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我们提出了使用多级蒙特卡罗(MLMC)方法的变分推理的差异减少框架。我们的框架是基于Reparameterized梯度估计的梯度估计,并在优化中从过去更新历史记录获得的“回收”参数。此外,我们的框架还提供了一种基于随机梯度下降(SGD)的新优化算法,其自适应地估计根据梯度方差的比率用于梯度估计的样本大小。理论上,通过我们的方法,梯度估计器的方差随着优化进行而降低,并且学习率调度器函数有助于提高收敛。我们还表明,就\ Texit {信噪比}比率而言,我们的方法可以通过提高初始样本大小来提高学习速率调度器功能的梯度估计的质量。最后,我们确认我们的方法通过使用多个基准数据集的基线方法的实验比较来实现更快的收敛性并降低梯度估计器的方差,并降低了与其他方法相比的其他方法。
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We study distributionally robust optimization (DRO) with Sinkhorn distance -- a variant of Wasserstein distance based on entropic regularization. We provide convex programming dual reformulation for a general nominal distribution. Compared with Wasserstein DRO, it is computationally tractable for a larger class of loss functions, and its worst-case distribution is more reasonable. We propose an efficient first-order algorithm with bisection search to solve the dual reformulation. We demonstrate that our proposed algorithm finds $\delta$-optimal solution of the new DRO formulation with computation cost $\tilde{O}(\delta^{-3})$ and memory cost $\tilde{O}(\delta^{-2})$, and the computation cost further improves to $\tilde{O}(\delta^{-2})$ when the loss function is smooth. Finally, we provide various numerical examples using both synthetic and real data to demonstrate its competitive performance and light computational speed.
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本文分析了双模的彼此优化随机算法框架。 Bilevel优化是一类表现出两级结构的问题,其目标是使具有变量的外目标函数最小化,该变量被限制为对(内部)优化问题的最佳解决方案。我们考虑内部问题的情况是不受约束的并且强烈凸起的情况,而外部问题受到约束并具有平滑的目标函数。我们提出了一种用于解决如此偏纤维问题的两次时间尺度随机近似(TTSA)算法。在算法中,使用较大步长的随机梯度更新用于内部问题,而具有较小步长的投影随机梯度更新用于外部问题。我们在各种设置下分析了TTSA算法的收敛速率:当外部问题强烈凸起(RESP。〜弱凸)时,TTSA算法查找$ \ MATHCAL {O}(k ^ { - 2/3})$ -Optimal(resp。〜$ \ mathcal {o}(k ^ {-2/5})$ - 静止)解决方案,其中$ k $是总迭代号。作为一个应用程序,我们表明,两个时间尺度的自然演员 - 批评批评近端策略优化算法可以被视为我们的TTSA框架的特殊情况。重要的是,与全球最优政策相比,自然演员批评算法显示以预期折扣奖励的差距,以$ \ mathcal {o}(k ^ { - 1/4})的速率收敛。
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In the classical setting of self-selection, the goal is to learn $k$ models, simultaneously from observations $(x^{(i)}, y^{(i)})$ where $y^{(i)}$ is the output of one of $k$ underlying models on input $x^{(i)}$. In contrast to mixture models, where we observe the output of a randomly selected model, here the observed model depends on the outputs themselves, and is determined by some known selection criterion. For example, we might observe the highest output, the smallest output, or the median output of the $k$ models. In known-index self-selection, the identity of the observed model output is observable; in unknown-index self-selection, it is not. Self-selection has a long history in Econometrics and applications in various theoretical and applied fields, including treatment effect estimation, imitation learning, learning from strategically reported data, and learning from markets at disequilibrium. In this work, we present the first computationally and statistically efficient estimation algorithms for the most standard setting of this problem where the models are linear. In the known-index case, we require poly$(1/\varepsilon, k, d)$ sample and time complexity to estimate all model parameters to accuracy $\varepsilon$ in $d$ dimensions, and can accommodate quite general selection criteria. In the more challenging unknown-index case, even the identifiability of the linear models (from infinitely many samples) was not known. We show three results in this case for the commonly studied $\max$ self-selection criterion: (1) we show that the linear models are indeed identifiable, (2) for general $k$ we provide an algorithm with poly$(d) \exp(\text{poly}(k))$ sample and time complexity to estimate the regression parameters up to error $1/\text{poly}(k)$, and (3) for $k = 2$ we provide an algorithm for any error $\varepsilon$ and poly$(d, 1/\varepsilon)$ sample and time complexity.
