与自然语言解释的视觉结合旨在推断文本图像对之间的关​​系并生成句子以解释决策过程。先前的方法主要依靠预先训练的视觉模型来执行关系推断和语言模型来生成相应的解释。但是,预训练的视觉模型主要在文本和图像之间建立令牌级别的对齐,但忽略了短语(块)和视觉内容之间的高级语义对齐,这对于视觉推理至关重要。此外,仅基于编码的联合表示形式的解释生成器并未明确考虑关键的关系推理的决策点。因此,产生的解释不太忠于视觉语言推理。为了减轻这些问题,我们提出了一种统一的块意见对齐和基于词汇约束的方法,称为CALEC。它包含一个块感知的语义交互器(ARR。CSI),一个关系属性和词汇约束感知的发生器(arr。Lecg)。具体而言,CSI利用语言和各个图像区域固有的句子结构来构建块感知语义对齐。关系下属使用基于注意力的推理网络来合并令牌级别和块级视觉语言表示。 LECG利用词汇约束来将关系下列者重点关注的单词或块纳入解释世代,从而提高了解释的忠诚和信息性。我们在三个数据集上进行了广泛的实验,实验结果表明,CALEC在推理准确性和生成的解释的质量方面显着优于其他竞争者模型。
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Multi-modal and multi-hop question answering aims to answer a question based on multiple input sources from different modalities. Previous methods retrieve the evidence separately and feed the retrieved evidence to a language model to generate the corresponding answer. However, these methods fail to build connections between candidates and thus cannot model the inter-dependent relation during retrieval. Moreover, the reasoning process over multi-modality candidates can be unbalanced without building alignments between different modalities. To address this limitation, we propose a Structured Knowledge and Unified Retrieval Generation based method (SKURG). We align the sources from different modalities via the shared entities and map them into a shared semantic space via structured knowledge. Then, we utilize a unified retrieval-generation decoder to integrate intermediate retrieval results for answer generation and adaptively determine the number of retrieval steps. We perform experiments on two multi-modal and multi-hop datasets: WebQA and MultimodalQA. The results demonstrate that SKURG achieves state-of-the-art performance on both retrieval and answer generation.
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Vision-Language预培训是一个新兴和快速发展的研究主题,将多模态知识从丰富的资源预训练任务转移到有限资源下游任务。与主要学习单个通用编码器的现有作品不同,我们提出了一种可训练的通用编码器 - 解码器网络(UNI-EDEN),以促进视觉语言感知(例如,视觉问题应答)和生成(例如,图像标题)。 UNI-EDEN是一种基于双流变换器的结构,由三个模块组成:对象和句子编码器,其单独了解每个模态的表示,以及通过模态交互能够实现多模态推理和句子的句子解码器。考虑到每个图像的语言表示可以跨越该层次结构的不同粒度,包括从简单到全面,个人标签,短语和自然句子,我们通过多粒愿景语言代理任务预先列车UNI-EDEN:屏蔽对象分类(MOC),蒙版区域短语生成(MRPG),图像句匹配(ISM)和屏蔽句生成(MSG)。以这种方式,UNI-EDEN赋予了多模态表示提取和语言建模的功率。广泛的实验证明了通过微调到四个视觉语言感知和发电下游任务来展示Uni-Eden的概括性。
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Large-scale pre-training methods of learning cross-modal representations on image-text pairs are becoming popular for vision-language tasks. While existing methods simply concatenate image region features and text features as input to the model to be pre-trained and use selfattention to learn image-text semantic alignments in a brute force manner, in this paper, we propose a new learning method Oscar 1 , which uses object tags detected in images as anchor points to significantly ease the learning of alignments. Our method is motivated by the observation that the salient objects in an image can be accurately detected, and are often mentioned in the paired text. We pre-train an Oscar model on the public corpus of 6.5 million text-image pairs, and fine-tune it on downstream tasks, creating new state-of-the-arts on six well-established vision-language understanding and generation tasks. 2
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We study joint learning of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Transformer for vision-language pre-training (VLPT) which aims to learn cross-modal alignments from millions of image-text pairs. State-of-the-art approaches extract salient image regions and align regions with words step-by-step. As region-based visual features usually represent parts of an image, it is challenging for existing visionlanguage models to fully understand the semantics from paired natural languages. In this paper, we propose SOHO to "See Out of tHe bOx" that takes a whole image as input, and learns vision-language representation in an endto-end manner. SOHO does not require bounding box annotations which enables inference 10 times faster than regionbased approaches. In particular, SOHO learns to extract comprehensive yet compact image features through a visual dictionary (VD) that facilitates cross-modal understanding. VD is designed to represent consistent visual abstractions of similar semantics. It is updated on-the-fly and utilized in our proposed pre-training task Masked Visual Modeling (MVM). We conduct experiments on four well-established vision-language tasks by following standard VLPT settings. In particular, SOHO achieves absolute gains of 2.0% R@1 score on MSCOCO text retrieval 5k test split, 1.5% accuracy on NLVR 2 test-P split, 6.7% accuracy on SNLI-VE test split, respectively.
