Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms are known to scale poorly to environments with many available actions, requiring numerous samples to learn an optimal policy. The traditional approach of considering the same fixed action space in every possible state implies that the agent must understand, while also learning to maximize its reward, to ignore irrelevant actions such as $\textit{inapplicable actions}$ (i.e. actions that have no effect on the environment when performed in a given state). Knowing this information can help reduce the sample complexity of RL algorithms by masking the inapplicable actions from the policy distribution to only explore actions relevant to finding an optimal policy. This is typically done in an ad-hoc manner with hand-crafted domain logic added to the RL algorithm. In this paper, we propose a more systematic approach to introduce this knowledge into the algorithm. We (i) standardize the way knowledge can be manually specified to the agent; and (ii) present a new framework to autonomously learn these state-dependent action constraints jointly with the policy. We show experimentally that learning inapplicable actions greatly improves the sample efficiency of the algorithm by providing a reliable signal to mask out irrelevant actions. Moreover, we demonstrate that thanks to the transferability of the knowledge acquired, it can be reused in other tasks to make the learning process more efficient.
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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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A long-standing challenge in artificial intelligence is lifelong learning. In lifelong learning, many tasks are presented in sequence and learners must efficiently transfer knowledge between tasks while avoiding catastrophic forgetting over long lifetimes. On these problems, policy reuse and other multi-policy reinforcement learning techniques can learn many tasks. However, they can generate many temporary or permanent policies, resulting in memory issues. Consequently, there is a need for lifetime-scalable methods that continually refine a policy library of a pre-defined size. This paper presents a first approach to lifetime-scalable policy reuse. To pre-select the number of policies, a notion of task capacity, the maximal number of tasks that a policy can accurately solve, is proposed. To evaluate lifetime policy reuse using this method, two state-of-the-art single-actor base-learners are compared: 1) a value-based reinforcement learner, Deep Q-Network (DQN) or Deep Recurrent Q-Network (DRQN); and 2) an actor-critic reinforcement learner, Proximal Policy Optimisation (PPO) with or without Long Short-Term Memory layer. By selecting the number of policies based on task capacity, D(R)QN achieves near-optimal performance with 6 policies in a 27-task MDP domain and 9 policies in an 18-task POMDP domain; with fewer policies, catastrophic forgetting and negative transfer are observed. Due to slow, monotonic improvement, PPO requires fewer policies, 1 policy for the 27-task domain and 4 policies for the 18-task domain, but it learns the tasks with lower accuracy than D(R)QN. These findings validate lifetime-scalable policy reuse and suggest using D(R)QN for larger and PPO for smaller library sizes.
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The reinforcement learning paradigm is a popular way to address problems that have only limited environmental feedback, rather than correctly labeled examples, as is common in other machine learning contexts. While significant progress has been made to improve learning in a single task, the idea of transfer learning has only recently been applied to reinforcement learning tasks. The core idea of transfer is that experience gained in learning to perform one task can help improve learning performance in a related, but different, task. In this article we present a framework that classifies transfer learning methods in terms of their capabilities and goals, and then use it to survey the existing literature, as well as to suggest future directions for transfer learning work.
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Deep reinforcement learning is poised to revolutionise the field of AI and represents a step towards building autonomous systems with a higher level understanding of the visual world. Currently, deep learning is enabling reinforcement learning to scale to problems that were previously intractable, such as learning to play video games directly from pixels. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms are also applied to robotics, allowing control policies for robots to be learned directly from camera inputs in the real world. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the general field of reinforcement learning, then progress to the main streams of value-based and policybased methods. Our survey will cover central algorithms in deep reinforcement learning, including the deep Q-network, trust region policy optimisation, and asynchronous advantage actor-critic. In parallel, we highlight the unique advantages of deep neural networks, focusing on visual understanding via reinforcement learning. To conclude, we describe several current areas of research within the field.
