如今,深入学习模型已广泛部署,以解决各种各样的任务。但是,很少关注关联的法律方面。 2016年,欧盟批准了2018年生效的一般数据保护法规。其主要理由是通过经营所谓的“数据经济”的方式来保护其公民的隐私和数据保护。由于数据是现代人工智能的燃料,因此认为GDPR可以部分适用于一系列算法的决策制定任务,然后更具结构化的AI法规生效。同时,AI不应允许不希望的信息泄漏与创建的目的偏离。在这项工作中,我们提出了DISP,这是一种深入学习模型的方法,该方法删除了与AI处理的数据相关的某些私人类别相关的信息。特别是,分配是一种正规化策略,在培训时间删除了属于同一私人班级的功能,从而隐藏了私人课程会员资格的信息。我们对最先进的深度学习模型的实验显示了分配的有效性,最大程度地降低了我们希望保持私人的班级的提取风险。
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We quantitatively investigate how machine learning models leak information about the individual data records on which they were trained. We focus on the basic membership inference attack: given a data record and black-box access to a model, determine if the record was in the model's training dataset. To perform membership inference against a target model, we make adversarial use of machine learning and train our own inference model to recognize differences in the target model's predictions on the inputs that it trained on versus the inputs that it did not train on.We empirically evaluate our inference techniques on classification models trained by commercial "machine learning as a service" providers such as Google and Amazon. Using realistic datasets and classification tasks, including a hospital discharge dataset whose membership is sensitive from the privacy perspective, we show that these models can be vulnerable to membership inference attacks. We then investigate the factors that influence this leakage and evaluate mitigation strategies.
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对协作学习的实证攻击表明,深度神经网络的梯度不仅可以披露训练数据的私有潜在属性,还可以用于重建原始数据。虽然先前的作品试图量化了梯度的隐私风险,但这些措施没有建立理论上对梯度泄漏的理解了解,而不是跨越攻击者的概括,并且不能完全解释通过实际攻击在实践中通过实证攻击观察到的内容。在本文中,我们介绍了理论上激励的措施,以量化攻击依赖和攻击无关方式的信息泄漏。具体而言,我们展示了$ \ mathcal {v} $ - 信息的适应,它概括了经验攻击成功率,并允许量化可以从任何所选择的攻击模型系列泄漏的信息量。然后,我们提出了独立的措施,只需要共享梯度,用于量化原始和潜在信息泄漏。我们的经验结果,六个数据集和四种流行型号,揭示了第一层的梯度包含最高量的原始信息,而(卷积)特征提取器层之后的(完全连接的)分类层包含最高的潜在信息。此外,我们展示了如何在训练期间诸如梯度聚集的技术如何减轻信息泄漏。我们的工作为更好的防御方式铺平了道路,例如基于层的保护或强聚合。
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良好的培训数据是开发有用的ML应用程序的先决条件。但是,在许多域中,现有数据集不能由于隐私法规(例如,从医学研究)而被共享。这项工作调查了一种简单而非规范的方法,可以匿名数据综合来使第三方能够受益于此类私人数据。我们探讨了从不切实际,任务相关的刺激中隐含地学习的可行性,这通过激发训练有素的深神经网络(DNN)的神经元来合成。因此,神经元励磁用作伪生成模型。刺激数据用于培训新的分类模型。此外,我们将此框架扩展以抑制与特定个人相关的表示。我们使用开放和大型闭合临床研究的睡眠监测数据,并评估(1)最终用户是否可以创建和成功使用定制分类模型进行睡眠呼吸暂停检测,并且(2)研究中参与者的身份受到保护。广泛的比较实证研究表明,在刺激上培训的不同算法能够在与原始模型相同的任务上成功概括。然而,新和原始模型之间的架构和算法相似性在性能方面发挥着重要作用。对于类似的架构,性能接近使用真实数据(例如,精度差为0.56 \%,Kappa系数差为0.03-0.04)。进一步的实验表明,刺激可以在很大程度上成功地匿名匿名研究临床研究的参与者。
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数十年来,计算机系统持有大量个人数据。一方面,这种数据丰度允许在人工智能(AI),尤其是机器学习(ML)模型中突破。另一方面,它可能威胁用户的隐私并削弱人类与人工智能之间的信任。最近的法规要求,可以从一般情况下从计算机系统中删除有关用户的私人信息,特别是根据要求从ML模型中删除(例如,“被遗忘的权利”)。虽然从后端数据库中删除数据应该很简单,但在AI上下文中,它不够,因为ML模型经常“记住”旧数据。现有的对抗攻击证明,我们可以从训练有素的模型中学习私人会员或培训数据的属性。这种现象要求采用新的范式,即机器学习,以使ML模型忘记了特定的数据。事实证明,由于缺乏共同的框架和资源,最近在机器上学习的工作无法完全解决问题。在本调查文件中,我们试图在其定义,场景,机制和应用中对机器进行彻底的研究。具体而言,作为最先进的研究的类别集合,我们希望为那些寻求机器未学习的入门及其各种表述,设计要求,删除请求,算法和用途的人提供广泛的参考。 ML申请。此外,我们希望概述范式中的关键发现和趋势,并突出显示尚未看到机器无法使用的新研究领域,但仍可以受益匪浅。我们希望这项调查为ML研究人员以及寻求创新隐私技术的研究人员提供宝贵的参考。我们的资源是在https://github.com/tamlhp/awesome-machine-unlearning上。
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The optimal liability framework for AI systems remains an unsolved problem across the globe. In a much-anticipated move, the European Commission advanced two proposals outlining the European approach to AI liability in September 2022: a novel AI Liability Directive and a revision of the Product Liability Directive. They constitute the final, and much-anticipated, cornerstone of AI regulation in the EU. Crucially, the liability proposals and the EU AI Act are inherently intertwined: the latter does not contain any individual rights of affected persons, and the former lack specific, substantive rules on AI development and deployment. Taken together, these acts may well trigger a Brussels effect in AI regulation, with significant consequences for the US and other countries. This paper makes three novel contributions. First, it examines in