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我们探索如何产生一系列思想 - 一系列中间推理步骤 - 显着提高了大语言模型执行复杂推理的能力。特别是,我们通过一种称为“思想链”提示的简单方法在足够大的语言模型中自然出现这种推理能力,在此过程中,一些思想示范被作为提示的示例提供了。三种大语模型的实验表明,促使思想链提高了一系列算术,常识和象征性推理任务的性能。经验收益可能会引人注目。例如,仅使用八个思想范围的540B参数语言模型才能在数学单词问题的GSM8K基准上实现最新的精度,甚至超过了带有验证器的Fineted GPT-3。
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Large language models have recently shown promising progress in mathematical reasoning when fine-tuned with human-generated sequences walking through a sequence of solution steps. However, the solution sequences are not formally structured and the resulting model-generated sequences may not reflect the kind of systematic reasoning we might expect an expert human to produce. In this paper, we study how to build stronger reasoning capability in language models using the idea of relational abstractions. We introduce new types of sequences that more explicitly provide an abstract characterization of the transitions through intermediate solution steps to the goal state. We find that models that are supplied with such sequences as prompts can solve tasks with a significantly higher accuracy, and models that are trained to produce such sequences solve problems better than those that are trained with previously used human-generated sequences and other baselines. Our work thus takes several steps toward elucidating and improving how language models perform on tasks requiring multi-step mathematical reasoning.
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我们研究语言模型是否可以评估自己主张的有效性,并预测他们能够正确回答的问题。我们首先表明,当以正确的格式提供时,较大的模型在多样化的多项选择和True/False问题上进行了很好的校准。因此,我们可以通过要求模型首先提出答案,然后评估其答案正确的概率“ p(true)”来对开放式采样任务进行自我评估。我们发现在各种任务中,P(true)的表现,校准和缩放令人鼓舞。当我们允许模型考虑自己的许多样本之前,在预测一种特定可能性的有效性之前,自我评估的性能进一步改善。接下来,我们研究是否可以培训模型来预测“ P(ik)”,即“我知道”问题的概率,而无需参考任何特定提出的答案。模型在预测P(IK)方面表现良好,并且在跨任务中部分概括,尽管它们在新任务上的P(IK)校准方面遇到了困难。预测的p(IK)概率在存在相关的原始材料的情况下以及对数学单词问题解决方案的提示也适当增加。我们希望这些观察结果为培训更诚实的模型提供了基础,并研究了诚实对模型模仿人类写作以外的其他目标培训的案例的普遍性。
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我们展示了在文本上预先培训的神经网络,并在代码上进行微调解决数学问题,通过程序合成解决了数学问题。我们将问题转化为编程任务,自动生成程序,然后从MIT的大型数学课程(单变微积分18.01,多变量计算18.02,微分方程18.03,概率和统计介绍18.05,概率和统计概要和统计概要和统计概要和统计概要和统计概要和统计概要和统计概要和统计概况概要和统计概要和统计概要和统计概率概述的大学级问题。 18.06,以及计算机科学的数学6.042)以及数学数据集的问题(在预先发生的地板,代数,计数和概率,数字理论和前进的问题上),最新数学问题的基准专门用于评估数学推理。我们探索提示生成方法,使变形金刚能够为这些主题生成问题解决程序,包括具有图的解决方案。我们在每个主题中的随机问题上生成正确的答案。我们量化了原始和转型问题之间的差距,并进行了调查以评估所产生的问题的质量和难度。这是在规模上自动解决,等级和生成大学数学课程问题的第一项工作,这代表了高等教育的里程碑。
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Computational notebooks, such as Jupyter notebooks, are interactive computing environments that are ubiquitous among data scientists to perform data wrangling and analytic tasks. To measure the performance of AI pair programmers that automatically synthesize programs for those tasks given natural language (NL) intents from users, we build ARCADE, a benchmark of 1082 code generation problems using the pandas data analysis framework in data science notebooks. ARCADE features multiple rounds of NL-to-code problems from the same notebook. It requires a model to understand rich multi-modal contexts, such as existing notebook cells and their execution states as well as previous turns of interaction. To establish a strong baseline on this challenging task, we develop PaChiNCo, a 62B code language model (LM) for Python computational notebooks, which significantly outperforms public code LMs. Finally, we explore few-shot prompting strategies to elicit better code with step-by-step decomposition and NL explanation, showing the potential to improve the diversity and explainability of model predictions.
