已经证明了视觉变压器架构以非常有效地为图像分类任务工作。用变压器依靠卷积骨架解决更具挑战性的愿景任务的努力,以进行特征提取。在本文中,我们调查使用纯变压器架构(即,没有CNN骨干网)的使用,用于2D体姿势估计的问题。我们在Coco DataSet上评估了两个Vit架构。我们演示了使用编码器 - 解码器变压器架构产生最新的技术结果,导致该估计问题。
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随着变压器作为语言处理的标准及其在计算机视觉方面的进步,参数大小和培训数据的数量相应地增长。许多人开始相信,因此,变形金刚不适合少量数据。这种趋势引起了人们的关注,例如:某些科学领域中数据的可用性有限,并且排除了该领域研究资源有限的人。在本文中,我们旨在通过引入紧凑型变压器来提出一种小规模学习的方法。我们首次表明,具有正确的尺寸,卷积令牌化,变压器可以避免在小数据集上过度拟合和优于最先进的CNN。我们的模型在模型大小方面具有灵活性,并且在获得竞争成果的同时,参数可能仅为0.28亿。当在CIFAR-10上训练Cifar-10,只有370万参数训练时,我们的最佳模型可以达到98%的准确性,这是与以前的基于变形金刚的模型相比,数据效率的显着提高,比其他变压器小于10倍,并且是15%的大小。在实现类似性能的同时,重新NET50。 CCT还表现优于许多基于CNN的现代方法,甚至超过一些基于NAS的方法。此外,我们在Flowers-102上获得了新的SOTA,具有99.76%的TOP-1准确性,并改善了Imagenet上现有基线(82.71%精度,具有29%的VIT参数)以及NLP任务。我们针对变压器的简单而紧凑的设计使它们更可行,可以为那些计算资源和/或处理小型数据集的人学习,同时扩展了在数据高效变压器中的现有研究工作。我们的代码和预培训模型可在https://github.com/shi-labs/compact-transformers上公开获得。
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我们提出了一种用于多实例姿态估计的端到端培训方法,称为诗人(姿势估计变压器)。将卷积神经网络与变压器编码器 - 解码器架构组合,我们将多个姿势估计从图像标记为直接设置预测问题。我们的模型能够使用双方匹配方案直接出现所有个人的姿势。诗人使用基于集的全局损失进行培训,该丢失包括关键点损耗,可见性损失和载重损失。诗歌的原因与多个检测到的个人与完整图像上下文之间的关系直接预测它们并行姿势。我们展示诗人在Coco Keypoint检测任务上实现了高精度,同时具有比其他自下而上和自上而下的方法更少的参数和更高推理速度。此外,在将诗人应用于动物姿势估计时,我们表现出了成功的转移学习。据我们所知,该模型是第一个端到端的培训多实例姿态估计方法,我们希望它将成为一种简单而有前途的替代方案。
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ous vision tasks without convolutions, where it can be used as a direct replacement for CNN backbones. (3) We validate PVT through extensive experiments, showing that it boosts the performance of many downstream tasks, including object detection, instance and semantic segmentation. For example, with a comparable number of parameters, PVT+RetinaNet achieves 40.4 AP on the COCO dataset, surpassing ResNet50+RetinNet (36.3 AP) by 4.1 absolute AP (see Figure 2). We hope that PVT could serve as an alternative and useful backbone for pixel-level predictions and facilitate future research.
