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学习 - 排名问题旨在排名,以最大限度地曝光与用户查询相关的那些。这种排名系统的理想特性是保证指定项目组之间的一些公平概念。虽然最近在学习排名系统的背景下审议了公平性,但目前的方法无法提供拟议的排名政策的公平性的担保。本文解决了这一差距,并介绍了智能预测,并优化了公平排名(SPOFR),综合优化和学习框架,以便进行公平受限学习。端到端的SPOFR框架包括受约束的优化子模型,并产生保证的排名策略,以满足公平限制,同时允许对公平实用权概况进行精细控制。SPOFR显示出在既定的性能指标方面显着提高当前最先进的公平学习系统。
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知识蒸馏是将知识从强大的教师转移到有效的学生模型的有效方法。理想情况下,我们希望老师越好,学生越好。但是,这种期望并不总是成真。通常,由于教师和学生之间的不可忽略的差距,更好的教师模型通过蒸馏导致不良学生。为了弥合差距,我们提出了一种渐进式蒸馏方法,以进行致密检索。产品由教师渐进式蒸馏和数据进行渐进的蒸馏组成,以逐步改善学生。我们对五个广泛使用的基准,MARCO通道,TREC Passage 19,TREC文档19,MARCO文档和自然问题进行了广泛的实验,其中POD在蒸馏方法中实现了密集检索的最新方法。代码和模型将发布。
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With the growth of high-dimensional sparse data in web-scale recommender systems, the computational cost to learn high-order feature interaction in CTR prediction task largely increases, which limits the use of high-order interaction models in real industrial applications. Some recent knowledge distillation based methods transfer knowledge from complex teacher models to shallow student models for accelerating the online model inference. However, they suffer from the degradation of model accuracy in knowledge distillation process. It is challenging to balance the efficiency and effectiveness of the shallow student models. To address this problem, we propose a Directed Acyclic Graph Factorization Machine (KD-DAGFM) to learn the high-order feature interactions from existing complex interaction models for CTR prediction via Knowledge Distillation. The proposed lightweight student model DAGFM can learn arbitrary explicit feature interactions from teacher networks, which achieves approximately lossless performance and is proved by a dynamic programming algorithm. Besides, an improved general model KD-DAGFM+ is shown to be effective in distilling both explicit and implicit feature interactions from any complex teacher model. Extensive experiments are conducted on four real-world datasets, including a large-scale industrial dataset from WeChat platform with billions of feature dimensions. KD-DAGFM achieves the best performance with less than 21.5% FLOPs of the state-of-the-art method on both online and offline experiments, showing the superiority of DAGFM to deal with the industrial scale data in CTR prediction task. Our implementation code is available at: https://github.com/RUCAIBox/DAGFM.
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Knowledge distillation is often used to transfer knowledge from a strong teacher model to a relatively weak student model. Traditional knowledge distillation methods include response-based methods and feature-based methods. Response-based methods are used the most widely but suffer from lower upper limit of model performance, while feature-based methods have constraints on the vocabularies and tokenizers. In this paper, we propose a tokenizer-free method liberal feature-based distillation (LEAD). LEAD aligns the distribution between teacher model and student model, which is effective, extendable, portable and has no requirements on vocabularies, tokenizer, or model architecture. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of LEAD on several widely-used benchmarks, including MS MARCO Passage, TREC Passage 19, TREC Passage 20, MS MARCO Document, TREC Document 19 and TREC Document 20.