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最近已被证明大型语言模型在各种任务集中获得合理的零射普通化(Brown等,2020)。它已经假设这是语言模型的隐式多任务学习的结果,在语言模型中的预押(Radford等,2019)。可以通过明确的多任务学习直接引起零拍常规化?为了以缩放测试这个问题,我们开发一个系统,以便轻松地将任何自然语言任务映射到人类可读的提示表单中。我们转换一组大量的监督数据集,每个数据集都有多个提示,具有不同的措辞。这些提示的数据集允许基准测试模型执行完全看不见的任务的能力。我们介绍了一个普拉克尔编码器 - 解码器模型(Raffel等,2020; Lester等,2021),覆盖各种任务。该模型在多个标准数据集中达到强大的零点性能,通常优于其尺寸的型号超过16倍。此外,我们的方法对来自Big-替补基准测试的任务子集具有强烈性能,优于其尺寸的6倍。所有提示和培训的型号都可以在https://github.com/ bigscience-workshop / protectsource / httpsource / https://huggingface.co/bigscience/t0pp。
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Mathematical reasoning is a fundamental aspect of human intelligence and is applicable in various fields, including science, engineering, finance, and everyday life. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) systems capable of solving math problems and proving theorems has garnered significant interest in the fields of machine learning and natural language processing. For example, mathematics serves as a testbed for aspects of reasoning that are challenging for powerful deep learning models, driving new algorithmic and modeling advances. On the other hand, recent advances in large-scale neural language models have opened up new benchmarks and opportunities to use deep learning for mathematical reasoning. In this survey paper, we review the key tasks, datasets, and methods at the intersection of mathematical reasoning and deep learning over the past decade. We also evaluate existing benchmarks and methods, and discuss future research directions in this domain.
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当前的语言模型可以产生高质量的文本。他们只是复制他们之前看到的文本,或者他们学习了普遍的语言抽象吗?要取笑这些可能性,我们介绍了乌鸦,这是一套评估生成文本的新颖性,专注于顺序结构(n-gram)和句法结构。我们将这些分析应用于四种神经语言模型(LSTM,变压器,变换器-XL和GPT-2)。对于本地结构 - 例如,单个依赖性 - 模型生成的文本比来自每个模型的测试集的人类生成文本的基线显着不那么新颖。对于大规模结构 - 例如,总句结构 - 模型生成的文本与人生成的基线一样新颖甚至更新颖,但模型仍然有时复制,在某些情况下,在训练集中重复超过1000字超过1,000字的通道。我们还表现了广泛的手动分析,表明GPT-2的新文本通常在形态学和语法中形成良好,但具有合理的语义问题(例如,是自相矛盾)。
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Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in natural language understanding and generation, but the quality bar for medical and clinical applications is high. Today, attempts to assess models' clinical knowledge typically rely on automated evaluations on limited benchmarks. There is no standard to evaluate model predictions and reasoning across a breadth of tasks. To address this, we present MultiMedQA, a benchmark combining six existing open question answering datasets spanning professional medical exams, research, and consumer queries; and HealthSearchQA, a new free-response dataset of medical questions searched online. We propose a framework for human evaluation of model answers along multiple axes including factuality, precision, possible harm, and bias. In addition, we evaluate PaLM (a 540-billion parameter LLM) and its instruction-tuned variant, Flan-PaLM, on MultiMedQA. Using a combination of prompting strategies, Flan-PaLM achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on every MultiMedQA multiple-choice dataset (MedQA, MedMCQA, PubMedQA, MMLU clinical topics), including 67.6% accuracy on MedQA (US Medical License Exam questions), surpassing prior state-of-the-art by over 17%. However, human evaluation reveals key gaps in Flan-PaLM responses. To resolve this we introduce instruction prompt tuning, a parameter-efficient approach for aligning LLMs to new domains using a few exemplars. The resulting model, Med-PaLM, performs encouragingly, but remains inferior to clinicians. We show that comprehension, recall of knowledge, and medical reasoning improve with model scale and instruction prompt tuning, suggesting the potential utility of LLMs in medicine. Our human evaluations reveal important limitations of today's models, reinforcing the importance of both evaluation frameworks and method development in creating safe, helpful LLM models for clinical applications.
