Any strategy used to distribute a robot ensemble over a set of sequential tasks is subject to inaccuracy due to robot-level uncertainties and environmental influences on the robots' behavior. We approach the problem of inaccuracy during task allocation by modeling and controlling the overall ensemble behavior. Our model represents the allocation problem as a stochastic jump process and we regulate the mean and variance of such a process. The main contributions of this paper are: Establishing a structure for the transition rates of the equivalent stochastic jump process and formally showing that this approach leads to decoupled parameters that allow us to adjust the first- and second-order moments of the ensemble distribution over tasks, which gives the flexibility to decrease the variance in the desired final distribution. This allows us to directly shape the impact of uncertainties on the group allocation over tasks. We introduce a detailed procedure to design the gains to achieve the desired mean and show how the additional parameters impact the covariance matrix, which is directly associated with the degree of task allocation precision. Our simulation and experimental results illustrate the successful control of several robot ensembles during task allocation.
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We seek methods to model, control, and analyze robot teams performing environmental monitoring tasks. During environmental monitoring, the goal is to have teams of robots collect various data throughout a fixed region for extended periods of time. Standard bottom-up task assignment methods do not scale as the number of robots and task locations increases and require computationally expensive replanning. Alternatively, top-down methods have been used to combat computational complexity, but most have been limited to the analysis of methods which focus on transition times between tasks. In this work, we study a class of nonlinear macroscopic models which we use to control a time-varying distribution of robots performing different tasks throughout an environment. Our proposed ensemble model and control maintains desired time-varying populations of robots by leveraging naturally occurring interactions between robots performing tasks. We validate our approach at multiple fidelity levels including experimental results, suggesting the effectiveness of our approach to perform environmental monitoring.
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This paper focuses on the broadcast of information on robot networks with stochastic network interconnection topologies. Problematic communication networks are almost unavoidable in areas where we wish to deploy multi-robotic systems, usually due to a lack of environmental consistency, accessibility, and structure. We tackle this problem by modeling the broadcast of information in a multi-robot communication network as a stochastic process with random arrival times, which can be produced by irregular robot movements, wireless attenuation, and other environmental factors. Using this model, we provide and analyze a receding horizon control strategy to control the statistics of the information broadcast. The resulting strategy compels the robots to re-direct their communication resources to different neighbors according to the current propagation process to fulfill global broadcast requirements. Based on this method, we provide an approach to compute the expected time to broadcast the message to all nodes. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the results.
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In this manuscript, we present a novel method for estimating the stochastic stability characteristics of metastable legged systems using the unscented transformation. Prior methods for stability analysis in such systems often required high-dimensional state space discretization and a broad set of initial conditions, resulting in significant computational complexity. Our approach aims to alleviate this issue by reducing the dimensionality of the system and utilizing the unscented transformation to estimate the output distribution. This technique allows us to account for multiple sources of uncertainty and high-dimensional system dynamics, while leveraging prior knowledge of noise statistics to inform the selection of initial conditions for experiments. As a result, our method enables the efficient assessment of controller performance and analysis of parametric dependencies with fewer experiments. To demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method, we apply it to the analysis of a one-dimensional hopper and an underactuated bipedal walking simulation with a hybrid zero dynamics controller.
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本文介绍了适用于各种实用多机器人应用的分布式算法。在这种多机器人应用中,使命的用户定义目标可以作为一般优化问题投射,而无需每个不同机器人的子任务的明确指南。由于环境未知,未知的机器人动态,传感器非线性等,优化成本函数的分析形式不可用。因此,标准梯度 - 下降样算法不适用于这些问题。为了解决这个问题,我们介绍了一种新的算法,仔细设计每个机器人的子变速功能,优化可以实现整个团队目标。在该转换时,我们提出了一种基于基于认知的自适应优化(CAO)算法的分布式方法,其能够近似每个机器人成本函数的演变并充分优化其决策变量(机器人动作)。后者可以通过在线学习来实现影响特派团目标的特定特定特征。总体而言,低复杂性算法可以简单地结合任何类型的操作约束,是容错的,并且可以适当地解决时变的成本函数。这种方法的基石是它与块坐标血管下降算法相同的收敛特征。该算法在多种方案下的三个异构模拟设置中评估,针对通用和特定于问题的算法。源代码可在\ url {}中获得。
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This work studies networked agents cooperating to track a dynamical state of nature under partial information. The proposed algorithm is a distributed Bayesian filtering algorithm for finite-state hidden Markov models (HMMs). It can be used for sequential state estimation tasks, as well as for modeling opinion formation over social networks under dynamic environments. We show that the disagreement with the optimal centralized solution is asymptotically bounded for the class of geometrically ergodic state transition models, which includes rapidly changing models. We also derive recursions for calculating the probability of error and establish convergence under Gaussian observation models. Simulations are provided to illustrate the theory and to compare against alternative approaches.
