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As an efficient graph analytical tool, graph neural networks (GNNs) have special properties that are particularly fit for the characteristics and requirements of wireless communications, exhibiting good potential for the advancement of next-generation wireless communications. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the interplay between GNNs and wireless communications, including GNNs for wireless communications (GNN4Com) and wireless communications for GNNs (Com4GNN). In particular, we discuss GNN4Com based on how graphical models are constructed and introduce Com4GNN with corresponding incentives. We also highlight potential research directions to promote future research endeavors for GNNs in wireless communications.
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Deep learning-based approaches have been developed to solve challenging problems in wireless communications, leading to promising results. Early attempts adopted neural network architectures inherited from applications such as computer vision. They often yield poor performance in large scale networks (i.e., poor scalability) and unseen network settings (i.e., poor generalization). To resolve these issues, graph neural networks (GNNs) have been recently adopted, as they can effectively exploit the domain knowledge, i.e., the graph topology in wireless communications problems. GNN-based methods can achieve near-optimal performance in large-scale networks and generalize well under different system settings, but the theoretical underpinnings and design guidelines remain elusive, which may hinder their practical implementations. This paper endeavors to fill both the theoretical and practical gaps. For theoretical guarantees, we prove that GNNs achieve near-optimal performance in wireless networks with much fewer training samples than traditional neural architectures. Specifically, to solve an optimization problem on an $n$-node graph (where the nodes may represent users, base stations, or antennas), GNNs' generalization error and required number of training samples are $\mathcal{O}(n)$ and $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ times lower than the unstructured multi-layer perceptrons. For design guidelines, we propose a unified framework that is applicable to general design problems in wireless networks, which includes graph modeling, neural architecture design, and theory-guided performance enhancement. Extensive simulations, which cover a variety of important problems and network settings, verify our theory and the effectiveness of the proposed design framework.
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Communication and computation are often viewed as separate tasks. This approach is very effective from the perspective of engineering as isolated optimizations can be performed. On the other hand, there are many cases where the main interest is a function of the local information at the devices instead of the local information itself. For such scenarios, information theoretical results show that harnessing the interference in a multiple-access channel for computation, i.e., over-the-air computation (OAC), can provide a significantly higher achievable computation rate than the one with the separation of communication and computation tasks. Besides, the gap between OAC and separation in terms of computation rate increases with more participating nodes. Given this motivation, in this study, we provide a comprehensive survey on practical OAC methods. After outlining fundamentals related to OAC, we discuss the available OAC schemes with their pros and cons. We then provide an overview of the enabling mechanisms and relevant metrics to achieve reliable computation in the wireless channel. Finally, we summarize the potential applications of OAC and point out some future directions.
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由于处理非covex公式的能力,深入研究深度学习(DL)技术以优化多用户多输入单输出(MU-MISO)下行链接系统。但是,现有的深神经网络(DNN)的固定计算结构在系统大小(即天线或用户的数量)方面缺乏灵活性。本文开发了一个双方图神经网络(BGNN)框架,这是一种可扩展的DL溶液,旨在多端纳纳波束形成优化。首先,MU-MISO系统以两分图为特征,其中两个不相交的顶点集(由传输天线和用户组成)通过成对边缘连接。这些顶点互连状态是通过通道褪色系数建模的。因此,将通用的光束优化过程解释为重量双分图上的计算任务。这种方法将波束成型的优化过程分为多个用于单个天线顶点和用户顶点的子操作。分离的顶点操作导致可扩展的光束成型计算,这些计算不变到系统大小。顶点操作是由一组DNN模块实现的,这些DNN模块共同构成了BGNN体系结构。在所有天线和用户中都重复使用相同的DNN,以使所得的学习结构变得灵活地适合网络大小。 BGNN的组件DNN在许多具有随机变化的网络尺寸的MU-MISO配置上进行了训练。结果,训练有素的BGNN可以普遍应用于任意的MU-MISO系统。数值结果验证了BGNN框架比常规方法的优势。
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In split machine learning (ML), different partitions of a neural network (NN) are executed by different computing nodes, requiring a large amount of communication cost. To ease communication burden, over-the-air computation (OAC) can efficiently implement all or part of the computation at the same time of communication. Based on the proposed system, the system implementation over wireless network is introduced and we provide the problem formulation. In particular, we show that the inter-layer connection in a NN of any size can be mathematically decomposed into a set of linear precoding and combining transformations over MIMO channels. Therefore, the precoding matrix at the transmitter and the combining matrix at the receiver of each MIMO link, as well as the channel matrix itself, can jointly serve as a fully connected layer of the NN. The generalization of the proposed scheme to the conventional NNs is also introduced. Finally, we extend the proposed scheme to the widely used convolutional neural networks and demonstrate its effectiveness under both the static and quasi-static memory channel conditions with comprehensive simulations. In such a split ML system, the precoding and combining matrices are regarded as trainable parameters, while MIMO channel matrix is regarded as unknown (implicit) parameters.
