用单个机器人手抓住各种大小和形状的各种物体是一项挑战。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一只名为“ F3手”的新机器人手,受人食指和拇指的复杂运动的启发。 F3手试图通过将平行运动手指和旋转运动手指与自适应功能结合在一起来实现复杂的人类样运动。为了确认我们的手的性能,我们将其附加到移动操纵器 - 丰田人支持机器人(HSR),并进行了掌握实验。在我们的结果中,我们表明它能够掌握所有YCB对象(总共82个),包括外径的垫圈小至6.4mm。我们还构建了一个用于直观操作的系统,并使用3D鼠标掌握了另外24个对象,包括小牙签和纸夹以及大型投手和饼干盒。即使在不精确的控制和位置偏移量下,F3手也能够在抓住98%的成功率方面取得成功率。此外,由于手指的适应性功能,我们展示了F3手的特征,这些特征促进了在理想的姿势中抓住诸如草莓之类的软物体。
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本文介绍了BRL/PISA/IIT(BPI)SOFTHAND:单个执行器驱动的,低成本,3D打印,肌腱驱动的机器人手,可用于执行一系列掌握任务。基于PISA/IIT SOFTHAND的自适应协同作用,我们设计了一种新的关节系统和肌腱路由,以促进软化和适应性的协同作用,这有助于我们平衡手的耐用性,负担能力和握住手的性能。这项工作的重点在于该杂种的设计,仿真,协同作用和抓握测试。新颖的小块是根据连锁,齿轮对和几何约束机制设计和印刷的,可以应用于大多数肌腱驱动的机器人手。我们表明,机器人手可以成功地掌握和提起各种目标对象并适应复杂的几何形状,从而反映了软化和适应性协同的成功采用。我们打算为手的设计开放源,以便可以在家用3D打印机上廉价地构建。有关更多详细信息:https://sites.google.com/view/bpi-softhandtactile-group-bri/brlpisaiit-softhand-design
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Robotic hands with soft surfaces can perform stable grasping, but the high friction of the soft surfaces makes it difficult to release objects, or to perform operations that require sliding. To solve this issue, we previously developed a contact area variable surface (CAVS), whose friction changed according to the load. However, only our fundamental results were previously presented, with detailed analyses not provided. In this study, we first investigated the CAVS friction anisotropy, and demonstrated that the longitudinal direction exhibited a larger ratio of friction change. Next, we proposed a sensible CAVS, capable of providing a variable-friction mechanism, and tested its sensing and control systems in operations requiring switching between sliding and stable-grasping modes. Friction sensing was performed using an embedded camera, and we developed a gripper using the sensible CAVS, considering the CAVS friction anisotropy. In CAVS, the low-friction mode corresponds to a small grasping force, while the high-friction mode corresponds to a greater grasping force. Therefore, by controlling only the friction mode, the gripper mode can be set to either the sliding or stable-grasping mode. Based on this feature, a methodology for controlling the contact mode was constructed. We demonstrated a manipulation involving sliding and stable grasping, and thus verified the efficacy of the developed sensible CAVS.
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意识到高性能软机器人抓手是具有挑战性的,因为软执行器和人造肌肉的固有局限性。尽管现有的软机器人抓手表现出可接受的性能,但他们的设计和制造仍然是一个空旷的问题。本文探索了扭曲的弦乐执行器(TSA),以驱动软机器人抓手。 TSA已被广泛用于众多机器人应用中,但它们包含在软机器人中是有限的。提议的抓手设计灵感来自人类手,四个手指和拇指。通过使用拮抗剂TSA,在手指中实现了可调刚度。手指的弯曲角度,驱动速度,阻塞力输出和刚度调整是实验表征的。抓手能够在Kapandji测试中获得6分,并且还可以达到33个Feix Grasp Grasp分类法中的31个。一项比较研究表明,与其他类似抓手相比,提出的抓手表现出等效或卓越的性能。
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This study proposed a novel robotic gripper that can achieve grasping and infinite wrist twisting motions using a single actuator. The gripper is equipped with a differential gear mechanism that allows switching between the grasping and twisting motions according to the magnitude of the tip force applied to the finger. The grasping motion is activated when the tip force is below a set value, and the wrist twisting motion is activated when the tip force exceeds this value. "Twist grasping," a special grasping mode that allows the wrapping of a flexible thin object around the fingers of the gripper, can be achieved by the twisting motion. Twist grasping is effective for handling objects with flexible thin parts, such as laminated packaging pouches, that are difficult to grasp using conventional antipodal grasping. In this study, the gripper design is presented, and twist grasping is analyzed. The gripper performance is experimentally validated.
