Personalization in Federated Learning (FL) aims to modify a collaboratively trained global model according to each client. Current approaches to personalization in FL are at a coarse granularity, i.e. all the input instances of a client use the same personalized model. This ignores the fact that some instances are more accurately handled by the global model due to better generalizability. To address this challenge, this work proposes Flow, a fine-grained stateless personalized FL approach. Flow creates dynamic personalized models by learning a routing mechanism that determines whether an input instance prefers the local parameters or its global counterpart. Thus, Flow introduces per-instance routing in addition to leveraging per-client personalization to improve accuracies at each client. Further, Flow is stateless which makes it unnecessary for a client to retain its personalized state across FL rounds. This makes Flow practical for large-scale FL settings and friendly to newly joined clients. Evaluations on Stackoverflow, Reddit, and EMNIST datasets demonstrate the superiority in prediction accuracy of Flow over state-of-the-art non-personalized and only per-client personalized approaches to FL.
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随着对数据隐私和数据量迅速增加的越来越关注,联邦学习(FL)已成为重要的学习范式。但是,在FL环境中共同学习深层神经网络模型被证明是一项非平凡的任务,因为与神经网络相关的复杂性,例如跨客户的各种体系结构,神经元的置换不变性以及非线性的存在每一层的转换。这项工作介绍了一个新颖的联合异质神经网络(FEDHENN)框架,该框架允许每个客户构建个性化模型,而无需在跨客户范围内实施共同的架构。这使每个客户都可以优化本地数据并计算约束,同时仍能从其他(可能更强大)客户端的学习中受益。 Fedhenn的关键思想是使用从同行客户端获得的实例级表示,以指导每个客户的同时培训。广泛的实验结果表明,Fedhenn框架能够在跨客户的同质和异质体系结构的设置中学习更好地表现客户的模型。
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A key challenge in federated learning (FL) is the statistical heterogeneity that impairs the generalization of the global model on each client. To address this, we propose a method Federated learning with Adaptive Local Aggregation (FedALA) by capturing the desired information in the global model for client models in personalized FL. The key component of FedALA is an Adaptive Local Aggregation (ALA) module, which can adaptively aggregate the downloaded global model and local model towards the local objective on each client to initialize the local model before training in each iteration. To evaluate the effectiveness of FedALA, we conduct extensive experiments with five benchmark datasets in computer vision and natural language processing domains. FedALA outperforms eleven state-of-the-art baselines by up to 3.27% in test accuracy. Furthermore, we also apply ALA module to other federated learning methods and achieve up to 24.19% improvement in test accuracy.
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个性化联合学习认为在异质网络中每个客户独有的学习模型。据称,最终的客户特定模型是为了改善联合网络中的准确性,公平性和鲁棒性等指标。但是,尽管该领域有很多工作,但仍不清楚:(1)哪些个性化技术在各种环境中最有效,以及(2)个性化对现实的联合应用程序的真正重要性。为了更好地回答这些问题,我们提出了Motley,这是个性化联合学习的基准。 Motley由一套来自各种问题域的跨设备和跨核管联合数据集组成,以及彻底的评估指标,以更好地理解个性化的可能影响。我们通过比较许多代表性的个性化联合学习方法来建立基准基准。这些最初的结果突出了现有方法的优势和劣势,并为社区提出了几个开放问题。 Motley旨在提供一种可再现的手段,以推进个性化和异质性的联合学习以及转移学习,元学习和多任务学习的相关领域。
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The mediocre performance of conventional federated learning (FL) over heterogeneous data has been facilitating personalized FL solutions, where, unlike conventional FL which trains a single global consensus model, different models are allowed for different clients. However, in most existing personalized FL algorithms, the collaborative knowledge across the federation was only implicitly passed to the clients in ways such as model aggregation or regularization. We observed that this implicit knowledge transfer fails to maximize the potential value of each client's empirical risk toward other clients. Based on our observation, in this work, we propose Personalized Global Federated Learning (PGFed), a novel personalized FL framework that enables each client to personalize its own global objective by explicitly and adaptively aggregating the empirical risks of itself and other clients. To avoid massive ($O(N^2)$) communication overhead and potential privacy leakage, each client's risk is estimated through a first-order approximation for other clients' adaptive risk aggregation. On top of PGFed, we develop a momentum upgrade, dubbed PGFedMo, to more efficiently utilize clients' empirical risks. Our extensive experiments under different federated settings with benchmark datasets show consistent improvements of PGFed over the compared state-of-the-art alternatives.
