促使是令人印象深刻的3D对象检测模型。它已被证明是快速,可扩展和准确的,特别是在考虑它仅使用RGB输入时。在本文中,我们尝试通过使其推断对象尺寸的能力来提高培养,并通过简化数据收集和损耗计算。我们使用LineMod DataSet进行了评估的epose和它的新子集称为“闭塞1-class”。我们还概述了我们目前的进展和关于使用NUSCENES和2017年Kitti 3D对象检测数据集的进步和思考。源代码可在https://github.com/tbd-clip/effile上获得。
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We propose a single-shot approach for simultaneously detecting an object in an RGB image and predicting its 6D pose without requiring multiple stages or having to examine multiple hypotheses. Unlike a recently proposed single-shot technique for this task [11] that only predicts an approximate 6D pose that must then be refined, ours is accurate enough not to require additional post-processing. As a result, it is much faster -50 fps on a Titan X (Pascal) GPU -and more suitable for real-time processing. The key component of our method is a new CNN architecture inspired by [28,29] that directly predicts the 2D image locations of the projected vertices of the object's 3D bounding box. The object's 6D pose is then estimated using a PnP algorithm.For single object and multiple object pose estimation on the LINEMOD and OCCLUSION datasets, our approach substantially outperforms other recent 26] when they are all used without postprocessing. During post-processing, a pose refinement step can be used to boost the accuracy of these two methods, but at 10 fps or less, they are much slower than our method.
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We present a method for 3D object detection and pose estimation from a single image. In contrast to current techniques that only regress the 3D orientation of an object, our method first regresses relatively stable 3D object properties using a deep convolutional neural network and then combines these estimates with geometric constraints provided by a 2D object bounding box to produce a complete 3D bounding box. The first network output estimates the 3D object orientation using a novel hybrid discrete-continuous loss, which significantly outperforms the L2 loss. The second output regresses the 3D object dimensions, which have relatively little variance compared to alternatives and can often be predicted for many object types. These estimates, combined with the geometric constraints on translation imposed by the 2D bounding box, enable us to recover a stable and accurate 3D object pose. We evaluate our method on the challenging KITTI object detection benchmark [2] both on the official metric of 3D orientation estimation and also on the accuracy of the obtained 3D bounding boxes. Although conceptually simple, our method outperforms more complex and computationally expensive approaches that leverage semantic segmentation, instance level segmentation and flat ground priors [4] and sub-category detection [23][24]. Our discrete-continuous loss also produces state of the art results for 3D viewpoint estimation on the Pascal 3D+ dataset[26].
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我们提出了一种称为DPODV2(密集姿势对象检测器)的三个阶段6 DOF对象检测方法,该方法依赖于致密的对应关系。我们将2D对象检测器与密集的对应关系网络和多视图姿势细化方法相结合,以估计完整的6 DOF姿势。与通常仅限于单眼RGB图像的其他深度学习方法不同,我们提出了一个统一的深度学习网络,允许使用不同的成像方式(RGB或DEPTH)。此外,我们提出了一种基于可区分渲染的新型姿势改进方法。主要概念是在多个视图中比较预测并渲染对应关系,以获得与所有视图中预测的对应关系一致的姿势。我们提出的方法对受控设置中的不同数据方式和培训数据类型进行了严格的评估。主要结论是,RGB在对应性估计中表现出色,而如果有良好的3D-3D对应关系,则深度有助于姿势精度。自然,他们的组合可以实现总体最佳性能。我们进行广泛的评估和消融研究,以分析和验证几个具有挑战性的数据集的结果。 DPODV2在所有这些方面都取得了出色的成果,同时仍然保持快速和可扩展性,独立于使用的数据模式和培训数据的类型
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The goal of this paper is to estimate the 6D pose and dimensions of unseen object instances in an RGB-D image. Contrary to "instance-level" 6D pose estimation tasks, our problem assumes that no exact object CAD models are available during either training or testing time. To handle different and unseen object instances in a given category, we introduce Normalized Object Coordinate Space (NOCS)-a shared canonical representation for all possible object instances within a category. Our region-based neural network is then trained to directly infer the correspondence from observed pixels to this shared object representation (NOCS) along with other object information such as class label and instance mask. These predictions can be combined with the depth map to jointly estimate the metric 6D pose and dimensions of multiple objects in a cluttered scene. To train our network, we present a new contextaware technique to generate large amounts of fully annotated mixed reality data. To further improve our model and evaluate its performance on real data, we also provide a fully annotated real-world dataset with large environment and instance variation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is able to robustly estimate the pose and size of unseen object instances in real environments while also achieving state-of-the-art performance on standard 6D pose estimation benchmarks.
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Figure 1: Results obtained from our single image, monocular 3D object detection network MonoDIS on a KITTI3D test image with corresponding birds-eye view, showing its ability to estimate size and orientation of objects at different scales.
