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立体声匹配是计算机愿景中的一个重要任务,这些任务是几十年来引起了巨大的研究。虽然在差距准确度,密度和数据大小方面,公共立体声数据集难以满足模型的要求。在本文中,我们的目标是解决数据集和模型之间的问题,并提出了一个具有高精度差异地面真理的大规模立体声数据集,名为Plantstereo。我们使用了半自动方式来构造数据集:在相机校准和图像配准后,可以从深度图像获得高精度视差图像。总共有812个图像对覆盖着多种植物套装:菠菜,番茄,胡椒和南瓜。我们首先在四种不同立体声匹配方法中评估了我们的Plandstereo数据集。不同模型和植物的广泛实验表明,与整数精度的基础事实相比,Plantstereo提供的高精度差异图像可以显着提高深度学习模型的培训效果。本文提供了一种可行和可靠的方法来实现植物表面密集的重建。 PlantSereo数据集和相对代码可用于:https://www.github.com/wangqingyu985/plantstereo
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This paper as technology report is focusing on evaluation and performance about depth estimations based on lidar data and stereo images(front left and front right). The lidar 3d cloud data and stereo images are provided by ford. In addition, this paper also will explain some details about optimization for depth estimation performance. And some reasons why not use machine learning to do depth estimation, replaced by pure mathmatics to do stereo depth estimation. The structure of this paper is made of by following:(1) Performance: to discuss and evaluate about depth maps created from stereo images and 3D cloud points, and relationships analysis for alignment and errors;(2) Depth estimation by stereo images: to explain the methods about how to use stereo images to estimate depth;(3)Depth estimation by lidar: to explain the methods about how to use 3d cloud datas to estimate depth;In summary, this report is mainly to show the performance of depth maps and their approaches, analysis for them.
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在现有方法中,LIDAR的探测器显示出卓越的性能,但视觉探测器仍被广泛用于其价格优势。从惯例上讲,视觉检验的任务主要依赖于连续图像的输入。但是,探测器网络学习图像提供的异性几何信息非常复杂。在本文中,将伪LIDAR的概念引入了探测器中以解决此问题。伪LIDAR点云背面项目由图像生成的深度图中的3D点云,这改变了图像表示的方式。与立体声图像相比,立体声匹配网络生成的伪lidar点云可以得到显式的3D坐标。由于在3D空间中发生了6个自由度(DOF)姿势转换,因此伪宽点云提供的3D结构信息比图像更直接。与稀疏的激光雷达相比,伪驱动器具有较密集的点云。为了充分利用伪LIDAR提供的丰富点云信息,采用了投射感知的探测管道。以前的大多数基于激光雷达的算法从点云中采样了8192点,作为探视网络的输入。投影感知的密集探测管道采用从图像产生的所有伪lidar点云,除了误差点作为网络的输入。在图像中充分利用3D几何信息时,图像中的语义信息也用于探视任务中。 2D-3D的融合是在仅基于图像的进程中实现的。 Kitti数据集的实验证明了我们方法的有效性。据我们所知,这是使用伪LIDAR的第一种视觉探光法。
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我们提出了一个新颖的高分辨率和具有挑战性的立体声数据集框架室内场景,并以致密而准确的地面真相差异注释。我们数据集的特殊是存在几个镜面和透明表面的存在,即最先进的立体声网络失败的主要原因。我们的采集管道利用了一个新颖的深度时空立体声框架,该框架可以轻松准确地使用子像素精度进行标记。我们总共发布了419个样本,这些样本在64个不同的场景中收集,并以致密的地面差异注释。每个样本包括高分辨率对(12 MPX)以及一个不平衡对(左:12 MPX,右:1.1 MPX)。此外,我们提供手动注释的材料分割面具和15K未标记的样品。我们根据我们的数据集评估了最新的深层网络,强调了它们在解决立体声方面的开放挑战方面的局限性,并绘制了未来研究的提示。
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Recently, over-height vehicle strike frequently occurs, causing great economic cost and serious safety problems. Hence, an alert system which can accurately discover any possible height limiting devices in advance is necessary to be employed in modern large or medium sized cars, such as touring cars. Detecting and estimating the height limiting devices act as the key point of a successful height limit alert system. Though there are some works research height limit estimation, existing methods are either too computational expensive or not accurate enough. In this paper, we propose a novel stereo-based pipeline named SHLE for height limit estimation. Our SHLE pipeline consists of two stages. In stage 1, a novel devices detection and tracking scheme is introduced, which accurately locate the height limit devices in the left or right image. Then, in stage 2, the depth is temporally measured, extracted and filtered to calculate the height limit device. To benchmark the height limit estimation task, we build a large-scale dataset named "Disparity Height", where stereo images, pre-computed disparities and ground-truth height limit annotations are provided. We conducted extensive experiments on "Disparity Height" and the results show that SHLE achieves an average error below than 10cm though the car is 70m away from the devices. Our method also outperforms all compared baselines and achieves state-of-the-art performance. Code is available at https://github.com/Yang-Kaixing/SHLE.
