Many efforts have been made to construct dialog systems for different types of conversations, such as task-oriented dialog (TOD) and open-domain dialog (ODD). To better mimic human-level conversations that usually fuse various dialog modes, it is essential to build a system that can effectively handle both TOD and ODD and access different knowledge sources. To address the lack of available data for the fused task, we propose a framework for automatically generating dialogues that combine knowledge-grounded ODDs and TODs in various settings. Additionally, we introduce a unified model PivotBot that is capable of appropriately adopting TOD and ODD modes and accessing different knowledge sources in order to effectively tackle the fused task. Evaluation results demonstrate the superior ability of the proposed model to switch seamlessly between TOD and ODD tasks.
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生成的开放域对话系统可以从外部知识中受益,但是缺乏外部知识资源和寻找相关知识的困难限制了该技术的发展。为此,我们使用动态服务信息提出了一个知识驱动的对话任务。具体而言,我们使用大量的服务API,可以作为外部知识来源提供高覆盖范围和时空敏感性。对话系统生成查询以请求外部服务以及用户信息,获取相关知识,并基于此知识生成响应。为了实现此方法,我们收集并发布了第一个开放式域中国服务知识对话数据集Dusinc。同时,我们构建了一个基线模型柏拉图 - 线,该模型实现了对话的自动利用。自动评估和人类评估都表明,我们提出的新方法可以显着改善开放域对话的效果,并且与对话预培训模型Plato-2相比,人类评估中的会话级总数提高了59.29%。数据集和基准模型将被开源。
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The goal of building dialogue agents that can converse with humans naturally has been a long-standing dream of researchers since the early days of artificial intelligence. The well-known Turing Test proposed to judge the ultimate validity of an artificial intelligence agent on the indistinguishability of its dialogues from humans'. It should come as no surprise that human-level dialogue systems are very challenging to build. But, while early effort on rule-based systems found limited success, the emergence of deep learning enabled great advance on this topic. In this thesis, we focus on methods that address the numerous issues that have been imposing the gap between artificial conversational agents and human-level interlocutors. These methods were proposed and experimented with in ways that were inspired by general state-of-the-art AI methodologies. But they also targeted the characteristics that dialogue systems possess.
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Incorporating external knowledge into the response generation process is essential to building more helpful and reliable dialog agents. However, collecting knowledge-grounded conversations is often costly, calling for a better pre-trained model for grounded dialog generation that generalizes well w.r.t. different types of knowledge. In this work, we propose KPT (Keyword-guided Pre-Training), a novel self-supervised pre-training method for grounded dialog generation without relying on extra knowledge annotation. Specifically, we use a pre-trained language model to extract the most uncertain tokens in the dialog as keywords. With these keywords, we construct two kinds of knowledge and pre-train a knowledge-grounded response generation model, aiming at handling two different scenarios: (1) the knowledge should be faithfully grounded; (2) it can be selectively used. For the former, the grounding knowledge consists of keywords extracted from the response. For the latter, the grounding knowledge is additionally augmented with keywords extracted from other utterances in the same dialog. Since the knowledge is extracted from the dialog itself, KPT can be easily performed on a large volume and variety of dialogue data. We considered three data sources (open-domain, task-oriented, conversational QA) with a total of 2.5M dialogues. We conduct extensive experiments on various few-shot knowledge-grounded generation tasks, including grounding on dialog acts, knowledge graphs, persona descriptions, and Wikipedia passages. Our comprehensive experiments and analyses demonstrate that KPT consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods on these tasks with diverse grounding knowledge.
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End-to-end task bots are typically learned over a static and usually limited-size corpus. However, when deployed in dynamic, changing, and open environments to interact with users, task bots tend to fail when confronted with data that deviate from the training corpus, i.e., out-of-distribution samples. In this paper, we study the problem of automatically adapting task bots to changing environments by learning from human-bot interactions with minimum or zero human annotations. We propose SL-AGENT, a novel self-learning framework for building end-to-end task bots. SL-AGENT consists of a dialog model and a pre-trained reward model to predict the quality of an agent response. It enables task bots to automatically adapt to changing environments by learning from the unlabeled human-bot dialog logs accumulated after deployment via reinforcement learning with the incorporated reward model. Experimental results on four well-studied dialog tasks show the effectiveness of SL-AGENT to automatically adapt to changing environments, using both automatic and human evaluations. We will release code and data for further research.
