我们研究了高度实用但相对研究的潜在域适应性问题,其中应将源模型适应包含未标记域的混合域和域 - IRRERRELERRELERRELERVANS的目标数据集。此外,受数据隐私要求以及对适应本地数据分布的嵌入式和资源约束设备的需求的激励,我们专注于设置无馈源源域的适应到源数据集,也可以返回传播。我们的解决方案是元学习网络,能够嵌入混合相关目标数据集,并使用交叉注意力动态适应目标示例。最终的框架可导致强大的ERM基线的一致改进。我们还表明,我们的框架有时甚至在域监督适应的上限上有所改善,在这种适应中,仅提供与域相关的实例进行适应。这表明人类注释的域标签可能并不总是最佳的,并提高了通过自动实例选择做得更好的可能性。
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Domain generalization (DG) is the challenging and topical problem of learning models that generalize to novel testing domains with different statistics than a set of known training domains. The simple approach of aggregating data from all source domains and training a single deep neural network end-to-end on all the data provides a surprisingly strong baseline that surpasses many prior published methods. In this paper we build on this strong baseline by designing an episodic training procedure that trains a single deep network in a way that exposes it to the domain shift that characterises a novel domain at runtime. Specifically, we decompose a deep network into feature extractor and classifier components, and then train each component by simulating it interacting with a partner who is badly tuned for the current domain. This makes both components more robust, ultimately leading to our networks producing state-of-the-art performance on three DG benchmarks. Furthermore, we consider the pervasive workflow of using an ImageNet trained CNN as a fixed feature extractor for downstream recognition tasks. Using the Visual Decathlon benchmark, we demonstrate that our episodic-DG training improves the performance of such a general purpose feature extractor by explicitly training a feature for robustness to novel problems. This shows that DG training can benefit standard practice in computer vision.
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部署的ML模型的基本要求是从与培训不同的测试分布中汲取的数据概括。解决此问题的一个流行解决方案是,仅使用未标记的数据将预训练的模型调整为新的域。在本文中,我们关注该问题的挑战性变体,其中访问原始源数据受到限制。虽然完全测试时间适应(FTTA)和无监督的域适应性(UDA)密切相关,但由于大多数UDA方法需要访问源数据,因此UDA的进展不容易适用于TTA。因此,我们提出了一种新方法,即Cattan,它通过放松了通过新颖的深层子空间对准策略来放松访问整个源数据的需求,从而弥合了UDA和FTTA。通过为源数据存储的子空间基础设置的最小开销,Cattan在适应过程中可以在源数据和目标数据之间进行无监督的对齐。通过对多个2D和3D Vision基准测试(Imagenet-C,Office-31,OfficeHome,Domainnet,PointDa-10)和模型体系结构进行广泛的实验评估,我们在FTTA性能方面表现出显着提高。此外,即使使用固有健壮的模型,预训练的VIT表示以及目标域中的样本可用性低,我们也会对对齐目标的实用性做出许多关键发现。
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We demonstrate that self-learning techniques like entropy minimization and pseudo-labeling are simple and effective at improving performance of a deployed computer vision model under systematic domain shifts. We conduct a wide range of large-scale experiments and show consistent improvements irrespective of the model architecture, the pre-training technique or the type of distribution shift. At the same time, self-learning is simple to use in practice because it does not require knowledge or access to the original training data or scheme, is robust to hyperparameter choices, is straight-forward to implement and requires only a few adaptation epochs. This makes self-learning techniques highly attractive for any practitioner who applies machine learning algorithms in the real world. We present state-of-the-art adaptation results on CIFAR10-C (8.5% error), ImageNet-C (22.0% mCE), ImageNet-R (17.4% error) and ImageNet-A (14.8% error), theoretically study the dynamics of self-supervised adaptation methods and propose a new classification dataset (ImageNet-D) which is challenging even with adaptation.
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Test-time adaptation (TTA) has attracted significant attention due to its practical properties which enable the adaptation of a pre-trained model to a new domain with only target dataset during the inference stage. Prior works on TTA assume that the target dataset comes from the same distribution and thus constitutes a single homogeneous domain. In practice, however, the target domain can contain multiple homogeneous domains which are sufficiently distinctive from each other and those multiple domains might occur cyclically. Our preliminary investigation shows that domain-specific TTA outperforms vanilla TTA treating compound domain (CD) as a single one. However, domain labels are not available for CD, which makes domain-specific TTA not practicable. To this end, we propose an online clustering algorithm for finding pseudo-domain labels to obtain similar benefits as domain-specific configuration and accumulating knowledge of cyclic domains effectively. Moreover, we observe that there is a significant discrepancy in terms of prediction quality among samples, especially in the CD context. This further motivates us to boost its performance with gradient denoising by considering the image-wise similarity with the source distribution. Overall, the key contribution of our work lies in proposing a highly significant new task compound domain test-time adaptation (CD-TTA) on semantic segmentation as well as providing a strong baseline to facilitate future works to benchmark.