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近年来,个性化联邦学习(PFL)引起了越来越关注其在客户之间处理统计异质性的潜力。然而,最先进的PFL方法依赖于服务器端的模型参数聚合,这需要所有模型具有相同的结构和大小,因此限制了应用程序以实现更多异构场景。要处理此类模型限制,我们利用异构模型设置的潜力,并提出了一种新颖的培训框架,为不同客户使用个性化模型。具体而言,我们将原始PFL中的聚合过程分为个性化组知识转移训练算法,即KT-PFL,这使得每个客户端能够在服务器端维护个性化软预测以指导其他人的本地培训。 KT-PFL通过使用知识系数矩阵的所有本地软预测的线性组合更新每个客户端的个性化软预测,这可以自适应地加强拥有类似数据分布的客户端之间的协作。此外,为了量化每个客户对他人的个性化培训的贡献,知识系数矩阵是参数化的,以便可以与模型同时培训。知识系数矩阵和模型参数在每轮梯度下降方式之后的每一轮中可替代地更新。在不同的设置(异构模型和数据分布)下进行各种数据集(EMNIST,Fashion \ _Mnist,CIFAR-10)的广泛实验。据证明,所提出的框架是第一个通过参数化群体知识转移实现个性化模型培训的联邦学习范例,同时实现与最先进的算法比较的显着性能增益。
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联合学习(FL)是一种有效的学习框架,可帮助由于隐私和监管限制无法与集中式服务器共享数据时,帮助分布式机器学习。 FL使用基于预定义体系结构的学习的最新进展。然而,考虑到客户端的数据对服务器和数据分布是不可相同的客户端,在集中设置中发现的预定义体系结构可能不是FL中所有客户端的最佳解决方案。在这项工作中受到这项挑战的动机,我们介绍了蜘蛛,这是一种旨在搜索用于联合学习的个性化神经结构的算法框架。蜘蛛是根据两个独特特征设计的:(1)交替地以通用的方式优化一个架构 - 均匀的全球模型(Supernet),一个架构 - 异构本地模型,由基于重量共享的正则化连接到全球模型(2通过新颖的神经结构搜索(NAS)方法实现架构异构本地模型,其可以使用对准确值的操作级别扰动来逐渐选择最佳子网。实验结果表明,蜘蛛优于其他最先进的个性化方法,搜索的个性化架构更加推理效率。
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Personalized Federated Learning (PFL) which collaboratively trains a federated model while considering local clients under privacy constraints has attracted much attention. Despite its popularity, it has been observed that existing PFL approaches result in sub-optimal solutions when the joint distribution among local clients diverges. To address this issue, we present Federated Modular Network (FedMN), a novel PFL approach that adaptively selects sub-modules from a module pool to assemble heterogeneous neural architectures for different clients. FedMN adopts a light-weighted routing hypernetwork to model the joint distribution on each client and produce the personalized selection of the module blocks for each client. To reduce the communication burden in existing FL, we develop an efficient way to interact between the clients and the server. We conduct extensive experiments on the real-world test beds and the results show both the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed FedMN over the baselines.
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Federated Learning有望在不访问数据的情况下与多个客户进行协作培训模型的能力,但是当客户的数据分布彼此差异时脆弱。这种差异进一步导致了困境:“我们是否应该优先考虑学习模型的通用性能(用于服务器的将来使用)或其个性化绩效(对于每个客户端)?”这两个看似竞争的目标使社区分裂了专注于一个或另一个,但在本文中,我们表明可以同时实现这两者。具体而言,我们提出了一个新颖的联邦学习框架,该框架将模型的双重职责与两个预测任务相结合。一方面,我们介绍了一个损失家族,这些损失家庭对非相同的班级分布,使客户能够培训一个通用的预测指标,并以一致的目标培训。另一方面,我们将个性化预测变量作为一种轻巧的自适应模块,以最大程度地减少每个客户在通用预测指标上的经验风险。借助我们将联合强大的脱钩(FED-ROD)命名的两个损失的两次挑战框架,学识渊博的模型可以同时实现最先进的通用和个性化的性能,从而实质上弥补了这两个任务。
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The growing interest in intelligent services and privacy protection for mobile devices has given rise to the widespread application of federated learning in Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC). Diverse user behaviors call for personalized services with heterogeneous Machine Learning (ML) models on different devices. Federated Multi-task Learning (FMTL) is proposed to train related but personalized ML models for different devices, whereas previous works suffer from excessive communication overhead during training and neglect the model heterogeneity among devices in MEC. Introducing knowledge distillation into FMTL can simultaneously enable efficient communication and model heterogeneity among clients, whereas existing methods rely on a public dataset, which is impractical in reality. To tackle this dilemma, Federated MultI-task Distillation for Multi-access Edge CompuTing (FedICT) is proposed. FedICT direct local-global knowledge aloof during bi-directional distillation processes between clients and the server, aiming to enable multi-task clients while alleviating client drift derived from divergent optimization directions of client-side local models. Specifically, FedICT includes Federated Prior Knowledge Distillation (FPKD) and Local Knowledge Adjustment (LKA). FPKD is proposed to reinforce the clients' fitting of local data by introducing prior knowledge of local data distributions. Moreover, LKA is proposed to correct the distillation loss of the server, making the transferred local knowledge better match the generalized representation. Experiments on three datasets show that FedICT significantly outperforms all compared benchmarks in various data heterogeneous and model architecture settings, achieving improved accuracy with less than 1.2% training communication overhead compared with FedAvg and no more than 75% training communication round compared with FedGKT.
