Reformulating the history matching problem from a least-square mathematical optimization problem into a Markov Decision Process introduces a method in which reinforcement learning can be utilized to solve the problem. This method provides a mechanism where an artificial deep neural network agent can interact with the reservoir simulator and find multiple different solutions to the problem. Such formulation allows for solving the problem in parallel by launching multiple concurrent environments enabling the agent to learn simultaneously from all the environments at once, achieving significant speed up.
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我们解决了多梯队供应链中生产规划和分布的问题。我们考虑不确定的需求和铅,这使得问题随机和非线性。提出了马尔可夫决策过程配方和非线性编程模型。作为一个顺序决策问题,深度加强学习(RL)是一种可能的解决方案方法。近年来,这种类型的技术从人工智能和优化社区获得了很多关注。考虑到不同领域的深入RL接近获得的良好结果,对在运营研究领域的问题中造成越来越兴趣的兴趣。我们使用了深入的RL技术,即近端政策优化(PPO2),解决了考虑不确定,定期和季节性需求和常数或随机交货时间的问题。实验在不同的场景中进行,以更好地评估算法的适用性。基于线性化模型的代理用作基线。实验结果表明,PPO2是这种类型的问题的竞争力和适当的工具。 PPO2代理在所有情景中的基线都优于基线,随机交货时间(7.3-11.2%),无论需求是否是季节性的。在具有恒定交货时间的情况下,当不确定的需求是非季节性的时,PPO2代理更好(2.2-4.7%)。结果表明,这种情况的不确定性越大,这种方法的可行性就越大。
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尽管深度强化学习(RL)最近取得了许多成功,但其方法仍然效率低下,这使得在数据方面解决了昂贵的许多问题。我们的目标是通过利用未标记的数据中的丰富监督信号来进行学习状态表示,以解决这一问题。本文介绍了三种不同的表示算法,可以访问传统RL算法使用的数据源的不同子集使用:(i)GRICA受到独立组件分析(ICA)的启发,并训练深层神经网络以输出统计独立的独立特征。输入。 Grica通过最大程度地减少每个功能与其他功能之间的相互信息来做到这一点。此外,格里卡仅需要未分类的环境状态。 (ii)潜在表示预测(LARP)还需要更多的上下文:除了要求状态作为输入外,它还需要先前的状态和连接它们的动作。该方法通过预测当前状态和行动的环境的下一个状态来学习状态表示。预测器与图形搜索算法一起使用。 (iii)重新培训通过训练深层神经网络来学习国家表示,以学习奖励功能的平滑版本。该表示形式用于预处理输入到深度RL,而奖励预测指标用于奖励成型。此方法仅需要环境中的状态奖励对学习表示表示。我们发现,每种方法都有其优势和缺点,并从我们的实验中得出结论,包括无监督的代表性学习在RL解决问题的管道中可以加快学习的速度。
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Deep reinforcement learning is poised to revolutionise the field of AI and represents a step towards building autonomous systems with a higher level understanding of the visual world. Currently, deep learning is enabling reinforcement learning to scale to problems that were previously intractable, such as learning to play video games directly from pixels. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms are also applied to robotics, allowing control policies for robots to be learned directly from camera inputs in the real world. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the general field of reinforcement learning, then progress to the main streams of value-based and policybased methods. Our survey will cover central algorithms in deep reinforcement learning, including the deep Q-network, trust region policy optimisation, and asynchronous advantage actor-critic. In parallel, we highlight the unique advantages of deep neural networks, focusing on visual understanding via reinforcement learning. To conclude, we describe several current areas of research within the field.
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Adequately assigning credit to actions for future outcomes based on their contributions is a long-standing open challenge in Reinforcement Learning. The assumptions of the most commonly used credit assignment method are disadvantageous in tasks where the effects of decisions are not immediately evident. Furthermore, this method can only evaluate actions that have been selected by the agent, making it highly inefficient. Still, no alternative methods have been widely adopted in the field. Hindsight Credit Assignment is a promising, but still unexplored candidate, which aims to solve the problems of both long-term and counterfactual credit assignment. In this thesis, we empirically investigate Hindsight Credit Assignment to identify its main benefits, and key points to improve. Then, we apply it to factored state representations, and in particular to state representations based on the causal structure of the environment. In this setting, we propose a variant of Hindsight Credit Assignment that effectively exploits a given causal structure. We show that our modification greatly decreases the workload of Hindsight Credit Assignment, making it more efficient and enabling it to outperform the baseline credit assignment method on various tasks. This opens the way to other methods based on given or learned causal structures.
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我们提出了一个无模型增强学习(RL)框架的案例研究,以解决预定义参数不确定性分布和部分可观察到的随机最佳控制。我们专注于强大的最佳井控制问题,这是地下储层管理领域的密集研究活动的主题。对于此问题,由于数据仅在井位置可用,因此部分观察到系统。此外,由于可用字段数据的稀疏性,模型参数高度不确定。原则上,RL算法能够学习最佳动作策略(从状态到动作的地图),以最大程度地提高数值奖励信号。在Deep RL中,使用深神经网络对从状态到动作进行参数化的映射是参数化的。在强大的最佳井控制问题的RL公式中,状态由井位的饱和度和压力值表示,而动作代表控制通过井流的阀门开口。数值奖励是指总扫描效率,不确定的模型参数是地下渗透率场。通过引入域随机化方案来处理模型参数不确定性,该方案利用群集分析其不确定性分布。我们使用两种最先进的RL算法,近端策略优化(PPO)和Advantage Actor-Critic(A2C)提出数值结果,这些结果是在两个地下流量测试用例上,这些算法代表了两个不同的不确定性分布的渗透率场。根据使用差分进化算法获得的优化结果对结果进行了测试。此外,我们通过评估从训练过程中未使用的参数不确定性分布中得出的看不见的样本中学习的控制策略,证明了对RL的鲁棒性。
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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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In order to avoid conventional controlling methods which created obstacles due to the complexity of systems and intense demand on data density, developing modern and more efficient control methods are required. In this way, reinforcement learning off-policy and model-free algorithms help to avoid working with complex models. In terms of speed and accuracy, they become prominent methods because the algorithms use their past experience to learn the optimal policies. In this study, three reinforcement learning algorithms; DDPG, TD3 and SAC have been used to train Fetch robotic manipulator for four different tasks in MuJoCo simulation environment. All of these algorithms are off-policy and able to achieve their desired target by optimizing both policy and value functions. In the current study, the efficiency and the speed of these three algorithms are analyzed in a controlled environment.
