半eme被定义为人类语言的最低语义单元。半知识库(KBS)包含带有Sememes的单词的单词,已成功应用于许多NLP任务,我们相信,通过学习最小的含义单位,计算机可以更容易理解人类的语言。但是,现有的sememe kb仅基于手动注释,人类注释具有个人理解偏见,并且随着时间的流逝,词汇的含义将不断更新和改变,而人为的方法并不总是实用的。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种基于深群集网络(DCN)的无监督方法来构建半eme KB,您可以使用任何语言通过此方法来构建KB。我们首先学习多语言单词的分布式表示形式,使用缪斯在单个矢量空间中对齐它们,通过自我发项机制学习每个单词的多层含义,并使用DNC来群集半eme。最后,我们仅使用英语的10维半度空间完成了预测。我们发现,低维空间仍然可以保留SEMEMES的主要特征。
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非洲语言仍然滞留在自然语言处理技术的进步中,是缺乏代表性数据的一个原因,具有可以在语言之间传输信息的技术可以帮助减少缺乏数据问题。本文列车Setswana和Sepedi单语法向量,并使用Vecmap为Setsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssswana-sepedi创建交叉语言嵌入式。 Word Embeddings是字向量,其代表单词作为连续浮动数字,其中语义类似的单词映射到N维空间中的附近点。 Word Embeddings的想法是基于分布假设,即在类似上下文中分发了语义类似的单词(Harris,1954)。通过学习两个单独训练的单丝矢量的共享矢量空间来利用单晶嵌入来利用单晶的嵌入,使得具有类似含义的单词由类似的载体表示。在本文中,我们调查Setswana-Sepedi单声道单词矢量的十字旋转嵌入。我们使用Vecmap中的无监督十字形嵌入式培训Setswana-Sepedi跨语言嵌入式。我们使用语义评估任务评估Setswana-Sepedi交叉词表示的质量。对于语义相似性任务,我们将单词和Simlex任务翻译成SetSwana和Sepedi。我们将此数据集发布为其他研究人员的这项工作的一部分。我们评估嵌入式的内在质量,以确定是否有改进单词嵌入的语义表示。
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建筑聊天禁令的最大挑战是培训数据。所需的数据必须逼真,足以训练聊天禁止。我们创建一个工具,用于从Facebook页面的Facebook Messenger获取实际培训数据。在文本预处理步骤之后,新获得的数据集生成FVNC和示例数据集。我们使用返回越南(Phobert)的伯特来提取文本数据的功能。 K-means和DBSCAN聚类算法用于基于Phobert $ _ {Base} $的输出嵌入式群集任务。我们应用V测量分数和轮廓分数来评估聚类算法的性能。我们还展示了Phobert的效率与样本数据集和Wiki DataSet上的特征提取中的其他模型相比。还提出了一种结合聚类评估的GridSearch算法来找到最佳参数。由于群集如此多的对话,我们节省了大量的时间和精力来构建培训Chatbot的数据和故事情节。
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State-of-the-art natural language processing systems rely on supervision in the form of annotated data to learn competent models. These models are generally trained on data in a single language (usually English), and cannot be directly used beyond that language. Since collecting data in every language is not realistic, there has been a growing interest in crosslingual language understanding (XLU) and low-resource cross-language transfer. In this work, we construct an evaluation set for XLU by extending the development and test sets of the Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference Corpus (MultiNLI) to 15 languages, including low-resource languages such as Swahili and Urdu. We hope that our dataset, dubbed XNLI, will catalyze research in cross-lingual sentence understanding by providing an informative standard evaluation task. In addition, we provide several baselines for multilingual sentence understanding, including two based on machine translation systems, and two that use parallel data to train aligned multilingual bag-of-words and LSTM encoders. We find that XNLI represents a practical and challenging evaluation suite, and that directly translating the test data yields the best performance among available baselines.
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编码单词语义属性的密集词向量或“Word Embeddings”现在已成为机器翻译(MT),问题应答(QA),字感消解(WSD)和信息检索(IR)中的NLP任务的积分。在本文中,我们使用各种现有方法为14个印度语言创建多个单词嵌入。我们将这些嵌入的嵌入式为所有这些语言,萨姆萨姆,孟加拉,古吉拉蒂,印地教派,kannada,konkani,malayalam,marathi,尼泊尔,odiya,punjabi,梵语,泰米尔和泰雅古士在一个单一的存储库中。相对较新的方法,强调迎合上下文(BERT,ELMO等),表明了显着的改进,但需要大量资源来产生可用模型。我们释放使用上下文和非上下文方法生成的预训练嵌入。我们还使用Muse和XLM来培训所有上述语言的交叉语言嵌入。为了展示我们嵌入的效果,我们为所有这些语言评估了我们对XPOS,UPOS和NER任务的嵌入模型。我们使用8种不同的方法释放了436个型号。我们希望他们对资源受限的印度语言NLP有用。本文的标题是指最初在1924年出版的福斯特的着名小说“一段是印度”。
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Multilingual pretrained models are effective for machine translation and cross-lingual processing because they contain multiple languages in one model. However, they are pretrained after their tokenizers are fixed; therefore it is difficult to change the vocabulary after pretraining. When we extend the pretrained models to new languages, we must modify the tokenizers simultaneously. In this paper, we add new subwords to the SentencePiece tokenizer to apply a multilingual pretrained model to new languages (Inuktitut in this paper). In our experiments, we segmented Inuktitut sentences into subwords without changing the segmentation of already pretrained languages, and applied the mBART-50 pretrained model to English-Inuktitut translation.
