With climate change predicted to increase the likelihood of landslide events, there is a growing need for rapid landslide detection technologies that help inform emergency responses. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a remote sensing technique that can provide measurements of affected areas independent of weather or lighting conditions. Usage of SAR, however, is hindered by domain knowledge that is necessary for the pre-processing steps and its interpretation requires expert knowledge. We provide simplified, pre-processed, machine-learning ready SAR datacubes for four globally located landslide events obtained from several Sentinel-1 satellite passes before and after a landslide triggering event together with segmentation maps of the landslides. From this dataset, using the Hokkaido, Japan datacube, we study the feasibility of SAR-based landslide detection with supervised deep learning (DL). Our results demonstrate that DL models can be used to detect landslides from SAR data, achieving an Area under the Precision-Recall curve exceeding 0.7. We find that additional satellite visits enhance detection performance, but that early detection is possible when SAR data is combined with terrain information from a digital elevation model. This can be especially useful for time-critical emergency interventions. Code is made publicly available at https://github.com/iprapas/landslide-sar-unet.
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这项研究介绍了\ textit {landslide4sense},这是一种从遥感中检测到滑坡检测的参考基准。该存储库具有3,799个图像贴片,可从Sentinel-2传感器中融合光学层,并带有数字高程模型和来自ALOS Palsar的斜率层。附加的地形信息促进了对滑坡边界的准确检测,而最近的研究表明,仅使用光学数据,这是具有挑战性的。广泛的数据集支持在滑坡检测中进行深度学习(DL)研究,以及用于系统更新滑坡库存的方法的开发和验证。基准数据集已在四个不同的时间和地理位置收集:伊伯里(2018年9月),科达古(2018年8月),戈尔卡(2015年4月)和台湾(2009年8月)。每个图像像素均标记为属于滑坡,包括各种来源和彻底的手动注释。然后,我们评估11个最先进的DL分割模型的滑坡检测性能:U-NET,RESU-NET,PSPNET,CONTECTNET,DEEPLAB-V2,DEEPLAB-V3+,FCN-8,LINKNET,FRRRN-A,FRRN-A,, FRRN-B和SQNET。所有型号均已从划痕上对每个研究区域的四分之一的补丁进行培训,并在其他三个季度的独立贴片上进行了测试。我们的实验表明,Resu-NET的表现优于其他模型,用于滑坡检测任务。我们在\ url {www.landslide4sense.org}公开获得多种源滑坡基准数据(Landslide4sense)和经过测试的DL模型,为遥感,计算机视觉和机器学习社区建立了重要的资源通常,尤其是对滑坡检测的应用。
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卫星遥感提供了一种具有成本效益的概要洪水监测的解决方案,卫星衍生的洪水图为传统上使用的数值洪水淹没模型提供了一种计算有效的替代方法。尽管卫星碰巧涵盖正在进行的洪水事件时确实提供了及时的淹没信息,但它们受其时空分辨率的限制,因为它们在各种规模上动态监测洪水演变的能力。不断改善对新卫星数据源的访问以及大数据处理功能,就此问题的数据驱动解决方案而言,已经解锁了前所未有的可能性。具体而言,来自卫星的数据融合,例如哥白尼前哨,它们具有很高的空间和低时间分辨率,以及来自NASA SMAP和GPM任务的数据,它们的空间较低,但时间较高的时间分辨率可能会导致高分辨率的洪水淹没在A处的高分辨率洪水。每日规模。在这里,使用Sentinel-1合成孔径雷达和各种水文,地形和基于土地利用的预测因子衍生出的洪水淹没图对卷积神经网络进行了训练,以预测高分辨率的洪水泛滥概率图。使用Sentinel-1和Sentinel-2衍生的洪水面罩,评估了UNET和SEGNET模型架构的性能,分别具有95%的信心间隔。精确召回曲线(PR-AUC)曲线下的区域(AUC)被用作主要评估指标,这是由于二进制洪水映射问题中类固有的不平衡性质,最佳模型提供了PR-AUC 0.85。
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Fusing satellite imagery acquired with different sensors has been a long-standing challenge of Earth observation, particularly across different modalities such as optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Here, we explore the joint analysis of imagery from different sensors in the light of representation learning: we propose to learn a joint embedding of multiple satellite sensors within a deep neural network. Our application problem is the monitoring of lake ice on Alpine lakes. To reach the temporal resolution requirement of the Swiss Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) office, we combine three image sources: Sentinel-1 SAR (S1-SAR), Terra MODIS, and Suomi-NPP VIIRS. The large gaps between the optical and SAR domains and between the sensor resolutions make this a challenging instance of the sensor fusion problem. Our approach can be classified as a late fusion that is learned in a data-driven manner. The proposed network architecture has separate encoding branches for each image sensor, which feed into a single latent embedding. I.e., a common feature representation shared by all inputs, such that subsequent processing steps deliver comparable output irrespective of which sort of input image was used. By fusing satellite data, we map lake ice at a temporal resolution of < 1.5 days. The network produces spatially explicit lake ice maps with pixel-wise accuracies > 91% (respectively, mIoU scores > 60%) and generalises well across different lakes and winters. Moreover, it sets a new state-of-the-art for determining the important ice-on and ice-off dates for the target lakes, in many cases meeting the GCOS requirement.
