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Reinforcement learning can enable robots to navigate to distant goals while optimizing user-specified reward functions, including preferences for following lanes, staying on paved paths, or avoiding freshly mowed grass. However, online learning from trial-and-error for real-world robots is logistically challenging, and methods that instead can utilize existing datasets of robotic navigation data could be significantly more scalable and enable broader generalization. In this paper, we present ReViND, the first offline RL system for robotic navigation that can leverage previously collected data to optimize user-specified reward functions in the real-world. We evaluate our system for off-road navigation without any additional data collection or fine-tuning, and show that it can navigate to distant goals using only offline training from this dataset, and exhibit behaviors that qualitatively differ based on the user-specified reward function.
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最近的作品表明,如何将大语言模型(LLM)的推理能力应用于自然语言处理以外的领域,例如机器人的计划和互动。这些具体的问题要求代理商了解世界上许多语义方面:可用技能的曲目,这些技能如何影响世界以及对世界的变化如何映射回该语言。在体现环境中规划的LLMS不仅需要考虑要做什么技能,还需要考虑如何以及何时进行操作 - 答案随着时间的推移而变化,以响应代理商自己的选择。在这项工作中,我们调查了在这种体现的环境中使用的LLM在多大程度上可以推论通过自然语言提供的反馈来源,而无需任何其他培训。我们建议,通过利用环境反馈,LLM能够形成内部独白,使他们能够在机器人控制方案中进行更丰富的处理和计划。我们研究了各种反馈来源,例如成功检测,场景描述和人类互动。我们发现,闭环语言反馈显着改善了三个领域的高级指导完成,包括模拟和真实的桌面顶部重新排列任务以及现实世界中厨房环境中的长途移动操作任务。
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感知,规划,估算和控制的当代方法允许机器人在不确定,非结构化环境中的远程代理中稳健运行。此进度现在创造了机器人不仅在隔离,而且在我们的复杂环境中运行的机器人。意识到这个机会需要一种高效且灵活的媒介,人类可以与协作机器人沟通。自然语言提供了一种这样的媒体,通过对自然语言理解的统计方法的重大进展,现在能够解释各种自由形式命令。然而,大多数当代方法需要机器人环境的详细,现有的空间语义地图,这些环境模拟了话语可能引用的可能引用的空间。因此,当机器人部署在新的,先前未知或部分观察到的环境中时,这些方法发生故障,特别是当环境的心理模型在人类运营商和机器人之间不同时。本文提供了一种新的学习框架的全面描述,允许现场和服务机器人解释并正确执行先验未知,非结构化环境中的自然语言指令。对于我们的方法而不是我们的语言作为“传感器” - 在话语中隐含的“传感器” - 推断的空间,拓扑和语义信息,然后利用这些信息来学习在潜在环境模型上的分布。我们将此分布纳入概率,语言接地模型中,并在机器人的动作空间的象征性表示中推断出分布。我们使用模仿学习来确定对环境和行为分布的原因的信仰空间政策。我们通过各种导航和移动操纵实验评估我们的框架。
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Navigation is one of the most heavily studied problems in robotics, and is conventionally approached as a geometric mapping and planning problem. However, real-world navigation presents a complex set of physical challenges that defies simple geometric abstractions. Machine learning offers a promising way to go beyond geometry and conventional planning, allowing for navigational systems that make decisions based on actual prior experience. Such systems can reason about traversability in ways that go beyond geometry, accounting for the physical outcomes of their actions and exploiting patterns in real-world environments. They can also improve as more data is collected, potentially providing a powerful network effect. In this article, we present a general toolkit for experiential learning of robotic navigation skills that unifies several recent approaches, describe the underlying design principles, summarize experimental results from several of our recent papers, and discuss open problems and directions for future work.
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We present a retrospective on the state of Embodied AI research. Our analysis focuses on 13 challenges presented at the Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR. These challenges are grouped into three themes: (1) visual navigation, (2) rearrangement, and (3) embodied vision-and-language. We discuss the dominant datasets within each theme, evaluation metrics for the challenges, and the performance of state-of-the-art models. We highlight commonalities between top approaches to the challenges and identify potential future directions for Embodied AI research.