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6D object pose estimation problem has been extensively studied in the field of Computer Vision and Robotics. It has wide range of applications such as robot manipulation, augmented reality, and 3D scene understanding. With the advent of Deep Learning, many breakthroughs have been made; however, approaches continue to struggle when they encounter unseen instances, new categories, or real-world challenges such as cluttered backgrounds and occlusions. In this study, we will explore the available methods based on input modality, problem formulation, and whether it is a category-level or instance-level approach. As a part of our discussion, we will focus on how 6D object pose estimation can be used for understanding 3D scenes.
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We present a novel method for detecting 3D model instances and estimating their 6D poses from RGB data in a single shot. To this end, we extend the popular SSD paradigm to cover the full 6D pose space and train on synthetic model data only. Our approach competes or surpasses current state-of-the-art methods that leverage RGB-D data on multiple challenging datasets. Furthermore, our method produces these results at around 10Hz, which is many times faster than the related methods. For the sake of reproducibility, we make our trained networks and detection code publicly available. 1
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In this work, we study 3D object detection from RGB-D data in both indoor and outdoor scenes. While previous methods focus on images or 3D voxels, often obscuring natural 3D patterns and invariances of 3D data, we directly operate on raw point clouds by popping up RGB-D scans. However, a key challenge of this approach is how to efficiently localize objects in point clouds of large-scale scenes (region proposal). Instead of solely relying on 3D proposals, our method leverages both mature 2D object detectors and advanced 3D deep learning for object localization, achieving efficiency as well as high recall for even small objects. Benefited from learning directly in raw point clouds, our method is also able to precisely estimate 3D bounding boxes even under strong occlusion or with very sparse points. Evaluated on KITTI and SUN RGB-D 3D detection benchmarks, our method outperforms the state of the art by remarkable margins while having real-time capability. * Majority of the work done as an intern at Nuro, Inc. depth to point cloud 2D region (from CNN) to 3D frustum 3D box (from PointNet)
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In this paper, we propose a novel 3D object detector that can exploit both LIDAR as well as cameras to perform very accurate localization. Towards this goal, we design an end-to-end learnable architecture that exploits continuous convolutions to fuse image and LIDAR feature maps at different levels of resolution. Our proposed continuous fusion layer encode both discrete-state image features as well as continuous geometric information. This enables us to design a novel, reliable and efficient end-to-end learnable 3D object detector based on multiple sensors. Our experimental evaluation on both KITTI as well as a large scale 3D object detection benchmark shows significant improvements over the state of the art.
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This paper addresses the challenge of 6DoF pose estimation from a single RGB image under severe occlusion or truncation. Many recent works have shown that a two-stage approach, which first detects keypoints and then solves a Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem for pose estimation, achieves remarkable performance. However, most of these methods only localize a set of sparse keypoints by regressing their image coordinates or heatmaps, which are sensitive to occlusion and truncation. Instead, we introduce a Pixel-wise Voting Network (PVNet) to regress pixel-wise unit vectors pointing to the keypoints and use these vectors to vote for keypoint locations using RANSAC. This creates a flexible representation for localizing occluded or truncated keypoints. Another important feature of this representation is that it provides uncertainties of keypoint locations that can be further leveraged by the PnP solver. Experiments show that the proposed approach outperforms the state of the art on the LINEMOD, Occlusion LINEMOD and YCB-Video datasets by a large margin, while being efficient for real-time pose estimation. We further create a Truncation LINEMOD dataset to validate the robustness of our approach against truncation. The code will be avaliable at https://zju-3dv.github.io/pvnet/.
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我们提出了一个基于按键的对象级别的SLAM框架,该框架可以为对称和不对称对象提供全球一致的6DOF姿势估计。据我们所知,我们的系统是最早利用来自SLAM的相机姿势信息的系统之一,以提供先验知识,以跟踪对称对象的关键点 - 确保新测量与当前的3D场景一致。此外,我们的语义关键点网络经过训练,可以预测捕获预测的真实错误的关键点的高斯协方差,因此不仅可以作为系统优化问题中残留物的权重,而且还可以作为检测手段有害的统计异常值,而无需选择手动阈值。实验表明,我们的方法以6DOF对象姿势估算和实时速度为最先进的状态提供了竞争性能。我们的代码,预培训模型和关键点标签可用https://github.com/rpng/suo_slam。
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The research community has increasing interest in autonomous driving research, despite the resource intensity of obtaining representative real world data. Existing selfdriving datasets are limited in the scale and variation of the environments they capture, even though generalization within and between operating regions is crucial to the overall viability of the technology. In an effort to help align the research community's contributions with real-world selfdriving problems, we introduce a new large-scale, high quality, diverse dataset. Our new dataset consists of 1150 scenes that each span 20 seconds, consisting of well synchronized and calibrated high quality LiDAR and camera data captured across a range of urban and suburban geographies. It is 15x more diverse than the largest cam-era+LiDAR dataset available based on our proposed geographical coverage metric. We exhaustively annotated this data with 2D (camera image) and 3D (LiDAR) bounding boxes, with consistent identifiers across frames. Finally, we provide strong baselines for 2D as well as 3D detection and tracking tasks. We further study the effects of dataset size and generalization across geographies on 3D detection methods. Find data, code and more up-to-date information at http://www.waymo.com/open.
