With information systems becoming larger scale, recommendation systems are a topic of growing interest in machine learning research and industry. Even though progress on improving model design has been rapid in research, we argue that many advances fail to translate into practice because of two limiting assumptions. First, most approaches focus on a transductive learning setting which cannot handle unseen users or items and second, many existing methods are developed for static settings that cannot incorporate new data as it becomes available. We argue that these are largely impractical assumptions on real-world platforms where new user interactions happen in real time. In this survey paper, we formalize both concepts and contextualize recommender systems work from the last six years. We then discuss why and how future work should move towards inductive learning and incremental updates for recommendation model design and evaluation. In addition, we present best practices and fundamental open challenges for future research.
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受到计算机愿景和语言理解的深度学习的巨大成功的影响,建议的研究已经转移到发明基于神经网络的新推荐模型。近年来,我们在开发神经推荐模型方面目睹了显着进展,这概括和超越了传统的推荐模型,由于神经网络的强烈代表性。在本调查论文中,我们从建议建模与准确性目标的角度进行了系统审查,旨在总结该领域,促进研究人员和从业者在推荐系统上工作的研究人员和从业者。具体而具体基于推荐建模期间的数据使用,我们将工作划分为协作过滤和信息丰富的建议:1)协作滤波,其利用用户项目交互数据的关键来源; 2)内容丰富的建议,其另外利用与用户和项目相关的侧面信息,如用户配置文件和项目知识图; 3)时间/顺序推荐,其考虑与交互相关的上下文信息,例如时间,位置和过去的交互。在为每种类型审查代表性工作后,我们终于讨论了这一领域的一些有希望的方向。
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Recommender systems can strongly influence which information we see online, e.g., on social media, and thus impact our beliefs, decisions, and actions. At the same time, these systems can create substantial business value for different stakeholders. Given the growing potential impact of such AI-based systems on individuals, organizations, and society, questions of fairness have gained increased attention in recent years. However, research on fairness in recommender systems is still a developing area. In this survey, we first review the fundamental concepts and notions of fairness that were put forward in the area in the recent past. Afterward, through a review of more than 150 scholarly publications, we present an overview of how research in this field is currently operationalized, e.g., in terms of general research methodology, fairness measures, and algorithmic approaches. Overall, our analysis of recent works points to specific research gaps. In particular, we find that in many research works in computer science, very abstract problem operationalizations are prevalent, and questions of the underlying normative claims and what represents a fair recommendation in the context of a given application are often not discussed in depth. These observations call for more interdisciplinary research to address fairness in recommendation in a more comprehensive and impactful manner.
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共享符号跨域顺序推荐(SCSR)任务旨在通过利用多个域中的混合用户行为推荐下一个项目。随着越来越多的用户倾向于在不同的平台上注册并与他人共享访问特定于域的服务,它正在引起极大的研究关注。现有关于SCSR的作品主要依赖于基于复发的神经网络(RNN)模型的采矿顺序模式,这些模型受到以下局限性:1)基于RNN的方法,基于RNN的方法绝大多数目标是发现单用户行为中的顺序依赖性。它们的表现不足以捕获SCSR中多个实体之间的关系。 2)所有现有方法通过潜在空间中的知识转移桥接两个域,并忽略显式的跨域图结构。 3)没有现有研究考虑项目之间的时间间隔信息,这对于表征不同项目和学习判别性表示的顺序建议至关重要。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的基于图的解决方案,即TIDA-GCN,以应对上述挑战。具体来说,我们首先将每个域中的用户和项目链接为图。然后,我们设计了一个域感知图形卷积网络,以学习用户特异性节点表示。为了充分说明用户对项目的域特异性偏好,进一步开发了两个有效的注意机制,以选择性地指导消息传递过程。此外,为了进一步增强项目和帐户级的表示学习,我们将时间间隔纳入消息传递中,并为学习项目的交互式特征设计一个帐户意识的自我发项模块。实验证明了我们提出的方法从各个方面的优越性。
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Recent advancements in deep neural networks for graph-structured data have led to state-of-the-art performance on recommender system benchmarks. However, making these methods practical and scalable to web-scale recommendation tasks with billions of items and hundreds of millions of users remains a challenge.Here we describe a large-scale deep recommendation engine that we developed and deployed at Pinterest. We develop a dataefficient Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) algorithm PinSage, which combines efficient random walks and graph convolutions to generate embeddings of nodes (i.e., items) that incorporate both graph structure as well as node feature information. Compared to prior GCN approaches, we develop a novel method based on highly efficient random walks to structure the convolutions and design a novel training strategy that relies on harder-and-harder training examples to improve robustness and convergence of the model.We deploy PinSage at Pinterest and train it on 7.5 billion examples on a graph with 3 billion nodes representing pins and boards, and 18 billion edges. According to offline metrics, user studies and A/B tests, PinSage generates higher-quality recommendations than comparable deep learning and graph-based alternatives. To our knowledge, this is the largest application of deep graph embeddings to date and paves the way for a new generation of web-scale recommender systems based on graph convolutional architectures.