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强化学习的主要困难之一是从{\ em dobsolicy}样本中学习,这些样本是由算法评估(目标策略)的不同策略(行为策略)收集的。非政策学习需要从行为政策中纠正样本的分布到目标策略的分布。不幸的是,重要的抽样具有固有的高方差问题,从而导致策略梯度方法的梯度估计差。我们专注于范围的参与者 - 批评体系结构,并提出了一种称为预处理近端政策优化(P3O)的新方法,该方法可以通过将预处理程序应用于保守政策迭代(CPI)目标来控制重要性采样的较高差异。 {\ em此预处理以一种特殊的方式使用Sigmoid函数,即当没有策略更改时,梯度是最大的,因此策略梯度将驱动大参数更新以有效地探索参数空间}。这是一种新颖的探索方法,鉴于现有的探索方法是基于国家和行动的新颖性,尚未对其进行研究。我们与离散和连续任务上的几种表现最好的算法进行了比较,结果表明{\ em ppo不足以实现异位},并且我们的p3O比ppo {\ em off-policy}比ppo比“根据off off ppo”。 - 通过Deon Metric衡量的Policyness,P3O在比PPO更大的政策空间中探索。结果还表明,在训练过程中,我们的P3O比PPO更好地提高了CPI目标。
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Autonomous vehicles are suited for continuous area patrolling problems. However, finding an optimal patrolling strategy can be challenging for many reasons. Firstly, patrolling environments are often complex and can include unknown and evolving environmental factors. Secondly, autonomous vehicles can have failures or hardware constraints such as limited battery lives. Importantly, patrolling large areas often requires multiple agents that need to collectively coordinate their actions. In this work, we consider these limitations and propose an approach based on a distributed, model-free deep reinforcement learning based multi-agent patrolling strategy. In this approach, agents make decisions locally based on their own environmental observations and on shared information. In addition, agents are trained to automatically recharge themselves when required to support continuous collective patrolling. A homogeneous multi-agent architecture is proposed, where all patrolling agents have an identical policy. This architecture provides a robust patrolling system that can tolerate agent failures and allow supplementary agents to be added to replace failed agents or to increase the overall patrol performance. This performance is validated through experiments from multiple perspectives, including the overall patrol performance, the efficiency of the battery recharging strategy, the overall robustness of the system, and the agents' ability to adapt to environment dynamics.
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钢筋学习的最新进展证明了其在超级人类水平上解决硬质孕代环境互动任务的能力。然而,由于大多数RL最先进的算法的样本低效率,即,需要大量培训集,因此在实际和现实世界任务中的应用目前有限。例如,在Dota 2中击败人类参与者的Openai五种算法已经训练了数千年的游戏时间。存在解决样本低效问题的几种方法,可以通过更好地探索环境来提供更有效的使用或旨在获得更相关和多样化的经验。然而,为了我们的知识,没有用于基于模型的算法的这种方法,其在求解具有高维状态空间的硬控制任务方面的高采样效率。这项工作连接了探索技术和基于模型的加强学习。我们设计了一种新颖的探索方法,考虑了基于模型的方法的特征。我们还通过实验证明我们的方法显着提高了基于模型的算法梦想家的性能。
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A long-standing challenge in artificial intelligence is lifelong learning. In lifelong learning, many tasks are presented in sequence and learners must efficiently transfer knowledge between tasks while avoiding catastrophic forgetting over long lifetimes. On these problems, policy reuse and other multi-policy reinforcement learning techniques can learn many tasks. However, they can generate many temporary or permanent policies, resulting in memory issues. Consequently, there is a need for lifetime-scalable methods that continually refine a policy library of a pre-defined size. This paper presents a first approach to lifetime-scalable policy reuse. To pre-select the number of policies, a notion of task capacity, the maximal number of tasks that a policy can accurately solve, is proposed. To evaluate lifetime policy reuse using this method, two state-of-the-art single-actor base-learners are compared: 1) a value-based reinforcement learner, Deep Q-Network (DQN) or Deep Recurrent Q-Network (DRQN); and 2) an actor-critic reinforcement learner, Proximal Policy Optimisation (PPO) with or without Long Short-Term Memory layer. By selecting the number of policies based on task capacity, D(R)QN achieves near-optimal performance with 6 policies in a 27-task MDP domain and 9 policies in an 18-task POMDP domain; with fewer policies, catastrophic forgetting and negative transfer are observed. Due to slow, monotonic improvement, PPO requires fewer policies, 1 policy for the 27-task domain and 4 policies for the 18-task domain, but it learns the tasks with lower accuracy than D(R)QN. These findings validate lifetime-scalable policy reuse and suggest using D(R)QN for larger and PPO for smaller library sizes.
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