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The choice of approximate posterior distribution is one of the core problems in variational inference. Most applications of variational inference employ simple families of posterior approximations in order to allow for efficient inference, focusing on mean-field or other simple structured approximations. This restriction has a significant impact on the quality of inferences made using variational methods. We introduce a new approach for specifying flexible, arbitrarily complex and scalable approximate posterior distributions. Our approximations are distributions constructed through a normalizing flow, whereby a simple initial density is transformed into a more complex one by applying a sequence of invertible transformations until a desired level of complexity is attained. We use this view of normalizing flows to develop categories of finite and infinitesimal flows and provide a unified view of approaches for constructing rich posterior approximations. We demonstrate that the theoretical advantages of having posteriors that better match the true posterior, combined with the scalability of amortized variational approaches, provides a clear improvement in performance and applicability of variational inference.
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We present extensive empirical evidence showing that current Bayesian simulation-based inference algorithms can produce computationally unfaithful posterior approximations. Our results show that all benchmarked algorithms -- (Sequential) Neural Posterior Estimation, (Sequential) Neural Ratio Estimation, Sequential Neural Likelihood and variants of Approximate Bayesian Computation -- can yield overconfident posterior approximations, which makes them unreliable for scientific use cases and falsificationist inquiry. Failing to address this issue may reduce the range of applicability of simulation-based inference. For this reason, we argue that research efforts should be made towards theoretical and methodological developments of conservative approximate inference algorithms and present research directions towards this objective. In this regard, we show empirical evidence that ensembling posterior surrogates provides more reliable approximations and mitigates the issue.
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有条件神经密度估计器的仿真推断是解决科学逆问题的强大方法。然而,这些方法通常将底层向前模型视为一个黑匣子,没有办法利用等物学,例如协调。协调在科学模型中是常见的,然而将它们直接集成到表达推导网络中(例如标准化流动)并不简单。我们在这里描述了在参数和数据的联合转换下掺入协调的替代方法。我们的方法 - 称为组等级神经后后估计(GNPE) - 基于自始终标准化数据的“姿势”,同时估计在参数上后部。它是独立的架构,并适用于精确和近似的协调。作为现实世界的应用,我们使用GNPE从引力波观测到Astrophysical Block Block Systems的摊销推理。我们表明GNPE实现了最先进的准确性,同时减少了三个数量级的推理时间。
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Normalizing Flows are generative models which produce tractable distributions where both sampling and density evaluation can be efficient and exact. The goal of this survey article is to give a coherent and comprehensive review of the literature around the construction and use of Normalizing Flows for distribution learning. We aim to provide context and explanation of the models, review current state-of-the-art literature, and identify open questions and promising future directions.
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Simulation-based inference (SBI) solves statistical inverse problems by repeatedly running a stochastic simulator and inferring posterior distributions from model-simulations. To improve simulation efficiency, several inference methods take a sequential approach and iteratively adapt the proposal distributions from which model simulations are generated. However, many of these sequential methods are difficult to use in practice, both because the resulting optimisation problems can be challenging and efficient diagnostic tools are lacking. To overcome these issues, we present Truncated Sequential Neural Posterior Estimation (TSNPE). TSNPE performs sequential inference with truncated proposals, sidestepping the optimisation issues of alternative approaches. In addition, TSNPE allows to efficiently perform coverage tests that can scale to complex models with many parameters. We demonstrate that TSNPE performs on par with previous methods on established benchmark tasks. We then apply TSNPE to two challenging problems from neuroscience and show that TSNPE can successfully obtain the posterior distributions, whereas previous methods fail. Overall, our results demonstrate that TSNPE is an efficient, accurate, and robust inference method that can scale to challenging scientific models.
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基于采样的推理技术是现代宇宙学数据分析的核心;然而,这些方法与维度不良,通常需要近似或顽固的可能性。在本文中,我们描述了截短的边际神经比率估计(TMNRE)(即所谓的基于模拟的推断的新方法)自然避免了这些问题,提高了$(i)$效率,$(ii)$可扩展性和$ (iii)推断后的后续后续的可信度。使用宇宙微波背景(CMB)的测量,我们表明TMNRE可以使用比传统马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗(MCMC)方法更少模拟器呼叫的数量级来实现融合的后海后。值得注意的是,所需数量的样本有效地独立于滋扰参数的数量。此外,称为\ MEMPH {本地摊销}的属性允许对基于采样的方法无法访问的严格统计一致性检查的性能。 TMNRE承诺成为宇宙学数据分析的强大工具,特别是在扩展宇宙学的背景下,其中传统的基于采样的推理方法所需的时间级数融合可以大大超过$ \ Lambda $ CDM等简单宇宙学模型的时间。为了执行这些计算,我们使用开源代码\ texttt {swyft}来使用TMNRE的实现。
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In the scope of "AI for Science", solving inverse problems is a longstanding challenge in materials and drug discovery, where the goal is to determine the hidden structures given a set of desirable properties. Deep generative models are recently proposed to solve inverse problems, but these currently use expensive forward operators and struggle in precisely localizing the exact solutions and fully exploring the parameter spaces without missing solutions. In this work, we propose a novel approach (called iPage) to accelerate the inverse learning process by leveraging probabilistic inference from deep invertible models and deterministic optimization via fast gradient descent. Given a target property, the learned invertible model provides a posterior over the parameter space; we identify these posterior samples as an intelligent prior initialization which enables us to narrow down the search space. We then perform gradient descent to calibrate the inverse solutions within a local region. Meanwhile, a space-filling sampling is imposed on the latent space to better explore and capture all possible solutions. We evaluate our approach on three benchmark tasks and two created datasets with real-world applications from quantum chemistry and additive manufacturing, and find our method achieves superior performance compared to several state-of-the-art baseline methods. The iPage code is available at https://github.com/jxzhangjhu/MatDesINNe.