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This work considers the path planning problem for a team of identical robots evolving in a known environment. The robots should satisfy a global specification given as a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formula over a set of regions of interest. The proposed method exploits the advantages of Petri net models for the team of robots and B\"uchi automata modeling the specification. The approach in this paper consists in combining the two models into one, denoted Composed Petri net and use it to find a sequence of action movements for the mobile robots, providing collision free trajectories to fulfill the specification. The solution results from a set of Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problems. The main advantage of the proposed solution is the completeness of the algorithm, meaning that a solution is found when exists, this representing the key difference with our previous work in [1]. The simulations illustrate comparison results between current and previous approaches, focusing on the computational complexity.
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本文研究了控制多机器人系统以自组织方式实现多边形形成的问题。与典型的形成控制策略不同,在该策略中,机器人被转向以满足预定义的控制变量,例如成对距离,相对位置和轴承,本文的最重要思想是通过将控制输入随机输入到一些机器人(说说)(说说) ,组的顶点机器人),其余的遵循的简单原理是向环形图中的两个最近邻居的中点移动,而没有任何外部输入。在我们的问题中,机器人最初分布在飞机上。 Sopalled Vertex机器人负责确定整个编队的几何形状及其整体大小,而其他人则移动,以最大程度地减少两个直接邻居的差异。在第一步中,每个顶点机器人估计其相关链中机器人的数量。用于估计的两种类型的控制输入是使用最新和最后两次瞬间的测量设计设计的。在第二步中,提出了自组织的形成控制法,只有顶点机器人收到外部信息。两种估计策略之间的比较是根据收敛速度和稳健性进行的。在模拟和物理实验中,整个控制框架的有效性得到了进一步验证。
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行为树(BT)是一种在自主代理中(例如机器人或计算机游戏中的虚拟实体)之间在不同任务之间进行切换的方法。 BT是创建模块化和反应性的复杂系统的一种非常有效的方法。这些属性在许多应用中至关重要,这导致BT从计算机游戏编程到AI和机器人技术的许多分支。在本书中,我们将首先对BTS进行介绍,然后我们描述BTS与早期切换结构的关系,并且在许多情况下如何概括。然后,这些想法被用作一套高效且易于使用的设计原理的基础。安全性,鲁棒性和效率等属性对于自主系统很重要,我们描述了一套使用BTS的状态空间描述正式分析这些系统的工具。借助新的分析工具,我们可以对BTS如何推广早期方法的形式形式化。我们还显示了BTS在自动化计划和机器学习中的使用。最后,我们描述了一组扩展的工具,以捕获随机BT的行为,其中动作的结果由概率描述。这些工具可以计算成功概率和完成时间。
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合作的任务执行是欧洲社会性的标志,通过代理与环境之间的本地交互通过动态发展的通信信号来实现。受社会昆虫的集体行为的启发,其动力学是由与环境相互作用的调节的,我们表明机器人集体可以通过捕获不稳定成功地对建筑工地进行成核,并合作地建立有组织的结构。相同的机器人集体还可以执行DE-构建,而行为参数的简单更改。这些行为属于沿一个轴的代理商相互作用(合作​​)定义的合作行为的二维相空间,而另一个轴则是代理 - 环境的相互作用(收集和沉积)。我们基于行为的机器人设计方法结合了本地规则的原则推导,使集体能够以鲁棒性解决动态变化的环境和丰富的复杂行为。
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我们描述了更改 - 联系机器人操作任务的框架,要求机器人与对象和表面打破触点。这种任务的不连续交互动态使得难以构建和使用单个动力学模型或控制策略,并且接触变化期间动态的高度非线性性质可能对机器人和物体造成损害。我们提出了一种自适应控制框架,使机器人能够逐步学习以预测更改联系人任务中的接触变化,从而了解了碎片连续系统的交互动态,并使用任务空间可变阻抗控制器提供平滑且精确的轨迹跟踪。我们通过实验比较我们框架的表现,以确定所需的代表性控制方法,以确定我们框架的自适应控制和增量学习组件需要在变化 - 联系机器人操纵任务中存在不连续动态的平稳控制。
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This paper presents a learning framework to estimate an agent capability and task requirement model for multi-agent task allocation. With a set of team configurations and the corresponding task performances as the training data, linear task constraints can be learned to be embedded in many existing optimization-based task allocation frameworks. Comprehensive computational evaluations are conducted to test the scalability and prediction accuracy of the learning framework with a limited number of team configurations and performance pairs. A ROS and Gazebo-based simulation environment is developed to validate the proposed requirements learning and task allocation framework in practical multi-agent exploration and manipulation tasks. Results show that the learning process for scenarios with 40 tasks and 6 types of agents uses around 12 seconds, ending up with prediction errors in the range of 0.5-2%.
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