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This study focuses on embodied agents that can follow natural language instructions to complete complex tasks in a visually-perceived environment. Existing methods rely on a large amount of (instruction, gold trajectory) pairs to learn a good policy. The high data cost and poor sample efficiency prevents the development of versatile agents that are capable of many tasks and can learn new tasks quickly. In this work, we propose a novel method, LLM-Planner, that harnesses the power of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-3 to do few-shot planning for embodied agents. We further propose a simple but effective way to enhance LLMs with physical grounding to generate plans that are grounded in the current environment. Experiments on the ALFRED dataset show that our method can achieve very competitive few-shot performance, even outperforming several recent baselines that are trained using the full training data despite using less than 0.5% of paired training data. Existing methods can barely complete any task successfully under the same few-shot setting. Our work opens the door for developing versatile and sample-efficient embodied agents that can quickly learn many tasks.
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大型语言模型(LLM)从人类的指示中解开了任务计划的新功能。但是,事先尝试将LLMS应用于现实世界的机器人任务受到周围场景中缺乏接地的限制。在本文中,我们开发了NLMAP,这是一个开放式摄影和可查询场景表示,以解决此问题。 NLMAP是一个框架,可以将上下文信息收集到LLM计划者中,从而在生成上下文条件条件计划之前,可以在场景中查看和查询可用的对象。 NLMAP首先使用视觉语言模型(VLM)建立自然语言可查询场景表示。基于LLM的对象建议模块解析指令并提出涉及的对象,以查询场景表示以获取对象可用性和位置。然后,LLM规划师计划提供有关场景的此类信息。 NLMAP允许机器人在没有固定的对象列表或可执行选项的情况下操作,从而使真实的机器人操作无法通过以前的方法实现。项目网站:https://nlmap-saycan.github.io
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我们研究了在室内路线上捕获的360度图像中的自动生成导航指令。现有的发电机遭受较差的视觉接地,导致它们依赖语言前沿和幻觉对象。我们的Marky-MT5系统通过专注于视觉地标来解决这一点;它包括第一阶段地标检测器和第二级发生器 - 多峰,多语言,多任务编码器 - 解码器。要培训它,我们在房间顶部(RXR)数据集的顶部引导地标注释。使用文本解析器,来自RXR的姿势迹线的弱监督,以及在1.8B图像上培训的多语言图像文本编码器,我们识别1.1M英语,印地语和泰卢语的地标描述并将其接地为Panoramas的特定区域。在房间到室内,人类途径在Marky-MT5的指示之后获得了71%的成功率(SR),只害羞他们的75%SR在人类指令之后 - 以及与其他发电机的SR高于SRS。对RXR更长的评估,不同的路径上的三种语言获得61-64%的SRS。在新颖环境中生成这种高质量的导航指令是迈向对话导航工具的一步,可以促进对指令跟随代理的大规模培训。
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A robot that can carry out a natural-language instruction has been a dream since before the Jetsons cartoon series imagined a life of leisure mediated by a fleet of attentive robot helpers. It is a dream that remains stubbornly distant. However, recent advances in vision and language methods have made incredible progress in closely related areas. This is significant because a robot interpreting a naturallanguage navigation instruction on the basis of what it sees is carrying out a vision and language process that is similar to Visual Question Answering. Both tasks can be interpreted as visually grounded sequence-to-sequence translation problems, and many of the same methods are applicable. To enable and encourage the application of vision and language methods to the problem of interpreting visuallygrounded navigation instructions, we present the Matter-port3D Simulator -a large-scale reinforcement learning environment based on real imagery [11]. Using this simulator, which can in future support a range of embodied vision and language tasks, we provide the first benchmark dataset for visually-grounded natural language navigation in real buildings -the Room-to-Room (R2R) dataset 1 .1 https://bringmeaspoon.org Instruction: Head upstairs and walk past the piano through an archway directly in front. Turn right when the hallway ends at pictures and table. Wait by the moose antlers hanging on the wall.