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Few-shot classification aims to recognize unlabeled samples from unseen classes given only few labeled samples. The unseen classes and low-data problem make few-shot classification very challenging. Many existing approaches extracted features from labeled and unlabeled samples independently, as a result, the features are not discriminative enough. In this work, we propose a novel Cross Attention Network to address the challenging problems in few-shot classification. Firstly, Cross Attention Module is introduced to deal with the problem of unseen classes. The module generates cross attention maps for each pair of class feature and query sample feature so as to highlight the target object regions, making the extracted feature more discriminative. Secondly, a transductive inference algorithm is proposed to alleviate the low-data problem, which iteratively utilizes the unlabeled query set to augment the support set, thereby making the class features more representative. Extensive experiments on two benchmarks show our method is a simple, effective and computationally efficient framework and outperforms the state-of-the-arts.
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域泛化(DG)利用多个标记的源数据集来训练未经化的目标域的概括模型。然而,由于昂贵的注释成本,在现实世界应用中难以满足标记所有源数据的要求。在本文中,我们调查单个标记的域泛化(SLDG)任务,只标有一个源域,这比传统的域泛化(CDG)更实用和具有挑战性。 SLDG任务中的主要障碍是可怜的概括偏置:标记源数据集中的鉴别信息可以包含特定于域的偏差,限制训练模型的泛化。为了解决这个具有挑战性的任务,我们提出了一种称为域特定偏置滤波(DSBF)的新方法,该方法用标记的源数据初始化识别模型,然后通过用于泛化改进的未标记的源数据来滤除其域特定的偏差。我们将过滤过程划分为(1)特征提取器扩展通过K-Means的基于聚类的语义特征重新提取和(2)分类器通过注意引导语义特征投影校准。 DSBF统一探索标签和未标记的源数据,以增强培训模型的可辨性和泛化,从而产生高度普遍的模型。我们进一步提供了理论分析,以验证所提出的域特定的偏置滤波过程。关于多个数据集的广泛实验显示了DSBF在解决具有挑战性的SLDG任务和CDG任务时的优越性。
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We introduce a new representation learning approach for domain adaptation, in which data at training and test time come from similar but different distributions. Our approach is directly inspired by the theory on domain adaptation suggesting that, for effective domain transfer to be achieved, predictions must be made based on features that cannot discriminate between the training (source) and test (target) domains.The approach implements this idea in the context of neural network architectures that are trained on labeled data from the source domain and unlabeled data from the target domain (no labeled target-domain data is necessary). As the training progresses, the approach promotes the emergence of features that are (i) discriminative for the main learning task on the source domain and (ii) indiscriminate with respect to the shift between the domains. We show that this adaptation behaviour can be achieved in almost any feed-forward model by augmenting it with few standard layers and a new gradient reversal layer. The resulting augmented architecture can be trained using standard backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent, and can thus be implemented with little effort using any of the deep learning packages.We demonstrate the success of our approach for two distinct classification problems (document sentiment analysis and image classification), where state-of-the-art domain adaptation performance on standard benchmarks is achieved. We also validate the approach for descriptor learning task in the context of person re-identification application.
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Top-performing deep architectures are trained on massive amounts of labeled data. In the absence of labeled data for a certain task, domain adaptation often provides an attractive option given that labeled data of similar nature but from a different domain (e.g. synthetic images) are available. Here, we propose a new approach to domain adaptation in deep architectures that can be trained on large amount of labeled data from the source domain and large amount of unlabeled data from the target domain (no labeled targetdomain data is necessary).As the training progresses, the approach promotes the emergence of "deep" features that are (i) discriminative for the main learning task on the source domain and (ii) invariant with respect to the shift between the domains. We show that this adaptation behaviour can be achieved in almost any feed-forward model by augmenting it with few standard layers and a simple new gradient reversal layer. The resulting augmented architecture can be trained using standard backpropagation.Overall, the approach can be implemented with little effort using any of the deep-learning packages. The method performs very well in a series of image classification experiments, achieving adaptation effect in the presence of big domain shifts and outperforming previous state-ofthe-art on Office datasets.
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Deep learning has produced state-of-the-art results for a variety of tasks. While such approaches for supervised learning have performed well, they assume that training and testing data are drawn from the same distribution, which may not always be the case. As a complement to this challenge, single-source unsupervised domain adaptation can handle situations where a network is trained on labeled data from a source domain and unlabeled data from a related but different target domain with the goal of performing well at test-time on the target domain. Many single-source and typically homogeneous unsupervised deep domain adaptation approaches have thus been developed, combining the powerful, hierarchical representations from deep learning with domain adaptation to reduce reliance on potentially-costly target data labels. This survey will compare these approaches by examining alternative methods, the unique and common elements, results, and theoretical insights. We follow this with a look at application areas and open research directions.
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