Social network analysis faces profound difficulties in sharing data between researchers due to privacy and security concerns. A potential remedy to this issue are synthetic networks, that closely resemble their real counterparts, but can be freely distributed. generating synthetic networks requires the creation of network topologies that, in application, function as realistically as possible. Widely applied models are currently rule-based and can struggle to reproduce structural dynamics. Lead by recent developments in Graph Neural Network (GNN) models for network generation we evaluate the potential of GNNs for synthetic social networks. Our GNN use is specifically within a reasonable use-case and includes empirical evaluation using Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD). We include social network specific measurements which allow evaluation of how realistically synthetic networks behave in typical social network analysis applications. We find that the Gated Recurrent Attention Network (GRAN) extends well to social networks, and in comparison to a benchmark popular rule-based generation Recursive-MATrix (R-MAT) method, is better able to replicate realistic structural dynamics. We find that GRAN is more computationally costly than R-MAT, but is not excessively costly to employ, so would be effective for researchers seeking to create datasets of synthetic social networks.
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Pre-publication draft of a book to be published byMorgan & Claypool publishers. Unedited version released with permission. All relevant copyrights held by the author and publisher extend to this pre-publication draft.
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Graph classification is an important area in both modern research and industry. Multiple applications, especially in chemistry and novel drug discovery, encourage rapid development of machine learning models in this area. To keep up with the pace of new research, proper experimental design, fair evaluation, and independent benchmarks are essential. Design of strong baselines is an indispensable element of such works. In this thesis, we explore multiple approaches to graph classification. We focus on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which emerged as a de facto standard deep learning technique for graph representation learning. Classical approaches, such as graph descriptors and molecular fingerprints, are also addressed. We design fair evaluation experimental protocol and choose proper datasets collection. This allows us to perform numerous experiments and rigorously analyze modern approaches. We arrive to many conclusions, which shed new light on performance and quality of novel algorithms. We investigate application of Jumping Knowledge GNN architecture to graph classification, which proves to be an efficient tool for improving base graph neural network architectures. Multiple improvements to baseline models are also proposed and experimentally verified, which constitutes an important contribution to the field of fair model comparison.
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Graph generative models have broad applications in biology, chemistry and social science. However, modelling and understanding the generative process of graphs is challenging due to the discrete and high-dimensional nature of graphs, as well as permutation invariance to node orderings in underlying graph distributions. Current leading autoregressive models fail to capture the permutation invariance nature of graphs for the reliance on generation ordering and have high time complexity. Here, we propose a continuous-time generative diffusion process for permutation invariant graph generation to mitigate these issues. Specifically, we first construct a forward diffusion process defined by a stochastic differential equation (SDE), which smoothly converts graphs within the complex distribution to random graphs that follow a known edge probability. Solving the corresponding reverse-time SDE, graphs can be generated from newly sampled random graphs. To facilitate the reverse-time SDE, we newly design a position-enhanced graph score network, capturing the evolving structure and position information from perturbed graphs for permutation equivariant score estimation. Under the evaluation of comprehensive metrics, our proposed generative diffusion process achieves competitive performance in graph distribution learning. Experimental results also show that GraphGDP can generate high-quality graphs in only 24 function evaluations, much faster than previous autoregressive models.
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Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neural networks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of graph neural networks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field.
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图形神经网络(GNNS)通过考虑其内在的几何形状来扩展神经网络的成功到图形结构化数据。尽管根据图表学习基准的集合,已经对开发具有卓越性能的GNN模型进行了广泛的研究,但目前尚不清楚其探测给定模型的哪些方面。例如,他们在多大程度上测试模型利用图形结构与节点特征的能力?在这里,我们开发了一种原则性的方法来根据$ \ textit {敏感性配置文件} $进行基准测试数据集,该方法基于由于图形扰动的集合而导致的GNN性能变化了多少。我们的数据驱动分析提供了对GNN利用哪些基准测试数据特性的更深入的了解。因此,我们的分类法可以帮助选择和开发适当的图基准测试,并更好地评估未来的GNN方法。最后,我们在$ \ texttt {gtaxogym} $软件包中的方法和实现可扩展到多个图形预测任务类型和未来数据集。
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最近有一项激烈的活动在嵌入非常高维和非线性数据结构的嵌入中,其中大部分在数据科学和机器学习文献中。我们分四部分调查这项活动。在第一部分中,我们涵盖了非线性方法,例如主曲线,多维缩放,局部线性方法,ISOMAP,基于图形的方法和扩散映射,基于内核的方法和随机投影。第二部分与拓扑嵌入方法有关,特别是将拓扑特性映射到持久图和映射器算法中。具有巨大增长的另一种类型的数据集是非常高维网络数据。第三部分中考虑的任务是如何将此类数据嵌入中等维度的向量空间中,以使数据适合传统技术,例如群集和分类技术。可以说,这是算法机器学习方法与统计建模(所谓的随机块建模)之间的对比度。在论文中,我们讨论了两种方法的利弊。调查的最后一部分涉及嵌入$ \ mathbb {r}^ 2 $,即可视化中。提出了三种方法:基于第一部分,第二和第三部分中的方法,$ t $ -sne,UMAP和大节。在两个模拟数据集上进行了说明和比较。一个由嘈杂的ranunculoid曲线组成的三胞胎,另一个由随机块模型和两种类型的节点产生的复杂性的网络组成。
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Graphs are ubiquitous in nature and can therefore serve as models for many practical but also theoretical problems. For this purpose, they can be defined as many different types which suitably reflect the individual contexts of the represented problem. To address cutting-edge problems based on graph data, the research field of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has emerged. Despite the field's youth and the speed at which new models are developed, many recent surveys have been published to keep track of them. Nevertheless, it has not yet been gathered which GNN can process what kind of graph types. In this survey, we give a detailed overview of already existing GNNs and, unlike previous surveys, categorize them according to their ability to handle different graph types and properties. We consider GNNs operating on static and dynamic graphs of different structural constitutions, with or without node or edge attributes. Moreover, we distinguish between GNN models for discrete-time or continuous-time dynamic graphs and group the models according to their architecture. We find that there are still graph types that are not or only rarely covered by existing GNN models. We point out where models are missing and give potential reasons for their absence.
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Denoising diffusion probabilistic models and score matching models have proven to be very powerful for generative tasks. While these approaches have also been applied to the generation of discrete graphs, they have, so far, relied on continuous Gaussian perturbations. Instead, in this work, we suggest using discrete noise for the forward Markov process. This ensures that in every intermediate step the graph remains discrete. Compared to the previous approach, our experimental results on four datasets and multiple architectures show that using a discrete noising process results in higher quality generated samples indicated with an average MMDs reduced by a factor of 1.5. Furthermore, the number of denoising steps is reduced from 1000 to 32 steps leading to a 30 times faster sampling procedure.
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