了最佳竞争对手的比例超过两种。我们研究的代码和数据公开可用。
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Wikidata是一个经常更新,社区驱动和多语言知识图形。因此,Wikidata是实体联系的一个有吸引力的基础,这是最近发表论文的增加显而易见的。该调查侧重于四个主题:(1)存在哪些Wikidata实体链接数据集,它们是多么广泛使用,它们是如何构建的? (2)对实体联系数据集的设计进行Wikidata的特点,如果是的话,怎么样? (3)当前实体链接方法如何利用Wikidata的特定特征? (4)现有实体链接方法未开发哪种Wikidata特征?本次调查显示,当前的Wikidata特定实体链接数据集在其他知识图表中的方案中的注释方案中没有不同。因此,没有提升多语言和时间依赖数据集的可能性,是自然适合维基帽的数据集。此外,我们表明大多数实体链接方法使用Wikidata以与任何其他知识图相同的方式,因为任何其他知识图都缺少了利用Wikidata特定特征来提高质量的机会。几乎所有方法都使用标签等特定属性,有时是描述,而是忽略超关系结构等特征。因此,例如,通过包括超关系图嵌入或类型信息,仍有改进的余地。许多方法还包括来自维基百科的信息,这些信息很容易与Wikidata组合并提供有价值的文本信息,Wikidata缺乏。
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尽管传记在语义网络中广泛传播,但自动提取传记事件的资源和方法受到限制。这种限制减少了结构化的,可读的传记信息的数量,尤其是关于属于代表性不足的人的人的数量。我们的工作通过为生活事件的语义注释提供一组准则来挑战这一限制。该准则旨在与现有的ISO语义注释标准可互操作:ISO-TIMEML(ISO-24617-1)和SEMAF(ISO-24617-4)。通过代表不足的作家的维基百科传记的注释任务,即非西方国家,移民或属于少数民族的作者,对准则进行了测试。 4个注释者注释了1,000个句子,平均通知者协议为0.825。由此产生的语料库被映射在Ontonotes上。这样的映射允许扩展我们的语料库,表明已经存在现有资源可以用于传记事件提取任务。
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Early detection of relevant locations in a piece of news is especially important in extreme events such as environmental disasters, war conflicts, disease outbreaks, or political turmoils. Additionally, this detection also helps recommender systems to promote relevant news based on user locations. Note that, when the relevant locations are not mentioned explicitly in the text, state-of-the-art methods typically fail to recognize them because these methods rely on syntactic recognition. In contrast, by incorporating a knowledge base and connecting entities with their locations, our system successfully infers the relevant locations even when they are not mentioned explicitly in the text. To evaluate the effectiveness of our approach, and due to the lack of datasets in this area, we also contribute to the research community with a gold-standard multilingual news-location dataset, NewsLOC. It contains the annotation of the relevant locations (and their WikiData IDs) of 600+ Wikinews articles in five different languages: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. Through experimental evaluations, we show that our proposed system outperforms the baselines and the fine-tuned version of the model using semi-supervised data that increases the classification rate. The source code and the NewsLOC dataset are publicly available for being used by the research community at
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本文概述了与CRAC 2022研讨会相关的多语言核心分辨率的共享任务。共同的任务参与者应该开发能够识别提及并根据身份核心重点聚集的训练系统。Corefud 1.0的公共版本包含10种语言的13个数据集,被用作培训和评估数据的来源。先前面向核心共享任务中使用的串联分数用作主要评估度量。5个参与团队提交了8个核心预测系统;此外,组织者在共享任务开始时提供了一个基于竞争变压器的基线系统。获胜者系统的表现优于基线12个百分点(就所有语言的所有数据集而言,在所有数据集中平均得分)。
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Automatic keyword extraction (AKE) has gained more importance with the increasing amount of digital textual data that modern computing systems process. It has various applications in information retrieval (IR) and natural language processing (NLP), including text summarisation, topic analysis and document indexing. This paper proposes a simple but effective post-processing-based universal approach to improve the performance of any AKE methods, via an enhanced level of semantic-awareness supported by PoS-tagging. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed approach, we considered word types retrieved from a PoS-tagging step and two representative sources of semantic information -- specialised terms defined in one or more context-dependent thesauri, and named entities in Wikipedia. The above three steps can be simply added to the end of any AKE methods as part of a post-processor, which simply re-evaluate all candidate keywords following some context-specific and semantic-aware criteria. For five state-of-the-art (SOTA) AKE methods, our experimental results with 17 selected datasets showed that the proposed approach improved their performances both consistently (up to 100\% in terms of improved cases) and significantly (between 10.2\% and 53.8\%, with an average of 25.8\%, in terms of F1-score and across all five methods), especially when all the three enhancement steps are used. Our results have profound implications considering the ease to apply our proposed approach to any AKE methods and to further extend it.
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Raredis Corpus含有超过5,000个罕见疾病,近6,000个临床表现都是注释。此外,跨候注释协议评估表明,相对高的协议(F1措施等于实体的完全匹配标准,与关系的81.3%等于83.5%)。基于这些结果,该毒品具有高质量,假设该领域的重要步骤由于稀缺具有稀有疾病的可用语料库。这可以将门打开到进一步的NLP应用,这将促进这些罕见疾病的诊断和治疗,因此将大大提高这些患者的生活质量。
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数据增强是自然语言处理(NLP)模型的鲁棒性评估的重要组成部分,以及增强他们培训的数据的多样性。在本文中,我们呈现NL-Cogmenter,这是一种新的参与式Python的自然语言增强框架,它支持创建两个转换(对数据的修改)和过滤器(根据特定功能的数据拆分)。我们描述了框架和初始的117个变换和23个过滤器,用于各种自然语言任务。我们通过使用其几个转换来分析流行自然语言模型的鲁棒性来证明NL-Upmenter的功效。基础架构,Datacards和稳健性分析结果在NL-Augmenter存储库上公开可用(\ url {})。
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Identification of named entities from legal texts is an essential building block for developing other legal Artificial Intelligence applications. Named Entities in legal texts are slightly different and more fine-grained than commonly used named entities like Person, Organization, Location etc. In this paper, we introduce a new corpus of 46545 annotated legal named entities mapped to 14 legal entity types. The Baseline model for extracting legal named entities from judgment text is also developed.
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随着数字化的传统文化遗产文件迅速增加,导致对保存和管理的需求增加,对实体的实际认可和阶级的典型认识已成为必不可少的。为了实现这一目标,我们提出了Kochet - 韩国文化遗产语料库,用于典型实体相关的任务,即指定的实体识别(NER),关系提取(RE)和实体键入(ET)。根据政府附属组织的数据构建指南的文化遗产专家的建议,科切特分别由NER,RE和ET任务的112,362、38,765、113,198个示例组成,涵盖了与韩国文化遗产有关的所有实体类型。此外,与现有的公共语料库不同,可以允许经过修改的重新分配。我们的实验结果使Kochet的实际可用性在文化遗产方面更有价值。我们还从统计和语言分析方面提供了Kochet的实际见解。我们的语料库可以在上免费获得。
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