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在高度互动的场景中进行运动预测是自主驾驶中的一个挑战性问题。在这种情况下,我们需要准确预测相互作用的代理的共同行为,以确保自动驾驶汽车的安全有效导航。最近,由于其在性能方面的优势和捕获轨迹分布中多模态的能力,目标条件方法引起了人们的关注。在这项工作中,我们研究了目标条件框架的联合轨迹预测问题。特别是,我们引入了一个有条件的基于AutoEncoder(CVAE)模型,以将不同的相互作用模式明确地编码到潜在空间中。但是,我们发现香草模型遭受后塌陷,无法根据需要诱导信息的潜在空间。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,以避免KL消失并诱导具有伪标签的可解释的互动潜在空间。提出的伪标签使我们能够以灵活的方式将域知识纳入有关相互作用的知识。我们使用说明性玩具示例激励提出的方法。此外,我们通过定量和定性评估验证Waymo Open Motion数据集上的框架。
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Reasoning about human motion is an important prerequisite to safe and socially-aware robotic navigation. As a result, multi-agent behavior prediction has become a core component of modern human-robot interactive systems, such as self-driving cars. While there exist many methods for trajectory forecasting, most do not enforce dynamic constraints and do not account for environmental information (e.g., maps). Towards this end, we present Trajectron++, a modular, graph-structured recurrent model that forecasts the trajectories of a general number of diverse agents while incorporating agent dynamics and heterogeneous data (e.g., semantic maps). Trajectron++ is designed to be tightly integrated with robotic planning and control frameworks; for example, it can produce predictions that are optionally conditioned on ego-agent motion plans. We demonstrate its performance on several challenging real-world trajectory forecasting datasets, outperforming a wide array of state-ofthe-art deterministic and generative methods.
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预测行人运动对于人类行为分析以及安全有效的人类代理相互作用至关重要。但是,尽管取得了重大进展,但对于捕捉人类导航决策的不确定性和多模式的现有方法仍然具有挑战性。在本文中,我们提出了SocialVae,这是一种新颖的人类轨迹预测方法。社会节的核心是一种时间上的变性自动编码器体系结构,它利用随机反复的神经网络进行预测,结合社会注意力机制和向后的后近似值,以更好地提取行人导航策略。我们表明,社交活动改善了几个步行轨迹预测基准的最新性能,包括ETH/UCY基准,Stanford Drone DataSet和Sportvu NBA运动数据集。代码可在以下网址获得:https://github.com/xupei0610/socialvae。
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有效理解动态发展的多种互动对于捕获社会系统中代理的潜在行为至关重要。通常要直接观察这些相互作用是一项挑战,因此对潜在相互作用进行建模对于实现复杂行为至关重要。动态神经关系推断(DNRI)的最新工作在每个步骤中都捕获了明确的互动相互作用。但是,在每个步骤中的预测都会导致嘈杂的相互作用,并且没有事后检查就缺乏内在的解释性。此外,它需要访问地面真理注释来分析难以获得的预测相互作用。本文介绍了Dider,发现了可解释的动态发展关系,这是一种具有内在解释性的通用端到端交互建模框架。 Dider通过将潜在相互作用预测的任务分解为亚相互作用预测和持续时间估计,发现了一个可解释的代理相互作用序列。通过在延长的时间持续时间内强加亚相互作用类型的一致性,提出的框架可以实现内在的解释性,而无需进行任何事后检查。我们在合成数据集和现实世界数据集上评估了Dider。实验结果表明,建模解剖和可解释的动态关系可改善轨迹预测任务的性能。
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Interacting systems are prevalent in nature, from dynamical systems in physics to complex societal dynamics. The interplay of components can give rise to complex behavior, which can often be explained using a simple model of the system's constituent parts. In this work, we introduce the neural relational inference (NRI) model: an unsupervised model that learns to infer interactions while simultaneously learning the dynamics purely from observational data. Our model takes the form of a variational auto-encoder, in which the latent code represents the underlying interaction graph and the reconstruction is based on graph neural networks. In experiments on simulated physical systems, we show that our NRI model can accurately recover ground-truth interactions in an unsupervised manner. We further demonstrate that we can find an interpretable structure and predict complex dynamics in real motion capture and sports tracking data.
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Motion prediction systems aim to capture the future behavior of traffic scenarios enabling autonomous vehicles to perform safe and efficient planning. The evolution of these scenarios is highly uncertain and depends on the interactions of agents with static and dynamic objects in the scene. GNN-based approaches have recently gained attention as they are well suited to naturally model these interactions. However, one of the main challenges that remains unexplored is how to address the complexity and opacity of these models in order to deal with the transparency requirements for autonomous driving systems, which includes aspects such as interpretability and explainability. In this work, we aim to improve the explainability of motion prediction systems by using different approaches. First, we propose a new Explainable Heterogeneous Graph-based Policy (XHGP) model based on an heterograph representation of the traffic scene and lane-graph traversals, which learns interaction behaviors using object-level and type-level attention. This learned attention provides information about the most important agents and interactions in the scene. Second, we explore this same idea with the explanations provided by GNNExplainer. Third, we apply counterfactual reasoning to provide explanations of selected individual scenarios by exploring the sensitivity of the trained model to changes made to the input data, i.e., masking some elements of the scene, modifying trajectories, and adding or removing dynamic agents. The explainability analysis provided in this paper is a first step towards more transparent and reliable motion prediction systems, important from the perspective of the user, developers and regulatory agencies. The code to reproduce this work is publicly available at https://github.com/sancarlim/Explainable-MP/tree/v1.1.