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已经证明,经过代码完成培训的大型语言模型(LLMS)能够合成DocStrings的简单Python程序[1]。我们发现这些代码编写的LLM可以被重新使用以编写机器人策略代码,给定自然语言命令。具体而言,策略代码可以表达处理感知输出的功能或反馈循环(例如,从对象检测器[2],[3])并参数化控制原始API。当作为输入提供了几个示例命令(格式为注释)后,然后是相应的策略代码(通过少量提示),LLMS可以接收新命令并自主重新编写API调用以分别生成新的策略代码。通过链接经典的逻辑结构并引用第三方库(例如,numpy,shapely)执行算术,以这种方式使用的LLM可以编写(i)(i)表现出空间几何推理的机器人策略,(ii)(ii)将其推广到新的说明和新指令和新指令和(iii)根据上下文(即行为常识)规定模棱两可的描述(例如“更快”)的精确值(例如,速度)。本文将代码作为策略介绍:语言模型生成程序的以机器人为中心的形式化(LMP),该程序可以代表反应性策略(例如阻抗控制器),以及基于Waypoint的策略(基于远见的选择,基于轨迹,基于轨迹,控制),在多个真实的机器人平台上展示。我们方法的核心是促使层次代码 - 代码(递归定义未定义的功能),该代码可以编写更复杂的代码,还可以改善最新的代码,以解决HOMANEVAL [1]基准中的39.8%的问题。代码和视频可从https://code-as-policies.github.io获得。
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在现实世界中经营通常需要代理商来了解复杂的环境,并应用这种理解以实现一系列目标。这个问题被称为目标有条件的强化学习(GCRL),对长地平线的目标变得特别具有挑战性。目前的方法通过使用基于图形的规划算法增强目标条件的策略来解决这个问题。然而,他们努力缩放到大型高维状态空间,并采用用于有效地收集训练数据的探索机制。在这项工作中,我们介绍了继任者功能标志性(SFL),这是一种探索大型高维环境的框架,以获得熟练的政策熟练的策略。 SFL利用继承特性(SF)来捕获转换动态的能力,通过估计状态新颖性来驱动探索,并通过将状态空间作为基于非参数标志的图形来实现高级规划。我们进一步利用SF直接计算地标遍历的目标条件调节策略,我们用于在探索状态空间边缘执行计划“前沿”地标。我们在我们的Minigrid和VizDoom进行了实验,即SFL可以高效地探索大型高维状态空间和优于长地平线GCRL任务的最先进的基线。
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我们研究了从机器人交互的大型离线数据集学习一系列基于视觉的操纵任务的问题。为了实现这一目标,人类需要简单有效地将任务指定给机器人。目标图像是一种流行的任务规范形式,因为它们已经在机器人的观察空间接地。然而,目标图像也有许多缺点:它们对人类提供的不方便,它们可以通过提供导致稀疏奖励信号的所需行为,或者在非目标达到任务的情况下指定任务信息。自然语言为任务规范提供了一种方便而灵活的替代方案,而是随着机器人观察空间的接地语言挑战。为了可扩展地学习此基础,我们建议利用具有人群源语言标签的离线机器人数据集(包括高度最佳,自主收集的数据)。使用此数据,我们学习一个简单的分类器,该分类器预测状态的更改是否完成了语言指令。这提供了一种语言调节奖励函数,然后可以用于离线多任务RL。在我们的实验中,我们发现,在语言条件的操作任务中,我们的方法优于目标 - 图像规格和语言条件仿制技术超过25%,并且能够从自然语言中执行Visuomotor任务,例如“打开右抽屉“和”移动订书机“,在弗兰卡·埃米卡熊猫机器人上。
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在工厂或房屋等环境中协助我们的机器人必须学会使用对象作为执行任务的工具,例如使用托盘携带对象。我们考虑了学习常识性知识何时可能有用的问题,以及如何与其他工具一起使用其使用以完成由人类指示的高级任务。具体而言,我们引入了一种新型的神经模型,称为Tooltango,该模型首先预测要使用的下一个工具,然后使用此信息来预测下一项动作。我们表明,该联合模型可以告知学习精细的策略,从而使机器人可以顺序使用特定工具,并在使模型更加准确的情况下增加了重要价值。 Tooltango使用图神经网络编码世界状态,包括对象和它们之间的符号关系,并使用人类教师的演示进行了培训,这些演示是指导物理模拟器中的虚拟机器人的演示。该模型学会了使用目标和动作历史的知识来参加场景,最终将符号动作解码为执行。至关重要的是,我们解决了缺少一些已知工具的看不见的环境的概括,但是存在其他看不见的工具。我们表明,通过通过从知识库中得出的预训练的嵌入来增强环境的表示,该模型可以有效地将其推广到新的环境中。实验结果表明,在预测具有看不见对象的新型环境中模拟移动操纵器的成功符号计划时,至少48.8-58.1%的绝对改善对基准的绝对改善。这项工作朝着使机器人能够快速合成复杂任务的强大计划的方向,尤其是在新颖的环境中
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By transferring knowledge from large, diverse, task-agnostic datasets, modern machine learning models can solve specific downstream tasks either zero-shot or with small task-specific datasets to a high level of performance. While this capability has been demonstrated in other fields such as computer vision, natural language processing or speech recognition, it remains to be shown in robotics, where the generalization capabilities of the models are particularly critical due to the difficulty of collecting real-world robotic data. We argue that one of the keys to the success of such general robotic models lies with open-ended task-agnostic training, combined with high-capacity architectures that can absorb all of the diverse, robotic data. In this paper, we present a model class, dubbed Robotics Transformer, that exhibits promising scalable model properties. We verify our conclusions in a study of different model classes and their ability to generalize as a function of the data size, model size, and data diversity based on a large-scale data collection on real robots performing real-world tasks. The project's website and videos can be found at robotics-transformer.github.io
