Predicting the future development of an anatomical shape from a single baseline is an important but difficult problem to solve. Research has shown that it should be tackled in curved shape spaces, as (e.g., disease-related) shape changes frequently expose nonlinear characteristics. We thus propose a novel prediction method that encodes the whole shape in a Riemannian shape space. It then learns a simple prediction technique that is founded on statistical hierarchical modelling of longitudinal training data. It is fully automatic, which makes it stand out in contrast to parameter-rich state-of-the-art methods. When applied to predict the future development of the shape of right hippocampi under Alzheimer's disease, it outperforms deep learning supported variants and achieves results on par with state-of-the-art.
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动态MRI可以捕获具有高对比度的软组织器官中的时间解剖变化,但是获得的序列通常遭受有限的体积覆盖,这使得器官形状轨迹的高分辨率重建在时间研究中的主要挑战。由于腹部器官形状的变异性跨越时间和受试者,本研究的目的是朝向3D致密速度测量来完全覆盖整个表面并提取有意义的特征,其特征在于观察到的器官变形并实现临床作用或决定。我们在深呼吸运动期间提出了一种用于表征膀胱表面动力学的管道。对于紧凑的形状表示,首先使用重建的时间体积来使用LDDMM框架建立专用的动态4D网状序列。然后,我们从诸如网格伸长和失真的机械参数执行器官动力学的统计表征。由于我们将器官引用作为非平面,因此我们还使用平均曲率变化为度量来量化表面演变。然而,曲率的数值计算强烈地取决于表面参数化。为了应对这一依赖性,我们采用了一种用于表面变形分析的新方法。独立于参数化并最小化测地曲线的长度,通过最小化Dirichlet能量,它使表面曲线平滑地朝向球体。 eulerian PDE方法用于从曲线缩短流中导出形状描述符。使用Laplace Beltrami操作员特征函数来计算各个运动模式之间的接口,用于球形映射。用于提取用于局部控制的模拟形状轨迹的表征相关曲线的应用演示了所提出的形状描述符的稳定性。
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本文介绍了一组数字方法,用于在不变(弹性)二阶Sobolev指标的设置中对3D表面进行Riemannian形状分析。更具体地说,我们解决了代表为3D网格的参数化或未参数浸入式表面之间的测量学和地球距离的计算。在此基础上,我们为表面集的统计形状分析开发了工具,包括用于估算Karcher均值并在形状群体上执行切线PCA的方法,以及计算沿表面路径的平行传输。我们提出的方法从根本上依赖于通过使用Varifold Fidelity术语来为地球匹配问题提供轻松的变异配方,这使我们能够在计算未参数化表面之间的地理位置时强制执行重新训练的独立性,同时还可以使我们能够与多用途算法相比,使我们能够将表面与vare表面进行比较。采样或网状结构。重要的是,我们演示了如何扩展放松的变分框架以解决部分观察到的数据。在合成和真实的各种示例中,说明了我们的数值管道的不同好处。
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在翻译,旋转和形状下定义形状和形式作为等同类 - 也是规模的,我们将广义添加剂回归扩展到平面曲线和/或地标配置的形状/形式的模型。该模型尊重响应的所得到的商几何形状,采用平方的测量距离作为损耗函数和测地响应函数来将添加剂预测器映射到形状/形状空间。为了拟合模型,我们提出了一种riemannian $ l_2 $ -boosting算法,适用于可能大量可能的参数密集型模型术语,其还产生了自动模型选择。我们通过合适的张量 - 产品分解为形状/形状空间中的(甚至非线性)协变量提供新的直观可解释的可视化。所提出的框架的有用性在于1)的野生和驯养绵羊和2)细胞形式的分析中,在生物物理模型中产生的细胞形式,以及3)在具有反应形状和形式的现实模拟研究中,具有来自a的响应形状和形式在瓶轮廓上的数据集。
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在本文中,我们提出了一种新方法,以可靠的方式使用基于几何的变异自动编码器以可靠的方式执行数据增强。我们的方法结合了VAE被视为Riemannian歧管的适当潜在空间建模和新一代方案,该方案产生了更有意义的样本,尤其是在小型数据集的背景下。该方法通过广泛的实验研究进行了测试,在该研究中,其对数据集,分类器和训练样品的稳健性受到了强调。还可以在充满挑战的ADNI数据库上进行医学成像分类任务进行验证,其中使用拟议的VAE框架考虑了少量的3D脑MRIS并增强。在每种情况下,所提出的方法都可以在分类指标中获得显着可靠的增益。例如,在最先进的CNN分类器中,经过50次认知正常(CN)和50例阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)患者的最先进的CNN分类器,平衡准确度从66.3%跃升至74.3%,从77.7%到86.3%。具有243 CN和210 AD,同时提高了极大的敏感性和特异性指标。
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Common measures of brain functional connectivity (FC) including covariance and correlation matrices are semi-positive definite (SPD) matrices residing on a cone-shape Riemannian manifold. Despite its remarkable success for Euclidean-valued data generation, use of standard generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate manifold-valued FC data neglects its inherent SPD structure and hence the inter-relatedness of edges in real FC. We propose a novel graph-regularized manifold-aware conditional Wasserstein GAN (GR-SPD-GAN) for FC data generation on the SPD manifold that can preserve the global FC structure. Specifically, we optimize a generalized Wasserstein distance between the real and generated SPD data under an adversarial training, conditioned on the class labels. The resulting generator can synthesize new SPD-valued FC matrices associated with different