马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)是在顺序决策中常用的正式模型。 MDP捕获了可能出现的随机性,例如,通过过渡函数中的概率从不精确的执行器中捕获。但是,在数据驱动的应用程序中,从(有限)数据中得出精确的概率引入了可能导致意外或不良结果的统计错误。不确定的MDP(UMDP)不需要精确的概率,而是在过渡中使用所谓的不确定性集,占此类有限的数据。正式验证社区中的工具有效地计算了强大的政策,这些政策在不确定性集中最坏的情况下,可以证明遵守正式规格,例如安全限制。我们不断地以强大的学习方法与将专用的贝叶斯推理方案与强大策略的计算结合在一起的任何时间学习方法中不断学习MDP的过渡概率。特别是,我们的方法(1)将概率近似为间隔,(2)适应可能与中间模型不一致的新数据,并且可以随时停止(3),以在UMDP上计算强大的策略,以忠实地捕获稳健的策略到目前为止的数据。我们展示了我们的方法的有效性,并将其与在几个基准的实验评估中对UMDP计算出的UMDP进行了比较。
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在线强化学习(RL)中的挑战之一是代理人需要促进对环境的探索和对样品的利用来优化其行为。无论我们是否优化遗憾,采样复杂性,状态空间覆盖范围或模型估计,我们都需要攻击不同的勘探开发权衡。在本文中,我们建议在分离方法组成的探索 - 剥削问题:1)“客观特定”算法(自适应)规定哪些样本以收集到哪些状态,似乎它可以访问a生成模型(即环境的模拟器); 2)负责尽可能快地生成规定样品的“客观无关的”样品收集勘探策略。建立最近在随机最短路径问题中进行探索的方法,我们首先提供一种算法,它给出了每个状态动作对所需的样本$ B(S,a)$的样本数量,需要$ \ tilde {o} (bd + d ^ {3/2} s ^ 2 a)收集$ b = \ sum_ {s,a} b(s,a)$所需样本的$时间步骤,以$ s $各国,$ a $行动和直径$ d $。然后我们展示了这种通用探索算法如何与“客观特定的”策略配对,这些策略规定了解决各种设置的样本要求 - 例如,模型估计,稀疏奖励发现,无需无成本勘探沟通MDP - 我们获得改进或新颖的样本复杂性保证。
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逆增强学习(IRL)是从专家演示中推断奖励功能的强大范式。许多IRL算法都需要已知的过渡模型,有时甚至是已知的专家政策,或者至少需要访问生成模型。但是,对于许多现实世界应用,这些假设太强了,在这些应用程序中,只能通过顺序相互作用访问环境。我们提出了一种新颖的IRL算法:逆增强学习(ACEIRL)的积极探索,该探索积极探索未知的环境和专家政策,以快速学习专家的奖励功能并确定良好的政策。 Aceirl使用以前的观察来构建置信区间,以捕获合理的奖励功能,并找到关注环境最有用区域的勘探政策。 Aceirl是使用样品复杂性界限的第一种活动IRL的方法,不需要环境的生成模型。在最坏情况下,Aceirl与活性IRL的样品复杂性与生成模型匹配。此外,我们建立了一个与问题相关的结合,该结合将Aceirl的样品复杂性与给定IRL问题的次级隔离间隙联系起来。我们在模拟中对Aceirl进行了经验评估,发现它的表现明显优于更幼稚的探索策略。
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Besides the recent impressive results on reinforcement learning (RL), safety is still one of the major research challenges in RL. RL is a machine-learning approach to determine near-optimal policies in Markov decision processes (MDPs). In this paper, we consider the setting where the safety-relevant fragment of the MDP together with a temporal logic safety specification is given and many safety violations can be avoided by planning ahead a short time into the future. We propose an approach for online safety shielding of RL agents. During runtime, the shield analyses the safety of each available action. For any action, the shield computes the maximal probability to not violate the safety specification within the next $k$ steps when executing this action. Based on this probability and a given threshold, the shield decides whether to block an action from the agent. Existing offline shielding approaches compute exhaustively the safety of all state-action combinations ahead of time, resulting in huge computation times and large memory consumption. The intuition behind online shielding is to compute at runtime the set of all states that could be reached in the near future. For each of these states, the safety of all available actions is analysed and used for shielding as soon as one of the considered states is reached. Our approach is well suited for high-level planning problems where the time between decisions can be used for safety computations and it is sustainable for the agent to wait until these computations are finished. For our evaluation, we selected a 2-player version of the classical computer game SNAKE. The game represents a high-level planning problem that requires fast decisions and the multiplayer setting induces a large state space, which is computationally expensive to analyse exhaustively.
