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事实证明,在学习环境中,社会智能代理(SIA)的部署在不同的应用领域具有多个优势。社会代理创作工具使场景设计师能够创造出对SIAS行为的高度控制的量身定制体验,但是,另一方面,这是有代价的,因为该方案及其创作的复杂性可能变得霸道。在本文中,我们介绍了可解释的社会代理创作工具的概念,目的是分析社会代理的创作工具是否可以理解和解释。为此,我们检查了创作工具Fatima-Toolkit是否可以理解,并且从作者的角度来看,其创作步骤可以解释。我们进行了两项用户研究,以定量评估Fatima-Toolkit的解释性,可理解性和透明度,从场景设计师的角度来看。关键发现之一是,法蒂玛 - 库尔基特(Fatima-Toolkit)的概念模型通常是可以理解的,但是基于情感的概念并不那么容易理解和使用。尽管关于Fatima-Toolkit的解释性有一些积极的方面,但仍需要取得进展,以实现完全可以解释的社会代理商创作工具。我们提供一组关键概念和可能的解决方案,可以指导开发人员构建此类工具。
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Negotiation is one of the crucial abilities in human communication, and there has been a resurgent research interest in negotiation dialogue systems recently, which goal is to empower intelligent agents with such ability that can efficiently help humans resolve conflicts or reach beneficial agreements. Although there have been many explorations in negotiation dialogue systems, a systematic review of this task has to date remained notably absent. To this end, we aim to fill this gap by reviewing contemporary studies in the emerging field of negotiation dialogue systems, covering benchmarks, evaluations, and methodologies. Furthermore, we also discuss potential future directions, including multi-modal, multi-party, and cross-cultural negotiation scenarios. Our goal is to provide the community with a systematic overview of negotiation dialogue systems and to inspire future research.
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本文将社会实践的模型描述为一种理论框架,可以管理与培训沟通技能培训医生的特定目标的对话。为了这个目标,在交流中管理对话的域推理器!\ cite {jeuring}认真的游戏被视为基础。由于在某种情况下选择特定的社会实践是非平凡的,因此我们使用概率模型来选择社会实践,以作为实施符合社会实践模型的代理体系结构的一步。
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There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to make their algorithms more understandable. Much of this research is focused on explicitly explaining decisions or actions to a human observer, and it should not be controversial to say that looking at how humans explain to each other can serve as a useful starting point for explanation in artificial intelligence. However, it is fair to say that most work in explainable artificial intelligence uses only the researchers' intuition of what constitutes a 'good' explanation. There exists vast and valuable bodies of research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science of how people define, generate, select, evaluate, and present explanations, which argues that people employ certain cognitive biases and social expectations towards the explanation process. This paper argues that the field of explainable artificial intelligence should build on this existing research, and reviews relevant papers from philosophy, cognitive psychology/science, and social psychology, which study these topics. It draws out some important findings, and discusses ways that these can be infused with work on explainable artificial intelligence.
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会话人工智能(Convai)系统最近吸引了许多学术和商业关注,在两端都取得了重大进展。但是,现有的工作讨论了如何在现实世界应用中开发和部署这些系统的社会益处,具有全面的案例研究和利弊分析。在本文中,我们简要介绍了社区对更好的康沃系统的进展,并反思现有技术如何帮助推进来自各种角度的社会良好举措,这些角度是社区中的共同知识。我们进一步讨论了Convai System以更好地帮助我们实现这些目标的挑战,并突出了其在现实世界中开发和部署所涉及的风险。
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Any organization needs to improve their products, services, and processes. In this context, engaging with customers and understanding their journey is essential. Organizations have leveraged various techniques and technologies to support customer engagement, from call centres to chatbots and virtual agents. Recently, these systems have used Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to analyze large volumes of customer feedback and engagement data. The goal is to understand customers in context and provide meaningful answers across various channels. Despite multiple advances in Conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Recommender Systems (RS), it is still challenging to understand the intent behind customer questions during the customer journey. To address this challenge, in this paper, we study and analyze the recent work in Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) in general and, more specifically, in chatbot-based CRS. We introduce a pipeline to contextualize the input utterances in conversations. We then take the next step towards leveraging reverse feature engineering to link the contextualized input and learning model to support intent recognition. Since performance evaluation is achieved based on different ML models, we use transformer base models to evaluate the proposed approach using a labelled dialogue dataset (MSDialogue) of question-answering interactions between information seekers and answer providers.
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This paper aims to provide a radical rundown on Conversation Search (ConvSearch), an approach to enhance the information retrieval method where users engage in a dialogue for the information-seeking tasks. In this survey, we predominantly focused on the human interactive characteristics of the ConvSearch systems, highlighting the operations of the action modules, likely the Retrieval system, Question-Answering, and Recommender system. We labeled various ConvSearch research problems in knowledge bases, natural language processing, and dialogue management systems along with the action modules. We further categorized the framework to ConvSearch and the application is directed toward biomedical and healthcare fields for the utilization of clinical social technology. Finally, we conclude by talking through the challenges and issues of ConvSearch, particularly in Bio-Medicine. Our main aim is to provide an integrated and unified vision of the ConvSearch components from different fields, which benefit the information-seeking process in healthcare systems.
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Neurodegeneration characterizes individuals with different dementia subtypes (e.g., individuals with Alzheimer's Disease, Primary Progressive Aphasia, and Parkinson's Disease), leading to progressive decline in cognitive, linguistic, and social functioning. Speech and language impairments are early symptoms in individuals with focal forms of neurodegenerative conditions, coupled with deficits in cognitive, social, and behavioral domains. This paper reviews the findings on language and communication deficits and identifies the effects of dementia on the production and perception of discourse. It discusses findings concerning (i) language function, cognitive representation, and impairment, (ii) communicative competence, emotions, empathy, and theory-of-mind, and (iii) speech-in-interaction. It argues that clinical discourse analysis can provide a comprehensive assessment of language and communication skills in individuals, which complements the existing neurolinguistic evaluation for (differential) diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment efficacy evaluation.
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Empathy is a vital factor that contributes to mutual understanding, and joint problem-solving. In recent years, a growing number of studies have recognized the benefits of empathy and started to incorporate empathy in conversational systems. We refer to this topic as empathetic conversational systems. To identify the critical gaps and future opportunities in this topic, this paper examines this rapidly growing field using five review dimensions: (i) conceptual empathy models and frameworks, (ii) adopted empathy-related concepts, (iii) datasets and algorithmic techniques developed, (iv) evaluation strategies, and (v) state-of-the-art approaches. The findings show that most studies have centered on the use of the EMPATHETICDIALOGUES dataset, and the text-based modality dominates research in this field. Studies mainly focused on extracting features from the messages of the users and the conversational systems, with minimal emphasis on user modeling and profiling. Notably, studies that have incorporated emotion causes, external knowledge, and affect matching in the response generation models, have obtained significantly better results. For implementation in diverse real-world settings, we recommend that future studies should address key gaps in areas of detecting and authenticating emotions at the entity level, handling multimodal inputs, displaying more nuanced empathetic behaviors, and encompassing additional dialogue system features.
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