classes of brain networks, e.g., brain disorder or healthy control. Furthermore, we introduce additional population graph-based regularization terms on both the SPD manifold and its tangent space to encourage the generator to respect the inter-subject similarity of FC patterns in the real data. This also helps in avoiding mode collapse and produces more stable GAN training. Evaluated on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data of major depressive disorder (MDD), qualitative and quantitative results show that the proposed GR-SPD-GAN clearly outperforms several state-of-the-art GANs in generating more realistic fMRI-based FC samples. When applied to FC data augmentation for MDD identification, classification models trained on augmented data generated by our approach achieved the largest margin of improvement in classification accuracy among the competing GANs over baselines without data augmentation.
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Many scientific fields study data with an underlying structure that is a non-Euclidean space. Some examples include social networks in computational social sciences, sensor networks in communications, functional networks in brain imaging, regulatory networks in genetics, and meshed surfaces in computer graphics. In many applications, such geometric data are large and complex (in the case of social networks, on the scale of billions), and are natural targets for machine learning techniques. In particular, we would like to use deep neural networks, which have recently proven to be powerful tools for a broad range of problems from computer vision, natural language processing, and audio analysis. However, these tools have been most successful on data with an underlying Euclidean or grid-like structure, and in cases where the invariances of these structures are built into networks used to model them.Geometric deep learning is an umbrella term for emerging techniques attempting to generalize (structured) deep neural models to non-Euclidean domains such as graphs and manifolds. The purpose of this paper is to overview different examples of geometric deep learning problems and present available solutions, key difficulties, applications, and future research directions in this nascent field.
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Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a valuable asset for patient-specific cardiovascular-disease diagnosis and prognosis, but its high computational demands hamper its adoption in practice. Machine-learning methods that estimate blood flow in individual patients could accelerate or replace CFD simulation to overcome these limitations. In this work, we consider the estimation of vector-valued quantities on the wall of three-dimensional geometric artery models. We employ group-equivariant graph convolution in an end-to-end SE(3)-equivariant neural network that operates directly on triangular surface meshes and makes efficient use of training data. We run experiments on a large dataset of synthetic coronary arteries and find that our method estimates directional wall shear stress (WSS) with an approximation error of 7.6% and normalised mean absolute error (NMAE) of 0.4% while up to two orders of magnitude faster than CFD. Furthermore, we show that our method is powerful enough to accurately predict transient, vector-valued WSS over the cardiac cycle while conditioned on a range of different inflow boundary conditions. These results demonstrate the potential of our proposed method as a plugin replacement for CFD in the personalised prediction of hemodynamic vector and scalar fields.