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This letter proposes a novel single-fingered reconfigurable robotic gripper for grasping objects in narrow working spaces. The finger of the developed gripper realizes two configurations, namely, the insertion and grasping modes, using only a single motor. In the insertion mode, the finger assumes a thin shape such that it can insert its tip into a narrow space. The grasping mode of the finger is activated through a folding mechanism. Mode switching can be achieved in two ways: switching the mode actively by a motor, or combining passive rotation of the fingertip through contact with the support surface and active motorized construction of the claw. The latter approach is effective when it is unclear how much finger insertion is required for a specific task. The structure provides a simple control scheme. The performance of the proposed robotic gripper design and control methodology was experimentally evaluated. The minimum width of the insertion space required to grasp an object is 4 mm (1 mm, when using a strategy).
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Grasping is an incredible ability of animals using their arms and limbs in their daily life. The human hand is an especially astonishing multi-fingered tool for precise grasping, which helped humans to develop the modern world. The implementation of the human grasp to virtual reality and telerobotics is always interesting and challenging at the same time. In this work, authors surveyed, studied, and analyzed the human hand-grasping behavior for the possibilities of haptic grasping in the virtual and remote environment. This work is focused on the motion and force analysis of fingers in human hand grasping scenarios and the paper describes the transition of the human hand grasping towards a tripod haptic grasp model for effective interaction in virtual reality.
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本文介绍了一种新型的分布式灵巧操纵器:三角洲阵列。每个三角洲阵列都由线性驱动的三角形机器人的网格组成,并具有符合性的3D打印的平行四边形链接。这些阵列可用于执行类似于智能输送机的平面运输任务。但是,三角洲的额外自由度也提供了各种不同的平面操作,以及在三角洲集合之间的预感。因此,三角洲阵列提供了广泛的分布式操作策略。在本文中,我们介绍了三角阵列的设计,包括单个三角洲,模块化阵列结构以及分布式通信和控制。我们还使用拟议的设计构建和评估了8x8阵列。我们的评估表明,由此产生的192 DOF机器人能够对各种对象进行各种协调的分布操作,包括翻译,对齐和预性挤压。
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大物体的操纵和安全地在人类附近进行安全操作的能力是通用国内机器人助手的关键能力。我们介绍了一种柔软,触觉的人形的人形机器人的设计,并展示了用于处理大物体的全身丰富的接触操作策略。我们展示了我们的硬件设计理念,用于使用软触觉传感模块,包括:(i)低成本,抗缝,接触压力定位的武器, (ii)基于TRI软气泡传感器的爪子,用于最终效应器,(III)柔顺的力/几何传感器,用于粗糙几何感测表面/胸部。我们利用这些模块的机械智能和触觉感应,为全身抓握控制进行开发和展示运动原语。我们评估硬件在实现各种大型国内物体上实现不同优势的掌握。我们的结果表明,利用富含接触的操纵策略的柔软度和触觉感应的重要性,以及与世界的全身力量控制的互动前进的道路。
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现代的机器人操纵系统缺乏人类的操纵技巧,部分原因是它们依靠围绕视觉数据的关闭反馈循环,这会降低系统的带宽和速度。通过开发依赖于高带宽力,接触和接近数据的自主握力反射,可以提高整体系统速度和鲁棒性,同时减少对视力数据的依赖。我们正在开发一个围绕低渗透的高速手臂建造的新系统,该系统用敏捷的手指结合了一个高级轨迹计划器,以小于1 Hz的速度运行,低级自主反射控制器的运行量超过300 Hz。我们通过将成功的基线控制器和反射握把控制器的变化的成功抓Grasps的体积和反射系统的体积进行比较,从而表征了反射系统,发现我们的控制器将成功的掌握率与基线相比扩大了55%。我们还使用简单的基于视觉的计划者在自主杂波清除任务中部署了反身抓握控制器,在清除100多个项目的同时,达到了超过90%的成功率。
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软机器人抓手有助于富含接触的操作,包括对各种物体的强大抓握。然而,软抓手的有益依从性也会导致重大变形,从而使精确的操纵具有挑战性。我们提出视觉压力估计与控制(VPEC),这种方法可以使用外部摄像头的RGB图像施加的软握力施加的压力。当气动抓地力和肌腱握力与平坦的表面接触时,我们为视觉压力推断提供了结果。我们还表明,VPEC可以通过对推断压力图像的闭环控制进行精确操作。在我们的评估中,移动操纵器(来自Hello Robot的拉伸RE1)使用Visual Servoing在所需的压力下进行接触;遵循空间压力轨迹;并掌握小型低调的物体,包括microSD卡,一分钱和药丸。总体而言,我们的结果表明,对施加压力的视觉估计可以使软抓手能够执行精确操作。