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In recent years, mobile devices are equipped with increasingly advanced sensing and computing capabilities. Coupled with advancements in Deep Learning (DL), this opens up countless possibilities for meaningful applications, e.g., for medical purposes and in vehicular networks. Traditional cloudbased Machine Learning (ML) approaches require the data to be centralized in a cloud server or data center. However, this results in critical issues related to unacceptable latency and communication inefficiency. To this end, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) has been proposed to bring intelligence closer to the edge, where data is produced. However, conventional enabling technologies for ML at mobile edge networks still require personal data to be shared with external parties, e.g., edge servers. Recently, in light of increasingly stringent data privacy legislations and growing privacy concerns, the concept of Federated Learning (FL) has been introduced. In FL, end devices use their local data to train an ML model required by the server. The end devices then send the model updates rather than raw data to the server for aggregation. FL can serve as an enabling technology in mobile edge networks since it enables the collaborative training of an ML model and also enables DL for mobile edge network optimization. However, in a large-scale and complex mobile edge network, heterogeneous devices with varying constraints are involved. This raises challenges of communication costs, resource allocation, and privacy and security in the implementation of FL at scale. In this survey, we begin with an introduction to the background and fundamentals of FL. Then, we highlight the aforementioned challenges of FL implementation and review existing solutions. Furthermore, we present the applications of FL for mobile edge network optimization. Finally, we discuss the important challenges and future research directions in FL.
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联合学习(FL)使移动设备能够在保留本地数据的同时协作学习共享的预测模型。但是,实际上在移动设备上部署FL存在两个主要的研究挑战:(i)频繁的无线梯度更新v.s.频谱资源有限,以及(ii)培训期间渴望的FL通信和本地计算V.S.电池约束的移动设备。为了应对这些挑战,在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的多位空天空计算(MAIRCOMP)方法,用于FL中本地模型更新的频谱有效聚合,并进一步介绍用于移动的能源有效的FL设计设备。具体而言,高精度数字调制方案是在MAIRCOMP中设计和合并的,允许移动设备同时在多访问通道中同时在所选位置上传模型更新。此外,我们理论上分析了FL算法的收敛性。在FL收敛分析的指导下,我们制定了联合传输概率和局部计算控制优化,旨在最大程度地减少FL移动设备的总体能源消耗(即迭代局部计算 +多轮通信)。广泛的仿真结果表明,我们提出的方案在频谱利用率,能源效率和学习准确性方面优于现有计划。
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本文通过匹配的追求方法开发了一类低复杂设备调度算法,以实现空中联合学习。提出的方案紧密跟踪了通过差异编程实现的接近最佳性能,并且基于凸松弛的众所周知的基准算法极大地超越了众所周知的基准算法。与最先进的方案相比,所提出的方案在系统上构成了较低的计算负载:对于$ k $设备和参数服务器上的$ n $ antennas,基准的复杂性用$ \ left缩放(n^)2 + k \ right)^3 + n^6 $,而提出的方案量表的复杂性则以$ 0 <p,q \ leq 2 $为$ k^p n^q $。通过CIFAR-10数据集上的数值实验证实了所提出的方案的效率。
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Over-the-air computation has the potential to increase the communication-efficiency of data-dependent distributed wireless systems, but is vulnerable to eavesdropping. We consider over-the-air computation over block-fading additive white Gaussian noise channels in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. The goal is to design a secure over-the-air computation scheme. We propose a scheme that achieves MSE-security against the eavesdropper by employing zero-forced artificial noise, while keeping the distortion at the legitimate receiver small. In contrast to former approaches, the security does not depend on external helper nodes to jam the eavesdropper's receive signal. We thoroughly design the system parameters of the scheme, propose an artificial noise design that harnesses unused transmit power for security, and give an explicit construction rule. Our design approach is applicable both if the eavesdropper's channel coefficients are known and if they are unknown in the signal design. Simulations demonstrate the performance, and show that our noise design outperforms other methods.