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For robots to be generally useful, they must be able to find arbitrary objects described by people (i.e., be language-driven) even without expensive navigation training on in-domain data (i.e., perform zero-shot inference). We explore these capabilities in a unified setting: language-driven zero-shot object navigation (L-ZSON). Inspired by the recent success of open-vocabulary models for image classification, we investigate a straightforward framework, CLIP on Wheels (CoW), to adapt open-vocabulary models to this task without fine-tuning. To better evaluate L-ZSON, we introduce the Pasture benchmark, which considers finding uncommon objects, objects described by spatial and appearance attributes, and hidden objects described relative to visible objects. We conduct an in-depth empirical study by directly deploying 21 CoW baselines across Habitat, RoboTHOR, and Pasture. In total, we evaluate over 90k navigation episodes and find that (1) CoW baselines often struggle to leverage language descriptions, but are proficient at finding uncommon objects. (2) A simple CoW, with CLIP-based object localization and classical exploration -- and no additional training -- matches the navigation efficiency of a state-of-the-art ZSON method trained for 500M steps on Habitat MP3D data. This same CoW provides a 15.6 percentage point improvement in success over a state-of-the-art RoboTHOR ZSON model.
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Embodied Instruction Following (EIF) studies how mobile manipulator robots should be controlled to accomplish long-horizon tasks specified by natural language instructions. While most research on EIF are conducted in simulators, the ultimate goal of the field is to deploy the agents in real life. As such, it is important to minimize the data cost required for training an agent, to help the transition from sim to real. However, many studies only focus on the performance and overlook the data cost -- modules that require separate training on extra data are often introduced without a consideration on deployability. In this work, we propose FILM++ which extends the existing work FILM with modifications that do not require extra data. While all data-driven modules are kept constant, FILM++ more than doubles FILM's performance. Furthermore, we propose Prompter, which replaces FILM++'s semantic search module with language model prompting. Unlike FILM++'s implementation that requires training on extra sets of data, no training is needed for our prompting based implementation while achieving better or at least comparable performance. Prompter achieves 42.64% and 45.72% on the ALFRED benchmark with high-level instructions only and with step-by-step instructions, respectively, outperforming the previous state of the art by 6.57% and 10.31%.
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