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随着对用户数据隐私的越来越关注,联合学习(FL)已被开发为在边缘设备上训练机器学习模型的独特培训范式,而无需访问敏感数据。传统的FL和现有方法直接在云服务器的同一型号和培训设备的所有边缘上采用聚合方法。尽管这些方法保护了数据隐私,但它们不能具有模型异质性,甚至忽略了异质的计算能力,也可以忽略陡峭的沟通成本。在本文中,我们目的是将资源感知的FL汇总为从边缘模型中提取的本地知识的集合,而不是汇总每个本地模型的权重,然后将其蒸馏成一个强大的全局知识,作为服务器模型通过知识蒸馏。通过深入的相互学习,将本地模型和全球知识提取到很小的知识网络中。这种知识提取使Edge客户端可以部署资源感知模型并执行多模型知识融合,同时保持沟通效率和模型异质性。经验结果表明,在异质数据和模型中的通信成本和概括性能方面,我们的方法比现有的FL算法有了显着改善。我们的方法将VGG-11的沟通成本降低了102美元$ \ times $和Resnet-32,当培训Resnet-20作为知识网络时,最多可达30美元$ \ times $。
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联合学习(FL)可以对机器学习模型进行分布式培训,同时将个人数据保存在用户设备上。尽管我们目睹了FL在移动传感领域的越来越多的应用,例如人类活动识别(HAR),但在多设备环境(MDE)的背景下,尚未对FL进行研究,其中每个用户都拥有多个数据生产设备。随着移动设备和可穿戴设备的扩散,MDE在Ubicomp设置中越来越受欢迎,因此需要对其中的FL进行研究。 MDE中的FL的特征是在客户和设备异质性的存在中并不复杂,并不是独立的,并且在客户端之间并非独立分布(非IID)。此外,确保在MDE中有效利用佛罗里达州客户的系统资源仍然是一个重要的挑战。在本文中,我们提出了以用户为中心的FL培训方法来应对MDE中的统计和系统异质性,并在设备之间引起推理性能的一致性。火焰功能(i)以用户为中心的FL培训,利用同一用户的设备之间的时间对齐; (ii)准确性和效率感知设备的选择; (iii)对设备的个性化模型。我们还提出了具有现实的能量流量和网络带宽配置文件的FL评估测试,以及一种基于类的新型数据分配方案,以将现有HAR数据集扩展到联合设置。我们在三个多设备HAR数据集上的实验结果表明,火焰的表现优于各种基准,F1得分高4.3-25.8%,能源效率提高1.02-2.86倍,并高达2.06倍的收敛速度,以通过FL的公平分布来获得目标准确性工作量。
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The heterogeneity of hardware and data is a well-known and studied problem in the community of Federated Learning (FL) as running under heterogeneous settings. Recently, custom-size client models trained with Knowledge Distillation (KD) has emerged as a viable strategy for tackling the heterogeneity challenge. However, previous efforts in this direction are aimed at client model tuning rather than their impact onto the knowledge aggregation of the global model. Despite performance of global models being the primary objective of FL systems, under heterogeneous settings client models have received more attention. Here, we provide more insights into how the chosen approach for training custom client models has an impact on the global model, which is essential for any FL application. We show the global model can fully leverage the strength of KD with heterogeneous data. Driven by empirical observations, we further propose a new approach that combines KD and Learning without Forgetting (LwoF) to produce improved personalised models. We bring heterogeneous FL on pair with the mighty FedAvg of homogeneous FL, in realistic deployment scenarios with dropping clients.
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