在本文中,我们介绍了D3RLPY,一个用于Python的开放式离线深度加强学习(RL)库。D3RLPY通过用户友好的API支持多个离线深度RL算法以及在线算法。为协助深入的RL研发项目,D3RLPY提供实际和独特的功能,如数据收集,导出部署,预处理和后处理,分配Q函数,多步学习和方便的命令行界面。此外,D3RLP还提供了一种新颖的图形界面,使用户能够在没有编码程序的情况下训练离线RL算法。最后,实现的算法与D4RL数据集进行了基准测试,以确保实现质量。可以在github上找到d3rlpy源代码:\ url {https://github.com/takuseno/d3rlpy}。
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Off-policy reinforcement learning (RL) using a fixed offline dataset of logged interactions is an important consideration in real world applications. This paper studies offline RL using the DQN Replay Dataset comprising the entire replay experience of a DQN agent on 60 Atari 2600 games. We demonstrate that recent off-policy deep RL algorithms, even when trained solely on this fixed dataset, outperform the fully-trained DQN agent. To enhance generalization in the offline setting, we present Random Ensemble Mixture (REM), a robust Q-learning algorithm that enforces optimal Bellman consistency on random convex combinations of multiple Q-value estimates. Offline REM trained on the DQN Replay Dataset surpasses strong RL baselines. Ablation studies highlight the role of offline dataset size and diversity as well as the algorithm choice in our positive results. Overall, the results here present an optimistic view that robust RL algorithms used on sufficiently large and diverse offline datasets can lead to high quality policies. To provide a testbed for offline RL and reproduce our results, the DQN Replay Dataset is released at offline-rl.github.io.
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Stable-Baselines3 provides open-source implementations of deep reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms in Python. The implementations have been benchmarked against reference codebases, and automated unit tests cover 95% of the code. The algorithms follow a consistent interface and are accompanied by extensive documentation, making it simple to train and compare different RL algorithms. Our documentation, examples, and source-code are available at https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3.
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离线强化学习用于在实时访问环境昂贵或不可能的情况下培训策略。作为这些恶劣条件的自然后果,在采取行动之前,代理商可能缺乏完全遵守在线环境的资源。我们配备了这种情况资源受限的设置。这导致脱机数据集(可用于培训)的情况可以包含完全处理的功能(使用功能强大的语言模型,图像模型,复杂传感器等)在实际在线时不可用。此断开连接导致离线RL中的有趣和未开发的问题:是否可以使用丰富地处理的脱机数据集来培训可访问在线环境中的更少功能的策略?在这项工作中,我们介绍并正式化这一新颖的资源受限的问题设置。我们突出了使用有限功能培训的完整脱机数据集和策略培训的策略之间的性能差距。我们通过策略传输算法解决了这种性能缺口,该策略传输算法首先使用功能完全可用的脱机数据集列举教师代理,然后将此知识传输到仅使用资源约束功能的学生代理。为了更好地捕获此设置的挑战,我们提出了一个数据收集过程:RL(RC-D4RL)的资源受限数据集。我们在RC-D4RL和流行的D4RL基准测试中评估传输算法,并观察到基线上的一致性改进(无需传输)。实验的代码在https://github.com/jayanthrr /rc-offlinerl上获得。
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We present state advantage weighting for offline reinforcement learning (RL). In contrast to action advantage $A(s,a)$ that we commonly adopt in QSA learning, we leverage state advantage $A(s,s^\prime)$ and QSS learning for offline RL, hence decoupling the action from values. We expect the agent can get to the high-reward state and the action is determined by how the agent can get to that corresponding state. Experiments on D4RL datasets show that our proposed method can achieve remarkable performance against the common baselines. Furthermore, our method shows good generalization capability when transferring from offline to online.
