Demand for high-performance, robust, and safe autonomous systems has grown substantially in recent years. These objectives motivate the desire for efficient safety-theoretic reasoning that can be embedded in core decision-making tasks such as motion planning, particularly in constrained environments. On one hand, Monte-Carlo (MC) and other sampling-based techniques provide accurate collision probability estimates for a wide variety of motion models but are cumbersome in the context of continuous optimization. On the other, "direct" approximations aim to compute (or upper-bound) the failure probability as a smooth function of the decision variables, and thus are convenient for optimization. However, existing direct approaches fundamentally assume discrete-time dynamics and can perform unpredictably when applied to continuous-time systems ubiquitous in the real world, often manifesting as severe conservatism. State-of-the-art attempts to address this within a conventional discrete-time framework require additional Gaussianity approximations that ultimately produce inconsistency of their own. In this paper we take a fundamentally different approach, deriving a risk approximation framework directly in continuous time and producing a lightweight estimate that actually converges as the underlying discretization is refined. Our approximation is shown to significantly outperform state-of-the-art techniques in replicating the MC estimate while maintaining the functional and computational benefits of a direct method. This enables robust, risk-aware, continuous motion-planning for a broad class of nonlinear and/or partially-observable systems.
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Learning-enabled control systems have demonstrated impressive empirical performance on challenging control problems in robotics, but this performance comes at the cost of reduced transparency and lack of guarantees on the safety or stability of the learned controllers. In recent years, new techniques have emerged to provide these guarantees by learning certificates alongside control policies -- these certificates provide concise, data-driven proofs that guarantee the safety and stability of the learned control system. These methods not only allow the user to verify the safety of a learned controller but also provide supervision during training, allowing safety and stability requirements to influence the training process itself. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of this rapidly developing field of certificate learning. We hope that this paper will serve as an accessible introduction to the theory and practice of certificate learning, both to those who wish to apply these tools to practical robotics problems and to those who wish to dive more deeply into the theory of learning for control.
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在本文中,我们通过概率保证解决了基于采样的运动计划和测量不确定性的问题。我们概括了基于基于树的基于树木的运动计划算法,以确定性系统并提出信念-USHAMCAL {a} $,该框架将任何基于动力学的树的计划者扩展到线性(或可线化)系统的信念空间。我们为信仰空间介绍了适当的抽样技术和距离指标,以保留基础规划师的概率完整性和渐近最佳性能。我们证明了我们在模拟方面对自动化和非全面系统有效和渐近地找到安全低成本路径的疗效。
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We introduce a class of first-order methods for smooth constrained optimization that are based on an analogy to non-smooth dynamical systems. Two distinctive features of our approach are that (i) projections or optimizations over the entire feasible set are avoided, in stark contrast to projected gradient methods or the Frank-Wolfe method, and (ii) iterates are allowed to become infeasible, which differs from active set or feasible direction methods, where the descent motion stops as soon as a new constraint is encountered. The resulting algorithmic procedure is simple to implement even when constraints are nonlinear, and is suitable for large-scale constrained optimization problems in which the feasible set fails to have a simple structure. The key underlying idea is that constraints are expressed in terms of velocities instead of positions, which has the algorithmic consequence that optimizations over feasible sets at each iteration are replaced with optimizations over local, sparse convex approximations. In particular, this means that at each iteration only constraints that are violated are taken into account. The result is a simplified suite of algorithms and an expanded range of possible applications in machine learning.