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在本文中,我们研究了具有差异隐私(DP)的学习图神经网络(GNN)的问题。我们提出了一种基于聚合扰动(GAP)的新型差异私有GNN,该GNN为GNN的聚合函数添加了随机噪声,以使单个边缘(边缘级隐私)或单个节点的存在统计上的存在及其所有邻接边缘( - 级别的隐私)。 GAP的新体系结构是根据私人学习的细节量身定制的,由三个单独的模块组成:(i)编码器模块,我们在不依赖边缘信息的情况下学习私人节点嵌入; (ii)聚合模块,其中我们根据图结构计算嘈杂的聚合节点嵌入; (iii)分类模块,我们在私有聚合上训练神经网络进行节点分类,而无需进一步查询图表。 GAP比以前的方法的主要优势在于,它可以从多跳社区的聚合中受益,并保证边缘级别和节点级别的DP不仅用于培训,而且可以推断出培训的隐私预算以外的额外费用。我们使用R \'Enyi DP来分析GAP的正式隐私保证,并在三个真实世界图数据集上进行经验实验。我们证明,与最先进的DP-GNN方法和天真的MLP基线相比,GAP提供了明显更好的准确性私人权衡权衡。
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Federated Edge Learning(Feel)已成为一种革命性的范式,可以在6G无线网络的边缘开发AI服务,因为它支持大量移动设备的协作模型培训。但是,无线通道上的模型通信,尤其是在上行链路模型上传的感觉中,已被广泛认为是一种严重限制感觉效率的瓶颈。尽管无线计算可以减轻广播资源在感觉上传中的过度成本,但无线空中感觉的实际实施仍然遭受了一些挑战,包括强烈的Straggler问题,大型沟通开销和潜在的隐私泄漏。在本文中,我们研究了这些挑战,并利用了未来无线系统的关键推动力,以应对这些挑战。我们研究了有关RIS授权的感觉的最新解决方案,并探索采用RIS增强感觉性能的有希望的研究机会。
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Federated learning (FL) has achieved great success as a privacy-preserving distributed training paradigm, where many edge devices collaboratively train a machine learning model by sharing the model updates instead of the raw data with a server. However, the heterogeneous computational and communication resources of edge devices give rise to stragglers that significantly decelerate the training process. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel FL framework named stochastic coded federated learning (SCFL) that leverages coded computing techniques. In SCFL, before the training process starts, each edge device uploads a privacy-preserving coded dataset to the server, which is generated by adding Gaussian noise to the projected local dataset. During training, the server computes gradients on the global coded dataset to compensate for the missing model updates of the straggling devices. We design a gradient aggregation scheme to ensure that the aggregated model update is an unbiased estimate of the desired global update. Moreover, this aggregation scheme enables periodical model averaging to improve the training efficiency. We characterize the tradeoff between the convergence performance and privacy guarantee of SCFL. In particular, a more noisy coded dataset provides stronger privacy protection for edge devices but results in learning performance degradation. We further develop a contract-based incentive mechanism to coordinate such a conflict. The simulation results show that SCFL learns a better model within the given time and achieves a better privacy-performance tradeoff than the baseline methods. In addition, the proposed incentive mechanism grants better training performance than the conventional Stackelberg game approach.
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