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由于其广泛的应用,尤其是在现场理解领域,因此在3D点云上进行的实例细分一直在吸引越来越多的关注。但是,大多数现有方法都需要完全注释培训数据。在点级的手动准备地面真相标签非常繁琐且劳动密集型。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的弱监督方法RWSEG,该方法仅需要用一个点标记一个对象。有了这些稀疏的标签,我们使用自我注意事项和随机步行引入了一个带有两个分支的统一框架,分别将语义和实例信息分别传播到未知区域。此外,我们提出了一个跨画竞争的随机步行(CGCRW)算法,该算法鼓励不同实例图之间的竞争以解决紧密放置对象中的歧义并改善实例分配的性能。 RWSEG可以生成定性实例级伪标签。 Scannet-V2和S3DIS数据集的实验结果表明,我们的方法通过完全监督的方法实现了可比的性能,并且通过大幅度优于先前的弱监督方法。这是弥合该地区弱和全面监督之间差距的第一项工作。
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当前的3D分割方法很大程度上依赖于大规模的点状数据集,众所周知,这些数据集众所周知。很少有尝试规避需要每点注释的需求。在这项工作中,我们研究了弱监督的3D语义实例分割。关键的想法是利用3D边界框标签,更容易,更快地注释。确实,我们表明只有仅使用边界框标签训练密集的分割模型。在我们方法的核心上,\ name {}是一个深层模型,灵感来自经典的霍夫投票,直接投票赞成边界框参数,并且是专门针对边界盒票的专门定制的群集方法。这超出了常用的中心票,这不会完全利用边界框注释。在扫描仪测试中,我们弱监督的模型在其他弱监督的方法中获得了领先的性能(+18 MAP@50)。值得注意的是,它还达到了当前完全监督模型的50分数的地图的97%。为了进一步说明我们的工作的实用性,我们在最近发布的Arkitscenes数据集中训练Box2mask,该数据集仅使用3D边界框注释,并首次显示引人注目的3D实例细分掩码。
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Deep learning has attained remarkable success in many 3D visual recognition tasks, including shape classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. However, many of these results rely on manually collecting densely annotated real-world 3D data, which is highly time-consuming and expensive to obtain, limiting the scalability of 3D recognition tasks. Thus, we study unsupervised 3D recognition and propose a Self-supervised-Self-Labeled 3D Recognition (SL3D) framework. SL3D simultaneously solves two coupled objectives, i.e., clustering and learning feature representation to generate pseudo-labeled data for unsupervised 3D recognition. SL3D is a generic framework and can be applied to solve different 3D recognition tasks, including classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. Extensive experiments demonstrate its effectiveness. Code is available at https://github.com/fcendra/sl3d.
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We introduce Similarity Group Proposal Network (SGPN), a simple and intuitive deep learning framework for 3D object instance segmentation on point clouds. SGPN uses a single network to predict point grouping proposals and a corresponding semantic class for each proposal, from which we can directly extract instance segmentation results. Important to the effectiveness of SGPN is its novel representation of 3D instance segmentation results in the form of a similarity matrix that indicates the similarity between each pair of points in embedded feature space, thus producing an accurate grouping proposal for each point. Experimental results on various 3D scenes show the effectiveness of our method on 3D instance segmentation, and we also evaluate the capability of SGPN to improve 3D object detection and semantic segmentation results. We also demonstrate its flexibility by seamlessly incorporating 2D CNN features into the framework to boost performance.