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Adequately assigning credit to actions for future outcomes based on their contributions is a long-standing open challenge in Reinforcement Learning. The assumptions of the most commonly used credit assignment method are disadvantageous in tasks where the effects of decisions are not immediately evident. Furthermore, this method can only evaluate actions that have been selected by the agent, making it highly inefficient. Still, no alternative methods have been widely adopted in the field. Hindsight Credit Assignment is a promising, but still unexplored candidate, which aims to solve the problems of both long-term and counterfactual credit assignment. In this thesis, we empirically investigate Hindsight Credit Assignment to identify its main benefits, and key points to improve. Then, we apply it to factored state representations, and in particular to state representations based on the causal structure of the environment. In this setting, we propose a variant of Hindsight Credit Assignment that effectively exploits a given causal structure. We show that our modification greatly decreases the workload of Hindsight Credit Assignment, making it more efficient and enabling it to outperform the baseline credit assignment method on various tasks. This opens the way to other methods based on given or learned causal structures.
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顺序决策的两种常见方法是AI计划(AIP)和强化学习(RL)。每个都有优点和缺点。 AIP是可解释的,易于与象征知识集成,并且通常是有效的,但需要前期逻辑域的规范,并且对噪声敏感; RL仅需要奖励的规范,并且对噪声是强大的,但效率低下,不容易提供外部知识。我们提出了一种综合方法,将高级计划与RL结合在一起,保留可解释性,转移和效率,同时允许对低级计划行动进行强有力的学习。我们的方法通过在AI计划问题的状态过渡模型与Markov决策过程(MDP)的抽象状态过渡系统(MDP)之间建立对应关系,从而定义了AIP操作员的分层增强学习(HRL)的选项。通过添加内在奖励来鼓励MDP和AIP过渡模型之间的一致性来学习选项。我们通过比较Minigrid和N房间环境中RL和HRL算法的性能来证明我们的综合方法的好处,从而显示了我们方法比现有方法的优势。
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深度强化学习(DRL)和深度多机构的强化学习(MARL)在包括游戏AI,自动驾驶汽车,机器人技术等各种领域取得了巨大的成功。但是,众所周知,DRL和Deep MARL代理的样本效率低下,即使对于相对简单的问题设置,通常也需要数百万个相互作用,从而阻止了在实地场景中的广泛应用和部署。背后的一个瓶颈挑战是众所周知的探索问题,即如何有效地探索环境和收集信息丰富的经验,从而使政策学习受益于最佳研究。在稀疏的奖励,吵闹的干扰,长距离和非平稳的共同学习者的复杂环境中,这个问题变得更加具有挑战性。在本文中,我们对单格和多代理RL的现有勘探方法进行了全面的调查。我们通过确定有效探索的几个关键挑战开始调查。除了上述两个主要分支外,我们还包括其他具有不同思想和技术的著名探索方法。除了算法分析外,我们还对一组常用基准的DRL进行了全面和统一的经验比较。根据我们的算法和实证研究,我们终于总结了DRL和Deep Marl中探索的公开问题,并指出了一些未来的方向。
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尽管在许多具有挑战性的问题中取得了成功,但增强学习(RL)仍然面临样本效率低下,可以通过将先验知识引入代理人来缓解。但是,在加强学习方面的许多转移技术使教师是专家的局限性假设。在本文中,我们将增强学习中的行动作为推理框架 - 即,在每个状态下的行动分布,类似于教师政策,而不是贝叶斯的先验 - 恢复最先进的策略蒸馏技术。然后,我们提出了一类自适应方法,这些方法可以通过结合奖励成型和辅助正则化损失来鲁sumply动作先验。与先前的工作相反,我们开发了利用次优的动作先验的算法,这些算法可能仍然传授有价值的知识 - 我们称之为软动作先验。拟议的算法通过根据教师在每个州的有用性的估计来调整教师反馈的强度来适应。我们执行表格实验,这表明所提出的方法达到了最先进的性能,在从次优先的先验中学习时超过了它。最后,我们证明了自适应算法在连续动作中的鲁棒性深度RL问题,与现有的策略蒸馏方法相比,自适应算法显着提高了稳定性。
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Safe Reinforcement Learning can be defined as the process of learning policies that maximize the expectation of the return in problems in which it is important to ensure reasonable system performance and/or respect safety constraints during the learning and/or deployment processes. We categorize and analyze two approaches of Safe Reinforcement Learning. The first is based on the modification of the optimality criterion, the classic discounted finite/infinite horizon, with a safety factor. The second is based on the modification of the exploration process through the incorporation of external knowledge or the guidance of a risk metric. We use the proposed classification to survey the existing literature, as well as suggesting future directions for Safe Reinforcement Learning.