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Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great promise with algorithms learning in environments with large state and action spaces purely from scalar reward signals. A crucial challenge for current deep RL algorithms is that they require a tremendous amount of environment interactions for learning. This can be infeasible in situations where such interactions are expensive; such as in robotics. Offline RL algorithms try to address this issue by bootstrapping the learning process from existing logged data without needing to interact with the environment from the very beginning. While online RL algorithms are typically evaluated as a function of the number of environment interactions, there exists no single established protocol for evaluating offline RL methods.In this paper, we propose a sequential approach to evaluate offline RL algorithms as a function of the training set size and thus by their data efficiency. Sequential evaluation provides valuable insights into the data efficiency of the learning process and the robustness of algorithms to distribution changes in the dataset while also harmonizing the visualization of the offline and online learning phases. Our approach is generally applicable and easy to implement. We compare several existing offline RL algorithms using this approach and present insights from a variety of tasks and offline datasets.
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当相互作用数据稀缺时,深厚的增强学习(RL)算法遭受了严重的性能下降,这限制了其现实世界的应用。最近,视觉表示学习已被证明是有效的,并且有望提高RL样品效率。这些方法通常依靠对比度学习和数据扩展来训练状态预测的过渡模型,这与在RL中使用模型的方式不同 - 基于价值的计划。因此,学到的模型可能无法与环境保持良好状态并产生一致的价值预测,尤其是当国家过渡不是确定性的情况下。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种称为价值一致表示学习(VCR)的新颖方法,以学习与决策直接相关的表示形式。更具体地说,VCR训练一个模型,以预测基于当前的状态(也称为“想象的状态”)和一系列动作。 VCR没有将这个想象中的状态与环境返回的真实状态保持一致,而是在两个状态上应用$ q $ - 价值头,并获得了两个行动值分布。然后将距离计算并最小化以迫使想象的状态产生与真实状态相似的动作值预测。我们为离散和连续的动作空间开发了上述想法的两个实现。我们对Atari 100K和DeepMind Control Suite基准测试进行实验,以验证其提高样品效率的有效性。已经证明,我们的方法实现了无搜索RL算法的新最新性能。
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Offline reinforcement learning (RL) have received rising interest due to its appealing data efficiency. The present study addresses behavior estimation, a task that lays the foundation of many offline RL algorithms. Behavior estimation aims at estimating the policy with which training data are generated. In particular, this work considers a scenario where the data are collected from multiple sources. In this case, neglecting data heterogeneity, existing approaches for behavior estimation suffers from behavior misspecification. To overcome this drawback, the present study proposes a latent variable model to infer a set of policies from data, which allows an agent to use as behavior policy the policy that best describes a particular trajectory. This model provides with a agent fine-grained characterization for multi-source data and helps it overcome behavior misspecification. This work also proposes a learning algorithm for this model and illustrates its practical usage via extending an existing offline RL algorithm. Lastly, with extensive evaluation this work confirms the existence of behavior misspecification and the efficacy of the proposed model.
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We present CURL: Contrastive Unsupervised Representations for Reinforcement Learning. CURL extracts high-level features from raw pixels using contrastive learning and performs offpolicy control on top of the extracted features. CURL outperforms prior pixel-based methods, both model-based and model-free, on complex tasks in the DeepMind Control Suite and Atari Games showing 1.9x and 1.2x performance gains at the 100K environment and interaction steps benchmarks respectively. On the DeepMind Control Suite, CURL is the first image-based algorithm to nearly match the sample-efficiency of methods that use state-based features. Our code is open-sourced and available at https://www. github.com/MishaLaskin/curl.