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我们向连续状态马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)提出了一种扩散近似方法,该方法可用于解决非结构化的越野环境中的自主导航和控制。与呈现完全已知的状态转换模型的大多数决策定理计划框架相比,我们设计了一种方法,该方法消除了这种强烈假设,这些假设通常非常难以在现实中工程师。我们首先采用价值函数的二阶泰勒扩展。然后通过部分微分方程近似贝尔曼的最优性方程,其仅依赖于转换模型的第一和第二矩。通过组合价值函数的内核表示,然后设计一种有效的策略迭代算法,其策略评估步骤可以表示为特征的方程式的线性系统,其特征是由有限组支持状态。我们首先通过大量的仿真以2D美元的$ 2D $避让和2.5d $地形导航问题进行验证。结果表明,拟议的方法在几个基线上导致了卓越的性能。然后,我们开发一个系统,该系统将我们的决策框架整合,与船上感知,并在杂乱的室内和非结构化的户外环境中进行现实世界的实验。物理系统的结果进一步展示了我们在挑战现实世界环境中的方法的适用性。
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Capturing uncertainty in models of complex dynamical systems is crucial to designing safe controllers. Stochastic noise causes aleatoric uncertainty, whereas imprecise knowledge of model parameters leads to epistemic uncertainty. Several approaches use formal abstractions to synthesize policies that satisfy temporal specifications related to safety and reachability. However, the underlying models exclusively capture aleatoric but not epistemic uncertainty, and thus require that model parameters are known precisely. Our contribution to overcoming this restriction is a novel abstraction-based controller synthesis method for continuous-state models with stochastic noise and uncertain parameters. By sampling techniques and robust analysis, we capture both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, with a user-specified confidence level, in the transition probability intervals of a so-called interval Markov decision process (iMDP). We synthesize an optimal policy on this iMDP, which translates (with the specified confidence level) to a feedback controller for the continuous model with the same performance guarantees. Our experimental benchmarks confirm that accounting for epistemic uncertainty leads to controllers that are more robust against variations in parameter values.
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We propose a learning-based robust predictive control algorithm that compensates for significant uncertainty in the dynamics for a class of discrete-time systems that are nominally linear with an additive nonlinear component. Such systems commonly model the nonlinear effects of an unknown environment on a nominal system. We optimize over a class of nonlinear feedback policies inspired by certainty equivalent "estimate-and-cancel" control laws pioneered in classical adaptive control to achieve significant performance improvements in the presence of uncertainties of large magnitude, a setting in which existing learning-based predictive control algorithms often struggle to guarantee safety. In contrast to previous work in robust adaptive MPC, our approach allows us to take advantage of structure (i.e., the numerical predictions) in the a priori unknown dynamics learned online through function approximation. Our approach also extends typical nonlinear adaptive control methods to systems with state and input constraints even when we cannot directly cancel the additive uncertain function from the dynamics. We apply contemporary statistical estimation techniques to certify the system's safety through persistent constraint satisfaction with high probability. Moreover, we propose using Bayesian meta-learning algorithms that learn calibrated model priors to help satisfy the assumptions of the control design in challenging settings. Finally, we show in simulation that our method can accommodate more significant unknown dynamics terms than existing methods and that the use of Bayesian meta-learning allows us to adapt to the test environments more rapidly.
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Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) provide a flexible representation for real-world decision and control problems. However, POMDPs are notoriously difficult to solve, especially when the state and observation spaces are continuous or hybrid, which is often the case for physical systems. While recent online sampling-based POMDP algorithms that plan with observation likelihood weighting have shown practical effectiveness, a general theory characterizing the approximation error of the particle filtering techniques that these algorithms use has not previously been proposed. Our main contribution is bounding the error between any POMDP and its corresponding finite sample particle belief MDP (PB-MDP) approximation. This fundamental bridge between PB-MDPs and POMDPs allows us to adapt any sampling-based MDP algorithm to a POMDP by solving the corresponding particle belief MDP, thereby extending the convergence guarantees of the MDP algorithm to the POMDP. Practically, this is implemented by using the particle filter belief transition model as the generative model for the MDP solver. While this requires access to the observation density model from the POMDP, it only increases the transition sampling complexity of the MDP solver by a factor of $\mathcal{O}(C)$, where $C$ is the number of particles. Thus, when combined with sparse sampling MDP algorithms, this approach can yield algorithms for POMDPs that have no direct theoretical dependence on the size of the state and observation spaces. In addition to our theoretical contribution, we perform five numerical experiments on benchmark POMDPs to demonstrate that a simple MDP algorithm adapted using PB-MDP approximation, Sparse-PFT, achieves performance competitive with other leading continuous observation POMDP solvers.