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对于要表示为歧管上点的2D对象的图像和形状等数据结构,这是常见的。从此类数据中产生消毒的差异私有估计的机制的实用性与它与空间的基础结构和几何形状的兼容性密切相关。特别是,如最近所示,拉普拉斯机理在正面弯曲的歧管上的效用(例如肯德尔的2D形状空间)受到曲率的显着影响。关注歧管上的点样品样本的Fr \'echet平均值的问题,我们利用均值的表征为由平方距离总和组成的目标函数的最小化器,并开发了k-norm梯度机制在Riemannian歧管上,有利于产生接近目标函数零的梯度的值。对于正面弯曲的歧管的情况,我们描述了如何使用平方距离函数的梯度比Laplace机制更好地控制灵敏度,并在数值上在callosa的形状数据集上进行数值演示。还提出了机理在球体上的实用性的进一步说明以及对称正定矩阵的多种示意图。
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3D形状比2D图像提供了更多的信息。但是,与获取2D图像相比,有时会非常困难甚至不可能,因此有必要从2D图像中得出3D形状。尽管通常这是数学上不适的问题,但可以通过使用先验信息来限制问题公式来解决。在这里,我们提出了一种基于肯德尔的形状空间的新方法,可从单眼2D图像重建3D形状。这项工作是由研究Basking Shark的喂养行为的应用,这是一种濒临灭绝的物种,其巨大的大小和迁移率使3D形状数据几乎无法获得,从而阻碍了对其喂养行为和生态学的了解。但是,这些动物处于进食位置的2D图像很容易获得。我们将方法与基于最先进的形状的方法进行了比较,无论是在人棒模型还是在鲨鱼头骨架上。我们使用一系列的训练形状表明,Kendall Shape空间方法比以前的方法更强大,并导致形状合理的形状。这对于标本很少见的激励应用至关重要,因此只有很少的训练形状可用。
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Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) are powerful frameworks for learning embeddings of graph-structured data. GCNs are traditionally studied through the lens of Euclidean geometry. Recent works find that non-Euclidean Riemannian manifolds provide specific inductive biases for embedding hierarchical or spherical data. However, they cannot align well with data of mixed graph topologies. We consider a larger class of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds that generalize hyperboloid and sphere. We develop new geodesic tools that allow for extending neural network operations into geodesically disconnected pseudo-Riemannian manifolds. As a consequence, we derive a pseudo-Riemannian GCN that models data in pseudo-Riemannian manifolds of constant nonzero curvature in the context of graph neural networks. Our method provides a geometric inductive bias that is sufficiently flexible to model mixed heterogeneous topologies like hierarchical graphs with cycles. We demonstrate the representational capabilities of this method by applying it to the tasks of graph reconstruction, node classification and link prediction on a series of standard graphs with mixed topologies. Empirical results demonstrate that our method outperforms Riemannian counterparts when embedding graphs of complex topologies.
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基于简单的扩散层对空间通信非常有效的洞察力,我们对3D表面进行深度学习的新的通用方法。由此产生的网络是自动稳健的,以改变表面的分辨率和样品 - 一种对实际应用至关重要的基本属性。我们的网络可以在各种几何表示上离散化,例如三角网格或点云,甚至可以在一个表示上培训然后应用于另一个表示。我们优化扩散的空间支持,作为连续网络参数,从纯粹的本地到完全全球范围,从而消除手动选择邻域大小的负担。该方法中唯一的其他成分是在每个点处独立地施加的多层的Perceptron,以及用于支持方向滤波器的空间梯度特征。由此产生的网络简单,坚固,高效。这里,我们主要专注于三角网格表面,并且展示了各种任务的最先进的结果,包括表面分类,分割和非刚性对应。
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Intelligent mesh generation (IMG) refers to a technique to generate mesh by machine learning, which is a relatively new and promising research field. Within its short life span, IMG has greatly expanded the generalizability and practicality of mesh generation techniques and brought many breakthroughs and potential possibilities for mesh generation. However, there is a lack of surveys focusing on IMG methods covering recent works. In this paper, we are committed to a systematic and comprehensive survey describing the contemporary IMG landscape. Focusing on 110 preliminary IMG methods, we conducted an in-depth analysis and evaluation from multiple perspectives, including the core technique and application scope of the algorithm, agent learning goals, data types, targeting challenges, advantages and limitations. With the aim of literature collection and classification based on content extraction, we propose three different taxonomies from three views of key technique, output mesh unit element, and applicable input data types. Finally, we highlight some promising future research directions and challenges in IMG. To maximize the convenience of readers, a project page of IMG is provided at \url{}.
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Deep learning has achieved a remarkable performance breakthrough in several fields, most notably in speech recognition, natural language processing, and computer vision. In particular, convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures currently produce state-of-the-art performance on a variety of image analysis tasks such as object detection and recognition. Most of deep learning research has so far focused on dealing with 1D, 2D, or 3D Euclideanstructured data such as acoustic signals, images, or videos. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in geometric deep learning, attempting to generalize deep learning methods to non-Euclidean structured data such as graphs and manifolds, with a variety of applications from the domains of network analysis, computational social science, or computer graphics. In this paper, we propose a unified framework allowing to generalize CNN architectures to non-Euclidean domains (graphs and manifolds) and learn local, stationary, and compositional task-specific features. We show that various non-Euclidean CNN methods previously proposed in the literature can be considered as particular instances of our framework. We test the proposed method on standard tasks from the realms of image-, graphand 3D shape analysis and show that it consistently outperforms previous approaches.
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