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这些年来,展示技术已经发展。开发实用的HDR捕获,处理和显示解决方案以将3D技术提升到一个新的水平至关重要。多曝光立体声图像序列的深度估计是开发成本效益3D HDR视频内容的重要任务。在本文中,我们开发了一种新颖的深度体系结构,以进行多曝光立体声深度估计。拟议的建筑有两个新颖的组成部分。首先,对传统立体声深度估计中使用的立体声匹配技术进行了修改。对于我们体系结构的立体深度估计部分,部署了单一到stereo转移学习方法。拟议的配方规避了成本量构造的要求,该要求由基于重新编码的单码编码器CNN取代,具有不同的重量以进行功能融合。基于有效网络的块用于学习差异。其次,我们使用强大的视差特征融合方法组合了从不同暴露水平上从立体声图像获得的差异图。使用针对不同质量度量计算的重量图合并在不同暴露下获得的差异图。获得的最终预测差异图更强大,并保留保留深度不连续性的最佳功能。提出的CNN具有使用标准动态范围立体声数据或具有多曝光低动态范围立体序列的训练的灵活性。在性能方面,所提出的模型超过了最新的单眼和立体声深度估计方法,无论是定量还是质量地,在具有挑战性的场景流以及暴露的Middlebury立体声数据集上。该体系结构在复杂的自然场景中表现出色,证明了其对不同3D HDR应用的有用性。
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We present an end-to-end deep learning architecture for depth map inference from multi-view images. In the network, we first extract deep visual image features, and then build the 3D cost volume upon the reference camera frustum via the differentiable homography warping. Next, we apply 3D convolutions to regularize and regress the initial depth map, which is then refined with the reference image to generate the final output. Our framework flexibly adapts arbitrary N-view inputs using a variance-based cost metric that maps multiple features into one cost feature. The proposed MVSNet is demonstrated on the large-scale indoor DTU dataset. With simple post-processing, our method not only significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-arts, but also is several times faster in runtime. We also evaluate MVSNet on the complex outdoor Tanks and Temples dataset, where our method ranks first before April 18, 2018 without any fine-tuning, showing the strong generalization ability of MVSNet.
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3D object detection is vital as it would enable us to capture objects' sizes, orientation, and position in the world. As a result, we would be able to use this 3D detection in real-world applications such as Augmented Reality (AR), self-driving cars, and robotics which perceive the world the same way we do as humans. Monocular 3D Object Detection is the task to draw 3D bounding box around objects in a single 2D RGB image. It is localization task but without any extra information like depth or other sensors or multiple images. Monocular 3D object detection is an important yet challenging task. Beyond the significant progress in image-based 2D object detection, 3D understanding of real-world objects is an open challenge that has not been explored extensively thus far. In addition to the most closely related studies.
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Visual perception plays an important role in autonomous driving. One of the primary tasks is object detection and identification. Since the vision sensor is rich in color and texture information, it can quickly and accurately identify various road information. The commonly used technique is based on extracting and calculating various features of the image. The recent development of deep learning-based method has better reliability and processing speed and has a greater advantage in recognizing complex elements. For depth estimation, vision sensor is also used for ranging due to their small size and low cost. Monocular camera uses image data from a single viewpoint as input to estimate object depth. In contrast, stereo vision is based on parallax and matching feature points of different views, and the application of deep learning also further improves the accuracy. In addition, Simultaneous Location and Mapping (SLAM) can establish a model of the road environment, thus helping the vehicle perceive the surrounding environment and complete the tasks. In this paper, we introduce and compare various methods of object detection and identification, then explain the development of depth estimation and compare various methods based on monocular, stereo, and RDBG sensors, next review and compare various methods of SLAM, and finally summarize the current problems and present the future development trends of vision technologies.
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In this paper, we present a novel method for integrating 3D LiDAR depth measurements into the existing ORB-SLAM3 by building upon the RGB-D mode. We propose and compare two methods of depth map generation: conventional computer vision methods, namely an inverse dilation operation, and a supervised deep learning-based approach. We integrate the former directly into the ORB-SLAM3 framework by adding a so-called RGB-L (LiDAR) mode that directly reads LiDAR point clouds. The proposed methods are evaluated on the KITTI Odometry dataset and compared to each other and the standard ORB-SLAM3 stereo method. We demonstrate that, depending on the environment, advantages in trajectory accuracy and robustness can be achieved. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the runtime of the ORB-SLAM3 algorithm can be reduced by more than 40 % compared to the stereo mode. The related code for the ORB-SLAM3 RGB-L mode will be available as open-source software under https://github.com/TUMFTM/ORB SLAM3 RGBL.
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在接受高质量的地面真相(如LiDAR数据)培训时,监督的学习深度估计方法可以实现良好的性能。但是,LIDAR只能生成稀疏的3D地图,从而导致信息丢失。每个像素获得高质量的地面深度数据很难获取。为了克服这一限制,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,将有前途的平面和视差几何管道与深度信息与U-NET监督学习网络相结合的结构信息结合在一起,与现有的基于流行的学习方法相比,这会导致定量和定性的改进。特别是,该模型在两个大规模且具有挑战性的数据集上进行了评估:Kitti Vision Benchmark和CityScapes数据集,并在相对错误方面取得了最佳性能。与纯深度监督模型相比,我们的模型在薄物体和边缘的深度预测上具有令人印象深刻的性能,并且与结构预测基线相比,我们的模型的性能更加强大。
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Our long term goal is to use image-based depth completion to quickly create 3D models from sparse point clouds, e.g. from SfM or SLAM. Much progress has been made in depth completion. However, most current works assume well distributed samples of known depth, e.g. Lidar or random uniform sampling, and perform poorly on uneven samples, such as from keypoints, due to the large unsampled regions. To address this problem, we extend CSPN with multiscale prediction and a dilated kernel, leading to much better completion of keypoint-sampled depth. We also show that a model trained on NYUv2 creates surprisingly good point clouds on ETH3D by completing sparse SfM points.
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