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质量控制是制造业企业进行的至关重要的活动,以确保其产品符合质量标准并避免对品牌声誉的潜在损害。传感器成本下降和连接性使制造业数字化增加。此外,人工智能可实现更高的自动化程度,减少缺陷检查所需的总体成本和时间。这项研究将三种活跃的学习方法(与单一和多个牙齿)与视觉检查进行了比较。我们提出了一种新颖的方法,用于对分类模型的概率校准和两个新的指标,以评估校准的性能而无需地面真相。我们对飞利浦消费者生活方式BV提供的现实数据进行了实验。我们的结果表明,考虑到p = 0.95的阈值,探索的主动学习设置可以将数据标签的工作减少3%至4%,而不会损害总体质量目标。此外,我们表明所提出的指标成功捕获了相关信息,否则仅通过地面真实数据最适合使用的指标可用。因此,所提出的指标可用于估计模型概率校准的质量,而无需进行标签努力以获取地面真相数据。
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Quality control is a crucial activity performed by manufacturing companies to ensure their products conform to the requirements and specifications. The introduction of artificial intelligence models enables to automate the visual quality inspection, speeding up the inspection process and ensuring all products are evaluated under the same criteria. In this research, we compare supervised and unsupervised defect detection techniques and explore data augmentation techniques to mitigate the data imbalance in the context of automated visual inspection. Furthermore, we use Generative Adversarial Networks for data augmentation to enhance the classifiers' discriminative performance. Our results show that state-of-the-art unsupervised defect detection does not match the performance of supervised models but can be used to reduce the labeling workload by more than 50%. Furthermore, the best classification performance was achieved considering GAN-based data generation with AUC ROC scores equal to or higher than 0,9898, even when increasing the dataset imbalance by leaving only 25\% of the images denoting defective products. We performed the research with real-world data provided by Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV.
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Industry 4.0 aims to optimize the manufacturing environment by leveraging new technological advances, such as new sensing capabilities and artificial intelligence. The DRAEM technique has shown state-of-the-art performance for unsupervised classification. The ability to create anomaly maps highlighting areas where defects probably lie can be leveraged to provide cues to supervised classification models and enhance their performance. Our research shows that the best performance is achieved when training a defect detection model by providing an image and the corresponding anomaly map as input. Furthermore, such a setting provides consistent performance when framing the defect detection as a binary or multiclass classification problem and is not affected by class balancing policies. We performed the experiments on three datasets with real-world data provided by Philips Consumer Lifestyle BV.
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Recent developments in in-situ monitoring and process control in Additive Manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D-printing, allows the collection of large amounts of emission data during the build process of the parts being manufactured. This data can be used as input into 3D and 2D representations of the 3D-printed parts. However the analysis and use, as well as the characterization of this data still remains a manual process. The aim of this paper is to propose an adaptive human-in-the-loop approach using Machine Learning techniques that automatically inspect and annotate the emissions data generated during the AM process. More specifically, this paper will look at two scenarios: firstly, using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to automatically inspect and classify emission data collected by in-situ monitoring and secondly, applying Active Learning techniques to the developed classification model to construct a human-in-the-loop mechanism in order to accelerate the labeling process of the emission data. The CNN-based approach relies on transfer learning and fine-tuning, which makes the approach applicable to other industrial image patterns. The adaptive nature of the approach is enabled by uncertainty sampling strategy to automatic selection of samples to be presented to human experts for annotation.
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Time-series anomaly detection is an important task and has been widely applied in the industry. Since manual data annotation is expensive and inefficient, most applications adopt unsupervised anomaly detection methods, but the results are usually sub-optimal and unsatisfactory to end customers. Weak supervision is a promising paradigm for obtaining considerable labels in a low-cost way, which enables the customers to label data by writing heuristic rules rather than annotating each instance individually. However, in the time-series domain, it is hard for people to write reasonable labeling functions as the time-series data is numerically continuous and difficult to be understood. In this paper, we propose a Label-Efficient Interactive Time-Series Anomaly Detection (LEIAD) system, which enables a user to improve the results of unsupervised anomaly detection by performing only a small amount of interactions with the system. To achieve this goal, the system integrates weak supervision and active learning collaboratively while generating labeling functions automatically using only a few labeled data. All of these techniques are complementary and can promote each other in a reinforced manner. We conduct experiments on three time-series anomaly detection datasets, demonstrating that the proposed system is superior to existing solutions in both weak supervision and active learning areas. Also, the system has been tested in a real scenario in industry to show its practicality.
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As an important data selection schema, active learning emerges as the essential component when iterating an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model. It becomes even more critical given the dominance of deep neural network based models, which are composed of a large number of parameters and data hungry, in application. Despite its indispensable role for developing AI models, research on active learning is not as intensive as other research directions. In this paper, we present a review of active learning through deep active learning approaches from the following perspectives: 1) technical advancements in active learning, 2) applications of active learning in computer vision, 3) industrial systems leveraging or with potential to leverage active learning for data iteration, 4) current limitations and future research directions. We expect this paper to clarify the significance of active learning in a modern AI model manufacturing process and to bring additional research attention to active learning. By addressing data automation challenges and coping with automated machine learning systems, active learning will facilitate democratization of AI technologies by boosting model production at scale.
