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反向运动 - 发现,达到给定的笛卡尔空间末端执行器的姿态共同的姿势 - 是机器人共同操作,因为目标和航点在笛卡尔空间通常定义,但机器人必须在关节间隙来控制。然而,现有的逆运动学解算器返回一个单一的解决方案的姿势,其中,具有多于6个自由度支持无穷多个这样的解决方案,其可以是在限制的存在是有用的系统,姿势偏好或障碍。我们介绍了使用深层神经网络学习生成这样的运动链的解空间不同组样本的方法。得到的样品能够迅速地生成(在10ms的下2000和解决方案),并精确地(至10毫米之内且2度的精确的溶液)并在必要时能够迅速地通过经典方法精制。
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快速,可靠地找到准确的逆运动学(IK)解决方案仍然是机器人操纵的挑战性问题。现有的数值求解器广泛适用,但依赖于本地搜索技术来管理高度非关键目标函数。最近,基于学习的方法已显示出有望作为生成快速准确的IK结果的一种手段。可以轻松地将学习的求解器与端到端系统中的其他学习算法集成在一起。但是,基于学习的方法具有致命的脚跟:每个感兴趣的机器人都需要一个专门的模型,必须从头开始训练。为了解决这一关键缺点,我们研究了一种新颖的距离几何机器人表示,并与图形结构相结合,使我们能够利用图形神经网络(GNNS)的灵活性。我们使用这种方法来训练第一个学到的生成图形逆运动学(GGIK)求解器,它至关重要的是,“机器人 - 敏捷” - 单个模型能够为各种不同的机器人提供IK解决方案。此外,GGIK的生成性质使求解器可以同时生产大量不同的解决方案,并与最小的额外计算时间同行,使其适用于诸如基于采样的运动计划之类的应用。最后,GGIK可以通过提供可靠的初始化来补充本地IK求解器。这些优势以及使用与任务相关的先验并通过新数据不断改进的能力表明,GGIK有可能成为灵活的,基于学习的机器人操作系统的关键组成部分。
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Solving the analytical inverse kinematics (IK) of redundant manipulators in real time is a difficult problem in robotics since its solution for a given target pose is not unique. Moreover, choosing the optimal IK solution with respect to application-specific demands helps to improve the robustness and to increase the success rate when driving the manipulator from its current configuration towards a desired pose. This is necessary, especially in high-dynamic tasks like catching objects in mid-flights. To compute a suitable target configuration in the joint space for a given target pose in the trajectory planning context, various factors such as travel time or manipulability must be considered. However, these factors increase the complexity of the overall problem which impedes real-time implementation. In this paper, a real-time framework to compute the analytical inverse kinematics of a redundant robot is presented. To this end, the analytical IK of the redundant manipulator is parameterized by so-called redundancy parameters, which are combined with a target pose to yield a unique IK solution. Most existing works in the literature either try to approximate the direct mapping from the desired pose of the manipulator to the solution of the IK or cluster the entire workspace to find IK solutions. In contrast, the proposed framework directly learns these redundancy parameters by using a neural network (NN) that provides the optimal IK solution with respect to the manipulability and the closeness to the current robot configuration. Monte Carlo simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed approach which is accurate and real-time capable ($\approx$ \SI{32}{\micro\second}) on the KUKA LBR iiwa 14 R820.
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We introduce a new family of deep neural network models. Instead of specifying a discrete sequence of hidden layers, we parameterize the derivative of the hidden state using a neural network. The output of the network is computed using a blackbox differential equation solver. These continuous-depth models have constant memory cost, adapt their evaluation strategy to each input, and can explicitly trade numerical precision for speed. We demonstrate these properties in continuous-depth residual networks and continuous-time latent variable models. We also construct continuous normalizing flows, a generative model that can train by maximum likelihood, without partitioning or ordering the data dimensions. For training, we show how to scalably backpropagate through any ODE solver, without access to its internal operations. This allows end-to-end training of ODEs within larger models.
