在最近的过去,草莓的机器人收获引起了很多兴趣。尽管有很多创新,但它们尚未达到与人类采摘专家相当的水平。末端效应单元在定义这种机器人收割系统的效率方面起着重要作用。即使有关于草莓收集的各种最终效应子的报道,但是在某些情况下,研究人员可以依靠某些参数来开发新的最终效应子。这些参数包括可以在花梗上应用的抓地力极限,以有效地抓握,切割草莓花梗所需的力等。这些估计将对目标的最终效应器的设计周期有所帮助,以握住和切割在收获动作期间,草莓花梗。本文通过实验研究了这些参数的估计和分析。据估计,花梗的握力可以限制为10N。这使最终效应器能够抓住高达50克的草莓,而操纵加速度为50 m/s $^2 $,而不会挤压花梗。关于花梗切割力的研究表明,15 n的力足以在30度方向上使用楔形角度为16.6度的刀片切出草莓花梗。
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意识到高性能软机器人抓手是具有挑战性的,因为软执行器和人造肌肉的固有局限性。尽管现有的软机器人抓手表现出可接受的性能,但他们的设计和制造仍然是一个空旷的问题。本文探索了扭曲的弦乐执行器(TSA),以驱动软机器人抓手。 TSA已被广泛用于众多机器人应用中,但它们包含在软机器人中是有限的。提议的抓手设计灵感来自人类手,四个手指和拇指。通过使用拮抗剂TSA,在手指中实现了可调刚度。手指的弯曲角度,驱动速度,阻塞力输出和刚度调整是实验表征的。抓手能够在Kapandji测试中获得6分,并且还可以达到33个Feix Grasp Grasp分类法中的31个。一项比较研究表明,与其他类似抓手相比,提出的抓手表现出等效或卓越的性能。
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从一个或多个未分类桩中挑选一个或多个物体对于机器人系统而言仍然是不平凡的。当桩由包含彼此纠缠的单个项目的颗粒材料(GM)组成时,尤其如此,导致挑选出更多的选择。这种容易发生的GM的关键特征之一是从桩中的主要物体延伸的突起存在。这项工作描述了后者在引起机械纠缠及其对选择一致性的影响方面所扮演的角色。 IT报告了实验,其中采摘具有不同突出长度(PLS)的GMS导致挑选质量差异增加了76%,这表明PL是采摘策略设计中的一项信息功能。此外,为了应对这种效果,它提出了一种新的传播(SNP)方法,可大大减少纠结,从而使选择更加一致。与试图从桩中的无缠结点进行选择的先前方法相比,提出的方法导致选择误差(PE)的降低高达51%,并显示出对先前看不见的GMS的良好概括。
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Effective force modulation during tissue manipulation is important for ensuring safe robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (RMIS). Strict requirements for in-vivo distal force sensing have led to prior sensor designs that trade off ease of manufacture and integration against force measurement accuracy along the tool axis. These limitations have made collecting high-quality 3-degree-of-freedom (3-DoF) bimanual force data in RMIS inaccessible to researchers. We present a modular and manufacturable 3-DoF force sensor that integrates easily with an existing RMIS tool. We achieve this by relaxing biocompatibility and sterilizability requirements while utilizing commercial load cells and common electromechanical fabrication techniques. The sensor has a range of +-5 N axially and +-3 N laterally with average root mean square errors(RMSEs) of below 0.15 N in all directions. During teleoperated mock tissue manipulation tasks, a pair of jaw-mounted sensors achieved average RMSEs of below 0.15 N in all directions. For grip force, it achieved an RMSE of 0.156 N. The sensor has sufficient accuracy within the range of forces found in delicate manipulation tasks, with potential use in bimanual haptic feedback and robotic force control. As an open-source design, the sensors can be adapted to suit additional robotic applications outside of RMIS.
