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Safety is still one of the major research challenges in reinforcement learning (RL). In this paper, we address the problem of how to avoid safety violations of RL agents during exploration in probabilistic and partially unknown environments. Our approach combines automata learning for Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and shield synthesis in an iterative approach. Initially, the MDP representing the environment is unknown. The agent starts exploring the environment and collects traces. From the collected traces, we passively learn MDPs that abstractly represent the safety-relevant aspects of the environment. Given a learned MDP and a safety specification, we construct a shield. For each state-action pair within a learned MDP, the shield computes exact probabilities on how likely it is that executing the action results in violating the specification from the current state within the next $k$ steps. After the shield is constructed, the shield is used during runtime and blocks any actions that induce a too large risk from the agent. The shielded agent continues to explore the environment and collects new data on the environment. Iteratively, we use the collected data to learn new MDPs with higher accuracy, resulting in turn in shields able to prevent more safety violations. We implemented our approach and present a detailed case study of a Q-learning agent exploring slippery Gridworlds. In our experiments, we show that as the agent explores more and more of the environment during training, the improved learned models lead to shields that are able to prevent many safety violations.
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Besides the recent impressive results on reinforcement learning (RL), safety is still one of the major research challenges in RL. RL is a machine-learning approach to determine near-optimal policies in Markov decision processes (MDPs). In this paper, we consider the setting where the safety-relevant fragment of the MDP together with a temporal logic safety specification is given and many safety violations can be avoided by planning ahead a short time into the future. We propose an approach for online safety shielding of RL agents. During runtime, the shield analyses the safety of each available action. For any action, the shield computes the maximal probability to not violate the safety specification within the next $k$ steps when executing this action. Based on this probability and a given threshold, the shield decides whether to block an action from the agent. Existing offline shielding approaches compute exhaustively the safety of all state-action combinations ahead of time, resulting in huge computation times and large memory consumption. The intuition behind online shielding is to compute at runtime the set of all states that could be reached in the near future. For each of these states, the safety of all available actions is analysed and used for shielding as soon as one of the considered states is reached. Our approach is well suited for high-level planning problems where the time between decisions can be used for safety computations and it is sustainable for the agent to wait until these computations are finished. For our evaluation, we selected a 2-player version of the classical computer game SNAKE. The game represents a high-level planning problem that requires fast decisions and the multiplayer setting induces a large state space, which is computationally expensive to analyse exhaustively.
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Adequately assigning credit to actions for future outcomes based on their contributions is a long-standing open challenge in Reinforcement Learning. The assumptions of the most commonly used credit assignment method are disadvantageous in tasks where the effects of decisions are not immediately evident. Furthermore, this method can only evaluate actions that have been selected by the agent, making it highly inefficient. Still, no alternative methods have been widely adopted in the field. Hindsight Credit Assignment is a promising, but still unexplored candidate, which aims to solve the problems of both long-term and counterfactual credit assignment. In this thesis, we empirically investigate Hindsight Credit Assignment to identify its main benefits, and key points to improve. Then, we apply it to factored state representations, and in particular to state representations based on the causal structure of the environment. In this setting, we propose a variant of Hindsight Credit Assignment that effectively exploits a given causal structure. We show that our modification greatly decreases the workload of Hindsight Credit Assignment, making it more efficient and enabling it to outperform the baseline credit assignment method on various tasks. This opens the way to other methods based on given or learned causal structures.
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A long-standing challenge in artificial intelligence is lifelong learning. In lifelong learning, many tasks are presented in sequence and learners must efficiently transfer knowledge between tasks while avoiding catastrophic forgetting over long lifetimes. On these problems, policy reuse and other multi-policy reinforcement learning techniques can learn many tasks. However, they can generate many temporary or permanent policies, resulting in memory issues. Consequently, there is a need for lifetime-scalable methods that continually refine a policy library of a pre-defined size. This paper presents a first approach to lifetime-scalable policy reuse. To pre-select the number of policies, a notion of task capacity, the maximal number of tasks that a policy can accurately solve, is proposed. To evaluate lifetime policy reuse using this method, two state-of-the-art single-actor base-learners are compared: 1) a value-based reinforcement learner, Deep Q-Network (DQN) or Deep Recurrent Q-Network (DRQN); and 2) an actor-critic reinforcement learner, Proximal Policy Optimisation (PPO) with or without Long Short-Term Memory layer. By selecting the number of policies based on task capacity, D(R)QN achieves near-optimal performance with 6 policies in a 27-task MDP domain and 9 policies in an 18-task POMDP domain; with fewer policies, catastrophic forgetting and negative transfer are observed. Due to slow, monotonic improvement, PPO requires fewer policies, 1 policy for the 27-task domain and 4 policies for the 18-task domain, but it learns the tasks with lower accuracy than D(R)QN. These findings validate lifetime-scalable policy reuse and suggest using D(R)QN for larger and PPO for smaller library sizes.
