We present a novel clustering objective that learns a neural network classifier from scratch, given only unlabelled data samples. The model discovers clusters that accurately match semantic classes, achieving state-of-the-art results in eight unsupervised clustering benchmarks spanning image classification and segmentation. These include STL10, an unsupervised variant of ImageNet, and CIFAR10, where we significantly beat the accuracy of our closest competitors by 6.6 and 9.5 absolute percentage points respectively. The method is not specialised to computer vision and operates on any paired dataset samples; in our experiments we use random transforms to obtain a pair from each image. The trained network directly outputs semantic labels, rather than high dimensional representations that need external processing to be usable for semantic clustering. The objective is simply to maximise mutual information between the class assignments of each pair. It is easy to implement and rigorously grounded in information theory, meaning we effortlessly avoid degenerate solutions that other clustering methods are susceptible to. In addition to the fully unsupervised mode, we also test two semi-supervised settings. The first achieves 88.8% accuracy on STL10 classification, setting a new global state-of-the-art over all existing methods (whether supervised, semi-supervised or unsupervised). The second shows robustness to 90% reductions in label coverage, of relevance to applications that wish to make use of small amounts of labels. github.com/xu-ji/IIC
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Can we automatically group images into semantically meaningful clusters when ground-truth annotations are absent? The task of unsupervised image classification remains an important, and open challenge in computer vision. Several recent approaches have tried to tackle this problem in an end-to-end fashion. In this paper, we deviate from recent works, and advocate a two-step approach where feature learning and clustering are decoupled. First, a self-supervised task from representation learning is employed to obtain semantically meaningful features. Second, we use the obtained features as a prior in a learnable clustering approach. In doing so, we remove the ability for cluster learning to depend on low-level features, which is present in current end-to-end learning approaches. Experimental evaluation shows that we outperform state-of-the-art methods by large margins, in particular +26.6% on CI-FAR10, +25.0% on CIFAR100-20 and +21.3% on STL10 in terms of classification accuracy. Furthermore, our method is the first to perform well on a large-scale dataset for image classification. In particular, we obtain promising results on ImageNet, and outperform several semi-supervised learning methods in the low-data regime without the use of any groundtruth annotations. The code is made publicly available here.
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Combining clustering and representation learning is one of the most promising approaches for unsupervised learning of deep neural networks. However, doing so naively leads to ill posed learning problems with degenerate solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel and principled learning formulation that addresses these issues. The method is obtained by maximizing the information between labels and input data indices. We show that this criterion extends standard crossentropy minimization to an optimal transport problem, which we solve efficiently for millions of input images and thousands of labels using a fast variant of the Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm. The resulting method is able to self-label visual data so as to train highly competitive image representations without manual labels. Our method achieves state of the art representation learning performance for AlexNet and ResNet-50 on SVHN, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet and yields the first self-supervised AlexNet that outperforms the supervised Pascal VOC detection baseline. Code and models are available 1 .
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自我监督学习的进步带来了强大的一般图像表示学习方法。到目前为止,它主要集中在图像级学习上。反过来,诸如无监督图像细分之类的任务并没有从这种趋势中受益,因为它们需要空间多样性的表示。但是,学习密集的表示具有挑战性,因为在无监督的环境中,尚不清楚如何指导模型学习与各种潜在对象类别相对应的表示形式。在本文中,我们认为对物体部分的自我监督学习是解决此问题的方法。对象部分是可以推广的:它们是独立于对象定义的先验性,但可以分组以形成对象后验。为此,我们利用最近提出的视觉变压器参与对象的能力,并将其与空间密集的聚类任务相结合,以微调空间令牌。我们的方法超过了三个语义分割基准的最新方法,提高了17%-3%,表明我们的表示在各种对象定义下都是用途广泛的。最后,我们将其扩展到完全无监督的分割 - 即使在测试时间也可以完全避免使用标签信息 - 并证明了一种基于社区检测的自动合并发现的对象零件的简单方法可产生可观的收益。
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This work investigates unsupervised learning of representations by maximizing mutual information between an input and the output of a deep neural network encoder. Importantly, we show that structure matters: incorporating knowledge about locality in the input into the objective can significantly improve a representation's suitability for downstream tasks. We further control characteristics of the representation by matching to a prior distribution adversarially. Our method, which we call Deep InfoMax (DIM), outperforms a number of popular unsupervised learning methods and compares favorably with fully-supervised learning on several classification tasks in with some standard architectures. DIM opens new avenues for unsupervised learning of representations and is an important step towards flexible formulations of representation learning objectives for specific end-goals.