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Robotic hands with soft surfaces can perform stable grasping, but the high friction of the soft surfaces makes it difficult to release objects, or to perform operations that require sliding. To solve this issue, we previously developed a contact area variable surface (CAVS), whose friction changed according to the load. However, only our fundamental results were previously presented, with detailed analyses not provided. In this study, we first investigated the CAVS friction anisotropy, and demonstrated that the longitudinal direction exhibited a larger ratio of friction change. Next, we proposed a sensible CAVS, capable of providing a variable-friction mechanism, and tested its sensing and control systems in operations requiring switching between sliding and stable-grasping modes. Friction sensing was performed using an embedded camera, and we developed a gripper using the sensible CAVS, considering the CAVS friction anisotropy. In CAVS, the low-friction mode corresponds to a small grasping force, while the high-friction mode corresponds to a greater grasping force. Therefore, by controlling only the friction mode, the gripper mode can be set to either the sliding or stable-grasping mode. Based on this feature, a methodology for controlling the contact mode was constructed. We demonstrated a manipulation involving sliding and stable grasping, and thus verified the efficacy of the developed sensible CAVS.
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Grasping is an incredible ability of animals using their arms and limbs in their daily life. The human hand is an especially astonishing multi-fingered tool for precise grasping, which helped humans to develop the modern world. The implementation of the human grasp to virtual reality and telerobotics is always interesting and challenging at the same time. In this work, authors surveyed, studied, and analyzed the human hand-grasping behavior for the possibilities of haptic grasping in the virtual and remote environment. This work is focused on the motion and force analysis of fingers in human hand grasping scenarios and the paper describes the transition of the human hand grasping towards a tripod haptic grasp model for effective interaction in virtual reality.
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Applying suction grippers in unstructured environments is a challenging task because of depth and tilt errors in vision systems, requiring additional costs in elaborate sensing and control. To reduce additional costs, suction grippers with compliant bodies or mechanisms have been proposed; however, their bulkiness and limited allowable error hinder their use in complex environments with large errors. Here, we propose a compact suction gripper that can pick objects over a wide range of distances and tilt angles without elaborate sensing and control. The spring-inserted gripper body deploys and conforms to distant and tilted objects until the suction cup completely seals with the object and retracts immediately after, while holding the object. This seamless deployment and retraction is enabled by connecting the gripper body and suction cup to the same vacuum source, which couples the vacuum picking and retraction of the gripper body. Experimental results validated that the proposed gripper can pick objects within 79 mm, which is 1.4 times the initial length, and can pick objects with tilt angles up to 60{\deg}. The feasibility of the gripper was verified by demonstrations, including picking objects of different heights from the same picking height and the bin picking of transparent objects.
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Fruit harvesting has recently experienced a shift towards soft grippers that possess compliance, adaptability, and delicacy. In this context, pneumatic grippers are popular, due to provision of high deformability and compliance, however they typically possess limited grip strength. Jamming possesses strong grip capability, however has limited deformability and often requires the object to be pushed onto a surface to attain a grip. This paper describes a hybrid gripper combining pneumatics (for deformation) and jamming (for grip strength). Our gripper utilises a torus (donut) structure with two chambers controlled by pneumatic and vacuum pressure respectively, to conform around a target object. The gripper displays good adaptability, exploiting pneumatics to mould to the shape of the target object where jamming can be successfully harnessed to grip. The main contribution of the paper is design, fabrication, and characterisation of the first hybrid gripper that can use granular jamming in free space, achieving significantly larger retention forces compared to pure pneumatics. We test our gripper on a range of different sizes and shapes, as well as picking a broad range of real fruit.
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In unstructured environments, robots run the risk of unexpected collisions. How well they react to these events is determined by how transparent they are to collisions. Transparency is affected by structural properties as well as sensing and control architectures. In this paper, we propose the collision reflex metric as a way to formally quantify transparency. It is defined as the total impulse transferred in collision, which determines the collision mitigation capabilities of a closed-loop robotic system taking into account structure, sensing, and control. We analyze the effect of motor scaling, stiffness, and configuration on the collision reflex of a system using an analytical model. Physical experiments using the move-until-touch behavior are conducted to compare the collision reflex of direct-drive and quasi-direct-drive actuators and robotic hands (Schunk WSG-50 and Dexterous DDHand.) For transparent systems, we see a counter-intuitive trend: the impulse may be lower at higher pre-impact velocities.