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弱监督的点云语义分割方法需要1 \%或更少的标签,希望实现与完全监督的方法几乎相同的性能,这些方法最近引起了广泛的研究关注。该框架中的一个典型解决方案是使用自我训练或伪标记来从点云本身挖掘监督,但忽略了图像中的关键信息。实际上,在激光雷达场景中广泛存在相机,而这种互补信息对于3D应用似乎非常重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于3D分割的新型交叉模式弱监督的方法,并结合了来自未标记图像的互补信息。基本上,我们设计了一个配备有效标签策略的双分支网络,以最大程度地发挥标签的力量,并直接实现2D到3D知识转移。之后,我们以期望最大(EM)的视角建立了一个跨模式的自我训练框架,该框架在伪标签估计和更新参数之间进行了迭代。在M-Step中,我们提出了一个跨模式关联学习,通过增强3D点和2D超级像素之间的周期矛盾性,从图像中挖掘互补的监督。在E-Step中,伪标签的自我校准机制被得出过滤噪声标签,从而为网络提供了更准确的标签,以进行全面训练。广泛的实验结果表明,我们的方法甚至优于最先进的竞争对手,而少于1 \%的主动选择注释。
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Existing methods for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation require expensive, tedious and error-prone manual point-wise annotations. Intuitively, weakly supervised training is a direct solution to reduce the cost of labeling. However, for weakly supervised large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation, too few annotations will inevitably lead to ineffective learning of network. We propose an effective weakly supervised method containing two components to solve the above problem. Firstly, we construct a pretext task, \textit{i.e.,} point cloud colorization, with a self-supervised learning to transfer the learned prior knowledge from a large amount of unlabeled point cloud to a weakly supervised network. In this way, the representation capability of the weakly supervised network can be improved by the guidance from a heterogeneous task. Besides, to generate pseudo label for unlabeled data, a sparse label propagation mechanism is proposed with the help of generated class prototypes, which is used to measure the classification confidence of unlabeled point. Our method is evaluated on large-scale point cloud datasets with different scenarios including indoor and outdoor. The experimental results show the large gain against existing weakly supervised and comparable results to fully supervised methods\footnote{Code based on mindspore: https://github.com/dmcv-ecnu/MindSpore\_ModelZoo/tree/main/WS3\_MindSpore}.
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点云语义分割通常需要大型群体注释的培训数据,但清楚地,点明智的标签太乏味了。虽然最近的一些方法建议用小百分比点标签训练3D网络,但我们采取了一个极端的方法并提出“一件事点击”,这意味着注释只需要每对象标记一个点。为了利用这些极其稀疏的标签在网络培训中,我们设计了一种新颖的自我训练方法,其中我们迭代地进行培训和标签传播,通过图形传播模块促进。此外,我们采用关系网络来生成每个类别的原型,并明确地模拟图形节点之间的相似性,以产生伪标签以指导迭代培训。 Scannet-V2和S3DIS的实验结果表明,我们的自我训练方法具有极其稀疏的注释,优于大幅度的全部现有的3D语义细分的所有现有的弱监督方法,我们的结果也与完全监督的结果相媲美同行。
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Point cloud learning has lately attracted increasing attention due to its wide applications in many areas, such as computer vision, autonomous driving, and robotics. As a dominating technique in AI, deep learning has been successfully used to solve various 2D vision problems. However, deep learning on point clouds is still in its infancy due to the unique challenges faced by the processing of point clouds with deep neural networks. Recently, deep learning on point clouds has become even thriving, with numerous methods being proposed to address different problems in this area. To stimulate future research, this paper presents a comprehensive review of recent progress in deep learning methods for point clouds. It covers three major tasks, including 3D shape classification, 3D object detection and tracking, and 3D point cloud segmentation. It also presents comparative results on several publicly available datasets, together with insightful observations and inspiring future research directions.
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手动注释复杂的场景点云数据集昂贵且容易出错。为了减少对标记数据的依赖性,提出了一种名为Snapshotnet的新模型作为自我监督的特征学习方法,它直接用于复杂3D场景的未标记点云数据。 Snapshotnet Pipleine包括三个阶段。在快照捕获阶段,从点云场景中采样被定义为本地点的快照。快照可以是直接从真实场景捕获的本地3D扫描的视图,或者从大3D 3D点云数据集中的虚拟视图。也可以在不同的采样率或视野(FOV)的不同采样率或视野(FOV)中进行对快照进行,从而从场景中捕获比例信息。在特征学习阶段,提出了一种名为Multi-FoV对比度的新的预文本任务,以识别两个快照是否来自同一对象,而不是在同一FOV中或跨不同的FOV中。快照通过两个自我监督的学习步骤:对比学习步骤与零件和比例对比度,然后是快照聚类步骤以提取更高的级别语义特征。然后,通过首先培训在学习特征上的标准SVM分类器的培训中实现了弱监督的分割阶段,其中包含少量标记的快照。训练的SVM用于预测输入快照的标签,并使用投票过程将预测标签转换为整个场景的语义分割的点明智标签分配。实验是在语义3D数据集上进行的,结果表明,该方法能够从无任何标签的复杂场景数据的快照学习有效特征。此外,当与弱监管点云语义分割的SOA方法相比,该方法已经显示了优势。
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3D点云的卷积经过广泛研究,但在几何深度学习中却远非完美。卷积的传统智慧在3D点之间表现出特征对应关系,这是对差的独特特征学习的内在限制。在本文中,我们提出了自适应图卷积(AGCONV),以供点云分析的广泛应用。 AGCONV根据其动态学习的功能生成自适应核。与使用固定/各向同性核的解决方案相比,AGCONV提高了点云卷积的灵活性,有效,精确地捕获了不同语义部位的点之间的不同关系。与流行的注意力体重方案不同,AGCONV实现了卷积操作内部的适应性,而不是简单地将不同的权重分配给相邻点。广泛的评估清楚地表明,我们的方法优于各种基准数据集中的点云分类和分割的最新方法。同时,AGCONV可以灵活地采用更多的点云分析方法来提高其性能。为了验证其灵活性和有效性,我们探索了基于AGCONV的完成,DeNoing,Upsmpling,注册和圆圈提取的范式,它们与竞争对手相当甚至优越。我们的代码可在https://github.com/hrzhou2/adaptconv-master上找到。