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离线增强学习(RL)定义了从静态记录数据集学习的任务,而无需与环境不断交互。学识渊博的政策与行为政策之间的分配变化使得价值函数必须保持保守,以使分布(OOD)的动作不会被严重高估。但是,现有的方法,对看不见的行为进行惩罚或与行为政策进行正规化,太悲观了,这抑制了价值功能的概括并阻碍了性能的提高。本文探讨了温和但足够的保守主义,可以在线学习,同时不损害概括。我们提出了轻度保守的Q学习(MCQ),其中通过分配了适当的伪Q值来积极训练OOD。从理论上讲,我们表明MCQ诱导了至少与行为策略的行为,并且对OOD行动不会发生错误的高估。 D4RL基准测试的实验结果表明,与先前的工作相比,MCQ取得了出色的性能。此外,MCQ在从离线转移到在线时显示出卓越的概括能力,并明显胜过基准。
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In recent years distributional reinforcement learning has produced many state of the art results. Increasingly sample efficient Distributional algorithms for the discrete action domain have been developed over time that vary primarily in the way they parameterize their approximations of value distributions, and how they quantify the differences between those distributions. In this work we transfer three of the most well-known and successful of those algorithms (QR-DQN, IQN and FQF) to the continuous action domain by extending two powerful actor-critic algorithms (TD3 and SAC) with distributional critics. We investigate whether the relative performance of the methods for the discrete action space translates to the continuous case. To that end we compare them empirically on the pybullet implementations of a set of continuous control tasks. Our results indicate qualitative invariance regarding the number and placement of distributional atoms in the deterministic, continuous action setting.
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The deep reinforcement learning community has made several independent improvements to the DQN algorithm. However, it is unclear which of these extensions are complementary and can be fruitfully combined. This paper examines six extensions to the DQN algorithm and empirically studies their combination. Our experiments show that the combination provides state-of-the-art performance on the Atari 2600 benchmark, both in terms of data efficiency and final performance. We also provide results from a detailed ablation study that shows the contribution of each component to overall performance.
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最近的工作表明,离线增强学习(RL)可以作为序列建模问题(Chen等,2021; Janner等,2021)配制,并通过类似于大规模语言建模的方法解决。但是,RL的任何实际实例化也涉及一个在线组件,在线组件中,通过与环境的任务规定相互作用对被动离线数据集进行了预测的策略。我们建议在线决策变压器(ODT),这是一种基于序列建模的RL算法,该算法将离线预处理与统一框架中的在线填充融为一体。我们的框架将序列级熵正规仪与自回归建模目标结合使用,用于样品效率探索和填充。从经验上讲,我们表明ODT在D4RL基准上的绝对性能中与最先进的表现具有竞争力,但在填充过程中显示出更大的收益。
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在离线强化学习(离线RL)中,主要挑战之一是处理学习策略与给定数据集之间的分布转变。为了解决这个问题,最近的离线RL方法试图引入保守主义偏见,以鼓励在高信心地区学习。无模型方法使用保守的正常化或特殊网络结构直接对策略或价值函数学习进行这样的偏见,但它们约束的策略搜索限制了脱机数据集之外的泛化。基于模型的方法使用保守量量化学习前瞻性动态模型,然后生成虚构的轨迹以扩展脱机数据集。然而,由于离线数据集中的有限样本,保守率量化通常在支撑区域内遭受全面化。不可靠的保守措施将误导基于模型的想象力,以不受欢迎的地区,导致过多的行为。为了鼓励更多的保守主义,我们提出了一种基于模型的离线RL框架,称为反向离线模型的想象(ROMI)。我们与新颖的反向策略结合使用逆向动力学模型,该模型可以生成导致脱机数据集中的目标目标状态的卷展栏。这些反向的想象力提供了无通知的数据增强,以便无模型策略学习,并使远程数据集的保守概括。 ROMI可以有效地与现成的无模型算法组合,以实现基于模型的概括,具有适当的保守主义。经验结果表明,我们的方法可以在离线RL基准任务中产生更保守的行为并实现最先进的性能。
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横跨街机学习环境,彩虹实现了对人类和现代RL算法的竞争程度。然而,获得这种性能水平需要大量的数据和硬件资源,在该区域进行研究计算地昂贵并且在实际应用中使用通常是不可行的。本文的贡献是三倍:我们(1)提出了一种改进的彩虹版本,寻求大大减少彩虹的数据,培训时间和计算要求,同时保持其竞争性能; (2)我们通过实验通过对街机学习环境的实验来证明我们的方法的有效性,以及(3)我们进行了许多消融研究,以研究个体提出的修改的效果。我们改进的Rainbow版本达到了靠近经典彩虹的中位数的人为规范化分数,而使用20倍的数据,只需要7.5小时的单个GPU培训时间。我们还提供了我们的全部实施,包括预先训练的型号。
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