由于开放的社交平台允许大量未经验证的信息流动,因此谣言可以出乎意料地出现并迅速传播。但是,现有的谣言检测(RD)模型通常会采用相同的培训和测试分布,并且无法应对不断变化的社交网络环境。本文提出了一个持续的及时调整RD(CPT-RD)框架,该框架避免了在顺序任务学习过程中上游任务的灾难性遗忘(CF),并使域任务之间的双向知识转移。具体而言,我们提出以下策略:(a)我们的设计明确地将共享和特定于领域的知识分解,从而减少了优化过程中不同领域的干扰; (b)几种技术旨在转移上游任务的知识以应对紧急情况; (c)任务条件的及时性超网(TPHNET)用于合并过去的域。此外,CPT-RD避免了CF,而无需进行排练缓冲区。
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随着时间的流逝,不断扩大知识并利用其快速推广到新任务的能力是人类语言智能的关键特征。然而,现有对新任务进行快速概括的模型(例如,很少的学习方法)主要是在固定数据集中的单个镜头中训练,无法动态扩展其知识;虽然不断学习算法并非专门设计用于快速概括。我们提出了一种新的学习设置,对几杆学习者(CLIF)的持续学习,以应对统一设置的两个学习设置的挑战。 CLIF假设模型从依次到达的一系列不同的NLP任务中学习,从而积累了知识,以改善对新任务的概括,同时还保留了较早所学的任务的性能。我们研究了在持续学习设置中如何影响概括能力,评估许多持续学习算法,并提出一种新型的正则适配器生成方法。我们发现,灾难性的遗忘影响着概括能力的程度远低于所见任务的表现。虽然持续学习算法仍然可以为概括能力带来可观的好处。
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Machine learning models usually assume i.i.d data during training and testing, but data and tasks in real world often change over time. To emulate the transient nature of real world, we propose a challenging but practical task: text classification in-the-wild, which introduces different non-stationary training/testing stages. Decomposing a complex task into modular components can enable robust generalisation under such non-stationary environment. However, current modular approaches in NLP do not take advantage of recent advances in parameter efficient tuning of pretrained language models. To close this gap, we propose MODULARPROMPT, a label-modular prompt tuning framework for text classification tasks. In MODULARPROMPT, the input prompt consists of a sequence of soft label prompts, each encoding modular knowledge related to the corresponding class label. In two of most formidable settings, MODULARPROMPT outperforms relevant baselines by a large margin demonstrating strong generalisation ability. We also conduct comprehensive analysis to validate whether the learned prompts satisfy properties of a modular representation.
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The spread of rumors along with breaking events seriously hinders the truth in the era of social media. Previous studies reveal that due to the lack of annotated resources, rumors presented in minority languages are hard to be detected. Furthermore, the unforeseen breaking events not involved in yesterday's news exacerbate the scarcity of data resources. In this work, we propose a novel zero-shot framework based on prompt learning to detect rumors falling in different domains or presented in different languages. More specifically, we firstly represent rumor circulated on social media as diverse propagation threads, then design a hierarchical prompt encoding mechanism to learn language-agnostic contextual representations for both prompts and rumor data. To further enhance domain adaptation, we model the domain-invariant structural features from the propagation threads, to incorporate structural position representations of influential community response. In addition, a new virtual response augmentation method is used to improve model training. Extensive experiments conducted on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed model achieves much better performance than state-of-the-art methods and exhibits a superior capacity for detecting rumors at early stages.