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安全政策改进(SPI)是在安全关键应用中脱机加强学习的重要技术,因为它以很高的可能性改善了行为政策。我们根据如何利用国家行动对的不确定性将各种SPI方法分为两组。为了关注软SPIBB(通过软基线自举的安全政策改进)算法,我们表明他们对被证明安全的主张不坚持。基于这一发现,我们开发了适应性,Adv-Soft SpibB算法,并证明它们是可以安全的。在两个基准上进行的广泛实验中,启发式适应性较低的SPOBB在所有SPIBB算法中都能表现出最佳性能。我们还检查了可证明的安全算法的安全保证,并表明有大量数据是必要的,以使安全界限在实践中变得有用。
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在钢筋学习(RL)中,代理必须探索最初未知的环境,以便学习期望的行为。当RL代理部署在现实世界环境中时,安全性是主要关注的。受约束的马尔可夫决策过程(CMDPS)可以提供长期的安全约束;但是,该代理人可能会违反探索其环境的制约因素。本文提出了一种称为显式探索,漏洞探索或转义($ e ^ {4} $)的基于模型的RL算法,它将显式探索或利用($ e ^ {3} $)算法扩展到强大的CMDP设置。 $ e ^ 4 $明确地分离开发,探索和逃脱CMDP,允许针对已知状态的政策改进的有针对性的政策,发现未知状态,以及安全返回到已知状态。 $ e ^ 4 $强制优化了从一组CMDP模型的最坏情况CMDP上的这些策略,该模型符合部署环境的经验观察。理论结果表明,在整个学习过程中满足安全限制的情况下,在多项式时间中找到近最优的约束政策。我们讨论了稳健约束的离线优化算法,以及如何基于经验推理和先验知识来结合未知状态过渡动态的不确定性。
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Automated synthesis of provably correct controllers for cyber-physical systems is crucial for deploying these systems in safety-critical scenarios. However, their hybrid features and stochastic or unknown behaviours make this synthesis problem challenging. In this paper, we propose a method for synthesizing controllers for Markov jump linear systems (MJLSs), a particular class of cyber-physical systems, that certifiably satisfy a requirement expressed as a specification in probabilistic computation tree logic (PCTL). An MJLS consists of a finite set of linear dynamics with unknown additive disturbances, where jumps between these modes are governed by a Markov decision process (MDP). We consider both the case where the transition function of this MDP is given by probability intervals or where it is completely unknown. Our approach is based on generating a finite-state abstraction which captures both the discrete and the continuous behaviour of the original system. We formalise such abstraction as an interval Markov decision process (iMDP): intervals of transition probabilities are computed using sampling techniques from the so-called "scenario approach", resulting in a probabilistically sound approximation of the MJLS. This iMDP abstracts both the jump dynamics between modes, as well as the continuous dynamics within the modes. To demonstrate the efficacy of our technique, we apply our method to multiple realistic benchmark problems, in particular, temperature control, and aerial vehicle delivery problems.
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Safety is still one of the major research challenges in reinforcement learning (RL). In this paper, we address the problem of how to avoid safety violations of RL agents during exploration in probabilistic and partially unknown environments. Our approach combines automata learning for Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and shield synthesis in an iterative approach. Initially, the MDP representing the environment is unknown. The agent starts exploring the environment and collects traces. From the collected traces, we passively learn MDPs that abstractly represent the safety-relevant aspects of the environment. Given a learned MDP and a safety specification, we construct a shield. For each state-action pair within a learned MDP, the shield computes exact probabilities on how likely it is that executing the action results in violating the specification from the current state within the next $k$ steps. After the shield is constructed, the shield is used during runtime and blocks any actions that induce a too large risk from the agent. The shielded agent continues to explore the environment and collects new data on the environment. Iteratively, we use the collected data to learn new MDPs with higher accuracy, resulting in turn in shields able to prevent more safety violations. We implemented our approach and present a detailed case study of a Q-learning agent exploring slippery Gridworlds. In our experiments, we show that as the agent explores more and more of the environment during training, the improved learned models lead to shields that are able to prevent many safety violations.