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Cloth in the real world is often crumpled, self-occluded, or folded in on itself such that key regions, such as corners, are not directly graspable, making manipulation difficult. We propose a system that leverages visual and tactile perception to unfold the cloth via grasping and sliding on edges. By doing so, the robot is able to grasp two adjacent corners, enabling subsequent manipulation tasks like folding or hanging. As components of this system, we develop tactile perception networks that classify whether an edge is grasped and estimate the pose of the edge. We use the edge classification network to supervise a visuotactile edge grasp affordance network that can grasp edges with a 90% success rate. Once an edge is grasped, we demonstrate that the robot can slide along the cloth to the adjacent corner using tactile pose estimation/control in real time. See http://nehasunil.com/visuotactile/visuotactile.html for videos.
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We describe a learning-based approach to handeye coordination for robotic grasping from monocular images. To learn hand-eye coordination for grasping, we trained a large convolutional neural network to predict the probability that task-space motion of the gripper will result in successful grasps, using only monocular camera images and independently of camera calibration or the current robot pose. This requires the network to observe the spatial relationship between the gripper and objects in the scene, thus learning hand-eye coordination. We then use this network to servo the gripper in real time to achieve successful grasps. To train our network, we collected over 800,000 grasp attempts over the course of two months, using between 6 and 14 robotic manipulators at any given time, with differences in camera placement and hardware. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that our method achieves effective real-time control, can successfully grasp novel objects, and corrects mistakes by continuous servoing.
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快速的空中抓握机器人可以导致许多应用程序,这些应用程序利用了快速,动态的拾取和放置对象。传统上用于空中操纵器中的刚性握手需要高精度和特定的物体几何形状才能成功抓握。我们提出了猛禽(Raptor),这是一个四轮摩托车平台,结合了自定义的鳍射线抓地力,以实现具有不同几何形状的物体的更灵活的抓握,利用软材料的特性来增加抓地力和物体之间的接触表面。为了减少通信延迟,我们提出了一种基于快速DDS(数据分配服务)的新的轻型中间件解决方案,作为ROS(机器人操作系统)的替代方案。我们表明,猛禽在现实环境中平均达到了83%的抓地力,用于四种不同的物体几何形状,同时在握把期间以1 m/s的平均速度移动。在高速设置中,与以前的作品相比,Raptor最多支持有效载荷的四倍。我们的结果突出了自动仓库中航空无人机的潜力以及其他在难以到达的地方运行时速度,迅速和鲁棒性至关重要的操作应用。
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As the basis for prehensile manipulation, it is vital to enable robots to grasp as robustly as humans. In daily manipulation, our grasping system is prompt, accurate, flexible and continuous across spatial and temporal domains. Few existing methods cover all these properties for robot grasping. In this paper, we propose a new methodology for grasp perception to enable robots these abilities. Specifically, we develop a dense supervision strategy with real perception and analytic labels in the spatial-temporal domain. Additional awareness of objects' center-of-mass is incorporated into the learning process to help improve grasping stability. Utilization of grasp correspondence across observations enables dynamic grasp tracking. Our model, AnyGrasp, can generate accurate, full-DoF, dense and temporally-smooth grasp poses efficiently, and works robustly against large depth sensing noise. Embedded with AnyGrasp, we achieve a 93.3% success rate when clearing bins with over 300 unseen objects, which is comparable with human subjects under controlled conditions. Over 900 MPPH is reported on a single-arm system. For dynamic grasping, we demonstrate catching swimming robot fish in the water.
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