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Human civilization has an increasingly powerful influence on the earth system. Affected by climate change and land-use change, natural disasters such as flooding have been increasing in recent years. Earth observations are an invaluable source for assessing and mitigating negative impacts. Detecting changes from Earth observation data is one way to monitor the possible impact. Effective and reliable Change Detection (CD) methods can help in identifying the risk of disaster events at an early stage. In this work, we propose a novel unsupervised CD method on time series Synthetic Aperture Radar~(SAR) data. Our proposed method is a probabilistic model trained with unsupervised learning techniques, reconstruction, and contrastive learning. The change map is generated with the help of the distribution difference between pre-incident and post-incident data. Our proposed CD model is evaluated on flood detection data. We verified the efficacy of our model on 8 different flood sites, including three recent flood events from Copernicus Emergency Management Services and six from the Sen1Floods11 dataset. Our proposed model achieved an average of 64.53\% Intersection Over Union(IoU) value and 75.43\% F1 score. Our achieved IoU score is approximately 6-27\% and F1 score is approximately 7-22\% better than the compared unsupervised and supervised existing CD methods. The results and extensive discussion presented in the study show the effectiveness of the proposed unsupervised CD method.
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提出了一个深度学习模型,以便在未来60分钟的五分钟时间分辨率下以闪电的形式出现。该模型基于反复横向的结构,该结构使其能够识别并预测对流的时空发展,包括雷暴细胞的运动,生长和衰变。预测是在固定网格上执行的,而无需使用风暴对象检测和跟踪。从瑞士和周围的区域收集的输入数据包括地面雷达数据,可见/红外卫星数据以及衍生的云产品,闪电检测,数值天气预测和数字高程模型数据。我们分析了不同的替代损失功能,班级加权策略和模型特征,为将来的研究提供了指南,以最佳地选择损失功能,并正确校准其模型的概率预测。基于这些分析,我们在这项研究中使用焦点损失,但得出结论,它仅在交叉熵方面提供了较小的好处,如果模型的重新校准不实用,这是一个可行的选择。该模型在60分钟的现有周期内实现了0.45的像素临界成功指数(CSI)为0.45,以预测8 km的闪电发生,范围从5分钟的CSI到5分钟的提前时间到CSI到CSI的0.32在A处。收货时间60分钟。
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全世界不可持续的捕鱼实践对海洋资源和生态系统构成了重大威胁。识别逃避监测系统的船只(称为“深色船只”)是管理和保护海洋环境健康的关键。随着基于卫星的合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像和现代机器学习(ML)的兴起,现在可以在全天候条件下白天或黑夜自动检测到黑暗的容器。但是,SAR图像需要特定于域的治疗,并且ML社区无法广泛使用。此外,对象(船只)是小而稀疏的,具有挑战性的传统计算机视觉方法。我们提出了用于训练ML模型的最大标记数据集,以检测和表征SAR的血管。 XView3-SAR由Sentinel-1任务中的近1,000张分析SAR图像组成,平均每个29,400 x-24,400像素。使用自动化和手动分析的组合对图像进行注释。每个SAR图像都伴随着共置的测深和风状射手。我们概述了XView3计算机视觉挑战的结果,这是一项国际竞争,使用XView3-SAR进行大规模的船舶检测和表征。我们发布数据(https://iuu.xview.us/)和代码(https://github.com/diux-xview),以支持该重要应用程序的ML方法的持续开发和评估。
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这里介绍了人工智能研究所(IARAI)组织的2022年Landslide4sense(L4S)竞赛的科学结果。竞争的目的是根据全球收集的卫星图像的大规模多个来源自动检测滑坡。 2022 L4S旨在促进有关使用卫星图像的语义分割任务的深度学习模型(DL)模型最新发展的跨学科研究。在过去的几年中,由于卷积神经网络(CNN)的发展,基于DL的模型已经达到了对图像解释的期望。本文的主要目的是介绍本次比赛中介绍的细节和表现最佳的算法。获胜的解决方案详细介绍了Swin Transformer,Segformer和U-NET等最先进的模型。还考虑了先进的机器学习技术和诸如硬采矿,自我培训和混合数据增强之类的策略。此外,我们描述了L4S基准数据集,以促进进一步的比较,并在线报告准确性评估的结果。可以在\ textIt {未来开发排行榜上访问数据,以供将来评估,\ url {https://www.iarai.ac.ac.at/landslide4sense/challenge/},并邀请研究人员提交更多预测结果,评估准确性在他们的方法中,将它们与其他用户的方法进行比较,理想情况下,改善了本文报告的滑坡检测结果。