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Recent advances in batch (offline) reinforcement learning have shown promising results in learning from available offline data and proved offline reinforcement learning to be an essential toolkit in learning control policies in a model-free setting. An offline reinforcement learning algorithm applied to a dataset collected by a suboptimal non-learning-based algorithm can result in a policy that outperforms the behavior agent used to collect the data. Such a scenario is frequent in robotics, where existing automation is collecting operational data. Although offline learning techniques can learn from data generated by a sub-optimal behavior agent, there is still an opportunity to improve the sample complexity of existing offline reinforcement learning algorithms by strategically introducing human demonstration data into the training process. To this end, we propose a novel approach that uses uncertainty estimation to trigger the injection of human demonstration data and guide policy training towards optimal behavior while reducing overall sample complexity. Our experiments show that this approach is more sample efficient when compared to a naive way of combining expert data with data collected from a sub-optimal agent. We augmented an existing offline reinforcement learning algorithm Conservative Q-Learning with our approach and performed experiments on data collected from MuJoCo and OffWorld Gym learning environments.
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将有用的背景知识传达给加强学习(RL)代理是加速学习的重要方法。我们介绍了Rlang,这是一种特定领域的语言(DSL),用于将域知识传达给RL代理。与RL社区提出的其他现有DSL不同,该基础是决策形式主义的单个要素(例如,奖励功能或政策功能),RLANG可以指定有关马尔可夫决策过程中每个元素的信息。我们为rlang定义了精确的语法和基础语义,并提供了解析器实施,将rlang程序基于算法 - 敏捷的部分世界模型和政策,可以由RL代理利用。我们提供一系列示例RLANG程序,并演示不同的RL方法如何利用所得的知识,包括无模型和基于模型的表格算法,分层方法和深度RL算法(包括策略梯度和基于价值的方法)。
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在过去的十年中,多智能经纪人强化学习(Marl)已经有了重大进展,但仍存在许多挑战,例如高样本复杂性和慢趋同稳定的政策,在广泛的部署之前需要克服,这是可能的。然而,在实践中,许多现实世界的环境已经部署了用于生成策略的次优或启发式方法。一个有趣的问题是如何最好地使用这些方法作为顾问,以帮助改善多代理领域的加强学习。在本文中,我们提供了一个原则的框架,用于将动作建议纳入多代理设置中的在线次优顾问。我们描述了在非传记通用随机游戏环境中提供多种智能强化代理(海军上将)的问题,并提出了两种新的基于Q学习的算法:海军上将决策(海军DM)和海军上将 - 顾问评估(Admiral-AE) ,这使我们能够通过适当地纳入顾问(Admiral-DM)的建议来改善学习,并评估顾问(Admiral-AE)的有效性。我们从理论上分析了算法,并在一般加上随机游戏中提供了关于他们学习的定点保证。此外,广泛的实验说明了这些算法:可以在各种环境中使用,具有对其他相关基线的有利相比的性能,可以扩展到大状态行动空间,并且对来自顾问的不良建议具有稳健性。
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The policy gradient method enjoys the simplicity of the objective where the agent optimizes the cumulative reward directly. Moreover, in the continuous action domain, parameterized distribution of action distribution allows easy control of exploration, resulting from the variance of the representing distribution. Entropy can play an essential role in policy optimization by selecting the stochastic policy, which eventually helps better explore the environment in reinforcement learning (RL). However, the stochasticity often reduces as the training progresses; thus, the policy becomes less exploratory. Additionally, certain parametric distributions might only work for some environments and require extensive hyperparameter tuning. This paper aims to mitigate these issues. In particular, we propose an algorithm called Robust Policy Optimization (RPO), which leverages a perturbed distribution. We hypothesize that our method encourages high-entropy actions and provides a way to represent the action space better. We further provide empirical evidence to verify our hypothesis. We evaluated our methods on various continuous control tasks from DeepMind Control, OpenAI Gym, Pybullet, and IsaacGym. We observed that in many settings, RPO increases the policy entropy early in training and then maintains a certain level of entropy throughout the training period. Eventually, our agent RPO shows consistently improved performance compared to PPO and other techniques: entropy regularization, different distributions, and data augmentation. Furthermore, in several settings, our method stays robust in performance, while other baseline mechanisms fail to improve and even worsen the performance.
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