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及时调整是将预训练模型调整到下游任务的极其有效的工具。但是,基于标准及时的方法主要考虑下游任务的足够数据的情况。目前尚不清楚是否可以将优势传输到几杆式制度,在每个下游任务中只有有限的数据。尽管有些作品证明了在几次弹奏设置下及时调整的潜力,但通过搜索离散提示或使用有限数据调整软提示的主流方法仍然非常具有挑战性。通过广泛的实证研究,我们发现迅速调整和完全微调之间的学习差距仍然存在差距。为了弥合差距,我们提出了一个新的及时调整框架,称为软模板调整(STT)。 STT结合了手册和自动提示,并将下游分类任务视为掩盖语言建模任务。对不同设置的全面评估表明,STT可以在不引入其他参数的情况下缩小微调和基于及时的方法之间的差距。值得注意的是,它甚至可以胜过情感分类任务的时间和资源消耗的微调方法。
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立场检测旨在确定文本的作者是否赞成,反对或中立。这项任务的主要挑战是两个方面的:由于不同目标以及缺乏目标的上下文信息而产生的几乎没有学习。现有作品主要通过设计基于注意力的模型或引入嘈杂的外部知识来解决第二期,而第一个问题仍未探索。在本文中,受到预训练的语言模型(PLM)的潜在能力(PLM)的启发,我们建议介绍基于立场检测的及时基于迅速的微调。 PLM可以为目标提供基本的上下文信息,并通过提示启用几次学习。考虑到目标在立场检测任务中的关键作用,我们设计了目标感知的提示并提出了一种新颖的语言。我们的语言器不会将每个标签映射到具体单词,而是将每个标签映射到矢量,并选择最能捕获姿势与目标之间相关性的标签。此外,为了减轻通过单人工提示来处理不同目标的可能缺陷,我们建议将信息从多个提示中学到的信息提炼。实验结果表明,我们提出的模型在全数据和少数场景中的表现出色。
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提示方法被认为是几次自然语言处理的关键进展之一。最近对基于离散令牌的``硬提示''转移到连续``软提示''的最新研究,这些提示将可学习的向量用作伪提示代币并实现更好的性能。尽管显示出有希望的前景,但观察到这些软宣传的方法在很大程度上依赖良好的初始化来生效。不幸的是,获得软提示的完美初始化需要了解内在语言模型的工作和精心设计,这绝非易事,必须从头开始重新启动每个新任务。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一种称为Metaprompting的广义软提示方法,该方法采用了良好认可的模型 - 静态元学习算法,以自动找到更好的及时初始化,从而快速适应新的促进任务。问题并在四个不同的数据集上带来了显着改善(1次设置的准确性提高了6分),从而实现了新的最新性能。
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Parameter-efficient methods (like Prompt or Adapters) for adapting pre-trained language models to downstream tasks have been popular recently. However, hindrances still prevent these methods from reaching their full potential. For example, two significant challenges are few-shot adaptation and cross-task generalization ability. To tackle these issues, we propose a general framework to enhance the few-shot adaptation and cross-domain generalization ability of parameter-efficient methods. In our framework, we prime the self-supervised model for parameter-efficient methods to rapidly adapt to various downstream few-shot tasks. To evaluate the authentic generalization ability of these parameter-efficient methods, we conduct experiments on a few-shot cross-domain benchmark containing 160 diverse NLP tasks. The experiment result reveals that priming by tuning PLM only with extra training tasks leads to the best performance. Also, we perform a comprehensive analysis of various parameter-efficient methods under few-shot cross-domain scenarios.
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This work introduces a new multi-task, parameter-efficient language model (LM) tuning method that learns to transfer knowledge across different tasks via a mixture of soft prompts-small prefix embedding vectors pre-trained for different tasks. Our method, called ATTEMPT (ATTEntional Mixtures of Prompt Tuning), obtains source prompts as encodings of large-scale source tasks into a small number of parameters and trains an attention module to interpolate the source prompts and a newly initialized target prompt for every instance in the target task. During training, only the target task prompt and the attention weights, which are shared between tasks in multi-task training, are updated, while the original LM and source prompts are intact. ATTEMPT is highly parameter-efficient (e.g., updates 2,300 times fewer parameters than full fine-tuning) while achieving high task performance using knowledge from high-resource tasks. Moreover, it is modular using pre-trained soft prompts, and can flexibly add or remove source prompts for effective knowledge transfer. Our experimental results across 21 diverse NLP datasets show that ATTEMPT significantly outperforms prompt tuning and outperforms or matches fully fine-tuned or other parameter-efficient tuning approaches that use over ten times more parameters. Finally, ATTEMPT outperforms previous work in few-shot learning settings.