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在许多学科中,动态系统的数据信息预测模型的开发引起了广泛的兴趣。我们提出了一个统一的框架,用于混合机械和机器学习方法,以从嘈杂和部分观察到的数据中识别动态系统。我们将纯数据驱动的学习与混合模型进行比较,这些学习结合了不完善的域知识。我们的公式与所选的机器学习模型不可知,在连续和离散的时间设置中都呈现,并且与表现出很大的内存和错误的模型误差兼容。首先,我们从学习理论的角度研究无内存线性(W.R.T.参数依赖性)模型误差,从而定义了过多的风险和概括误差。对于沿阵行的连续时间系统,我们证明,多余的风险和泛化误差都通过与T的正方形介于T的术语(指定训练数据的时间间隔)的术语界定。其次,我们研究了通过记忆建模而受益的方案,证明了两类连续时间复发性神经网络(RNN)的通用近似定理:两者都可以学习与内存有关的模型误差。此外,我们将一类RNN连接到储层计算,从而将学习依赖性错误的学习与使用随机特征在Banach空间之间进行监督学习的最新工作联系起来。给出了数值结果(Lorenz '63,Lorenz '96多尺度系统),以比较纯粹的数据驱动和混合方法,发现混合方法较少,渴望数据较少,并且更有效。最后,我们从数值上证明了如何利用数据同化来从嘈杂,部分观察到的数据中学习隐藏的动态,并说明了通过这种方法和培训此类模型来表示记忆的挑战。
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通过基于一阶梯度的估计,通过替换零阶梯度估计来替换零阶梯度估计,可以通过估算零阶梯度估计来更快地计算时间。但是,尚不清楚哪些因素决定了两个估计量在复杂景观上的性能,尽管该问题对于可区分的模拟器的实用性至关重要,但涉及长途计划和对物理系统的控制。我们表明,某些物理系统的特征,例如刚度或不连续性,可能会损害一阶估计器的功效,并通过偏置和方差的镜头分析这种现象。我们还提出了一个$ \ alpha $ - 订单梯度估计器,并在[0,1] $中使用$ \ alpha \,它正确利用了精确的梯度将一阶估计值的效率与零级方法的鲁棒性结合在一起。我们在一些数值示例中证明了传统估计器的陷阱以及$ \ alpha $订单估计器的优势。
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在本文中,我们研究了加强学习问题的安全政策的学习。这是,我们的目标是控制我们不知道过渡概率的马尔可夫决策过程(MDP),但我们通过经验访问样品轨迹。我们将安全性定义为在操作时间内具有高概率的期望安全集中的代理。因此,我们考虑受限制的MDP,其中限制是概率。由于没有直接的方式来优化关于加强学习框架中的概率约束的政策,因此我们提出了对问题的遍历松弛。拟议的放松的优点是三倍。 (i)安全保障在集界任务的情况下保持,并且它们保持在一个给定的时间范围内,以继续进行任务。 (ii)如果政策的参数化足够丰富,则约束优化问题尽管其非凸起具有任意小的二元间隙。 (iii)可以使用标准策略梯度结果和随机近似工具容易地计算与安全学习问题相关的拉格朗日的梯度。利用这些优势,我们建立了原始双算法能够找到安全和最佳的政策。我们在连续域中的导航任务中测试所提出的方法。数值结果表明,我们的算法能够将策略动态调整到环境和所需的安全水平。
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Reach-避免最佳控制问题,其中系统必须在保持某些目标条件的同时保持清晰的不可接受的故障模式,是自主机器人系统的安全和活力保证的核心,但它们的确切解决方案是复杂的动态和环境的难以解决。最近的钢筋学习方法的成功与绩效目标大致解决最佳控制问题,使其应用​​于认证问题有吸引力;然而,加固学习中使用的拉格朗日型客观不适合编码时间逻辑要求。最近的工作表明,在将加强学习机械扩展到安全型问题时,其目标不是总和,但随着时间的推移最小(或最大)。在这项工作中,我们概括了加强学习制定,以处理覆盖范围的所有最佳控制问题。我们推出了一个时间折扣 - 避免了收缩映射属性的贝尔曼备份,并证明了所得达到避免Q学习算法在类似条件下会聚到传统的拉格朗郎类型问题,从而避免任意紧凑的保守近似值放。我们进一步证明了这种配方利用深度加强学习方法,通过将近似解决方案视为模型预测监督控制框架中的不受信任的oracles来保持零违规保证。我们评估我们在一系列非线性系统上的提出框架,验证了对分析和数值解决方案的结果,并通过Monte Carlo仿真在以前的棘手问题中。我们的结果为一系列基于学习的自治行为开放了大门,具有机器人和自动化的应用。有关代码和补充材料,请参阅。
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