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文本识别是文档数字化的长期研究问题。现有的方法通常是基于CNN构建的,以用于图像理解,并为Char-Level文本生成而建立RNN。此外,通常需要另一种语言模型来提高整体准确性作为后处理步骤。在本文中,我们提出了一种使用预训练的图像变压器和文本变压器模型(即Trocr)提出的端到端文本识别方法,该模型利用了变压器体系结构,以实现图像理解和文字级级文本生成。TROR模型很简单,但有效,可以通过大规模合成数据进行预训练,并通过人体标记的数据集进行微调。实验表明,TROR模型的表现优于印刷,手写和场景文本识别任务上的当前最新模型。Trocr模型和代码可在\ url {https://aka.ms/trocr}上公开获得。
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In this paper, we show the surprisingly good properties of plain vision transformers for body pose estimation from various aspects, namely simplicity in model structure, scalability in model size, flexibility in training paradigm, and transferability of knowledge between models, through a simple baseline model dubbed ViTPose. Specifically, ViTPose employs the plain and non-hierarchical vision transformer as an encoder to encode features and a lightweight decoder to decode body keypoints in either a top-down or a bottom-up manner. It can be scaled up from about 20M to 1B parameters by taking advantage of the scalable model capacity and high parallelism of the vision transformer, setting a new Pareto front for throughput and performance. Besides, ViTPose is very flexible regarding the attention type, input resolution, and pre-training and fine-tuning strategy. Based on the flexibility, a novel ViTPose+ model is proposed to deal with heterogeneous body keypoint categories in different types of body pose estimation tasks via knowledge factorization, i.e., adopting task-agnostic and task-specific feed-forward networks in the transformer. We also empirically demonstrate that the knowledge of large ViTPose models can be easily transferred to small ones via a simple knowledge token. Experimental results show that our ViTPose model outperforms representative methods on the challenging MS COCO Human Keypoint Detection benchmark at both top-down and bottom-up settings. Furthermore, our ViTPose+ model achieves state-of-the-art performance simultaneously on a series of body pose estimation tasks, including MS COCO, AI Challenger, OCHuman, MPII for human keypoint detection, COCO-Wholebody for whole-body keypoint detection, as well as AP-10K and APT-36K for animal keypoint detection, without sacrificing inference speed.
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Astounding results from Transformer models on natural language tasks have intrigued the vision community to study their application to computer vision problems. Among their salient benefits, Transformers enable modeling long dependencies between input sequence elements and support parallel processing of sequence as compared to recurrent networks e.g., Long short-term memory (LSTM). Different from convolutional networks, Transformers require minimal inductive biases for their design and are naturally suited as set-functions. Furthermore, the straightforward design of Transformers allows processing multiple modalities (e.g., images, videos, text and speech) using similar processing blocks and demonstrates excellent scalability to very large capacity networks and huge datasets. These strengths have led to exciting progress on a number of vision tasks using Transformer networks. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Transformer models in the computer vision discipline. We start with an introduction to fundamental concepts behind the success of Transformers i.e., self-attention, large-scale pre-training, and bidirectional feature encoding. We then cover extensive applications of transformers in vision including popular recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, object detection, action recognition, and segmentation), generative modeling, multi-modal tasks (e.g., visual-question answering, visual reasoning, and visual grounding), video processing (e.g., activity recognition, video forecasting), low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image enhancement, and colorization) and 3D analysis (e.g., point cloud classification and segmentation). We compare the respective advantages and limitations of popular techniques both in terms of architectural design and their experimental value. Finally, we provide an analysis on open research directions and possible future works. We hope this effort will ignite further interest in the community to solve current challenges towards the application of transformer models in computer vision.
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变形金刚正在改变计算机视觉的景观,特别是对于识别任务。检测变压器是对象检测的第一个完全结束的学习系统,而视觉变压器是用于图像分类的第一个完全变压器的架构。在本文中,我们集成了视觉和检测变压器(Vidt)以构建有效和高效的物体探测器。 VIDT引入了重新配置的注意模块,将最近的Swin变压器扩展为独立对象检测器,然后是计算高效的变压器解码器,该解码器利用多尺度特征和辅助技术来提高检测性能,而无需多大增加计算负载。 Microsoft Coco基准数据集上的广泛评估结果表明,VIDT在现有的基于变压器的对象检测器中获得了最佳的AP和延迟折衷,并且由于大型型号的高可扩展性而实现了49.2AP。我们将在https://github.com/naver-ai/vidt发布代码和培训的型号
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Vision Transformer (ViT) extends the application range of transformers from language processing to computer vision tasks as being an alternative architecture against the existing convolutional neural networks (CNN). Since the transformer-based architecture has been innovative for computer vision modeling, the design convention towards an effective architecture has been less studied yet. From the successful design principles of CNN, we investigate the role of spatial dimension conversion and its effectiveness on transformer-based architecture. We particularly attend to the dimension reduction principle of CNNs; as the depth increases, a conventional CNN increases channel dimension and decreases spatial dimensions. We empirically show that such a spatial dimension reduction is beneficial to a transformer architecture as well, and propose a novel Pooling-based Vision Transformer (PiT) upon the original ViT model. We show that PiT achieves the improved model capability and generalization performance against ViT. Throughout the extensive experiments, we further show PiT outperforms the baseline on several tasks such as image classification, object detection, and robustness evaluation. Source codes and ImageNet models are available at https://github.com/naver-ai/pit.
