时空预测学习是通过历史先验知识来预测未来的框架变化。以前的工作通过使网络更广泛和更深入来改善性能,但这也带来了巨大的内存开销,这严重阻碍了技术的开发和应用。比例是提高普通计算机视觉任务中模型性能的另一个维度,这可以减少计算要求并更好地感知环境。最近的RNN模型尚未考虑和探索如此重要的维度。在本文中,我们从多尺度的好处中学习,我们提出了一个名为多尺度RNN(MS-RNN)的通用框架,以增强最近的RNN模型。我们通过在4个不同的数据集上使用6种流行的RNN模型(Convlstm,Trajgru,Predrnn,Prodrnn ++,MIM和MotionRNN)进行详尽的实验来验证MS-RNN框架。结果表明,将RNN模型纳入我们的框架的效率低得多,但性能比以前更好。我们的代码在\ url {https://github.com/mazhf/ms-rnn}上发布。
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The goal of precipitation nowcasting is to predict the future rainfall intensity in a local region over a relatively short period of time. Very few previous studies have examined this crucial and challenging weather forecasting problem from the machine learning perspective. In this paper, we formulate precipitation nowcasting as a spatiotemporal sequence forecasting problem in which both the input and the prediction target are spatiotemporal sequences. By extending the fully connected LSTM (FC-LSTM) to have convolutional structures in both the input-to-state and state-to-state transitions, we propose the convolutional LSTM (ConvLSTM) and use it to build an end-to-end trainable model for the precipitation nowcasting problem. Experiments show that our ConvLSTM network captures spatiotemporal correlations better and consistently outperforms FC-LSTM and the state-of-theart operational ROVER algorithm for precipitation nowcasting.
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We are introducing a multi-scale predictive model for video prediction here, whose design is inspired by the "Predictive Coding" theories and "Coarse to Fine" approach. As a predictive coding model, it is updated by a combination of bottom-up and top-down information flows, which is different from traditional bottom-up training style. Its advantage is to reduce the dependence on input information and improve its ability to predict and generate images. Importantly, we achieve with a multi-scale approach -- higher level neurons generate coarser predictions (lower resolution), while the lower level generate finer predictions (higher resolution). This is different from the traditional predictive coding framework in which higher level predict the activity of neurons in lower level. To improve the predictive ability, we integrate an encoder-decoder network in the LSTM architecture and share the final encoded high-level semantic information between different levels. Additionally, since the output of each network level is an RGB image, a smaller LSTM hidden state can be used to retain and update the only necessary hidden information, avoiding being mapped to an overly discrete and complex space. In this way, we can reduce the difficulty of prediction and the computational overhead. Finally, we further explore the training strategies, to address the instability in adversarial training and mismatch between training and testing in long-term prediction. Code is available at https://github.com/Ling-CF/MSPN.