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视觉问题应答(VQA)任务利用视觉图像和语言分析来回回答图像的文本问题。它是一个流行的研究课题,在过去十年中越来越多的现实应用。本文介绍了我们最近对AliceMind-MMU的研究(阿里巴巴的编码器 - 解码器来自Damo Academy - 多媒体理解的机器智能实验室),其比人类在VQA上获得相似甚至略微更好的结果。这是通过系统地改善VQA流水线来实现的,包括:(1)具有全面的视觉和文本特征表示的预培训; (2)与学习参加的有效跨模型互动; (3)一个新颖的知识挖掘框架,具有专门的专业专家模块,适用于复杂的VQA任务。处理不同类型的视觉问题,需要具有相应的专业知识在提高我们的VQA架构的表现方面发挥着重要作用,这取决于人力水平。进行了广泛的实验和分析,以证明新的研究工作的有效性。
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Natural language explanations promise to offer intuitively understandable explanations of a neural network's decision process in complex vision-language tasks, as pursued in recent VL-NLE models. While current models offer impressive performance on task accuracy and explanation plausibility, they suffer from a range of issues: Some models feature a modular design where the explanation generation module is poorly integrated with a separate module for task-answer prediction, employ backbone models trained on limited sets of tasks, or incorporate ad hoc solutions to increase performance on single datasets. We propose to evade these limitations by applying recent advances in large-scale multi-task pretraining of generative Transformer models to the problem of VL-NLE tasks. Our approach outperforms recent models by a large margin, with human annotators preferring the generated explanations over the ground truth in two out of three evaluated datasets. As a novel challenge in VL-NLE research, we propose the problem of multi-task VL-NLE and show that jointly training on multiple tasks can increase the explanation quality. We discuss the ethical implications of high-quality NLE generation and other issues in recent VL-NLE research.
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Learning fine-grained interplay between vision and language allows to a more accurate understanding for VisionLanguage tasks. However, it remains challenging to extract key image regions according to the texts for semantic alignments. Most existing works are either limited by textagnostic and redundant regions obtained with the frozen detectors, or failing to scale further due to its heavy reliance on scarce grounding (gold) data to pre-train detectors. To solve these problems, we propose Self-Locator Aided Network (SLAN) for cross-modal understanding tasks without any extra gold data. SLAN consists of a region filter and a region adaptor to localize regions of interest conditioned on different texts. By aggregating cross-modal information, the region filter selects key regions and the region adaptor updates their coordinates with text guidance. With detailed region-word alignments, SLAN can be easily generalized to many downstream tasks. It achieves fairly competitive results on five cross-modal understanding tasks (e.g., 85.7% and 69.2% on COCO image-to-text and text-to-image retrieval, surpassing previous SOTA methods). SLAN also demonstrates strong zero-shot and fine-tuned transferability to two localization tasks.