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我们提出了一种新的抽样策略,称为Smart Active Sapling,以在生产线之外进行质量检查。根据主动学习的原则,机器学习模型决定将哪些样品发送到质量检查。一方面,由于较早发现质量违规行为,这可以最大程度地减少废料零件的产生。另一方面,质量检查成本降低了,以进行平稳运行。
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Sepsis is a deadly condition affecting many patients in the hospital. Recent studies have shown that patients diagnosed with sepsis have significant mortality and morbidity, resulting from the body's dysfunctional host response to infection. Clinicians often rely on the use of Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA), Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS), and the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) to identify early signs of clinical deterioration requiring further work-up and treatment. However, many of these tools are manually computed and were not designed for automated computation. There have been different methods used for developing sepsis onset models, but many of these models must be trained on a sufficient number of patient observations in order to form accurate sepsis predictions. Additionally, the accurate annotation of patients with sepsis is a major ongoing challenge. In this paper, we propose the use of Active Learning Recurrent Neural Networks (ALRts) for short temporal horizons to improve the prediction of irregularly sampled temporal events such as sepsis. We show that an active learning RNN model trained on limited data can form robust sepsis predictions comparable to models using the entire training dataset.
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The generalisation performance of a convolutional neural networks (CNN) is majorly predisposed by the quantity, quality, and diversity of the training images. All the training data needs to be annotated in-hand before, in many real-world applications data is easy to acquire but expensive and time-consuming to label. The goal of the Active learning for the task is to draw most informative samples from the unlabeled pool which can used for training after annotation. With total different objective, self-supervised learning which have been gaining meteoric popularity by closing the gap in performance with supervised methods on large computer vision benchmarks. self-supervised learning (SSL) these days have shown to produce low-level representations that are invariant to distortions of the input sample and can encode invariance to artificially created distortions, e.g. rotation, solarization, cropping etc. self-supervised learning (SSL) approaches rely on simpler and more scalable frameworks for learning. In this paper, we unify these two families of approaches from the angle of active learning using self-supervised learning mainfold and propose Deep Active Learning using BarlowTwins(DALBT), an active learning method for all the datasets using combination of classifier trained along with self-supervised loss framework of Barlow Twins to a setting where the model can encode the invariance of artificially created distortions, e.g. rotation, solarization, cropping etc.
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在汽车行业中,标记数据的匮乏是典型的挑战。注释的时间序列测量需要固体域知识和深入的探索性数据分析,这意味着高标签工作。传统的主动学习(AL)通过根据估计的分类概率积极查询最有用的实例来解决此问题,并在迭代中重新审视该模型。但是,学习效率强烈依赖于初始模型,从而导致初始数据集和查询编号的大小之间的权衡。本文提出了一个新颖的几杆学习(FSL)基于AL框架,该框架通过将原型网络(Protonet)纳入AL迭代来解决权衡问题。一方面,结果表明了对初始模型的鲁棒性,另一方面,通过在每种迭代中的支持设置的主动选择方面的学习效率。该框架已在UCI HAR/HAPT数据集​​和现实世界制动操纵数据集上进行了验证。学习绩效在两个数据集上都显着超过了传统的AL算法,分别以10%和5%的标签工作实现了90%的分类精度。
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Concept drift describes unforeseeable changes in the underlying distribution of streaming data over time. Concept drift research involves the development of methodologies and techniques for drift detection, understanding and adaptation. Data analysis has revealed that machine learning in a concept drift environment will result in poor learning results if the drift is not addressed. To help researchers identify which research topics are significant and how to apply related techniques in data analysis tasks, it is necessary that a high quality, instructive review of current research developments and trends in the concept drift field is conducted. In addition, due to the rapid development of concept drift in recent years, the methodologies of learning under concept drift have become noticeably systematic, unveiling a framework which has not been mentioned in literature. This paper reviews over 130 high quality publications in concept drift related research areas, analyzes up-to-date developments in methodologies and techniques, and establishes a framework of learning under concept drift including three main components: concept drift detection, concept drift understanding, and concept drift adaptation. This paper lists and discusses 10 popular synthetic datasets and 14 publicly available benchmark datasets used for evaluating the performance of learning algorithms aiming at handling concept drift. Also, concept drift related research directions are covered and discussed. By providing state-of-the-art knowledge, this survey will directly support researchers in their understanding of research developments in the field of learning under concept drift.
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主动学习(al)试图通过标记最少的样本来最大限度地提高模型的性能增益。深度学习(DL)是贪婪的数据,需要大量的数据电源来优化大量参数,因此模型了解如何提取高质量功能。近年来,由于互联网技术的快速发展,我们处于信息种类的时代,我们有大量的数据。通过这种方式,DL引起了研究人员的强烈兴趣,并已迅速发展。与DL相比,研究人员对Al的兴趣相对较低。这主要是因为在DL的崛起之前,传统的机器学习需要相对较少的标记样品。因此,早期的Al很难反映其应得的价值。虽然DL在各个领域取得了突破,但大多数这一成功都是由于大量现有注释数据集的宣传。然而,收购大量高质量的注释数据集消耗了很多人力,这在某些领域不允许在需要高专业知识,特别是在语音识别,信息提取,医学图像等领域中, al逐渐受到适当的关注。自然理念是AL是否可用于降低样本注释的成本,同时保留DL的强大学习能力。因此,已经出现了深度主动学习(DAL)。虽然相关的研究非常丰富,但它缺乏对DAL的综合调查。本文要填补这一差距,我们为现有工作提供了正式的分类方法,以及全面和系统的概述。此外,我们还通过申请的角度分析并总结了DAL的发展。最后,我们讨论了DAL中的混乱和问题,为DAL提供了一些可能的发展方向。
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