detail the Commission proposals and shows that, while making steps in the right direction, they ultimately represent a half-hearted approach: if enacted as foreseen, AI liability in the EU will primarily rest on disclosure of evidence mechanisms and a set of narrowly defined presumptions concerning fault, defectiveness and causality. Hence, second, the article suggests amendments, which are collected in an Annex at the end of the paper. Third, based on an analysis of the key risks AI poses, the final part of the paper maps out a road for the future of AI liability and regulation, in the EU and beyond. This includes: a comprehensive framework for AI liability; provisions to support innovation; an extension to non-discrimination/algorithmic fairness, as well as explainable AI; and sustainability. I propose to jump-start sustainable AI regulation via sustainability impact assessments in the AI Act and sustainable design defects in the liability regime. In this way, the law may help spur not only fair AI and XAI, but potentially also sustainable AI (SAI).
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我们调查分裂学习的安全 - 一种新颖的协作机器学习框架,通过需要最小的资源消耗来实现峰值性能。在本文中,我们通过介绍客户私人培训集重建的一般攻击策略来揭示议定书的脆弱性并展示其固有的不安全。更突出地,我们表明恶意服务器可以积极地劫持分布式模型的学习过程,并将其纳入不安全状态,从而为客户端提供推动攻击。我们实施不同的攻击调整,并在各种数据集中测试它们以及现实的威胁方案。我们证明我们的攻击能够克服最近提出的防御技术,旨在提高分裂学习议定书的安全性。最后,我们还通过扩展以前设计的联合学习的攻击来说明协议对恶意客户的不安全性。要使我们的结果可重复,我们会在https://github.com/pasquini-dario/splitn_fsha提供的代码。
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Despite being responsible for state-of-the-art results in several computer vision and natural language processing tasks, neural networks have faced harsh criticism due to some of their current shortcomings. One of them is that neural networks are correlation machines prone to model biases within the data instead of focusing on actual useful causal relationships. This problem is particularly serious in application domains affected by aspects such as race, gender, and age. To prevent models from incurring on unfair decision-making, the AI community has concentrated efforts in correcting algorithmic biases, giving rise to the research area now widely known as fairness in AI. In this survey paper, we provide an in-depth overview of the main debiasing methods for fairness-aware neural networks in the context of vision and language research. We propose a novel taxonomy to better organize the literature on debiasing methods for fairness, and we discuss the current challenges, trends, and important future work directions for the interested researcher and practitioner.
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Artificial intelligence is not only increasingly used in business and administration contexts, but a race for its regulation is also underway, with the EU spearheading the efforts. Contrary to existing literature, this article suggests, however, that the most far-reaching and effective EU rules for AI applications in the digital economy will not be contained in the proposed AI Act - but have just been enacted in the Digital Markets Act. We analyze the impact of the DMA and related EU acts on AI models and their underlying data across four key areas: disclosure requirements; the regulation of AI training data; access rules; and the regime for fair rankings. The paper demonstrates that fairness, in the sense of the DMA, goes beyond traditionally protected categories of non-discrimination law on which scholarship at the intersection of AI and law has so far largely focused on. Rather, we draw on competition law and the FRAND criteria known from intellectual property law to interpret and refine the DMA provisions on fair rankings. Moreover, we show how, based on CJEU jurisprudence, a coherent interpretation of the concept of non-discrimination in both traditional non-discrimination and competition law may be found. The final part sketches specific proposals for a comprehensive framework of transparency, access, and fairness under the DMA and beyond.
