图表卷积网络(GCNS)广泛应用于许多应用,但仍需要大量标记的培训数据。此外,GCNS的邻接矩阵是稳定的,这使得数据处理策略无法有效地调整来自内置的图形结构的训练数据的数量。从本文中进一步提高了GCN的性能和自学能力,我们提出在一个区域(rrlfsor).rrlfsor上的有效删除的gcns的高效自我监督的GCNS的学习策略(RRLFSOR).rrlfsor可以被视为新的数据增强器来改进过度平滑。在两个有效和代表性的GCN模型上检查了rrlfsor使用三个公开引文数据集 - 科拉,Pubmed和CiteSeer。转换链路预测任务的实验表明,在三个基准数据集的准确性方面,我们的策略始终如一地始终如一的基线模型。
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图形神经网络(GNNS)在各种基于图形的应用中显示了优势。大多数现有的GNNS假设图形结构的强大奇妙并应用邻居的置换不变本地聚合以学习每个节点的表示。然而,它们未能概括到异质图,其中大多数相邻节点具有不同的标签或特征,并且相关节点远处。最近的几项研究通过组合中央节点的隐藏表示(即,基于多跳的方法)的多个跳数来解决这个问题,或者基于注意力分数对相邻节点进行排序(即,基于排名的方法)来解决这个问题。结果,这些方法具有一些明显的限制。一方面,基于多跳的方法没有明确区分相关节点的大量多跳社区,导致严重的过平滑问题。另一方面,基于排名的模型不与结束任务进行联合优化节点排名,并导致次优溶液。在这项工作中,我们呈现图表指针神经网络(GPNN)来解决上述挑战。我们利用指针网络从大量的多跳邻域选择最相关的节点,这根据与中央节点的关系来构造有序序列。然后应用1D卷积以从节点序列中提取高级功能。 GPNN中的基于指针网络的Ranker是以端到端的方式与其他部件进行联合优化的。在具有异质图的六个公共节点分类数据集上进行了广泛的实验。结果表明,GPNN显着提高了最先进方法的分类性能。此外,分析还揭示了拟议的GPNN在过滤出无关邻居并减少过平滑的特权。
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图形神经网络(GNNS)在学习归属图中显示了很大的力量。但是,GNNS从源节点利用遥控器的信息仍然是一个挑战。此外,常规GNN要求将图形属性作为输入,因此它们无法应用于纯图。在论文中,我们提出了名为G-GNNS(GNN的全局信息)的新模型来解决上述限制。首先,通过无监督的预训练获得每个节点的全局结构和属性特征,其保留与节点相关联的全局信息。然后,使用全局功能和原始网络属性,我们提出了一个并行GNN的并行框架来了解这些功能的不同方面。所提出的学习方法可以应用于普通图和归属图。广泛的实验表明,G-GNNS可以在三个标准评估图上优于其他最先进的模型。特别是,我们的方法在学习归属图表时建立了Cora(84.31 \%)和PubMed(80.95 \%)的新基准记录。
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Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neural networks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of graph neural networks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field.
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Graph structure learning (GSL), which aims to learn the adjacency matrix for graph neural networks (GNNs), has shown great potential in boosting the performance of GNNs. Most existing GSL works apply a joint learning framework where the estimated adjacency matrix and GNN parameters are optimized for downstream tasks. However, as GSL is essentially a link prediction task, whose goal may largely differ from the goal of the downstream task. The inconsistency of these two goals limits the GSL methods to learn the potential optimal graph structure. Moreover, the joint learning framework suffers from scalability issues in terms of time and space during the process of estimation and optimization of the adjacency matrix. To mitigate these issues, we propose a graph structure refinement (GSR) framework with a pretrain-finetune pipeline. Specifically, The pre-training phase aims to comprehensively estimate the underlying graph structure by a multi-view contrastive learning framework with both intra- and inter-view link prediction tasks. Then, the graph structure is refined by adding and removing edges according to the edge probabilities estimated by the pre-trained model. Finally, the fine-tuning GNN is initialized by the pre-trained model and optimized toward downstream tasks. With the refined graph structure remaining static in the fine-tuning space, GSR avoids estimating and optimizing graph structure in the fine-tuning phase which enjoys great scalability and efficiency. Moreover, the fine-tuning GNN is boosted by both migrating knowledge and refining graphs. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness (best performance on six benchmark datasets), efficiency, and scalability (13.8x faster using 32.8% GPU memory compared to the best GSL baseline on Cora) of the proposed model.
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Data-efficient learning on graphs (GEL) is essential in real-world applications. Existing GEL methods focus on learning useful representations for nodes, edges, or entire graphs with ``small'' labeled data. But the problem of data-efficient learning for subgraph prediction has not been explored. The challenges of this problem lie in the following aspects: 1) It is crucial for subgraphs to learn positional features to acquire structural information in the base graph in which they exist. Although the existing subgraph neural network method is capable of learning disentangled position encodings, the overall computational complexity is very high. 2) Prevailing graph augmentation methods for GEL, including rule-based, sample-based, adaptive, and automated methods, are not suitable for augmenting subgraphs because a subgraph contains fewer nodes but richer information such as position, neighbor, and structure. Subgraph augmentation is more susceptible to undesirable perturbations. 3) Only a small number of nodes in the base graph are contained in subgraphs, which leads to a potential ``bias'' problem that the subgraph representation learning is dominated by these ``hot'' nodes. By contrast, the remaining nodes fail to be fully learned, which reduces the generalization ability of subgraph representation learning. In this paper, we aim to address the challenges above and propose a Position-Aware Data-Efficient Learning framework for subgraph neural networks called PADEL. Specifically, we propose a novel node position encoding method that is anchor-free, and design a new generative subgraph augmentation method based on a diffused variational subgraph autoencoder, and we propose exploratory and exploitable views for subgraph contrastive learning. Extensive experiment results on three real-world datasets show the superiority of our proposed method over state-of-the-art baselines.