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及时调整是以参数有效的方式对预训练的预训练语言模型的新范式。在这里,我们探讨了超级核武器的使用来产生超预价:我们提出了HyperPrompt,这是一种用于迅速基于变形金刚自我注意的任务调节的新型体系结构。超预要是通过超网络通过一代人来学习的端到端。 HyperPrompt允许网络学习特定于任务的功能地图,其中超预告是要参与的查询的任务全局记忆,同时启用了任务之间的灵活信息共享。我们表明,HyperPrompt与强大的多任务学习基线具有竞争力,其额外的任务条件参数的$ 0.14 \%$ $ \%,实现了出色的参数和计算效率。通过广泛的经验实验,我们证明,超级启示可以比强大的T5多任务学习基准和参数效率高效的适配器变体获得卓越的性能,包括及时调整和SuplyFormer ++在许多模型尺寸的自然语言理解胶水和SuperGrue的基准上。
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Pre-trained large language models can efficiently interpolate human-written prompts in a natural way. Multitask prompted learning can help generalization through a diverse set of tasks at once, thus enhancing the potential for more effective downstream fine-tuning. To perform efficient multitask-inference in the same batch, parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods such as prompt tuning have been proposed. However, the existing prompt tuning methods may lack generalization. We propose SPT, a semi-parametric prompt tuning method for multitask prompted learning. The novel component of SPT is a memory bank from where memory prompts are retrieved based on discrete prompts. Extensive experiments, such as (i) fine-tuning a full language model with SPT on 31 different tasks from 8 different domains and evaluating zero-shot generalization on 9 heldout datasets under 5 NLP task categories and (ii) pretraining SPT on the GLUE datasets and evaluating fine-tuning on the SuperGLUE datasets, demonstrate effectiveness of SPT.
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Recent advances in NLP are brought by a range of large-scale pretrained language models (PLMs). These PLMs have brought significant performance gains for a range of NLP tasks, circumventing the need to customize complex designs for specific tasks. However, most current work focus on finetuning PLMs on a domain-specific datasets, ignoring the fact that the domain gap can lead to overfitting and even performance drop. Therefore, it is practically important to find an appropriate method to effectively adapt PLMs to a target domain of interest. Recently, a range of methods have been proposed to achieve this purpose. Early surveys on domain adaptation are not suitable for PLMs due to the sophisticated behavior exhibited by PLMs from traditional models trained from scratch and that domain adaptation of PLMs need to be redesigned to take effect. This paper aims to provide a survey on these newly proposed methods and shed light in how to apply traditional machine learning methods to newly evolved and future technologies. By examining the issues of deploying PLMs for downstream tasks, we propose a taxonomy of domain adaptation approaches from a machine learning system view, covering methods for input augmentation, model optimization and personalization. We discuss and compare those methods and suggest promising future research directions.
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视觉模型最近在许多计算机视觉任务上显示出巨大的潜力。同时,与线性探针相比,先前的工作表明,与线性探针相比,这是较少的图像识别的迅速调整,可以在很少的图像识别上获得卓越的性能。在实际应用程序中,相关的几个射击任务是相关的,尤其是在专业领域。但是,以前的工作忽略了此类信息。受到以下事实的启发,即通过多任务学习通常可以提高性能,我们提出了一种新颖的方法softcpt(迅速调整的软上下文共享),以微调多个目标几个目标任务的预训练的视觉模型, 同时。具体来说,我们设计了一个任务共享的元网络,以使用预定义的任务名称以及可学习的元提示为输入为每个任务生成提示向量。因此,所有任务的迅速向量将以软的方式共享。该共享的元网络的参数以及元提示向量都在所有目标任务的联合培训集中调整。在三个多任务少量数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,SoftCpt的表现优于代表性的单任务提示方法Coop [78],这意味着多任务学习在视觉及时及时调整中的有效性。源代码和数据将公开可用。
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