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Transformer is a new kind of neural architecture which encodes the input data as powerful features via the attention mechanism. Basically, the visual transformers first divide the input images into several local patches and then calculate both representations and their relationship. Since natural images are of high complexity with abundant detail and color information, the granularity of the patch dividing is not fine enough for excavating features of objects in different scales and locations. In this paper, we point out that the attention inside these local patches are also essential for building visual transformers with high performance and we explore a new architecture, namely, Transformer iN Transformer (TNT). Specifically, we regard the local patches (e.g., 16×16) as "visual sentences" and present to further divide them into smaller patches (e.g., 4×4) as "visual words". The attention of each word will be calculated with other words in the given visual sentence with negligible computational costs. Features of both words and sentences will be aggregated to enhance the representation ability. Experiments on several benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed TNT architecture, e.g., we achieve an 81.5% top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet, which is about 1.7% higher than that of the state-of-the-art visual transformer with similar computational cost.
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While the Transformer architecture has become the de-facto standard for natural language processing tasks, its applications to computer vision remain limited. In vision, attention is either applied in conjunction with convolutional networks, or used to replace certain components of convolutional networks while keeping their overall structure in place. We show that this reliance on CNNs is not necessary and a pure transformer applied directly to sequences of image patches can perform very well on image classification tasks. When pre-trained on large amounts of data and transferred to multiple mid-sized or small image recognition benchmarks (ImageNet, CIFAR-100, VTAB, etc.), Vision Transformer (ViT) attains excellent results compared to state-of-the-art convolutional networks while requiring substantially fewer computational resources to train. 1
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The recently developed vision transformer (ViT) has achieved promising results on image classification compared to convolutional neural networks. Inspired by this, in this paper, we study how to learn multi-scale feature representations in transformer models for image classification. To this end, we propose a dual-branch transformer to combine image patches (i.e., tokens in a transformer) of different sizes to produce stronger image features. Our approach processes small-patch and large-patch tokens with two separate branches of different computational complexity and these tokens are then fused purely by attention multiple times to complement each other. Furthermore, to reduce computation, we develop a simple yet effective token fusion module based on cross attention, which uses a single token for each branch as a query to exchange information with other branches. Our proposed cross-attention only requires linear time for both computational and memory complexity instead of quadratic time otherwise. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach performs better than or on par with several concurrent works on vision transformer, in addition to efficient CNN models. For example, on the ImageNet1K dataset, with some architectural changes, our approach outperforms the recent DeiT by a large margin of 2% with a small to moderate increase in FLOPs and model parameters. Our source codes and models are available at https://github.com/IBM/CrossViT.
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视觉变压器(VIT)用作强大的视觉模型。与卷积神经网络不同,在前几年主导视觉研究,视觉变压器享有捕获数据中的远程依赖性的能力。尽管如此,任何变压器架构的组成部分,自我关注机制都存在高延迟和低效的内存利用,使其不太适合高分辨率输入图像。为了缓解这些缺点,分层视觉模型在非交错的窗口上局部使用自我关注。这种放松会降低输入尺寸的复杂性;但是,它限制了横窗相互作用,损害了模型性能。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的班次不变的本地注意层,称为查询和参加(QNA),其以重叠的方式聚集在本地输入,非常类似于卷积。 QNA背后的关键想法是介绍学习的查询,这允许快速高效地实现。我们通过将其纳入分层视觉变压器模型来验证我们的层的有效性。我们展示了速度和内存复杂性的改进,同时实现了与最先进的模型的可比准确性。最后,我们的图层尺寸尤其良好,窗口大小,需要高于X10的内存,而不是比现有方法更快。
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Image segmentation is often ambiguous at the level of individual image patches and requires contextual information to reach label consensus. In this paper we introduce Segmenter, a transformer model for semantic segmentation. In contrast to convolution-based methods, our approach allows to model global context already at the first layer and throughout the network. We build on the recent Vision Transformer (ViT) and extend it to semantic segmentation. To do so, we rely on the output embeddings corresponding to image patches and obtain class labels from these embeddings with a point-wise linear decoder or a mask transformer decoder. We leverage models pre-trained for image classification and show that we can fine-tune them on moderate sized datasets available for semantic segmentation. The linear decoder allows to obtain excellent results already, but the performance can be further improved by a mask transformer generating class masks. We conduct an extensive ablation study to show the impact of the different parameters, in particular the performance is better for large models and small patch sizes. Segmenter attains excellent results for semantic segmentation. It outperforms the state of the art on both ADE20K and Pascal Context datasets and is competitive on Cityscapes.