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多臂匪徒(MAB)提供了一种原则性的在线学习方法,以达到探索和剥削之间的平衡。由于表现出色和反馈学习低,没有学习在多种情况下采取行动,因此多臂匪徒在诸如推荐系统等应用程序中引起了广泛的关注。同样,在推荐系统中,协作过滤(CF)可以说是推荐系统中最早,最具影响力的方法。至关重要的是,新用户和不断变化的推荐项目池是推荐系统需要解决的挑战。对于协作过滤,经典方法是训练模型离线,然后执行在线测试,但是这种方法无法再处理用户偏好的动态变化,即所谓的冷启动。那么,如何在没有有效信息的情况下有效地向用户推荐项目?为了解决上述问题,已经提出了一个基于多臂强盗的协作过滤推荐系统,名为BanditMF。 BANDITMF旨在解决多军强盗算法和协作过滤中的两个挑战:(1)如何在有效信息稀缺的条件下解决冷启动问题以进行协作过滤,(2)强大社会关系域中的强盗算法问题是由独立估计与每个用户相关的未知参数并忽略用户之间的相关性引起的。
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数十年来,计算机系统持有大量个人数据。一方面,这种数据丰度允许在人工智能(AI),尤其是机器学习(ML)模型中突破。另一方面,它可能威胁用户的隐私并削弱人类与人工智能之间的信任。最近的法规要求,可以从一般情况下从计算机系统中删除有关用户的私人信息,特别是根据要求从ML模型中删除(例如,“被遗忘的权利”)。虽然从后端数据库中删除数据应该很简单,但在AI上下文中,它不够,因为ML模型经常“记住”旧数据。现有的对抗攻击证明,我们可以从训练有素的模型中学习私人会员或培训数据的属性。这种现象要求采用新的范式,即机器学习,以使ML模型忘记了特定的数据。事实证明,由于缺乏共同的框架和资源,最近在机器上学习的工作无法完全解决问题。在本调查文件中,我们试图在其定义,场景,机制和应用中对机器进行彻底的研究。具体而言,作为最先进的研究的类别集合,我们希望为那些寻求机器未学习的入门及其各种表述,设计要求,删除请求,算法和用途的人提供广泛的参考。 ML申请。此外,我们希望概述范式中的关键发现和趋势,并突出显示尚未看到机器无法使用的新研究领域,但仍可以受益匪浅。我们希望这项调查为ML研究人员以及寻求创新隐私技术的研究人员提供宝贵的参考。我们的资源是在https://github.com/tamlhp/awesome-machine-unlearning上。
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In recent years, deep neural networks have yielded immense success on speech recognition, computer vision and natural language processing. However, the exploration of deep neural networks on recommender systems has received relatively less scrutiny. In this work, we strive to develop techniques based on neural networks to tackle the key problem in recommendation -collaborative filtering -on the basis of implicit feedback.Although some recent work has employed deep learning for recommendation, they primarily used it to model auxiliary information, such as textual descriptions of items and acoustic features of musics. When it comes to model the key factor in collaborative filtering -the interaction between user and item features, they still resorted to matrix factorization and applied an inner product on the latent features of users and items.By replacing the inner product with a neural architecture that can learn an arbitrary function from data, we present a general framework named NCF, short for Neural networkbased Collaborative Filtering. NCF is generic and can express and generalize matrix factorization under its framework. To supercharge NCF modelling with non-linearities, we propose to leverage a multi-layer perceptron to learn the user-item interaction function. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show significant improvements of our proposed NCF framework over the state-of-the-art methods. Empirical evidence shows that using deeper layers of neural networks offers better recommendation performance.