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具有多个耦合序列的随机近似(SA)在机器学习中发现了广泛的应用,例如双光线学习和增强学习(RL)。在本文中,我们研究了具有多个耦合序列的非线性SA的有限时间收敛。与现有的多时间分析不同,我们寻求方案,在这些方案中,细粒度分析可以为多序列单次尺度SA(STSA)提供严格的性能保证。我们分析的核心是在许多应用中具有多序列SA中固定点的平滑度。当所有序列都具有强烈的单调增量时,我们就建立了$ \ Mathcal {o}(\ epsilon^{ - 1})$的迭代复杂性,以实现$ \ epsilon $ -Accuracy,从而改善了现有的$ \ Mathcal {O} {O}(O}(O})(O}(O}(O})) \ epsilon^{ - 1.5})$对于两个耦合序列的复杂性。当除了主序列外具有强烈单调增量时,我们建立了$ \ Mathcal {o}(\ epsilon^{ - 2})$的迭代复杂性。我们的结果的优点在于,将它们应用于随机的二聚体和组成优化问题,以及RL问题会导致对其现有性能保证的放松假设或改进。
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在本文中,我们研究了平稳的随机多级组成优化问题,其中目标函数是$ T $函数的嵌套组成。我们假设通过随机的一阶Oracle访问函数及其渐变的噪声评估。为了解决这类问题,我们提出了两个使用移动平均随机估计的两种算法,并分析了它们对问题的$ \ epsilon $ -stationary的趋同。我们表明,第一算法,它是\ Cite {gharuswan20}的泛化到$ t $ letch案例,可以通过使用mini-实现$ \ mathcal {o}(1 / \ epsilon ^ 6)$的样本复杂性每次迭代中的样品批次。通过使用函数值的线性化随机估计修改该算法,我们将样本复杂性提高到$ \ mathcal {o}(1 / \ epsilon ^ 4)$。 {\ Color {Black}此修改不仅可以消除在每次迭代中具有迷你样本的要求,还使算法无参数和易于实现}。据我们所知,这是第一次为(UN)约束的多级设置设计的在线算法,在标准假设下获得平滑单级设置的相同样本复杂度(无偏见和界限第二矩)在随机第一阶Oracle上。
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Bilevel优化是在机器学习的许多领域中最小化涉及另一个功能的价值函数的问题。在大规模的经验风险最小化设置中,样品数量很大,开发随机方法至关重要,而随机方法只能一次使用一些样品进行进展。但是,计算值函数的梯度涉及求解线性系统,这使得很难得出无偏的随机估计。为了克服这个问题,我们引入了一个新颖的框架,其中内部问题的解决方案,线性系统的解和主要变量同时发展。这些方向是作为总和写成的,使其直接得出无偏估计。我们方法的简单性使我们能够开发全球差异算法,其中所有变量的动力学都会降低差异。我们证明,萨巴(Saba)是我们框架中著名的传奇算法的改编,具有$ o(\ frac1t)$收敛速度,并且在polyak-lojasciewicz的假设下实现了线性收敛。这是验证这些属性之一的双光线优化的第一种随机算法。数值实验验证了我们方法的实用性。
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该工作研究限制了随机函数是凸的,并表示为随机函数的组成。问题是在公平分类,公平回归和排队系统设计的背景下出现的。特别令人感兴趣的是甲骨文提供组成函数的随机梯度的大规模设置,目标是用最小对Oracle的调用来解决问题。由于组成形式,Oracle提供的随机梯度不会产生目标或约束梯度的无偏估计。取而代之的是,我们通过跟踪内部函数评估来构建近似梯度,从而导致准差鞍点算法。我们证明,所提出的算法几乎可以肯定地找到最佳和可行的解决方案。我们进一步确定所提出的算法需要$ \ MATHCAL {O}(1/\ EPSILON^4)$数据样本,以便获得$ \ epsilon $ -Approximate-approximate-apptroximate Pointal点,同时也确保零约束违反。该结果与无约束问题的随机成分梯度下降方法的样品复杂性相匹配,并改善了受约束设置的最著名样品复杂性结果。在公平分类和公平回归问题上测试了所提出的算法的功效。数值结果表明,根据收敛速率,所提出的算法优于最新算法。
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在因果推理和强盗文献中,基于观察数据的线性功能估算线性功能的问题是规范的。我们分析了首先估计治疗效果函数的广泛的两阶段程序,然后使用该数量来估计线性功能。我们证明了此类过程的均方误差上的非反应性上限:这些边界表明,为了获得非反应性最佳程序,应在特定加权$ l^2 $中最大程度地估算治疗效果的误差。 -规范。我们根据该加权规范的约束回归分析了两阶段的程序,并通过匹配非轴突局部局部最小值下限,在有限样品中建立了实例依赖性最优性。这些结果表明,除了取决于渐近效率方差之外,最佳的非质子风险除了取决于样本量支持的最富有函数类别的真实结果函数与其近似类别之间的加权规范距离。
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随机成分优化(SCO)引起了人们的关注,因为它在重要的现实问题上的广泛适用性。但是,SCO上的现有作品假设解决方案更新中的投影很简单,对于以期望形式的约束(例如经验性的条件价值危险约束),该预测无法保留。我们研究了一个新型模型,该模型将单层期望值和两级组成约束结合到当前的SCO框架中。我们的模型可以广泛应用于数据驱动的优化和风险管理,包括规避风险的优化和高音阶组合选择,并可以处理多个约束。我们进一步提出了一类Primal-Dual算法,该算法以$ \ co(\ frac {1} {\ sqrt {n}} $的速率生成序列,以$ \ co(\ frac {1}级别组成约束,其中$ n $是迭代计数器,在预期值约束的SCO中建立基准。
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We study stochastic monotone inclusion problems, which widely appear in machine learning applications, including robust regression and adversarial learning. We propose novel variants of stochastic Halpern iteration with recursive variance reduction. In the cocoercive -- and more generally Lipschitz-monotone -- setup, our algorithm attains $\epsilon$ norm of the operator with $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon^3})$ stochastic operator evaluations, which significantly improves over state of the art $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\epsilon^4})$ stochastic operator evaluations required for existing monotone inclusion solvers applied to the same problem classes. We further show how to couple one of the proposed variants of stochastic Halpern iteration with a scheduled restart scheme to solve stochastic monotone inclusion problems with ${\mathcal{O}}(\frac{\log(1/\epsilon)}{\epsilon^2})$ stochastic operator evaluations under additional sharpness or strong monotonicity assumptions.