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Reliable and automated 3D plant shoot segmentation is a core prerequisite for the extraction of plant phenotypic traits at the organ level. Combining deep learning and point clouds can provide effective ways to address the challenge. However, fully supervised deep learning methods require datasets to be point-wise annotated, which is extremely expensive and time-consuming. In our work, we proposed a novel weakly supervised framework, Eff-3DPSeg, for 3D plant shoot segmentation. First, high-resolution point clouds of soybean were reconstructed using a low-cost photogrammetry system, and the Meshlab-based Plant Annotator was developed for plant point cloud annotation. Second, a weakly-supervised deep learning method was proposed for plant organ segmentation. The method contained: (1) Pretraining a self-supervised network using Viewpoint Bottleneck loss to learn meaningful intrinsic structure representation from the raw point clouds; (2) Fine-tuning the pre-trained model with about only 0.5% points being annotated to implement plant organ segmentation. After, three phenotypic traits (stem diameter, leaf width, and leaf length) were extracted. To test the generality of the proposed method, the public dataset Pheno4D was included in this study. Experimental results showed that the weakly-supervised network obtained similar segmentation performance compared with the fully-supervised setting. Our method achieved 95.1%, 96.6%, 95.8% and 92.2% in the Precision, Recall, F1-score, and mIoU for stem leaf segmentation and 53%, 62.8% and 70.3% in the AP, AP@25, and AP@50 for leaf instance segmentation. This study provides an effective way for characterizing 3D plant architecture, which will become useful for plant breeders to enhance selection processes.
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Segmenting humans in 3D indoor scenes has become increasingly important with the rise of human-centered robotics and AR/VR applications. In this direction, we explore the tasks of 3D human semantic-, instance- and multi-human body-part segmentation. Few works have attempted to directly segment humans in point clouds (or depth maps), which is largely due to the lack of training data on humans interacting with 3D scenes. We address this challenge and propose a framework for synthesizing virtual humans in realistic 3D scenes. Synthetic point cloud data is attractive since the domain gap between real and synthetic depth is small compared to images. Our analysis of different training schemes using a combination of synthetic and realistic data shows that synthetic data for pre-training improves performance in a wide variety of segmentation tasks and models. We further propose the first end-to-end model for 3D multi-human body-part segmentation, called Human3D, that performs all the above segmentation tasks in a unified manner. Remarkably, Human3D even outperforms previous task-specific state-of-the-art methods. Finally, we manually annotate humans in test scenes from EgoBody to compare the proposed training schemes and segmentation models.
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We introduce a novel deep learning-based framework to interpret 3D urban scenes represented as textured meshes. Based on the observation that object boundaries typically align with the boundaries of planar regions, our framework achieves semantic segmentation in two steps: planarity-sensible over-segmentation followed by semantic classification. The over-segmentation step generates an initial set of mesh segments that capture the planar and non-planar regions of urban scenes. In the subsequent classification step, we construct a graph that encodes the geometric and photometric features of the segments in its nodes and the multi-scale contextual features in its edges. The final semantic segmentation is obtained by classifying the segments using a graph convolutional network. Experiments and comparisons on two semantic urban mesh benchmarks demonstrate that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of boundary quality, mean IoU (intersection over union), and generalization ability. We also introduce several new metrics for evaluating mesh over-segmentation methods dedicated to semantic segmentation, and our proposed over-segmentation approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on all metrics. Our source code is available at \url{https://github.com/WeixiaoGao/PSSNet}.
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