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逆运动学(IK)解决了从笛卡尔空间到机器人臂的关节配置空间的映射问题。它在计算机图形,蛋白质结构预测和机器人技术等领域具有广泛的应用。随着人工神经网络(NNS)的巨大进步,许多研究人员最近转向了以数据为导向的方法来解决IK问题。不幸的是,NNS因繁殖度(DOFS)的机器人臂而变得不足。这是因为这样的臂可能具有多个角度解决方案以达到相同的所需姿势,而典型的NNS仅实现一对一的映射功能,这仅将一个一致的输出与给定输入相关联。为了培训可用的NNS解决IK问题,大多数现有的作品都采用定制的培训数据集,其中每个所需的姿势只有一个角度解决方案。这不可避免地限制了拟议方法的概括和自动化。本文在两个方面打破了:(1)一种涵盖机器人臂的整个工作空间的系统和机械方法,可以完全自动化,并且在手臂开发后只能完成一次; (2)一种基于NN的新型框架,可以利用冗余DOF为任何给定所需的机器人臂的姿势产生多角度解。后者对于机器人应用特别有用,例如避免障碍物和姿势模仿。
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Normalizing flows provide a general mechanism for defining expressive probability distributions, only requiring the specification of a (usually simple) base distribution and a series of bijective transformations. There has been much recent work on normalizing flows, ranging from improving their expressive power to expanding their application. We believe the field has now matured and is in need of a unified perspective. In this review, we attempt to provide such a perspective by describing flows through the lens of probabilistic modeling and inference. We place special emphasis on the fundamental principles of flow design, and discuss foundational topics such as expressive power and computational trade-offs. We also broaden the conceptual framing of flows by relating them to more general probability transformations. Lastly, we summarize the use of flows for tasks such as generative modeling, approximate inference, and supervised learning.
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Normalizing Flows are generative models which produce tractable distributions where both sampling and density evaluation can be efficient and exact. The goal of this survey article is to give a coherent and comprehensive review of the literature around the construction and use of Normalizing Flows for distribution learning. We aim to provide context and explanation of the models, review current state-of-the-art literature, and identify open questions and promising future directions.
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反向运动学(IK)是找到满足一个或多个末端效应器的位置或姿势的限制的机器人联合配置的问题。对于具有冗余自由度的机器人,通常存在无限,不透露的解决方案。当通过工作空间中的障碍施加碰撞限制时,IK问题进一步复杂。通常,不存在产生可行配置的闭合表达,促使使用数值解决方案方法。然而,这些方法依赖于局部优化非凸起问题,通常需要准确的初始化或许多重新初始化来收敛到有效的解决方案。在这项工作中,我们首先将复杂的工作空间约束制定逆运动学,作为凸的可行性问题,其低级可行点提供精确的IK解决方案。然后,我们呈现\ texttt {cidgik}(距离 - 几何反向运动学的凸迭代),这是一种解决这种可行性问题的算法,其具有旨在鼓励低秩最小化的半导体级程序的序列。我们的问题制定优雅地统一机器人的配置空间和工作空间约束:内在机器人几何形状和避免避免都表示为简单的线性矩阵方程和不等式。我们对各种流行的操纵器模型的实验结果比传统的非线性优化的方法更快,更准确的会聚,特别是在具有许多障碍的环境中。
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这是关于操纵器差异运动学教程的第二篇也是最后一篇文章。在第一部分中,我们描述了一种使用基本变换序列(ET)建模运动学的方法,然后在制定前向运动学和操纵器Jacobian之前。然后,我们描述了操纵器Jacobian的一些基本应用,包括分辨率运动控制(RRMC),逆运动学(IK)和一些操纵器性能指标。在本文中,我们制定了二阶差异运动学,从而定义了操纵器Hessian。然后,我们描述了差异运动学的分析形式,这对于动态应用至关重要。随后,我们为高阶导数提供了一般公式。我们考虑的第一个应用程序是高级速度控制。在本节中,我们将解决的速率运动控制扩展到执行子任务,同时仍然实现目标,然后重新定义算法作为二次程序,以实现更大的灵活性和其他约束。然后,我们再次看一下数值逆运动学,重点是增加约束。最后,我们分析了操纵者黑森州如何帮助逃脱奇异性。我们提供了Jupyter笔记本,以陪同本教程中的每个部分。这些笔记本是用Python代码编写的,并使用python的机器人工具箱,以及Swift Simulator提供算法的示例和实现。虽然不是绝对必要的,但对于最吸引人和信息丰富的经验,我们建议在阅读本文时使用Jupyter笔记本。笔记本和设置说明可以在https://github.com/jhavl/dkt上访问。
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向前和向后触及逆运动学(FABRIK)是一种启发式逆运动求解器,逐渐应用于具有快速收敛和生成更真实配置的优势的操纵器。但是,在高误差限制下,Fabrik表现出不稳定的收敛行为,这对于操纵器的实时运动计划是不满意的。在本文中,提出了一种结合Fabrik和顺序二次编程(SQP)算法的新型逆运动学算法,其中Fabrik推迟的关节角度将被视为SQP算法的初始种子,以避免粘在局部最小值中。通过实验评估合并的算法,在高误差约束下,我们的算法比FabRik获得更高的成功率和更快的解决方案时间。此外,联合算法可以在路径跟踪中为UR5和KUKA LBR IIWA 14 R820操纵器生成连续轨迹,而无姿势误差和最终效应器的允许位置误差。
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许多数值优化技术的收敛性对提供给求解器的初始猜测高度敏感。我们提出了一种基于张量方法的方法,以初始化靠近全局Optima的现有优化求解器。该方法仅使用成本函数的定义,不需要访问任何良好解决方案的数据库。我们首先将成本函数(这是任务参数和优化变量的函数)转换为概率密度函数。与将任务参数设置为常数的现有方法不同,我们将它们视为另一组随机变量,并使用替代概率模型近似任务参数的关节概率分布和优化变量。对于给定的任务,我们就给定的任务参数从条件分布中生成样本,并将其用作优化求解器的初始化。由于调节和来自任意密度函数的调节和采样具有挑战性,因此我们使用张量列车分解来获得替代概率模型,我们可以从中有效地获得条件模型和样品。该方法可以为给定任务产生来自不同模式的多个解决方案。我们首先通过将其应用于各种具有挑战性的基准函数来评估该方法以进行数值优化,这些功能很难使用基于梯度的优化求解器以幼稚的初始化来求解,这表明所提出的方法可以生成靠近全局优化的样品,并且来自多种模式。 。然后,我们通过将所提出的方法应用于7-DOF操纵器来证明框架的通用性及其与机器人技术的相关性。