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Pre-trained language models are trained on large-scale unsupervised data, and they can be fine-tuned on small-scale labeled datasets and achieve good results. Multilingual pre-trained language models can be trained on multiple languages and understand multiple languages at the same time. At present, the research on pre-trained models mainly focuses on rich-resource language, while there is relatively little research on low-resource languages such as minority languages, and the public multilingual pre-trained language model can not work well for minority languages. Therefore, this paper constructs a multilingual pre-trained language model named MiLMo that performs better on minority language tasks, including Mongolian, Tibetan, Uyghur, Kazakh and Korean. To solve the problem of scarcity of datasets on minority languages and verify the effectiveness of the MiLMo model, this paper constructs a minority multilingual text classification dataset named MiTC, and trains a word2vec model for each language. By comparing the word2vec model and the pre-trained model in the text classification task, this paper provides an optimal scheme for the downstream task research of minority languages. The final experimental results show that the performance of the pre-trained model is better than that of the word2vec model, and it has achieved the best results in minority multilingual text classification. The multilingual pre-trained language model MiLMo, multilingual word2vec model and multilingual text classification dataset MiTC are published on https://milmo.cmli-nlp.com.
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Text clustering and topic extraction are two important tasks in text mining. Usually, these two tasks are performed separately. For topic extraction to facilitate clustering, we can first project texts into a topic space and then perform a clustering algorithm to obtain clusters. To promote topic extraction by clustering, we can first obtain clusters with a clustering algorithm and then extract cluster-specific topics. However, this naive strategy ignores the fact that text clustering and topic extraction are strongly correlated and follow a chicken-and-egg relationship. Performing them separately fails to make them mutually benefit each other to achieve the best overall performance. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised text clustering and topic extraction framework (ClusTop) which integrates text clustering and topic extraction into a unified framework and can achieve high-quality clustering result and extract topics from each cluster simultaneously. Our framework includes four components: enhanced language model training, dimensionality reduction, clustering and topic extraction, where the enhanced language model can be viewed as a bridge between clustering and topic extraction. On one hand, it provides text embeddings with a strong cluster structure which facilitates effective text clustering; on the other hand, it pays high attention on the topic related words for topic extraction because of its self-attention architecture. Moreover, the training of enhanced language model is unsupervised. Experiments on two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework and provide benchmarks for different model combinations in this framework.
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Universal cross-lingual sentence embeddings map semantically similar cross-lingual sentences into a shared embedding space. Aligning cross-lingual sentence embeddings usually requires supervised cross-lingual parallel sentences. In this work, we propose mSimCSE, which extends SimCSE to multilingual settings and reveal that contrastive learning on English data can surprisingly learn high-quality universal cross-lingual sentence embeddings without any parallel data. In unsupervised and weakly supervised settings, mSimCSE significantly improves previous sentence embedding methods on cross-lingual retrieval and multilingual STS tasks. The performance of unsupervised mSimCSE is comparable to fully supervised methods in retrieving low-resource languages and multilingual STS. The performance can be further enhanced when cross-lingual NLI data is available. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/yaushian/mSimCSE.
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跨语言嵌入可以应用于多种语言的几种自然语言处理应用程序。与先前使用基于欧几里得空间嵌入单词嵌入的作品不同,这篇简短的论文提出了一种简单有效的跨语言2VEC模型,该模型适应了PoinCar \'E Ball of双曲空间的球模型,从 - 英语平行语料库。已经表明,双曲线嵌入可以捕获和保留分层关系。我们在高呼气和类比任务上评估了模型。所提出的模型在跨语言类比任务上与香草word2Vec模型实现了可比的性能,超呼气任务表明,跨语义的poincar \'e Word2vec模型可以从跨语言中捕获潜在的层次结构,而这些文本跨越跨语言,这些结构是从跨语言中捕获的基于欧几里得的Word2Vec表示。我们的结果表明,通过保留潜在的分层信息,双曲线空间可以为跨语性嵌入提供更好的表示。
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在线健康社区(OHC)是外行共享健康信息的主要渠道。为了分析OHC的健康消费者生成的内容(HCGC),确定外行使用的口语医学表达是一个至关重要的挑战。开放式和协作的消费者健康词汇(OAC CHV)是应对这种挑战的受控词汇。但是,OAC CHV仅以英语提供,将适用性限制在其他语言上。这项研究旨在提出一个跨语言自动识别框架,以将英语OAC CHV扩展为跨语言。我们的框架需要英语HCGC语料库和非英语(即本研究中的中文)HCGC语料库作为输入。使用Skip-gram算法确定两个单语词向量空间,以便每个空间在语言中编码来自外行的通用单词关联。基于等距假设,该框架将两个单语言空间归结为双语单词矢量空间,在该空间中,我们采用余弦相似性作为指标来识别跨语言的语义相似单词。在实验中,我们的框架表明,它可以有效地检索类似的医学术语,包括口语,跨语言,并进一步促进跨语言CHV的汇编。
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