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In intensively managed forests in Europe, where forests are divided into stands of small size and may show heterogeneity within stands, a high spatial resolution (10 - 20 meters) is arguably needed to capture the differences in canopy height. In this work, we developed a deep learning model based on multi-stream remote sensing measurements to create a high-resolution canopy height map over the "Landes de Gascogne" forest in France, a large maritime pine plantation of 13,000 km$^2$ with flat terrain and intensive management. This area is characterized by even-aged and mono-specific stands, of a typical length of a few hundred meters, harvested every 35 to 50 years. Our deep learning U-Net model uses multi-band images from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 with composite time averages as input to predict tree height derived from GEDI waveforms. The evaluation is performed with external validation data from forest inventory plots and a stereo 3D reconstruction model based on Skysat imagery available at specific locations. We trained seven different U-net models based on a combination of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 bands to evaluate the importance of each instrument in the dominant height retrieval. The model outputs allow us to generate a 10 m resolution canopy height map of the whole "Landes de Gascogne" forest area for 2020 with a mean absolute error of 2.02 m on the Test dataset. The best predictions were obtained using all available satellite layers from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 but using only one satellite source also provided good predictions. For all validation datasets in coniferous forests, our model showed better metrics than previous canopy height models available in the same region.
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我们向传感器独立性(Sensei)介绍了一种新型神经网络架构 - 光谱编码器 - 通过该传感器独立性(Sensei) - 通过其中具有不同组合的光谱频带组合的多个多光谱仪器可用于训练广义深度学习模型。我们专注于云屏蔽的问题,使用几个预先存在的数据集,以及Sentinel-2的新的自由可用数据集。我们的模型显示在卫星上实现最先进的性能,它受过训练(Sentinel-2和Landsat 8),并且能够推断到传感器,它在训练期间尚未见过Landsat 7,每\ 'USAT-1,和Sentinel-3 SLST。当多种卫星用于培训,接近或超越专用单传感器型号的性能时,模型性能显示出改善。这项工作是激励遥感社区可以使用巨大各种传感器采取的数据的动机。这不可避免地导致标记用于不同传感器的努力,这限制了深度学习模型的性能,因为他们需要最佳地执行巨大的训练。传感器独立性可以使深度学习模型能够同时使用多个数据集进行培训,提高性能并使它们更广泛适用。这可能导致深入学习方法,用于在板载应用程序和地面分段数据处理中更频繁地使用,这通常需要模型在推出时或之后即将开始。
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Traditional weather forecasting relies on domain expertise and computationally intensive numerical simulation systems. Recently, with the development of a data-driven approach, weather forecasting based on deep learning has been receiving attention. Deep learning-based weather forecasting has made stunning progress, from various backbone studies using CNN, RNN, and Transformer to training strategies using weather observations datasets with auxiliary inputs. All of this progress has contributed to the field of weather forecasting; however, many elements and complex structures of deep learning models prevent us from reaching physical interpretations. This paper proposes a SImple baseline with a spatiotemporal context Aggregation Network (SIANet) that achieved state-of-the-art in 4 parts of 5 benchmarks of W4C22. This simple but efficient structure uses only satellite images and CNNs in an end-to-end fashion without using a multi-model ensemble or fine-tuning. This simplicity of SIANet can be used as a solid baseline that can be easily applied in weather forecasting using deep learning.