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Learning vector representations (aka. embeddings) of users and items lies at the core of modern recommender systems. Ranging from early matrix factorization to recently emerged deep learning based methods, existing efforts typically obtain a user's (or an item's) embedding by mapping from pre-existing features that describe the user (or the item), such as ID and attributes. We argue that an inherent drawback of such methods is that, the collaborative signal, which is latent in user-item interactions, is not encoded in the embedding process. As such, the resultant embeddings may not be sufficient to capture the collaborative filtering effect.In this work, we propose to integrate the user-item interactionsmore specifically the bipartite graph structure -into the embedding process. We develop a new recommendation framework Neural Graph Collaborative Filtering (NGCF), which exploits the useritem graph structure by propagating embeddings on it. This leads to the expressive modeling of high-order connectivity in useritem graph, effectively injecting the collaborative signal into the embedding process in an explicit manner. We conduct extensive experiments on three public benchmarks, demonstrating significant improvements over several state-of-the-art models like HOP-Rec [40] and Collaborative Memory Network [5]. Further analysis verifies the importance of embedding propagation for learning better user and item representations, justifying the rationality and effectiveness of NGCF. Codes are available at https://github.com/ xiangwang1223/neural_graph_collaborative_filtering. CCS CONCEPTS• Information systems → Recommender systems. * In the version published in ACM Digital Library, we find some small bugs; the bugs do not change the comparison results and the empirical findings. In this latest version, we update and correct the experimental results (i.e., the preprocessing of Yelp2018 dataset and the ndcg metric). All updates are highlighted in footnotes.
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Concept drift primarily refers to an online supervised learning scenario when the relation between the input data and the target variable changes over time. Assuming a general knowledge of supervised learning in this paper we characterize adaptive learning process, categorize existing strategies for handling concept drift, overview the most representative, distinct and popular techniques and algorithms, discuss evaluation methodology of adaptive algorithms, and present a set of illustrative applications. The survey covers the different facets of concept drift in an integrated way to reflect on the existing scattered state-of-the-art. Thus, it aims at providing a comprehensive introduction to the concept drift adaptation for researchers, industry analysts and practitioners.
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传统的推荐系统面临两个长期存在的障碍,即数据稀疏性和冷启动问题,这些问题促进了跨域建议(CDR)的出现和发展。 CDR的核心思想是利用从其他领域收集的信息来减轻一个域中的两个问题。在过去的十年中,许多努力进行了跨域建议。最近,随着深度学习和神经网络的发展,出现了许多方法。但是,关于CDR的系统调查数量有限,尤其是关于最新提出的方法以及他们解决的建议方案和建议任务。在本调查文件中,我们首先提出了跨域建议的两级分类法,该分类法对不同的建议方案和建议任务进行了分类。然后,我们以结构化的方式介绍并总结了不同建议方案下的现有跨域推荐方法。我们还组织了常用的数据集。我们通过提供有关该领域的几个潜在研究方向来结束这项调查。
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在推荐系统中,一个普遍的挑战是冷门问题,在系统中,相互作用非常有限。为了应对这一挑战,最近,许多作品将元优化的想法介绍到建议方案中,即学习仅通过过去的几个交互项目来学习用户偏好。核心想法是为所有用户学习全局共享的元启动参数,并分别为每个用户迅速调整其本地参数。他们的目的是在各种用户的偏好学习中得出一般知识,以便通过博学的先验和少量培训数据迅速适应未来的新用户。但是,以前的作品表明,推荐系统通常容易受到偏见和不公平的影响。尽管元学习成功地通过冷启动提高了推荐性能,但公平性问题在很大程度上被忽略了。在本文中,我们提出了一个名为Clover的全面的公平元学习框架,以确保元学习的推荐模型的公平性。我们系统地研究了三种公平性 - 个人公平,反事实公平和推荐系统中的群体公平,并建议通过多任务对抗学习方案满足所有三种类型。我们的框架提供了一种通用的培训范式,适用于不同的元学习推荐系统。我们证明了三叶草对三个现实世界数据集的代表性元学习用户偏好估计器的有效性。经验结果表明,三叶草可以实现全面的公平性,而不会恶化整体的冷淡建议性能。