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人类视力能够从整个场景中捕获部分整个分层信息。本文介绍了Visual解析器(VIP),它明确地构造了与变压器的等层次结构。 VIP将视觉表示分为两个级别,零件级别和整个级别。每个部分的信息代表整个内部的几个独立向量的组合。为了模拟两个级别的表示,我们首先通过注意机制将整体信息从整体编码为部分向量,然后将零件向量内的全局信息解码回到整个表示中。通过使用所提出的编码器 - 解码器交互迭代地解析两个级别,模型可以逐渐改进两个级别上的特征。实验结果表明,VIP可以在三个主要任务中实现非常竞争的性能。分类,检测和实例分割。特别是,它可以通过对象检测的大边缘超越先前的最先进的CNN主干。 VIP系列的小型型号为7.2美元,参数为$ 7.2 \ times $ 10.9 \ times $更少的拖鞋可以与最大的resnext-101-64 $ \ times $ 4d的resne(x)t家族相对表现。可视化结果还表明,学习部分对预测类具有高度信息,使VIP比以前的基本架构更可说明。代码可在https://github.com/kevin-ssy/vip上获得。
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Recently, neural networks purely based on attention were shown to address image understanding tasks such as image classification. These highperforming vision transformers are pre-trained with hundreds of millions of images using a large infrastructure, thereby limiting their adoption.In this work, we produce competitive convolution-free transformers by training on Imagenet only. We train them on a single computer in less than 3 days. Our reference vision transformer (86M parameters) achieves top-1 accuracy of 83.1% (single-crop) on ImageNet with no external data.More importantly, we introduce a teacher-student strategy specific to transformers. It relies on a distillation token ensuring that the student learns from the teacher through attention. We show the interest of this token-based distillation, especially when using a convnet as a teacher. This leads us to report results competitive with convnets for both Imagenet (where we obtain up to 85.2% accuracy) and when transferring to other tasks. We share our code and models.
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We present in this paper a new architecture, named Convolutional vision Transformer (CvT), that improves Vision Transformer (ViT) in performance and efficiency by introducing convolutions into ViT to yield the best of both designs. This is accomplished through two primary modifications: a hierarchy of Transformers containing a new convolutional token embedding, and a convolutional Transformer block leveraging a convolutional projection. These changes introduce desirable properties of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to the ViT architecture (i.e. shift, scale, and distortion invariance) while maintaining the merits of Transformers (i.e. dynamic attention, global context, and better generalization). We validate CvT by conducting extensive experiments, showing that this approach achieves state-of-the-art performance over other Vision Transformers and ResNets on ImageNet-1k, with fewer parameters and lower FLOPs. In addition, performance gains are maintained when pretrained on larger datasets (e.g. ImageNet-22k) and fine-tuned to downstream tasks. Pretrained on ImageNet-22k, our CvT-W24 obtains a top-1 accuracy of 87.7% on the ImageNet-1k val set. Finally, our results show that the positional encoding, a crucial component in existing Vision Transformers, can be safely removed in our model, simplifying the design for higher resolution vision tasks. Code will be released at https: //github.com/leoxiaobin/CvT.
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We present the Group Propagation Vision Transformer (GPViT): a novel nonhierarchical (i.e. non-pyramidal) transformer model designed for general visual recognition with high-resolution features. High-resolution features (or tokens) are a natural fit for tasks that involve perceiving fine-grained details such as detection and segmentation, but exchanging global information between these features is expensive in memory and computation because of the way self-attention scales. We provide a highly efficient alternative Group Propagation Block (GP Block) to exchange global information. In each GP Block, features are first grouped together by a fixed number of learnable group tokens; we then perform Group Propagation where global information is exchanged between the grouped features; finally, global information in the updated grouped features is returned back to the image features through a transformer decoder. We evaluate GPViT on a variety of visual recognition tasks including image classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, and instance segmentation. Our method achieves significant performance gains over previous works across all tasks, especially on tasks that require high-resolution outputs, for example, our GPViT-L3 outperforms Swin Transformer-B by 2.0 mIoU on ADE20K semantic segmentation with only half as many parameters. Code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/ChenhongyiYang/GPViT .
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