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在过去的十年中,多智能经纪人强化学习(Marl)已经有了重大进展,但仍存在许多挑战,例如高样本复杂性和慢趋同稳定的政策,在广泛的部署之前需要克服,这是可能的。然而,在实践中,许多现实世界的环境已经部署了用于生成策略的次优或启发式方法。一个有趣的问题是如何最好地使用这些方法作为顾问,以帮助改善多代理领域的加强学习。在本文中,我们提供了一个原则的框架,用于将动作建议纳入多代理设置中的在线次优顾问。我们描述了在非传记通用随机游戏环境中提供多种智能强化代理(海军上将)的问题,并提出了两种新的基于Q学习的算法:海军上将决策(海军DM)和海军上将 - 顾问评估(Admiral-AE) ,这使我们能够通过适当地纳入顾问(Admiral-DM)的建议来改善学习,并评估顾问(Admiral-AE)的有效性。我们从理论上分析了算法,并在一般加上随机游戏中提供了关于他们学习的定点保证。此外,广泛的实验说明了这些算法:可以在各种环境中使用,具有对其他相关基线的有利相比的性能,可以扩展到大状态行动空间,并且对来自顾问的不良建议具有稳健性。
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强化学习(RL)是人工智能中的核心问题。这个问题包括定义可以通过与环境交互学习最佳行为的人工代理 - 其中,在代理试图最大化的奖励信号的奖励信号中定义最佳行为。奖励机(RMS)提供了一种基于Automate的基于自动机的表示,该奖励功能使RL代理能够将RL问题分解为可以通过禁止策略学习有效地学习的结构化子问题。在这里,我们表明可以从经验中学习RMS,而不是由用户指定,并且可以使用所产生的问题分解来有效地解决部分可观察的RL问题。我们将学习RMS的任务作为离散优化问题构成,其中目标是找到将问题分解为一组子问题的RM,使得其最佳记忆策略的组合是原始问题的最佳策略。我们展示了这种方法在三个部分可观察的域中的有效性,在那里它显着优于A3C,PPO和宏碁,并讨论其优点,限制和更广泛的潜力。
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Reinforcement learning in partially observable domains is challenging due to the lack of observable state information. Thankfully, learning offline in a simulator with such state information is often possible. In particular, we propose a method for partially observable reinforcement learning that uses a fully observable policy (which we call a state expert) during offline training to improve online performance. Based on Soft Actor-Critic (SAC), our agent balances performing actions similar to the state expert and getting high returns under partial observability. Our approach can leverage the fully-observable policy for exploration and parts of the domain that are fully observable while still being able to learn under partial observability. On six robotics domains, our method outperforms pure imitation, pure reinforcement learning, the sequential or parallel combination of both types, and a recent state-of-the-art method in the same setting. A successful policy transfer to a physical robot in a manipulation task from pixels shows our approach's practicality in learning interesting policies under partial observability.
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强化学习(RL)涉及在未知系统中执行探索性动作。这可以将学习代理放在危险且潜在的灾难性系统中。当前在RL中解决安全学习的方法同时权衡了安全探索和任务实现。在本文中,我们介绍了新一代的RL求解器,这些求解器学会最大程度地减少安全性违规行为,同时在安全政策可以容忍的范围内最大化任务奖励。我们的方法引入了一个新型的两人框架,用于安全RL,称为分配探索安全培训算法(DESTA)。 DESTA的核心是两种自适应代理之间的游戏:安全代理,其任务是最大程度地减少安全违规行为和任务代理,其目标是最大程度地提高环境奖励。具体而言,安全代理可以在任何给定点有选择地控制系统,以防止任务代理在任何其他州自由执行其策略时违反安全性。该框架使安全代理能够学会在培训和测试时间中最大程度地减少未来安全违规行为的某些行动,而任务代理人执行的动作可以最大程度地提高其他任何地方的任务绩效。从理论上讲,我们证明DESTA会汇合到稳定的点,从而最大程度地违反了对预验证的政策的行为。从经验上讲,我们表明了DESTA提高现有政策安全性的能力,其次,当对任务代理和安全代理人同时培训时,构建安全的RL政策。我们展示了DESTA在Lunar Lander和Openai Gym的Frozen Lake中的领先RL方法的出色表现。
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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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Drug dosing is an important application of AI, which can be formulated as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem. In this paper, we identify two major challenges of using RL for drug dosing: delayed and prolonged effects of administering medications, which break the Markov assumption of the RL framework. We focus on prolongedness and define PAE-POMDP (Prolonged Action Effect-Partially Observable Markov Decision Process), a subclass of POMDPs in which the Markov assumption does not hold specifically due to prolonged effects of actions. Motivated by the pharmacology literature, we propose a simple and effective approach to converting drug dosing PAE-POMDPs into MDPs, enabling the use of the existing RL algorithms to solve such problems. We validate the proposed approach on a toy task, and a challenging glucose control task, for which we devise a clinically-inspired reward function. Our results demonstrate that: (1) the proposed method to restore the Markov assumption leads to significant improvements over a vanilla baseline; (2) the approach is competitive with recurrent policies which may inherently capture the prolonged effect of actions; (3) it is remarkably more time and memory efficient than the recurrent baseline and hence more suitable for real-time dosing control systems; and (4) it exhibits favorable qualitative behavior in our policy analysis.
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通过定义具有可变复杂性的流量类型独立环境,基于深度加强学习,介绍一种新的动态障碍避免方法。在当前文献中填补了差距,我们彻底调查了缺失速度信息对代理商在避免任务中的性能的影响。这是实践中至关重要的问题,因为几个传感器仅产生物体或车辆的位置信息。我们在部分可观察性方面评估频繁应用的方法,即在深神经网络中的复发性并简单帧堆叠。为我们的分析,我们依靠最先进的无模型深射RL算法。发现速度信息缺乏影响代理商的性能。两种方法 - 复发性和帧堆叠 - 不能在观察空间中一致地替换缺失的速度信息。但是,在简化的情况下,它们可以显着提高性能并稳定整体培训程序。
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