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在本文中,我们考虑一个高度通用的图像识别设置,其中,给定标记和未标记的图像集,任务是在未标记的集合中对所有图像进行分类。这里,未标记的图像可以来自标记的类或新颖的图像。现有的识别方法无法处理此设置,因为它们会产生几种限制性假设,例如仅来自已知或未知 - 类的未标记的实例以及已知的未知类的数量。我们解决了更加不受约束的环境,命名为“广义类别发现”,并挑战所有这些假设。我们首先通过从新型类别发现和适应这项任务的最先进的算法来建立强有力的基线。接下来,我们建议使用视觉变形金刚,为此开放的世界设置具有对比的代表学习。然后,我们介绍一个简单而有效的半监督$ k $ -means方法,将未标记的数据自动聚类,看不见的类,显着优于基线。最后,我们还提出了一种新的方法来估计未标记数据中的类别数。我们彻底评估了我们在公共数据集上的方法,包括Cifar10,CiFar100和Imagenet-100,以及包括幼崽,斯坦福汽车和植宝司19,包括幼崽,斯坦福汽车和Herbarium19,在这个新的环境中基准测试,以培养未来的研究。
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自我监督的视觉表示学习最近引起了重大的研究兴趣。虽然一种评估自我监督表示的常见方法是通过转移到各种下游任务,但我们研究了衡量其可解释性的问题,即了解原始表示中编码的语义。我们将后者提出为估计表示和手动标记概念空间之间的相互信息。为了量化这一点,我们介绍了一个解码瓶颈:必须通过简单的预测变量捕获信息,将概念映射到表示空间中的簇。我们称之为反向线性探测的方法为表示表示的语义敏感。该措施还能够检测出表示何时包含概念的组合(例如“红色苹果”),而不仅仅是单个属性(独立的“红色”和“苹果”)。最后,我们建议使用监督分类器自动标记大型数据集,以丰富用于探测的概念的空间。我们使用我们的方法来评估大量的自我监督表示形式,通过解释性对它们进行排名,并通过线性探针与标准评估相比出现的差异,并讨论了一些定性的见解。代码为:{\ Scriptsize {\ url {https://github.com/iro-cp/ssl-qrp}}}}}。
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Deep convolutional networks have proven to be very successful in learning task specific features that allow for unprecedented performance on various computer vision tasks. Training of such networks follows mostly the supervised learning paradigm, where sufficiently many input-output pairs are required for training. Acquisition of large training sets is one of the key challenges, when approaching a new task. In this paper, we aim for generic feature learning and present an approach for training a convolutional network using only unlabeled data. To this end, we train the network to discriminate between a set of surrogate classes. Each surrogate class is formed by applying a variety of transformations to a randomly sampled 'seed' image patch. In contrast to supervised network training, the resulting feature representation is not class specific. It rather provides robustness to the transformations that have been applied during training. This generic feature representation allows for classification results that outperform the state of the art for unsupervised learning on several popular datasets . While such generic features cannot compete with class specific features from supervised training on a classification task, we show that they are advantageous on geometric matching problems, where they also outperform the SIFT descriptor.
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Jitendra Malik once said, "Supervision is the opium of the AI researcher". Most deep learning techniques heavily rely on extreme amounts of human labels to work effectively. In today's world, the rate of data creation greatly surpasses the rate of data annotation. Full reliance on human annotations is just a temporary means to solve current closed problems in AI. In reality, only a tiny fraction of data is annotated. Annotation Efficient Learning (AEL) is a study of algorithms to train models effectively with fewer annotations. To thrive in AEL environments, we need deep learning techniques that rely less on manual annotations (e.g., image, bounding-box, and per-pixel labels), but learn useful information from unlabeled data. In this thesis, we explore five different techniques for handling AEL.
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Human observers can learn to recognize new categories of images from a handful of examples, yet doing so with artificial ones remains an open challenge. We hypothesize that data-efficient recognition is enabled by representations which make the variability in natural signals more predictable. We therefore revisit and improve Contrastive Predictive Coding, an unsupervised objective for learning such representations. This new implementation produces features which support state-of-theart linear classification accuracy on the ImageNet dataset. When used as input for non-linear classification with deep neural networks, this representation allows us to use 2-5× less labels than classifiers trained directly on image pixels. Finally, this unsupervised representation substantially improves transfer learning to object detection on the PASCAL VOC dataset, surpassing fully supervised pre-trained ImageNet classifiers.
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Current methods for training convolutional neural networks depend on large amounts of labeled samples for supervised training. In this paper we present an approach for training a convolutional neural network using only unlabeled data. We train the network to discriminate between a set of surrogate classes. Each surrogate class is formed by applying a variety of transformations to a randomly sampled 'seed' image patch. We find that this simple feature learning algorithm is surprisingly successful when applied to visual object recognition. The feature representation learned by our algorithm achieves classification results matching or outperforming the current state-of-the-art for unsupervised learning on several popular datasets (STL-10, CIFAR-10, Caltech-101).
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Clustering is a class of unsupervised learning methods that has been extensively applied and studied in computer vision. Little work has been done to adapt it to the end-to-end training of visual features on large scale datasets. In this work, we present DeepCluster, a clustering method that jointly learns the parameters of a neural network and the cluster assignments of the resulting features. DeepCluster iteratively groups the features with a standard clustering algorithm, kmeans, and uses the subsequent assignments as supervision to update the weights of the network. We apply DeepCluster to the unsupervised training of convolutional neural networks on large datasets like ImageNet and YFCC100M. The resulting model outperforms the current state of the art by a significant margin on all the standard benchmarks.
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The success of machine learning algorithms generally depends on data representation, and we hypothesize that this is because different representations can entangle and hide more or less the different explanatory factors of variation behind the data. Although specific domain knowledge can be used to help design representations, learning with generic priors can also be used, and the quest for AI is motivating the design of more powerful representation-learning algorithms implementing such priors. This paper reviews recent work in the area of unsupervised feature learning and deep learning, covering advances in probabilistic models, auto-encoders, manifold learning, and deep networks. This motivates longer-term unanswered questions about the appropriate objectives for learning good representations, for computing representations (i.e., inference), and the geometrical connections between representation learning, density estimation and manifold learning.
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