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图表表示学习(GRL)对于图形结构数据分析至关重要。然而,大多数现有的图形神经网络(GNNS)严重依赖于标签信息,这通常是在现实世界中获得的昂贵。现有无监督的GRL方法遭受某些限制,例如对单调对比和可扩展性有限的沉重依赖。为了克服上述问题,鉴于最近的图表对比学习的进步,我们通过曲线图介绍了一种新颖的自我监控图形表示学习算法,即通过利用所提出的调整变焦方案来学习节点表示来学习节点表示。具体地,该机制使G-Zoom能够从多个尺度的图表中探索和提取自我监督信号:MICRO(即,节点级别),MESO(即,邻域级)和宏(即,子图级) 。首先,我们通过两个不同的图形增强生成输入图的两个增强视图。然后,我们逐渐地从节点,邻近逐渐为上述三个尺度建立三种不同的对比度,在那里我们最大限度地提高了横跨尺度的图形表示之间的协议。虽然我们可以从微距和宏观视角上从给定图中提取有价值的线索,但是邻域级对比度基于我们的调整后的缩放方案提供了可自定义选项的能力,以便手动选择位于微观和介于微观之间的最佳视点宏观透视更好地理解图数据。此外,为了使我们的模型可扩展到大图,我们采用了并行图形扩散方法来从图形尺寸下解耦模型训练。我们对现实世界数据集进行了广泛的实验,结果表明,我们所提出的模型始终始终优于最先进的方法。
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have attracted increasing attention in recent years and have achieved excellent performance in semi-supervised node classification tasks. The success of most GNNs relies on one fundamental assumption, i.e., the original graph structure data is available. However, recent studies have shown that GNNs are vulnerable to the complex underlying structure of the graph, making it necessary to learn comprehensive and robust graph structures for downstream tasks, rather than relying only on the raw graph structure. In light of this, we seek to learn optimal graph structures for downstream tasks and propose a novel framework for semi-supervised classification. Specifically, based on the structural context information of graph and node representations, we encode the complex interactions in semantics and generate semantic graphs to preserve the global structure. Moreover, we develop a novel multi-measure attention layer to optimize the similarity rather than prescribing it a priori, so that the similarity can be adaptively evaluated by integrating measures. These graphs are fused and optimized together with GNN towards semi-supervised classification objective. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on six real-world datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model and the contribution of each component.
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Network embedding (NE) approaches have emerged as a predominant technique to represent complex networks and have benefited numerous tasks. However, most NE approaches rely on a homophily assumption to learn embeddings with the guidance of supervisory signals, leaving the unsupervised heterophilous scenario relatively unexplored. This problem becomes especially relevant in fields where a scarcity of labels exists. Here, we formulate the unsupervised NE task as an r-ego network discrimination problem and develop the SELENE framework for learning on networks with homophily and heterophily. Specifically, we design a dual-channel feature embedding pipeline to discriminate r-ego networks using node attributes and structural information separately. We employ heterophily adapted self-supervised learning objective functions to optimise the framework to learn intrinsic node embeddings. We show that SELENE's components improve the quality of node embeddings, facilitating the discrimination of connected heterophilous nodes. Comprehensive empirical evaluations on both synthetic and real-world datasets with varying homophily ratios validate the effectiveness of SELENE in homophilous and heterophilous settings showing an up to 12.52% clustering accuracy gain.
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Over-fitting and over-smoothing are two main obstacles of developing deep Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) for node classification. In particular, over-fitting weakens the generalization ability on small dataset, while over-smoothing impedes model training by isolating output representations from the input features with the increase in network depth. This paper proposes DropEdge, a novel and flexible technique to alleviate both issues. At its core, DropEdge randomly removes a certain number of edges from the input graph at each training epoch, acting like a data augmenter and also a message passing reducer. Furthermore, we theoretically demonstrate that DropEdge either reduces the convergence speed of over-smoothing or relieves the information loss caused by it. More importantly, our DropEdge is a general skill that can be equipped with many other backbone models (e.g. GCN, ResGCN, GraphSAGE, and JKNet) for enhanced performance. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks verify that DropEdge consistently improves the performance on a variety of both shallow and deep GCNs. The effect of DropEdge on preventing over-smoothing is empirically visualized and validated as well. Codes are released on https://github.com/DropEdge/DropEdge.
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无监督的图形表示学习是图形数据的非琐碎主题。在结构化数据的无监督代表学习中对比学习和自我监督学习的成功激发了图表上的类似尝试。使用对比损耗的当前无监督的图形表示学习和预培训主要基于手工增强图数据之间的对比度。但是,由于不可预测的不变性,图数据增强仍然没有很好地探索。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的协作图形神经网络对比学习框架(CGCL),它使用多个图形编码器来观察图形。不同视图观察的特征充当了图形编码器之间对比学习的图表增强,避免了任何扰动以保证不变性。 CGCL能够处理图形级和节点级表示学习。广泛的实验表明CGCL在无监督的图表表示学习中的优势以及图形表示学习的手工数据增强组合的非必要性。
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