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该卷包含来自机器学习挑战的选定贡献“发现玛雅人的奥秘”,该挑战在欧洲机器学习和数据库中知识发现的欧洲挑战赛曲目(ECML PKDD 2021)中提出。遥感大大加速了古代玛雅人森林地区的传统考古景观调查。典型的探索和发现尝试,除了关注整个古老的城市外,还集中在单个建筑物和结构上。最近,已经成功地尝试了使用机器学习来识别古代玛雅人定居点。这些尝试虽然相关,但却集中在狭窄的区域上,并依靠高质量的空中激光扫描(ALS)数据,该数据仅涵盖古代玛雅人曾经定居的地区的一小部分。另一方面,由欧洲航天局(ESA)哨兵任务制作的卫星图像数据很丰富,更重要的是公开。旨在通过执行不同类型的卫星图像(Sentinel-1和Sentinel-2和ALS)的集成图像细分来定位和识别古老的Maya架构(建筑物,Aguadas和平台)的“发现和识别古代玛雅体系结构(建筑物,Aguadas和平台)的挑战的“发现和识别古老的玛雅体系结构(建筑物,阿吉达斯和平台)的“发现玛雅的奥秘”的挑战, (LIDAR)数据。
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Deep learning semantic segmentation algorithms have provided improved frameworks for the automated production of Land-Use and Land-Cover (LULC) maps, which significantly increases the frequency of map generation as well as consistency of production quality. In this research, a total of 28 different model variations were examined to improve the accuracy of LULC maps. The experiments were carried out using Landsat 5/7 or Landsat 8 satellite images with the North American Land Change Monitoring System labels. The performance of various CNNs and extension combinations were assessed, where VGGNet with an output stride of 4, and modified U-Net architecture provided the best results. Additional expanded analysis of the generated LULC maps was also provided. Using a deep neural network, this work achieved 92.4% accuracy for 13 LULC classes within southern Manitoba representing a 15.8% improvement over published results for the NALCMS. Based on the large regions of interest, higher radiometric resolution of Landsat 8 data resulted in better overall accuracies (88.04%) compare to Landsat 5/7 (80.66%) for 16 LULC classes. This represents an 11.44% and 4.06% increase in overall accuracy compared to previously published NALCMS results, including larger land area and higher number of LULC classes incorporated into the models compared to other published LULC map automation methods.
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Cashews are grown by over 3 million smallholders in more than 40 countries worldwide as a principal source of income. As the third largest cashew producer in Africa, Benin has nearly 200,000 smallholder cashew growers contributing 15% of the country's national export earnings. However, a lack of information on where and how cashew trees grow across the country hinders decision-making that could support increased cashew production and poverty alleviation. By leveraging 2.4-m Planet Basemaps and 0.5-m aerial imagery, newly developed deep learning algorithms, and large-scale ground truth datasets, we successfully produced the first national map of cashew in Benin and characterized the expansion of cashew plantations between 2015 and 2021. In particular, we developed a SpatioTemporal Classification with Attention (STCA) model to map the distribution of cashew plantations, which can fully capture texture information from discriminative time steps during a growing season. We further developed a Clustering Augmented Self-supervised Temporal Classification (CASTC) model to distinguish high-density versus low-density cashew plantations by automatic feature extraction and optimized clustering. Results show that the STCA model has an overall accuracy of 80% and the CASTC model achieved an overall accuracy of 77.9%. We found that the cashew area in Benin has doubled from 2015 to 2021 with 60% of new plantation development coming from cropland or fallow land, while encroachment of cashew plantations into protected areas has increased by 70%. Only half of cashew plantations were high-density in 2021, suggesting high potential for intensification. Our study illustrates the power of combining high-resolution remote sensing imagery and state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms to better understand tree crops in the heterogeneous smallholder landscape.
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Crop type maps are critical for tracking agricultural land use and estimating crop production. Remote sensing has proven an efficient and reliable tool for creating these maps in regions with abundant ground labels for model training, yet these labels remain difficult to obtain in many regions and years. NASA's Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) spaceborne lidar instrument, originally designed for forest monitoring, has shown promise for distinguishing tall and short crops. In the current study, we leverage GEDI to develop wall-to-wall maps of short vs tall crops on a global scale at 10 m resolution for 2019-2021. Specifically, we show that (1) GEDI returns can reliably be classified into tall and short crops after removing shots with extreme view angles or topographic slope, (2) the frequency of tall crops over time can be used to identify months when tall crops are at their peak height, and (3) GEDI shots in these months can then be used to train random forest models that use Sentinel-2 time series to accurately predict short vs. tall crops. Independent reference data from around the world are then used to evaluate these GEDI-S2 maps. We find that GEDI-S2 performed nearly as well as models trained on thousands of local reference training points, with accuracies of at least 87% and often above 90% throughout the Americas, Europe, and East Asia. Systematic underestimation of tall crop area was observed in regions where crops frequently exhibit low biomass, namely Africa and South Asia, and further work is needed in these systems. Although the GEDI-S2 approach only differentiates tall from short crops, in many landscapes this distinction goes a long way toward mapping the main individual crop types. The combination of GEDI and Sentinel-2 thus presents a very promising path towards global crop mapping with minimal reliance on ground data.
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