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尽管配备的远景和语言预处理(VLP)在过去两年中取得了显着的进展,但它遭受了重大缺点:VLP型号不断增加的尺寸限制了其部署到现实世界的搜索场景(高潜伏期是不可接受的)。为了减轻此问题,我们提出了一种新颖的插件动态对比度蒸馏(DCD)框架,以压缩ITR任务的大型VLP模型。从技术上讲,我们面临以下两个挑战:1)由于GPU内存有限,在处理交叉模式融合功能期间优化了太多的负样本,因此很难直接应用于跨模式任务,因此很难直接应用于跨模式任务。 。 2)从不同的硬样品中静态优化学生网络的效率效率低下,这些样本对蒸馏学习和学生网络优化具有不同的影响。我们试图从两点克服这些挑战。首先,为了实现多模式对比度学习并平衡培训成本和效果,我们建议使用教师网络估算学生的困难样本,使学生吸收了预培训的老师的强大知识,并掌握知识来自硬样品。其次,要从硬样品对学习动态,我们提出动态蒸馏以动态学习不同困难的样本,从更好地平衡知识和学生的自学能力的困难的角度。我们成功地将我们提出的DCD策略应用于两个最先进的视觉语言预处理模型,即vilt和仪表。关于MS-Coco和FlickR30K基准测试的广泛实验显示了我们DCD框架的有效性和效率。令人鼓舞的是,与现有的ITR型号相比,我们可以至少加快推断至少129美元的$ \ times $。
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推荐系统通常会从各种用户行为中学习用户兴趣,包括点击和点击后行为(例如,喜欢和喜欢)。但是,这些行为不可避免地表现出受欢迎程度的偏见,从而导致一些不公平的问题:1)对于具有相似质量,更受欢迎的物品的物品会获得更多的曝光; 2)更糟糕的是,受欢迎程度较低的流行物品可能会获得更多的曝光率。现有关于缓解流行偏见的工作会盲目消除偏见,通常忽略项目质量的影响。我们认为,不同用户行为(例如,转换率)之间的关系实际上反映了项目质量。因此,为了处理不公平的问题,我们建议通过考虑多种用户行为来减轻流行性偏见。在这项工作中,我们研究了多行为推荐中相互作用生成过程背后的因果关系。具体来说,我们发现:1)项目受欢迎程度是暴露的项目和用户的点击交互之间的混杂因素,导致第一个不公平; 2)一些隐藏的混杂因素(例如,项目生产者的声誉)影响了项目的流行和质量,导致第二次不公平。为了减轻这些混杂问题,我们提出了一个因果框架来估计因果效应,该因果效应利用后门调整以阻止混杂因素引起的后门路径。在推论阶段,我们消除了受欢迎程度的负面影响,并利用质量的良好效果进行推荐。在两个现实世界数据集上的实验验证了我们提出的框架的有效性,这在不牺牲建议准确性的情况下增强了公平性。
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历史互动是推荐模型培训的默认选择,通常表现出高稀疏性,即大多数用户项目对都是未观察到的缺失数据。标准选择是将缺失的数据视为负训练样本,并估计用户项目对之间的相互作用以及观察到的相互作用。通过这种方式,在训练过程中不可避免地会误标记一些潜在的互动,这将损害模型的保真度,阻碍模型回忆起错误标签的项目,尤其是长尾尾。在这项工作中,我们从新的不确定性的新角度研究了标签的问题,该问题描述了缺失数据的固有随机性。随机性促使我们超越了相互作用的可能性,并接受了不确定性建模。为此,我们提出了一个新的不确定性不确定性建议(AUR)框架,该框架由新的不确定性估计器以及正常的推荐模型组成。根据核心不确定性理论,我们得出了一个新的建议目标来学习估计量。由于错误标签的机会反映了一对的潜力,因此AUR根据不确定性提出了建议,该建议被证明是为了改善较不受欢迎的项目的建议性能而不会牺牲整体性能。我们在三个代表性推荐模型上实例化AUR:来自主流模型体系结构的矩阵分解(MF),LightGCN和VAE。两个现实世界数据集的广泛结果验证了AUR W.R.T.的有效性。更好的建议结果,尤其是在长尾项目上。
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One of the most efficient methods for model compression is hint distillation, where the student model is injected with information (hints) from several different layers of the teacher model. Although the selection of hint points can drastically alter the compression performance, conventional distillation approaches overlook this fact and use the same hint points as in the early studies. Therefore, we propose a clustering based hint selection methodology, where the layers of teacher model are clustered with respect to several metrics and the cluster centers are used as the hint points. Our method is applicable for any student network, once it is applied on a chosen teacher network. The proposed approach is validated in CIFAR-100 and ImageNet datasets, using various teacher-student pairs and numerous hint distillation methods. Our results show that hint points selected by our algorithm results in superior compression performance compared to state-of-the-art knowledge distillation algorithms on the same student models and datasets.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown satisfying performance on various graph learning tasks. To achieve better fitting capability, most GNNs are with a large number of parameters, which makes these GNNs computationally expensive. Therefore, it is difficult to deploy them onto edge devices with scarce computational resources, e.g., mobile phones and wearable smart devices. Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a common solution to compress GNNs, where a light-weighted model (i.e., the student model) is encouraged to mimic the behavior of a computationally expensive GNN (i.e., the teacher GNN model). Nevertheless, most existing GNN-based KD methods lack fairness consideration. As a consequence, the student model usually inherits and even exaggerates the bias from the teacher GNN. To handle such a problem, we take initial steps towards fair knowledge distillation for GNNs. Specifically, we first formulate a novel problem of fair knowledge distillation for GNN-based teacher-student frameworks. Then we propose a principled framework named RELIANT to mitigate the bias exhibited by the student model. Notably, the design of RELIANT is decoupled from any specific teacher and student model structures, and thus can be easily adapted to various GNN-based KD frameworks. We perform extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets, which corroborates that RELIANT achieves less biased GNN knowledge distillation while maintaining high prediction utility.