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Finetuning language models on a collection of datasets phrased as instructions has been shown to improve model performance and generalization to unseen tasks. In this paper we explore instruction finetuning with a particular focus on (1) scaling the number of tasks, (2) scaling the model size, and (3) finetuning on chain-of-thought data. We find that instruction finetuning with the above aspects dramatically improves performance on a variety of model classes (PaLM, T5, U-PaLM), prompting setups (zero-shot, few-shot, CoT), and evaluation benchmarks (MMLU, BBH, TyDiQA, MGSM, open-ended generation). For instance, Flan-PaLM 540B instruction-finetuned on 1.8K tasks outperforms PALM 540B by a large margin (+9.4% on average). Flan-PaLM 540B achieves state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks, such as 75.2% on five-shot MMLU. We also publicly release Flan-T5 checkpoints, which achieve strong few-shot performance even compared to much larger models, such as PaLM 62B. Overall, instruction finetuning is a general method for improving the performance and usability of pretrained language models.
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我们介绍了一种称为编程拼图的新型编程挑战,作为方案合成的客观和全面评估,并释放Python编程拼图的开源数据集(P3)。每个拼图由短Python程序$ F $定义,目标是找到一个使$ F $返回true的输入。谜题是目的,因为每个人都由其验证者$ F $的源代码完全指定,因此评估为测试候选解决方案所需的$ F $。它们不需要答案密钥或输入/输出示例,也不依赖于自然语言理解。该数据集是全面的,因为它跨越一系列困难和域的问题,从琐碎的字符串操纵问题,经典编程谜题(例如,河内塔),用于采访/竞争编程问题(例如,动态编程),在算法和数学中的长期开放问题(例如,因子)。我们开发基准枚举程序合成,GPT-3和能够解决难题的食盒求解器 - 即使没有访问任何参考解决方案 - 通过从他们自己的过去的解决方案中学习。 Codex表现最佳,解决高达18%的397个测试问题的测试问题,每次尝试和80%的问题占1,000个问题。在一个小的用户学习中,我们发现拼图解决性能和编码体验之间的正相关性,以及人类和AI求解器的难题难度之间。因此,P3的进一步改进可能对许多程序合成区域产生重大影响。
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Large language models show improved downstream task performance when prompted to generate step-by-step reasoning to justify their final answers. These reasoning steps greatly improve model interpretability and verification, but objectively studying their correctness (independent of the final answer) is difficult without reliable methods for automatic evaluation. We simply do not know how often the stated reasoning steps actually support the final end task predictions. In this work, we present ROSCOE, a suite of interpretable, unsupervised automatic scores that improve and extend previous text generation evaluation metrics. To evaluate ROSCOE against baseline metrics, we design a typology of reasoning errors and collect synthetic and human evaluation scores on commonly used reasoning datasets. In contrast with existing metrics, ROSCOE can measure semantic consistency, logicality, informativeness, fluency, and factuality - among other traits - by leveraging properties of step-by-step rationales. We empirically verify the strength of our metrics on five human annotated and six programmatically perturbed diagnostics datasets - covering a diverse set of tasks that require reasoning skills and show that ROSCOE can consistently outperform baseline metrics.
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Intelligently extracting and linking complex scientific information from unstructured text is a challenging endeavor particularly for those inexperienced with natural language processing. Here, we present a simple sequence-to-sequence approach to joint named entity recognition and relation extraction for complex hierarchical information in scientific text. The approach leverages a pre-trained large language model (LLM), GPT-3, that is fine-tuned on approximately 500 pairs of prompts (inputs) and completions (outputs). Information is extracted either from single sentences or across sentences in abstracts/passages, and the output can be returned as simple English sentences or a more structured format, such as a list of JSON objects. We demonstrate that LLMs trained in this way are capable of accurately extracting useful records of complex scientific knowledge for three representative tasks in materials chemistry: linking dopants with their host materials, cataloging metal-organic frameworks, and general chemistry/phase/morphology/application information extraction. This approach represents a simple, accessible, and highly-flexible route to obtaining large databases of structured knowledge extracted from unstructured text. An online demo is available at http://www.matscholar.com/info-extraction.
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