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Capturing uncertainty in models of complex dynamical systems is crucial to designing safe controllers. Stochastic noise causes aleatoric uncertainty, whereas imprecise knowledge of model parameters leads to epistemic uncertainty. Several approaches use formal abstractions to synthesize policies that satisfy temporal specifications related to safety and reachability. However, the underlying models exclusively capture aleatoric but not epistemic uncertainty, and thus require that model parameters are known precisely. Our contribution to overcoming this restriction is a novel abstraction-based controller synthesis method for continuous-state models with stochastic noise and uncertain parameters. By sampling techniques and robust analysis, we capture both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, with a user-specified confidence level, in the transition probability intervals of a so-called interval Markov decision process (iMDP). We synthesize an optimal policy on this iMDP, which translates (with the specified confidence level) to a feedback controller for the continuous model with the same performance guarantees. Our experimental benchmarks confirm that accounting for epistemic uncertainty leads to controllers that are more robust against variations in parameter values.
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With a few exceptions, work in offline reinforcement learning (RL) has so far assumed that there is no confounding. In a classical regression setting, confounders introduce omitted variable bias and inhibit the identification of causal effects. In offline RL, they prevent the identification of a policy's value, and therefore make it impossible to perform policy improvement. Using conventional methods in offline RL in the presence of confounding can therefore not only lead to poor decisions and poor policies, but can also have disastrous effects in applications such as healthcare and education. We provide approaches for both off-policy evaluation (OPE) and local policy optimization in the settings of i.i.d. and global confounders. Theoretical and empirical results confirm the validity and viability of these methods.
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In inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), a learning agent infers a reward function encoding the underlying task using demonstrations from experts. However, many existing IRL techniques make the often unrealistic assumption that the agent has access to full information about the environment. We remove this assumption by developing an algorithm for IRL in partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). We address two limitations of existing IRL techniques. First, they require an excessive amount of data due to the information asymmetry between the expert and the learner. Second, most of these IRL techniques require solving the computationally intractable forward problem -- computing an optimal policy given a reward function -- in POMDPs. The developed algorithm reduces the information asymmetry while increasing the data efficiency by incorporating task specifications expressed in temporal logic into IRL. Such specifications may be interpreted as side information available to the learner a priori in addition to the demonstrations. Further, the algorithm avoids a common source of algorithmic complexity by building on causal entropy as the measure of the likelihood of the demonstrations as opposed to entropy. Nevertheless, the resulting problem is nonconvex due to the so-called forward problem. We solve the intrinsic nonconvexity of the forward problem in a scalable manner through a sequential linear programming scheme that guarantees to converge to a locally optimal policy. In a series of examples, including experiments in a high-fidelity Unity simulator, we demonstrate that even with a limited amount of data and POMDPs with tens of thousands of states, our algorithm learns reward functions and policies that satisfy the task while inducing similar behavior to the expert by leveraging the provided side information.
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大部分强化学习理论都建立在计算上难以实施的甲板上。专门用于在部分可观察到的马尔可夫决策过程(POMDP)中学习近乎最佳的政策,现有算法要么需要对模型动态(例如确定性过渡)做出强有力的假设,要么假设访问甲骨文作为解决艰难的计划或估算问题的访问子例程。在这项工作中,我们在合理的假设下开发了第一个用于POMDP的无Oracle学习算法。具体而言,我们给出了一种用于在“可观察” pomdps中学习的准化性时间端到端算法,其中可观察性是一个假设,即对国家而言,分离良好的分布诱导了分离良好的分布分布而不是观察。我们的技术规定了在不确定性下使用乐观原则来促进探索的更传统的方法,而是在构建策略涵盖的情况下提供了一种新颖的barycentric跨度应用。
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