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Springs are efficient in storing and returning elastic potential energy but are unable to hold the energy they store in the absence of an external load. Lockable springs use clutches to hold elastic potential energy in the absence of an external load but have not yet been widely adopted in applications, partly because clutches introduce design complexity, reduce energy efficiency, and typically do not afford high-fidelity control over the energy stored by the spring. Here, we present the design of a novel lockable compression spring that uses a small capstan clutch to passively lock a mechanical spring. The capstan clutch can lock up to 1000 N force at any arbitrary deflection, unlock the spring in less than 10 ms with a control force less than 1 % of the maximal spring force, and provide an 80 % energy storage and return efficiency (comparable to a highly efficient electric motor operated at constant nominal speed). By retaining the form factor of a regular spring while providing high-fidelity locking capability even under large spring forces, the proposed design could facilitate the development of energy-efficient spring-based actuators and robots.
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软致动器在符合性和形态方面表现出具有很大的优势,用于操纵细腻物体和在密闭空间中的检查。对于可以提供扭转运动的软致动器有一个未满足的需要。放大工作空间并增加自由度。为此目标,我们呈现由硅胶制成的折纸启发的软充气执行器(OSPas)。原型可以输出多于一个旋转的旋转(高达435 {\ DEG}),比以前的同行更大。我们描述了设计和制作方法,构建了运动学模型和仿真模型,并分析和优化参数。最后,我们通过整合到能够同时抓住和提升脆弱或扁平物体的夹具,这是一种能够与扭转致动器的直角拾取和放置物品的多功能机器人,以及柔软的蛇通过扭转致动器的扭转能够改变姿态和方向的机器人。
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多限制攀岩机器人的运动计划必须考虑机器人的姿势,联合扭矩,以及它如何使用接触力与环境相互作用。本文着重于使用非传统运动来探索不可预测的环境(例如火星洞穴)的机器人运动计划。我们的机器人概念Reachbot使用可扩展和可伸缩的动臂作为四肢,在攀爬时实现了大型可伸缩度工作区。每个可扩展的动臂都由旨在抓住岩石表面的微生物抓地力封顶。 Reachbot利用其大型工作空间来绕过障碍物,裂缝和挑战地形。我们的计划方法必须具有多功能性,以适应可变的地形特征和鲁棒性,以减轻用刺抓握随机性质的风险。在本文中,我们引入了一种图形遍历算法,以根据适用于握把的可用地形特征选择一个离散的grasps序列。该离散的计划是由一个解耦运动计划者互补的,该计划者使用基于抽样的计划和顺序凸面编程的组合来考虑身体运动和最终效应器运动的交替阶段,以优化单个阶段。我们使用运动规划师在模拟的2D洞穴环境中计划轨迹,至少有95%的成功概率,并在基线轨迹上表现出改善的鲁棒性。最后,我们通过对2D平面原型进行实验来验证运动计划算法。
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Snakes and their bio-inspired robot counterparts have demonstrated locomotion on a wide range of terrains. However, dynamic vertical climbing is one locomotion strategy that has received little attention in the existing snake robotics literature. We demonstrate a new scansorial gait and robot inspired by the locomotion of the Pacific Lamprey. This new gait allows a robot to steer while climbing on flat, near-vertical surfaces. A reduced-order model is developed and used to explore the relationship between body actuation and vertical and lateral motions of the robot. Trident, the new wall climbing lamprey-inspired robot, demonstrates dynamic climbing on flat vertical surfaces with a peak net vertical stride displacement of 4.1 cm per step. Actuating at 1.3 Hz, Trident attains a vertical climbing speed of 4.8 cm/s (0.09 Bl/s) at specific resistance of 8.3. Trident can also traverse laterally at 9 cm/s (0.17 Bl/s). Moreover, Trident is able to make 14\% longer strides than the Pacific Lamprey when climbing vertically. The computational and experimental results demonstrate that a lamprey-inspired climbing gait coupled with appropriate attachment is a useful climbing strategy for snake robots climbing near vertical surfaces with limited push points.
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