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The literature on machine learning in the context of data streams is vast and growing. However, many of the defining assumptions regarding data-stream learning tasks are too strong to hold in practice, or are even contradictory such that they cannot be met in the contexts of supervised learning. Algorithms are chosen and designed based on criteria which are often not clearly stated, for problem settings not clearly defined, tested in unrealistic settings, and/or in isolation from related approaches in the wider literature. This puts into question the potential for real-world impact of many approaches conceived in such contexts, and risks propagating a misguided research focus. We propose to tackle these issues by reformulating the fundamental definitions and settings of supervised data-stream learning with regard to contemporary considerations of concept drift and temporal dependence; and we take a fresh look at what constitutes a supervised data-stream learning task, and a reconsideration of algorithms that may be applied to tackle such tasks. Through and in reflection of this formulation and overview, helped by an informal survey of industrial players dealing with real-world data streams, we provide recommendations. Our main emphasis is that learning from data streams does not impose a single-pass or online-learning approach, or any particular learning regime; and any constraints on memory and time are not specific to streaming. Meanwhile, there exist established techniques for dealing with temporal dependence and concept drift, in other areas of the literature. For the data streams community, we thus encourage a shift in research focus, from dealing with often-artificial constraints and assumptions on the learning mode, to issues such as robustness, privacy, and interpretability which are increasingly relevant to learning in data streams in academic and industrial settings.
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Building a successful recommender system depends on understanding both the dimensions of people's preferences as well as their dynamics. In certain domains, such as fashion, modeling such preferences can be incredibly difficult, due to the need to simultaneously model the visual appearance of products as well as their evolution over time. The subtle semantics and non-linear dynamics of fashion evolution raise unique challenges especially considering the sparsity and large scale of the underlying datasets. In this paper we build novel models for the One-Class Collaborative Filtering setting, where our goal is to estimate users' fashion-aware personalized ranking functions based on their past feedback. To uncover the complex and evolving visual factors that people consider when evaluating products, our method combines high-level visual features extracted from a deep convolutional neural network, users' past feedback, as well as evolving trends within the community. Experimentally we evaluate our method on two large real-world datasets from Amazon.com, where we show it to outperform stateof-the-art personalized ranking measures, and also use it to visualize the high-level fashion trends across the 11-year span of our dataset.
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共享符合跨域顺序推荐(SCSR)是一项新兴而又具有挑战性的任务,在顺序建议中同时考虑共享符号和跨域特征。 SCSR上的现有作品主要基于复发性神经网络(RNN)和图神经网络(GNN),但他们忽略了一个事实,尽管多个用户共享一个帐户,但一次主要由一个用户占用。这一观察结果促使我们通过专注于其最近的行为来学习更准确的用户特定帐户表示。此外,尽管现有的作品降低了较低的权重与无关紧要的相互作用,但它们仍可能稀释域信息并阻碍跨域建议。为了解决上述问题,我们提出了一种基于增强学习的解决方案,即RL-ISN,该解决方案由基本的跨域推荐剂和基于强化的学习域滤波器组成。具体而言,要在“共享”方案中对帐户表示形式进行建模,基本推荐人首先将用户作为潜在用户的混合行为群,然后利用注意力模型在上面进行用户身份识别。为了减少无关域信息的影响,我们将域过滤器作为层次强化学习任务,在该任务中,使用高级任务来决定是否修改整个转移的序列进一步执行任务以确定是否删除其中的每个交互。为了评估解决方案的性能,我们对两个现实世界数据集进行了广泛的实验,并且实验结果证明了与最先进的建议方法相比,我们的RL-ISN方法的优越性。
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