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揭开多个代理之间的相互作用与过去的轨迹之间的相互作用至关重要。但是,以前的作品主要考虑与有限的关系推理的静态,成对的相互作用。为了促进更全面的互动建模和关系推理,我们提出了Dyngroupnet,这是一个动态群体感知的网络,i)可以在高度动态的场景中建模时间变化的交互; ii)捕获配对和小组互动; iii)理由互动强度和类别没有直接监督。基于Dyngroupnet,我们进一步设计了一个预测系统,以预测具有动态关系推理的社会合理轨迹。提出的预测系统利用高斯混合模型,多个抽样和预测细化,分别促进预测多样性,训练稳定性和轨迹平滑度。广泛的实验表明:1)dyngroupnet可以捕获随时间变化的群体行为,在轨迹预测过程中推断时间变化的交互类别和相互作用强度,而无需在物理模拟数据集上进行任何关系监督; 2)dyngroupnet优于最先进的轨迹预测方法,其显着改善22.6%/28.0%,26.9%/34.9%,5.1%/13.0%的ADE/FDE在NBA,NFL足球和SDD Datasets上的ADE/FDE并在ETH-COY数据集上实现最先进的性能。
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We introduce a Deep Stochastic IOC 1 RNN Encoderdecoder framework, DESIRE, for the task of future predictions of multiple interacting agents in dynamic scenes. DESIRE effectively predicts future locations of objects in multiple scenes by 1) accounting for the multi-modal nature of the future prediction (i.e., given the same context, future may vary), 2) foreseeing the potential future outcomes and make a strategic prediction based on that, and 3) reasoning not only from the past motion history, but also from the scene context as well as the interactions among the agents. DESIRE achieves these in a single end-to-end trainable neural network model, while being computationally efficient. The model first obtains a diverse set of hypothetical future prediction samples employing a conditional variational autoencoder, which are ranked and refined by the following RNN scoring-regression module. Samples are scored by accounting for accumulated future rewards, which enables better long-term strategic decisions similar to IOC frameworks. An RNN scene context fusion module jointly captures past motion histories, the semantic scene context and interactions among multiple agents. A feedback mechanism iterates over the ranking and refinement to further boost the prediction accuracy. We evaluate our model on two publicly available datasets: KITTI and Stanford Drone Dataset. Our experiments show that the proposed model significantly improves the prediction accuracy compared to other baseline methods.
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We propose JFP, a Joint Future Prediction model that can learn to generate accurate and consistent multi-agent future trajectories. For this task, many different methods have been proposed to capture social interactions in the encoding part of the model, however, considerably less focus has been placed on representing interactions in the decoder and output stages. As a result, the predicted trajectories are not necessarily consistent with each other, and often result in unrealistic trajectory overlaps. In contrast, we propose an end-to-end trainable model that learns directly the interaction between pairs of agents in a structured, graphical model formulation in order to generate consistent future trajectories. It sets new state-of-the-art results on Waymo Open Motion Dataset (WOMD) for the interactive setting. We also investigate a more complex multi-agent setting for both WOMD and a larger internal dataset, where our approach improves significantly on the trajectory overlap metrics while obtaining on-par or better performance on single-agent trajectory metrics.
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Pre-publication draft of a book to be published byMorgan & Claypool publishers. Unedited version released with permission. All relevant copyrights held by the author and publisher extend to this pre-publication draft.
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Making safe and human-like decisions is an essential capability of autonomous driving systems and learning-based behavior planning is a promising pathway toward this objective. Distinguished from existing learning-based methods that directly output decisions, this work introduces a predictive behavior planning framework that learns to predict and evaluate from human driving data. Concretely, a behavior generation module first produces a diverse set of candidate behaviors in the form of trajectory proposals. Then the proposed conditional motion prediction network is employed to forecast other agents' future trajectories conditioned on each trajectory proposal. Given the candidate plans and associated prediction results, we learn a scoring module to evaluate the plans using maximum entropy inverse reinforcement learning (IRL). We conduct comprehensive experiments to validate the proposed framework on a large-scale real-world urban driving dataset. The results reveal that the conditional prediction model is able to forecast multiple possible future trajectories given a candidate behavior and the prediction results are reactive to different plans. Moreover, the IRL-based scoring module can properly evaluate the trajectory proposals and select close-to-human ones. The proposed framework outperforms other baseline methods in terms of similarity to human driving trajectories. Moreover, we find that the conditional prediction model can improve both prediction and planning performance compared to the non-conditional model, and learning the scoring module is critical to correctly evaluating the candidate plans to align with human drivers.
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作为自主驱动系统的核心技术,行人轨迹预测可以显着提高主动车辆安全性的功能,减少道路交通损伤。在交通场景中,当遇到迎面而来的人时,行人可能会立即转动或停止,这通常会导致复杂的轨迹。为了预测这种不可预测的轨迹,我们可以深入了解行人之间的互动。在本文中,我们提出了一种名为Spatial Interaction Transformer(SIT)的新型生成方法,其通过注意机制学习行人轨迹的时空相关性。此外,我们介绍了条件变形Autiachoder(CVAE)框架来模拟未来行人的潜在行动状态。特别是,基于大规模的TRAFC数据集NUSCENES [2]的实验显示,坐下的性能优于最先进的(SOTA)方法。对挑战性的Eth和UCY数据集的实验评估概述了我们提出的模型的稳健性
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