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This work proposes a novel singularity avoidance approach for real-time trajectory optimization based on known singular configurations. The focus of this work lies on analyzing kinematically singular configurations for three robots with different kinematic structures, i.e., the Comau Racer 7-1.4, the KUKA LBR iiwa R820, and the Franka Emika Panda, and exploiting these configurations in form of tailored potential functions for singularity avoidance. Monte Carlo simulations of the proposed method and the commonly used manipulability maximization approach are performed for comparison. The numerical results show that the average computing time can be reduced and shorter trajectories in both time and path length are obtained with the proposed approach
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To control humanoid robots, the reference pose of end effector(s) is planned in task space, then mapped into the reference joints by IK. By viewing that problem as approximate quadratic programming (QP), recent QP solvers can be applied to solve it precisely, but iterative numerical IK solvers based on Jacobian are still in high demand due to their low computational cost. However, the conventional Jacobian-based IK usually clamps the obtained joints during iteration according to the constraints in practice, causing numerical instability due to non-smoothed objective function. To alleviate the clamping problem, this study explicitly considers the joint constraints, especially the box constraints in this paper, inside the new IK solver. Specifically, instead of clamping, a mirror descent (MD) method with box-constrained real joint space and no-constrained mirror space is integrated with the Jacobian-based IK, so-called MD-IK. In addition, to escape local optima nearly on the boundaries of constraints, a heuristic technique, called $\epsilon$-clamping, is implemented as margin in software level. Finally, to increase convergence speed, the acceleration method for MD is integrated assuming continuity of solutions at each time. As a result, the accelerated MD-IK achieved more stable and enough fast tracking performance compared to the conventional IK solvers. The low computational cost of the proposed method mitigated the time delay until the solution is obtained in real-time humanoid gait control, achieving a more stable gait.
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工业机器人操纵器(例如柯机)的应用可能需要在具有静态和非静态障碍物组合的环境中有效的在线运动计划。当可用的计算时间受到限制或无法完全产生解决方案时,现有的通用计划方法通常会产生较差的质量解决方案。我们提出了一个新的运动计划框架,旨在在用户定义的任务空间中运行,而不是机器人的工作空间,该框架有意将工作空间一般性交易,以计划和执行时间效率。我们的框架自动构建在线查询的轨迹库,类似于利用离线计算的以前方法。重要的是,我们的方法还提供了轨迹长度上有限的次级优势保证。关键的想法是建立称为$ \ epsilon $ -Gromov-Hausdorff近似值的近似异构体,以便在任务空间附近的点也很接近配置空间。这些边界关系进一步意味着可以平稳地串联轨迹,这使我们的框架能够解决批次查询方案,目的是找到最小长度的轨迹顺序,这些轨迹访问一组无序的目标。我们通过几种运动型配置评估了模拟框架,包括安装在移动基础上的操纵器。结果表明,我们的方法可实现可行的实时应用,并为扩展其功能提供了有趣的机会。
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Soft robots are interesting examples of hyper-redundancy in robotics, however, the nonlinear continuous dynamics of these robots and the use of hyper-elastic and visco-elastic materials makes modeling of these robots more complicated. This study presents a geometric Inverse Kinematic (IK) model for trajectory tracking of multi-segment extensible soft robots, where, each segment of the soft actuator is geometrically approximated with multiple rigid links connected with rotary and prismatic joints. Using optimization methods, the desired configuration variables of the soft actuator for the desired end-effector positions are obtained. Also, the redundancy of the robot is applied for second task applications, such as tip angle control. The model's performance is investigated through simulations, numerical benchmarks, and experimental validations and results show lower computational costs and higher accuracy compared to most existing methods. The method is easy to apply to multi segment soft robots, both in 2D and 3D. As a case study, a fully 3D-printed soft robot manipulator is tested using a control unit and the model predictions show good agreement with the experimental results.
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