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Estimating 6D poses of objects from images is an important problem in various applications such as robot manipulation and virtual reality. While direct regression of images to object poses has limited accuracy, matching rendered images of an object against the input image can produce accurate results. In this work, we propose a novel deep neural network for 6D pose matching named DeepIM. Given an initial pose estimation, our network is able to iteratively refine the pose by matching the rendered image against the observed image. The network is trained to predict a relative pose transformation using a disentangled representation of 3D location and 3D orientation and an iterative training process. Experiments on two commonly used benchmarks for 6D pose estimation demonstrate that DeepIM achieves large improvements over stateof-the-art methods. We furthermore show that DeepIM is able to match previously unseen objects.
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We introduce a novel method for 3D object detection and pose estimation from color images only. We first use segmentation to detect the objects of interest in 2D even in presence of partial occlusions and cluttered background. By contrast with recent patch-based methods, we rely on a "holistic" approach: We apply to the detected objects a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) trained to predict their 3D poses in the form of 2D projections of the corners of their 3D bounding boxes. This, however, is not sufficient for handling objects from the recent T-LESS dataset: These objects exhibit an axis of rotational symmetry, and the similarity of two images of such an object under two different poses makes training the CNN challenging. We solve this problem by restricting the range of poses used for training, and by introducing a classifier to identify the range of a pose at run-time before estimating it. We also use an optional additional step that refines the predicted poses. We improve the state-of-the-art on the LINEMOD dataset from 73.7% [2] to 89.3% of correctly registered RGB frames. We are also the first to report results on the Occlusion dataset [1] using color images only. We obtain 54% of frames passing the Pose 6D criterion on average on several sequences of the T-LESS dataset, compared to the 67% of the state-of-the-art [10] on the same sequences which uses both color and depth. The full approach is also scalable, as a single network can be trained for multiple objects simultaneously.
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Compared to typical multi-sensor systems, monocular 3D object detection has attracted much attention due to its simple configuration. However, there is still a significant gap between LiDAR-based and monocular-based methods. In this paper, we find that the ill-posed nature of monocular imagery can lead to depth ambiguity. Specifically, objects with different depths can appear with the same bounding boxes and similar visual features in the 2D image. Unfortunately, the network cannot accurately distinguish different depths from such non-discriminative visual features, resulting in unstable depth training. To facilitate depth learning, we propose a simple yet effective plug-and-play module, One Bounding Box Multiple Objects (OBMO). Concretely, we add a set of suitable pseudo labels by shifting the 3D bounding box along the viewing frustum. To constrain the pseudo-3D labels to be reasonable, we carefully design two label scoring strategies to represent their quality. In contrast to the original hard depth labels, such soft pseudo labels with quality scores allow the network to learn a reasonable depth range, boosting training stability and thus improving final performance. Extensive experiments on KITTI and Waymo benchmarks show that our method significantly improves state-of-the-art monocular 3D detectors by a significant margin (The improvements under the moderate setting on KITTI validation set are $\mathbf{1.82\sim 10.91\%}$ mAP in BEV and $\mathbf{1.18\sim 9.36\%}$ mAP in 3D}. Codes have been released at https://github.com/mrsempress/OBMO.
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Estimating the 6D pose of known objects is important for robots to interact with the real world. The problem is challenging due to the variety of objects as well as the complexity of a scene caused by clutter and occlusions between objects. In this work, we introduce PoseCNN, a new Convolutional Neural Network for 6D object pose estimation. PoseCNN estimates the 3D translation of an object by localizing its center in the image and predicting its distance from the camera. The 3D rotation of the object is estimated by regressing to a quaternion representation. We also introduce a novel loss function that enables PoseCNN to handle symmetric objects. In addition, we contribute a large scale video dataset for 6D object pose estimation named the YCB-Video dataset. Our dataset provides accurate 6D poses of 21 objects from the YCB dataset observed in 92 videos with 133,827 frames. We conduct extensive experiments on our YCB-Video dataset and the OccludedLINEMOD dataset to show that PoseCNN is highly robust to occlusions, can handle symmetric objects, and provide accurate pose estimation using only color images as input. When using depth data to further refine the poses, our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on the challenging OccludedLINEMOD dataset. Our code and dataset are available at https://rse-lab.cs.washington.edu/projects/posecnn/.
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