Thanks to rapid progress in artificial intelligence, we have entered an era when technology and philosophy intersect in interesting ways. Sitting squarely at the centre of this intersection are large language models (LLMs). The more adept LLMs become at mimicking human language, the more vulnerable we become to anthropomorphism, to seeing the systems in which they are embedded as more human-like than they really are. This trend is amplified by the natural tendency to use philosophically loaded terms, such as "knows", "believes", and "thinks", when describing these systems. To mitigate this trend, this paper advocates the practice of repeatedly stepping back to remind ourselves of how LLMs, and the systems of which they form a part, actually work. The hope is that increased scientific precision will encourage more philosophical nuance in the discourse around artificial intelligence, both within the field and in the public sphere.
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The success of the large neural language models on many NLP tasks is exciting. However, we find that these successes sometimes lead to hype in which these models are being described as "understanding" language or capturing "meaning". In this position paper, we argue that a system trained only on form has a priori no way to learn meaning. In keeping with the ACL 2020 theme of "Taking Stock of Where We've Been and Where We're Going", we argue that a clear understanding of the distinction between form and meaning will help guide the field towards better science around natural language understanding.
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大型语言模型(LLMS)具有变革性。它们是预先训练的基础模型,可以通过微调来适应许多不同的自然语言任务,以前每个任务都需要单独的网络模型。这是接近人类语言的非凡多功能性的一步。 GPT-3和最近的LAMDA可以与人类进行对话,并在最少的启动之后与许多例子进行许多主题。但是,关于这些LLM是否了解他们在说什么或表现出智力迹象的反应。在与LLM的三次访谈中得出截然不同的结论中,这种较高的差异显示出来。发现了一种新的可能性,可以解释这种分歧。实际上,LLM中似乎是智慧的是反映面试官智力的镜子,这是一个显着的转折,可以被视为反向图灵测试。如果是这样,那么通过研究访谈,我们可能会更多地了解面试官的智力和信念,而不是LLM的智能。
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Drawing from the resources of psychoanalysis and critical media studies, in this paper we develop an analysis of Large Language Models (LLMs) as automated subjects. We argue the intentional fictional projection of subjectivity onto LLMs can yield an alternate frame through which AI behaviour, including its productions of bias and harm, can be analysed. First, we introduce language models, discuss their significance and risks, and outline our case for interpreting model design and outputs with support from psychoanalytic concepts. We trace a brief history of language models, culminating with the releases, in 2022, of systems that realise state-of-the-art natural language processing performance. We engage with one such system, OpenAI's InstructGPT, as a case study, detailing the layers of its construction and conducting exploratory and semi-structured interviews with chatbots. These interviews probe the model's moral imperatives to be helpful, truthful and harmless by design. The model acts, we argue, as the condensation of often competing social desires, articulated through the internet and harvested into training data, which must then be regulated and repressed. This foundational structure can however be redirected via prompting, so that the model comes to identify with, and transfer, its commitments to the immediate human subject before it. In turn, these automated productions of language can lead to the human subject projecting agency upon the model, effecting occasionally further forms of countertransference. We conclude that critical media methods and psychoanalytic theory together offer a productive frame for grasping the powerful new capacities of AI-driven language systems.
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There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to make their algorithms more understandable. Much of this research is focused on explicitly explaining decisions or actions to a human observer, and it should not be controversial to say that looking at how humans explain to each other can serve as a useful starting point for explanation in artificial intelligence. However, it is fair to say that most work in explainable artificial intelligence uses only the researchers' intuition of what constitutes a 'good' explanation. There exists vast and valuable bodies of research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science of how people define, generate, select, evaluate, and present explanations, which argues that people employ certain cognitive biases and social expectations towards the explanation process. This paper argues that the field of explainable artificial intelligence should build on this existing research, and reviews relevant papers from philosophy, cognitive psychology/science, and social psychology, which study these topics. It draws out some important findings, and discusses ways that these can be infused with work on explainable artificial intelligence.
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抽象推理是智能系统的关键能力。大型语言模型在抽象推理任务上实现了高度的性能,但表现出许多缺陷。但是,人类的抽象推理也是不完美的,并且取决于我们对推理问题内容的知识和信念。例如,人类对在日常情况下基于逻辑规则的逻辑规则比关于抽象属性的任意规则更可靠地理解。语言模型的培训经验类似地赋予了他们先前的期望,这些期望反映了人类的知识和信念。因此,我们假设语言模型会显示出类似人类的内容对抽象推理问题的影响。我们在三个逻辑推理任务中探讨了这一假设:自然语言推论,判断三段论的逻辑有效性和ison选择任务(Wason,1968)。我们发现,最新的大语言模型(具有7或700亿个参数; Hoffman等,2022)反映了这些任务中人类在人类中观察到的许多相同模式 - 像人类一样,模型对可信情况的理由更有效地理由不现实或抽象的。我们的发现对理解这些认知效应以及有助于语言模型表现的因素具有影响。
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Many real-world applications of language models (LMs), such as code autocomplete and writing assistance, involve human-LM interaction, but the main LM benchmarks are non-interactive, where a system produces output without human intervention. To evaluate human-LM interaction, we develop a framework, Human-AI Language-based Interaction Evaluation (H-LINE), that expands non-interactive evaluation along three dimensions, capturing (i) the interactive process, not only the final output; (ii) the first-person subjective experience, not just a third-party assessment; and (iii) notions of preference beyond quality. We then design five tasks ranging from goal-oriented to open-ended to capture different forms of interaction. On four state-of-the-art LMs (three variants of OpenAI's GPT-3 and AI21's J1-Jumbo), we find that non-interactive performance does not always result in better human-LM interaction and that first-person and third-party metrics can diverge, suggesting the importance of examining the nuances of human-LM interaction.