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Deep Learning has recently become hugely popular in machine learning for its ability to solve end-to-end learning systems, in which the features and the classifiers are learned simultaneously, providing significant improvements in classification accuracy in the presence of highly-structured and large databases.Its success is due to a combination of recent algorithmic breakthroughs, increasingly powerful computers, and access to significant amounts of data.Researchers have also considered privacy implications of deep learning. Models are typically trained in a centralized manner with all the data being processed by the same training algorithm. If the data is a collection of users' private data, including habits, personal pictures, geographical positions, interests, and more, the centralized server will have access to sensitive information that could potentially be mishandled. To tackle this problem, collaborative deep learning models have recently been proposed where parties locally train their deep learning structures and only share a subset of the parameters in the attempt to keep their respective training sets private. Parameters can also be obfuscated via differential privacy (DP) to make information extraction even more challenging, as proposed by Shokri and Shmatikov at CCS'15.Unfortunately, we show that any privacy-preserving collaborative deep learning is susceptible to a powerful attack that we devise in this paper. In particular, we show that a distributed, federated, or decentralized deep learning approach is fundamentally broken and does not protect the training sets of honest participants. The attack we developed exploits the real-time nature of the learning process that allows the adversary to train a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) that generates prototypical samples of the targeted training set that was meant to be private (the samples generated by the GAN are intended to come from the same distribution as the training data). Interestingly, we show that record-level differential privacy applied to the shared parameters of the model, as suggested in previous work, is ineffective (i.e., record-level DP is not designed to address our attack).
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Deep learning based on artificial neural networks is a very popular approach to modeling, classifying, and recognizing complex data such as images, speech, and text. The unprecedented accuracy of deep learning methods has turned them into the foundation of new AI-based services on the Internet. Commercial companies that collect user data on a large scale have been the main beneficiaries of this trend since the success of deep learning techniques is directly proportional to the amount of data available for training.Massive data collection required for deep learning presents obvious privacy issues. Users' personal, highly sensitive data such as photos and voice recordings is kept indefinitely by the companies that collect it. Users can neither delete it, nor restrict the purposes for which it is used. Furthermore, centrally kept data is subject to legal subpoenas and extra-judicial surveillance. Many data owners-for example, medical institutions that may want to apply deep learning methods to clinical records-are prevented by privacy and confidentiality concerns from sharing the data and thus benefitting from large-scale deep learning.In this paper, we design, implement, and evaluate a practical system that enables multiple parties to jointly learn an accurate neuralnetwork model for a given objective without sharing their input datasets. We exploit the fact that the optimization algorithms used in modern deep learning, namely, those based on stochastic gradient descent, can be parallelized and executed asynchronously. Our system lets participants train independently on their own datasets and selectively share small subsets of their models' key parameters during training. This offers an attractive point in the utility/privacy tradeoff space: participants preserve the privacy of their respective data while still benefitting from other participants' models and thus boosting their learning accuracy beyond what is achievable solely on their own inputs. We demonstrate the accuracy of our privacypreserving deep learning on benchmark datasets.
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Covid-19的早期检测是一个持续的研究领域,可以帮助潜在患者的潜在患者进行分类,监测和一般健康评估,并可能降低应对冠状病毒大流行病的医院的运营压力。在文献中使用了不同的机器学习技术,用于使用常规临床数据(血液测试和生命体征)来检测冠状病毒。使用这些型号时,数据漏洞和信息泄漏可以带来声誉损害并导致医院的法律问题。尽管如此,保护避免潜在敏感信息泄漏的医疗保健模型是一个被人吸引人的研究区。在这项工作中,我们检查了两种机器学习方法,旨在预测使用常规收集和易于使用的临床数据的患者的Covid-19状态。我们雇用对抗性培训来探索强大的深度学习架构,保护与有关患者的人口统计信息相关的属性。我们在这项工作中检查的两种模型旨在保持对抗对抗攻击和信息泄漏的敏感信息。在一系列使用来自牛津大学医院的数据集,Bedfordshire医院NHS Foundation Trust,大学医院伯明翰NHS基金会信托,而朴茨茅斯医院大学NHS信任我们训练并测试两个神经网络,以使用来自基本实验室血液的信息预测PCR测试结果的神经网络对患者到达医院的测试和生命体征。我们评估其每个模型的隐私水平可以提供和展示我们提出的架构对可比基线的效力和稳健性。我们的主要贡献之一是,我们专门针对具有内置机制的有效Covid-19检测模型的开发,以便选择性地保护对抗对抗攻击的敏感属性。
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