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从CNN,RNN到VIT,我们见证了视频预测中的显着进步,结合了辅助输入,精心设计的神经体系结构和复杂的培训策略。我们钦佩这些进步,但对必要性感到困惑:是否有一种可以表现得很好的简单方法?本文提出了SIMVP,这是一个简单的视频预测模型,完全建立在CNN上,并以端到端的方式受到MSE损失的训练。在不引入任何其他技巧和复杂策略的情况下,我们可以在五个基准数据集上实现最先进的性能。通过扩展实验,我们证明了SIMVP在现实世界数据集上具有强大的概括和可扩展性。培训成本的显着降低使扩展到复杂方案变得更加容易。我们认为SIMVP可以作为刺激视频预测进一步发展的坚实基线。该代码可在\ href {https://github.com/gaozhangyang/simvp-simpler-yet-better-video-prediction} {github}中获得。
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尽管基于经常性的神经网络(RNN)的视频预测方法已经取得了重大成就,但由于信息损失问题和基于知觉的卑鄙平方错误(MSE)损失功能,它们在具有高分辨率的数据集中的性能仍然远远不令人满意。 。在本文中,我们提出了一个时空信息保存和感知声明模型(STIP),以解决上述两个问题。为了解决信息损失问题,提出的模型旨在在功能提取和状态过渡期间分别保留视频的时空信息。首先,基于X-NET结构设计了多透明时空自动编码器(MGST-AE)。拟议的MGST-AE可以帮助解码器回忆到时间和空间域中编码器的多透明信息。这样,在高分辨率视频的功能提取过程中,可以保留更多时空信息。其次,时空门控复发单元(STGRU)是基于标准的封闭式复发单元(GRU)结构而设计的,该结构可以在状态过渡期间有效地保留时空信息。与流行的长期短期(LSTM)的预测记忆相比,提出的STGRU可以通过计算负载较低的计算负载来实现更令人满意的性能。此外,为了改善传统的MSE损失功能,基于生成的对抗网络(GAN)进一步设计了学识渊博的知觉损失(LP-loss),这可以帮助获得客观质量和感知质量之间的令人满意的权衡。实验结果表明,与各种最先进的方法相比,提出的Stip可以预测具有更令人满意的视觉质量的视频。源代码已在\ url {https://github.com/zhengchang467/stiphr}上获得。
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The mainstream of the existing approaches for video prediction builds up their models based on a Single-In-Single-Out (SISO) architecture, which takes the current frame as input to predict the next frame in a recursive manner. This way often leads to severe performance degradation when they try to extrapolate a longer period of future, thus limiting the practical use of the prediction model. Alternatively, a Multi-In-Multi-Out (MIMO) architecture that outputs all the future frames at one shot naturally breaks the recursive manner and therefore prevents error accumulation. However, only a few MIMO models for video prediction are proposed and they only achieve inferior performance due to the date. The real strength of the MIMO model in this area is not well noticed and is largely under-explored. Motivated by that, we conduct a comprehensive investigation in this paper to thoroughly exploit how far a simple MIMO architecture can go. Surprisingly, our empirical studies reveal that a simple MIMO model can outperform the state-of-the-art work with a large margin much more than expected, especially in dealing with longterm error accumulation. After exploring a number of ways and designs, we propose a new MIMO architecture based on extending the pure Transformer with local spatio-temporal blocks and a new multi-output decoder, namely MIMO-VP, to establish a new standard in video prediction. We evaluate our model in four highly competitive benchmarks (Moving MNIST, Human3.6M, Weather, KITTI). Extensive experiments show that our model wins 1st place on all the benchmarks with remarkable performance gains and surpasses the best SISO model in all aspects including efficiency, quantity, and quality. We believe our model can serve as a new baseline to facilitate the future research of video prediction tasks. The code will be released.
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In single image deblurring, the "coarse-to-fine" scheme, i.e. gradually restoring the sharp image on different resolutions in a pyramid, is very successful in both traditional optimization-based methods and recent neural-networkbased approaches. In this paper, we investigate this strategy and propose a Scale-recurrent Network (SRN-DeblurNet) for this deblurring task. Compared with the many recent learning-based approaches in [25], it has a simpler network structure, a smaller number of parameters and is easier to train. We evaluate our method on large-scale deblurring datasets with complex motion. Results show that our method can produce better quality results than state-of-thearts, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
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Video prediction is a challenging computer vision task that has a wide range of applications. In this work, we present a new family of Transformer-based models for video prediction. Firstly, an efficient local spatial-temporal separation attention mechanism is proposed to reduce the complexity of standard Transformers. Then, a full autoregressive model, a partial autoregressive model and a non-autoregressive model are developed based on the new efficient Transformer. The partial autoregressive model has a similar performance with the full autoregressive model but a faster inference speed. The non-autoregressive model not only achieves a faster inference speed but also mitigates the quality degradation problem of the autoregressive counterparts, but it requires additional parameters and loss function for learning. Given the same attention mechanism, we conducted a comprehensive study to compare the proposed three video prediction variants. Experiments show that the proposed video prediction models are competitive with more complex state-of-the-art convolutional-LSTM based models. The source code is available at https://github.com/XiYe20/VPTR.