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Normalizing flows provide a general mechanism for defining expressive probability distributions, only requiring the specification of a (usually simple) base distribution and a series of bijective transformations. There has been much recent work on normalizing flows, ranging from improving their expressive power to expanding their application. We believe the field has now matured and is in need of a unified perspective. In this review, we attempt to provide such a perspective by describing flows through the lens of probabilistic modeling and inference. We place special emphasis on the fundamental principles of flow design, and discuss foundational topics such as expressive power and computational trade-offs. We also broaden the conceptual framing of flows by relating them to more general probability transformations. Lastly, we summarize the use of flows for tasks such as generative modeling, approximate inference, and supervised learning.
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变异推理通常从近似分布q到后p中最小化“反向” kullbeck-leibeler(kl)kl(q || p)。最近的工作研究“正向” KL KL(P || Q),它与反向KL不同并不能导致低估不确定性的变异近似值。本文介绍了运输评分攀登(TSC),该方法通过使用汉密尔顿蒙特卡洛(HMC)和新型的自适应传输图来优化KL(P || Q)。传输图通过充当潜在变量空间和扭曲空间之间变量的变化来改善HMC的轨迹。TSC使用HMC样品在优化KL时动态训练传输图(P || Q)。TSC利用协同作用,在该协同作用下,更好的运输地图会导致更好的HMC采样,从而导致更好的传输地图。我们在合成和真实数据上演示了TSC。我们发现,在训练大规模数据的变异自动编码器时,TSC可以实现竞争性能。
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从观察到的调查数据中,宇宙学的正向建模方法使在宇宙开头重建初始条件成为可能。但是,参数空间的高维度仍然构成挑战,探索完整的后部,传统算法(例如汉密尔顿蒙特卡洛(HMC))由于产生相关样本而在计算上效率低下发散(损失)功能。在这里,我们开发了一种称为变异自动采样(VBS)的混合方案,以通过学习用于蒙特卡洛采样的建议分布的变异近似来减轻这两种算法的缺点,并将其与HMC结合。变异分布被参数化为正常化的流量,并通过即时生成的样品学习,而从中提取的建议则减少了MCMC链中的自动相关长度。我们的归一化流程使用傅立叶空间卷积和元素的操作来扩展到高维度。我们表明,经过短暂的初始热身和训练阶段,VBS比简单的VI方法产生了更好的样品质量,并将采样阶段的相关长度缩短了10-50倍,仅使用HMC探索初始的后验64 $^3 $和128 $^3 $维度问题的条件,高信噪比数据观察的收益较大。
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隐式过程(IPS)代表一个灵活的框架,可用于描述各种模型,从贝叶斯神经网络,神经抽样器和数据生成器到许多其他模型。 IP还允许在功能空间上进行大致推断。公式的这种变化解决了参数空间的固有退化问题近似推断,即参数数量及其在大型模型中的强大依赖性。为此,文献中先前的作品试图采用IPS来设置先验并近似产生的后部。但是,这被证明是一项具有挑战性的任务。现有的方法可以调整先前的IP导致高斯预测分布,该分布未能捕获重要的数据模式。相比之下,通过使用另一个IP近似后验过程产生灵活预测分布的方法不能将先前的IP调整到观察到的数据中。我们在这里建议第一个可以实现这两个目标的方法。为此,我们依赖于先前IP的诱导点表示,就像在稀疏高斯过程中所做的那样。结果是一种可扩展的方法,用于与IP的近似推断,可以将先前的IP参数调整到数据中,并提供准确的非高斯预测分布。
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马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC),例如langevin Dynamics,有效地近似顽固的分布。但是,由于昂贵的数据采样迭代和缓慢的收敛性,它的用法在深层可变模型的背景下受到限制。本文提出了摊销的langevin Dynamics(ALD),其中数据划分的MCMC迭代完全被编码器的更新替换为将观测值映射到潜在变量中。这种摊销可实现有效的后验采样,而无需数据迭代。尽管具有效率,但我们证明ALD是MCMC算法有效的,其马尔可夫链在轻度假设下将目标后部作为固定分布。基于ALD,我们还提出了一个名为Langevin AutoCodeer(LAE)的新的深层变量模型。有趣的是,可以通过稍微修改传统自动编码器来实现LAE。使用多个合成数据集,我们首先验证ALD可以从目标后代正确获取样品。我们还在图像生成任务上评估了LAE,并证明我们的LAE可以根据变异推断(例如变异自动编码器)和其他基于MCMC的方法在测试可能性方面胜过现有的方法。
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