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Vision语言中最现有的方法依赖于通过对象检测提取的对象中心特征,并在提取的功能和文本之间进行细粒度对齐。我们认为物体检测的使用可能不适合视觉语言预培训。相反,我们指出应该执行任务,以便文本中提到的“视觉概念”的区域位于图像中,并且在文本和视觉概念之间的平时对齐中,识别在其中的校准处于多个 - 粒度。本文提出了一种称为X-VLM的新方法,以执行“多粒度的视觉语言预训练”。实验结果表明,X-VLM在许多下游视觉语言任务中始终如一地优于最先进的方法。
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Image-text retrieval (ITR) is a challenging task in the field of multimodal information processing due to the semantic gap between different modalities. In recent years, researchers have made great progress in exploring the accurate alignment between image and text. However, existing works mainly focus on the fine-grained alignment between image regions and sentence fragments, which ignores the guiding significance of context background information. Actually, integrating the local fine-grained information and global context background information can provide more semantic clues for retrieval. In this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Graph Alignment Network (HGAN) for image-text retrieval. First, to capture the comprehensive multimodal features, we construct the feature graphs for the image and text modality respectively. Then, a multi-granularity shared space is established with a designed Multi-granularity Feature Aggregation and Rearrangement (MFAR) module, which enhances the semantic corresponding relations between the local and global information, and obtains more accurate feature representations for the image and text modalities. Finally, the ultimate image and text features are further refined through three-level similarity functions to achieve the hierarchical alignment. To justify the proposed model, we perform extensive experiments on MS-COCO and Flickr30K datasets. Experimental results show that the proposed HGAN outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both datasets, which demonstrates the effectiveness and superiority of our model.
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Vision-and-language reasoning requires an understanding of visual concepts, language semantics, and, most importantly, the alignment and relationships between these two modalities. We thus propose the LXMERT (Learning Cross-Modality Encoder Representations from Transformers) framework to learn these vision-and-language connections. In LXMERT, we build a large-scale Transformer model that consists of three encoders: an object relationship encoder, a language encoder, and a cross-modality encoder. Next, to endow our model with the capability of connecting vision and language semantics, we pre-train the model with large amounts of image-and-sentence pairs, via five diverse representative pre-training tasks: masked language modeling, masked object prediction (feature regression and label classification), cross-modality matching, and image question answering. These tasks help in learning both intra-modality and cross-modality relationships. After fine-tuning from our pretrained parameters, our model achieves the state-of-the-art results on two visual question answering datasets (i.e., VQA and GQA). We also show the generalizability of our pretrained cross-modality model by adapting it to a challenging visual-reasoning task, NLVR 2 , and improve the previous best result by 22% absolute (54% to 76%). Lastly, we demonstrate detailed ablation studies to prove that both our novel model components and pretraining strategies significantly contribute to our strong results; and also present several attention visualizations for the different encoders. 1
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This paper presents a unified Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) model. The model is unified in that (1) it can be finetuned for either vision-language generation (e.g., image captioning) or understanding (e.g., visual question answering) tasks, and (2) it uses a shared multi-layer transformer network for both encoding and decoding, which differs from many existing methods where the encoder and decoder are implemented using separate models. The unified VLP model is pre-trained on a large amount of image-text pairs using the unsupervised learning objectives of two tasks: bidirectional and sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) masked vision-language prediction. The two tasks differ solely in what context the prediction conditions on. This is controlled by utilizing specific self-attention masks for the shared transformer network. To the best of our knowledge, VLP is the first reported model that achieves state-of-the-art results on both vision-language generation and understanding tasks, as disparate as image captioning and visual question answering, across three challenging benchmark datasets: COCO Captions, Flickr30k Captions, and VQA 2.0. The code and the pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/LuoweiZhou/VLP.