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$ $With recent advances in CNNs, exceptional improvements have been made in semantic segmentation of high resolution images in terms of accuracy and latency. However, challenges still remain in detecting objects in crowded scenes, large scale variations, partial occlusion, and distortions, while still maintaining mobility and latency. We introduce a fast and efficient convolutional neural network, ASBU-Net, for semantic segmentation of high resolution images that addresses these problems and uses no novelty layers for ease of quantization and embedded hardware support. ASBU-Net is based on a new feature extraction module, atrous space bender layer (ASBL), which is efficient in terms of computation and memory. The ASB layers form a building block that is used to make ASBNet. Since this network does not use any special layers it can be easily implemented, quantized and deployed on FPGAs and other hardware with limited memory. We present experiments on resource and accuracy trade-offs and show strong performance compared to other popular models.
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We focus on the challenging task of real-time semantic segmentation in this paper. It finds many practical applications and yet is with fundamental difficulty of reducing a large portion of computation for pixel-wise label inference. We propose an image cascade network (ICNet) that incorporates multi-resolution branches under proper label guidance to address this challenge. We provide in-depth analysis of our framework and introduce the cascade feature fusion unit to quickly achieve highquality segmentation. Our system yields real-time inference on a single GPU card with decent quality results evaluated on challenging datasets like Cityscapes, CamVid and COCO-Stuff.
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Image segmentation is a key topic in image processing and computer vision with applications such as scene understanding, medical image analysis, robotic perception, video surveillance, augmented reality, and image compression, among many others. Various algorithms for image segmentation have been developed in the literature. Recently, due to the success of deep learning models in a wide range of vision applications, there has been a substantial amount of works aimed at developing image segmentation approaches using deep learning models. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of the literature at the time of this writing, covering a broad spectrum of pioneering works for semantic and instance-level segmentation, including fully convolutional pixel-labeling networks, encoder-decoder architectures, multi-scale and pyramid based approaches, recurrent networks, visual attention models, and generative models in adversarial settings. We investigate the similarity, strengths and challenges of these deep learning models, examine the most widely used datasets, report performances, and discuss promising future research directions in this area.
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准确且可靠的车道检测对于巷道维护援助和车道出发警告系统的安全性能至关重要。但是,在某些具有挑战性的情况下,很难在当前文献中主要从一个图像中准确地检测到一个单一图像的车道时获得令人满意的性能。由于车道标记是连续线,因此如果合并了以前的帧信息,则可以在当前单个图像中准确检测到的车道可以更好地推导。这项研究提出了一种新型的混合时空(ST)序列到一个深度学习结构。该体系结构充分利用了多个连续图像帧中的ST信息,以检测最后一帧中的车道标记。具体而言,混合模型集成了以下方面:(a)配备了空间卷积神经网络的单个图像特征提取模块; (b)由ST复发神经网络构建的ST特征集成模块; (c)编码器解码器结构,该结构使此图像分割问题以端到端监督的学习格式起作用。广泛的实验表明,所提出的模型体系结构可以有效地处理具有挑战性的驾驶场景,并且优于可用的最先进方法。
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时尚预测学习是给定一系列历史框架的未来框架。传统算法主要基于经常性的神经网络(RNN)。然而,由于经常性结构的序列性,RNN遭受了重大计算负担,例如由于经常性结构的序列性而达到时间和长的背部传播过程。最近,还以编码器 - 解码器或普通编码器的形式研究了基于变压器的方法,但是编码器 - 解码器形式需要过于深的网络,并且普通编码器缺乏短期依赖性。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一种名为3D时间卷积变压器(TCTN)的算法,其中采用具有时间卷积层的基于变压器的编码器来捕获短期和长期依赖性。由于变压器的并行机理,我们所提出的算法与基于RNN的方法相比,易于实施和培训得多。为了验证我们的算法,我们对移动和kth数据集进行实验,并表明TCTN在性能和训练速度下表现出最先进的(SOTA)方法。
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