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In recent years, several metrics have been developed for evaluating group fairness of rankings. Given that these metrics were developed with different application contexts and ranking algorithms in mind, it is not straightforward which metric to choose for a given scenario. In this paper, we perform a comprehensive comparative analysis of existing group fairness metrics developed in the context of fair ranking. By virtue of their diverse application contexts, we argue that such a comparative analysis is not straightforward. Hence, we take an axiomatic approach whereby we design a set of thirteen properties for group fairness metrics that consider different ranking settings. A metric can then be selected depending on whether it satisfies all or a subset of these properties. We apply these properties on eleven existing group fairness metrics, and through both empirical and theoretical results we demonstrate that most of these metrics only satisfy a small subset of the proposed properties. These findings highlight limitations of existing metrics, and provide insights into how to evaluate and interpret different fairness metrics in practical deployment. The proposed properties can also assist practitioners in selecting appropriate metrics for evaluating fairness in a specific application.
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Large transformer models can highly improve Answer Sentence Selection (AS2) tasks, but their high computational costs prevent their use in many real-world applications. In this paper, we explore the following research question: How can we make the AS2 models more accurate without significantly increasing their model complexity? To address the question, we propose a Multiple Heads Student architecture (named CERBERUS), an efficient neural network designed to distill an ensemble of large transformers into a single smaller model. CERBERUS consists of two components: a stack of transformer layers that is used to encode inputs, and a set of ranking heads; unlike traditional distillation technique, each of them is trained by distilling a different large transformer architecture in a way that preserves the diversity of the ensemble members. The resulting model captures the knowledge of heterogeneous transformer models by using just a few extra parameters. We show the effectiveness of CERBERUS on three English datasets for AS2; our proposed approach outperforms all single-model distillations we consider, rivaling the state-of-the-art large AS2 models that have 2.7x more parameters and run 2.5x slower. Code for our model is available at https://github.com/amazon-research/wqa-cerberus
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基于蒸馏的压缩网络的性能受蒸馏质量的管辖。大型网络(教师)到较小网络(学生)的次优蒸馏的原因主要归因于给定教师与学生对的学习能力中的差距。虽然很难蒸馏所有教师的知识,但可以在很大程度上控制蒸馏质量以实现更好的性能。我们的实验表明,蒸馏品质主要受教师响应的质量来限制,这反过来又受到其反应中存在相似信息的影响。训练有素的大容量老师在学习细粒度辨别性质的过程中丢失了类别之间的相似性信息。没有相似性信息导致蒸馏过程从一个例子 - 许多阶级学习减少到一个示例 - 一类学习,从而限制了教师的不同知识的流程。由于隐式假设只能蒸馏出灌输所知,而不是仅关注知识蒸馏过程,我们仔细审查了知识序列过程。我们认为,对于给定的教师 - 学生对,通过在训练老师的同时找到批量大小和时代数量之间的甜蜜点,可以提高蒸馏品。我们讨论了找到这种甜蜜点以便更好地蒸馏的步骤。我们还提出了蒸馏假设,以区分知识蒸馏和正则化效果之间的蒸馏过程的行为。我们在三个不同的数据集中进行我们的所有实验。
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