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Long-range context modeling is crucial to both dialogue understanding and generation. The most popular method for dialogue context representation is to concatenate the last-$k$ previous utterances. However, this method may not be ideal for conversations containing long-range dependencies. In this work, we propose DialoGX, a novel encoder-decoder based framework for conversational response generation with a generalized and explainable context representation that can look beyond the last-$k$ utterances. Hence the method is adaptive to conversations with long-range dependencies. The main idea of our approach is to identify and utilize the most relevant historical utterances instead of the last-$k$ utterances in chronological order. We study the effectiveness of our proposed method on both dialogue generation (open-domain) and understanding (DST) tasks. DialoGX achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art models on DailyDialog dataset. We also observe performance gain in existing DST models with our proposed context representation strategy on MultiWOZ dataset. We justify our context representation through the lens of psycholinguistics and show that the relevance score of previous utterances agrees well with human cognition which makes DialoGX explainable as well.
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这项工作提出了一个新的对话数据集,即cookdial,该数据集促进了对任务知识了解的面向任务的对话系统的研究。该语料库包含260个以人类对任务为导向的对话框,其中代理给出了配方文档,指导用户烹饪菜肴。 Cookdial中的对话框展示了两个独特的功能:(i)对话流与支持文档之间的程序对齐; (ii)复杂的代理决策涉及分割长句子,解释硬说明并在对话框上下文中解决核心。此外,我们在假定的面向任务的对话框系统中确定了三个具有挑战性的(子)任务:(1)用户问题理解,(2)代理操作框架预测和(3)代理响应生成。对于这些任务中的每一个,我们都会开发一个神经基线模型,我们在cookdial数据集上进行了评估。我们公开发布烹饪数据集,包括对话框和食谱文档的丰富注释,以刺激对特定于域的文档接地对话框系统的进一步研究。
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Recent advances in neural approaches greatly improve task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems which assist users to accomplish their goals. However, such systems rely on costly manually labeled dialogs which are not available in practical scenarios. In this paper, we present our models for Track 2 of the SereTOD 2022 challenge, which is the first challenge of building semi-supervised and reinforced TOD systems on a large-scale real-world Chinese TOD dataset MobileCS. We build a knowledge-grounded dialog model to formulate dialog history and local KB as input and predict the system response. And we perform semi-supervised pre-training both on the labeled and unlabeled data. Our system achieves the first place both in the automatic evaluation and human interaction, especially with higher BLEU (+7.64) and Success (+13.6\%) than the second place.
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知识驱动的对话世代最近取得了非凡的突破。与一般的对话系统相比,卓越的知识对话系统可以通过预先提供的知识产生更多信息和知识渊博的响应。但是,在实际应用中,对话系统无法事先提供相应的知识。为了解决该问题,我们设计了一个名为DRKQG的知识驱动的对话系统(\ emph {通过查询生成动态检索知识,以获取信息性对话响应})。具体而言,系统可以分为两个模块:查询生成模块和对话生成模块。首先,利用时间感知机制来捕获上下文信息,并可以生成查询以检索知识。然后,我们集成了复制机制和变压器,该机制允许响应生成模块产生从上下文和检索知识中得出的响应。 LIC2022,语言和情报技术竞赛的实验结果表明,我们的模块在自动评估指标上的大幅度优于基线模型,而BAIDU语言学团队的人类评估表明,我们的系统在事实上取得了令人印象深刻的结果,实际上是正确的,知识渊博。
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To alleviate the problem of structured databases' limited coverage, recent task-oriented dialogue systems incorporate external unstructured knowledge to guide the generation of system responses. However, these usually use word or sentence level similarities to detect the relevant knowledge context, which only partially capture the topical level relevance. In this paper, we examine how to better integrate topical information in knowledge grounded task-oriented dialogue and propose ``Topic-Aware Response Generation'' (TARG), an end-to-end response generation model. TARG incorporates multiple topic-aware attention mechanisms to derive the importance weighting scheme over dialogue utterances and external knowledge sources towards a better understanding of the dialogue history. Experimental results indicate that TARG achieves state-of-the-art performance in knowledge selection and response generation, outperforming previous state-of-the-art by 3.2, 3.6, and 4.2 points in EM, F1 and BLEU-4 respectively on Doc2Dial, and performing comparably with previous work on DSTC9; both being knowledge-grounded task-oriented dialogue datasets.
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