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This paper introduces a novel algorithm, the Perturbed Proximal Preconditioned SPIDER algorithm (3P-SPIDER), designed to solve finite sum non-convex composite optimization. It is a stochastic Variable Metric Forward-Backward algorithm, which allows approximate preconditioned forward operator and uses a variable metric proximity operator as the backward operator; it also proposes a mini-batch strategy with variance reduction to address the finite sum setting. We show that 3P-SPIDER extends some Stochastic preconditioned Gradient Descent-based algorithms and some Incremental Expectation Maximization algorithms to composite optimization and to the case the forward operator can not be computed in closed form. We also provide an explicit control of convergence in expectation of 3P-SPIDER, and study its complexity in order to satisfy the epsilon-approximate stationary condition. Our results are the first to combine the composite non-convex optimization setting, a variance reduction technique to tackle the finite sum setting by using a minibatch strategy and, to allow deterministic or random approximations of the preconditioned forward operator. Finally, through an application to inference in a logistic regression model with random effects, we numerically compare 3P-SPIDER to other stochastic forward-backward algorithms and discuss the role of some design parameters of 3P-SPIDER.
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Nonconvex optimization is central in solving many machine learning problems, in which block-wise structure is commonly encountered. In this work, we propose cyclic block coordinate methods for nonconvex optimization problems with non-asymptotic gradient norm guarantees. Our convergence analysis is based on a gradient Lipschitz condition with respect to a Mahalanobis norm, inspired by a recent progress on cyclic block coordinate methods. In deterministic settings, our convergence guarantee matches the guarantee of (full-gradient) gradient descent, but with the gradient Lipschitz constant being defined w.r.t.~the Mahalanobis norm. In stochastic settings, we use recursive variance reduction to decrease the per-iteration cost and match the arithmetic operation complexity of current optimal stochastic full-gradient methods, with a unified analysis for both finite-sum and infinite-sum cases. We further prove the faster, linear convergence of our methods when a Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz (P{\L}) condition holds for the objective function. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to provide variance-reduced convergence guarantees for a cyclic block coordinate method. Our experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed variance-reduced cyclic scheme in training deep neural nets.
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