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事实证明,多模式文档预训练的模型在各种视觉上富裕的文档理解(VRDU)任务中非常有效。尽管现有的文档预先培训模型在VRDU的标准基准上取得了出色的性能,但它们建模和利用文档上的视觉和语言之间的互动的方式阻碍了他们无法获得更好的概括能力和更高的准确性。在这项工作中,我们主要从监督信号的角度研究了VRDU视觉联合表示学习的问题。具体而言,提出了一种称为BI-VLDOC的预训练范式,其中设计了双向视觉监督策略和视觉性混合注意机制,以完全探索并利用这两种方式之间的相互作用,以学习更强的交叉交叉方式 - 具有更丰富语义的模式文档表示。 Bi-Vldoc受益于学习丰富的跨模式文档表示形式,显着提高了三个广泛使用文档的最新性能,理解基准,包括形式的理解(从85.14%到93.44%),收据信息提取(从96.01%到97.84%)和文档分类(从96.08%到97.12%)。在文档视觉质量检查中,BI-VLDOC与以前的单个模型方法相比,实现了最先进的性能。
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随着图像文本对的大量数据以及视觉和语言(V&L)任务的多样性,学者在该研究领域引入了大量的深度学习模型。此外,近年来,转移学习还显示出在计算机愿景中的巨大成功,例如图像分类,对象检测等以及在自然语言处理中以进行问答,机器翻译等的自然语言处理。继承转移学习的精神, V&L的研究工作已经在大规模数据集上设计了多种预训练技术,以增强下游任务的性能。本文的目的是提供当代V&L预审前模型的全面修订。特别是,我们对预处理的方法进行了分类和描述,以及最先进的视觉和语言预训练模型的摘要。此外,还提供了培训数据集和下游任务的列表,以进一步提高V&L预处理的观点。最后,我们决定采取进一步的一步,讨论众多未来研究的方向。
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We present ViLBERT (short for Vision-and-Language BERT), a model for learning task-agnostic joint representations of image content and natural language. We extend the popular BERT architecture to a multi-modal two-stream model, processing both visual and textual inputs in separate streams that interact through co-attentional transformer layers. We pretrain our model through two proxy tasks on the large, automatically collected Conceptual Captions dataset and then transfer it to multiple established vision-and-language tasks -visual question answering, visual commonsense reasoning, referring expressions, and caption-based image retrieval -by making only minor additions to the base architecture. We observe significant improvements across tasks compared to existing task-specific modelsachieving state-of-the-art on all four tasks. Our work represents a shift away from learning groundings between vision and language only as part of task training and towards treating visual grounding as a pretrainable and transferable capability.Preprint. Under review.
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This paper presents a detailed study of improving visual representations for vision language (VL) tasks and develops an improved object detection model to provide object-centric representations of images. Compared to the most widely used bottom-up and top-down model [2], the new model is bigger, better-designed for VL tasks, and pre-trained on much larger training corpora that combine multiple public annotated object detection datasets. Therefore, it can generate representations of a richer collection of visual objects and concepts. While previous VL research focuses mainly on improving the vision-language fusion model and leaves the object detection model improvement untouched, we show that visual features matter significantly in VL models. In our experiments we feed the visual features generated by the new object detection model into a Transformer-based VL fusion model OSCAR [21], and utilize an improved approach OSCAR+ to pre-train the VL model and fine-tune it on a wide range of downstream VL tasks. Our results show that the new visual features significantly improve the performance across all VL tasks, creating new state-of-the-art results on seven public benchmarks. Code, models and pre-extracted features are released at https://github.com/pzzhang/VinVL. ♥ Microsoft Corporation♠ University of Washington † indicates equal contributions.
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视觉问题回答是自然语言和愿景理解的重要任务。但是,在大多数公众视觉问题上回答了诸如VQA,CLEVR之类的数据集,这些问题是针对给定图像的特定于“她的眼睛是什么颜色?”的人类产生的。人类产生的众包问题相对简单,有时对某些实体或属性有偏见。在本文中,我们介绍了一个基于Image-Chiqa的新问题回答数据集。它包含Internet用户发布的现实查询,并结合了几个相关的开放域图像。系统应确定图像是否可以回答问题。与以前的VQA数据集不同,这些问题是现实世界中独立的查询,这些查询更加各种和无偏见。与先前的图像回程或图像捕获数据集相比,Chiqa不仅衡量了相关性,而且还可以衡量答案性,这需要更细粒度的视力和语言推理。 Chiqa包含超过40k的问题和超过200k的问题图像对。将三级2/1/0标签分配给每个对,指示完美的答案,部分答案和无关紧要。数据分析表明,Chiqa需要对语言和视觉有深入的了解,包括接地,比较和阅读。我们评估了几种最先进的视觉语言模型,例如ALBEF,表明仍然有一个很大的改进奇卡的空间。
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