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问答系统被认为是流行且经常有效的信息在网络上寻求信息的手段。在这样的系统中,寻求信息者可以通过自然语言提出问题来获得对他们的查询的简短回应。交互式问题回答是一种最近提出且日益流行的解决方案,它位于问答和对话系统的交集。一方面,用户可以以普通语言提出问题,并找到对她的询问的实际回答;另一方面,如果在初始请求中有多个可能的答复,很少或歧义,则系统可以将问题交通会话延长到对话中。通过允许用户提出更多问题,交互式问题回答使用户能够与系统动态互动并获得更精确的结果。这项调查提供了有关当前文献中普遍存在的交互式提问方法的详细概述。它首先要解释提问系统的基本原理,从而定义新的符号和分类法,以将所有已确定的作品结合在统一框架内。然后,根据提出的方法,评估方法和数据集/应用程序域来介绍和检查有关交互式问题解答系统的审查已发表的工作。我们还描述了围绕社区提出的特定任务和问题的趋势,从而阐明了学者的未来利益。 GitHub页面的综合综合了本文献研究中涵盖的所有主要主题,我们的工作得到了进一步的支持。
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Winograd架构挑战 - 一套涉及代词参考消歧的双句话,似乎需要使用致辞知识 - 是由2011年的赫克托勒维克斯提出的。到2019年,基于大型预先训练的变压器的一些AI系统基于语言模型和微调这些问题,精度优于90%。在本文中,我们审查了Winograd架构挑战的历史并评估了其重要性。
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大型语言模型,例如OpenAI的法典和DeepMind的字母,可以生成代码来解决以自然语言表达的各种问题。这项技术已经在至少一项广泛使用的编程编辑器扩展程序中进行了商业化:Github Copilot。在本文中,我们探讨了具有大型语言模型(LLM辅助编程)的编程与程序员协助的先前概念化相似,并且与众不同。我们借鉴了公开可用的经验报告,有关LLM辅助编程以及先前的可用性和设计研究。我们发现,尽管LLM辅助编程通过搜索和重用分享了一些编译,配对编程和编程的属性,但技术可能性和实践经验都存在根本差异。因此,应该将LLM辅助编程视为具有自己独特的属性和挑战的新方法。最后,我们借鉴了用户研究的观察结果,在该观察中,非专家最终用户程序员使用LLM辅助工具来求解电子表格中的数据任务。我们讨论可能出现的问题,并在将大型语言模型应用于最终用户编程时,尤其是对于几乎没有编程专业知识的用户。
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Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn, and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (a) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (b) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (c) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes towards these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.
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通过清晰的局限性,超越仅限语言模式并以“世界上的世界”为基础的,从语言的机器学习模型中引发看似有意义的语言行为的最新进展仅使人们更加明显。 。这样做的建议在细节上有所不同,但是团结起来的是,在添加非语言数据类型(例如图像或视频流)时,寻求解决方案,同时在很大程度上保持学习模式不变。我提出了一个不同的,更广泛的概念,即应如何理解接地:什么是基础语言是其规范性质。有一些正确做事的标准,这些标准是公开和权威的,而同时接受权威的接受也必须有争议和谈判,在只有规范地位的承载者才能正确地参与的互动中。因此,基础语言是语言用户对它的确定使用,而基于语言用户的基础是语言用户社区。我勾勒出这个想法,并为有意义的语言使用的计算建模得出一些结论。
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Language models (LMs) are trained on collections of documents, written by individual human agents to achieve specific goals in an outside world. During training, LMs have access only to text of these documents, with no direct evidence of the internal states of the agents that produced them -- a fact often used to argue that LMs are incapable of modeling goal-directed aspects of human language production and comprehension. Can LMs trained on text learn anything at all about the relationship between language and use? I argue that LMs are models of intentional communication in a specific, narrow sense. When performing next word prediction given a textual context, an LM can infer and represent properties of an agent likely to have produced that context. These representations can in turn influence subsequent LM generation in the same way that agents' communicative intentions influence their language. I survey findings from the recent literature showing that -- even in today's non-robust and error-prone models -- LMs infer and use representations of fine-grained communicative intentions and more abstract beliefs and goals. Despite the limited nature of their training data, they can thus serve as building blocks for systems that communicate and act intentionally.
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