We develop and study new adversarial perturbations that enable an attacker to gain control over decisions in generic Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems including deep learning neural networks. In contrast to adversarial data modification, the attack mechanism we consider here involves alterations to the AI system itself. Such a stealth attack could be conducted by a mischievous, corrupt or disgruntled member of a software development team. It could also be made by those wishing to exploit a ``democratization of AI'' agenda, where network architectures and trained parameter sets are shared publicly. We develop a range of new implementable attack strategies with accompanying analysis, showing that with high probability a stealth attack can be made transparent, in the sense that system performance is unchanged on a fixed validation set which is unknown to the attacker, while evoking any desired output on a trigger input of interest. The attacker only needs to have estimates of the size of the validation set and the spread of the AI's relevant latent space. In the case of deep learning neural networks, we show that a one neuron attack is possible - a modification to the weights and bias associated with a single neuron - revealing a vulnerability arising from over-parameterization. We illustrate these concepts using state of the art architectures on two standard image data sets. Guided by the theory and computational results, we also propose strategies to guard against stealth attacks.
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Deep learning takes advantage of large datasets and computationally efficient training algorithms to outperform other approaches at various machine learning tasks. However, imperfections in the training phase of deep neural networks make them vulnerable to adversarial samples: inputs crafted by adversaries with the intent of causing deep neural networks to misclassify. In this work, we formalize the space of adversaries against deep neural networks (DNNs) and introduce a novel class of algorithms to craft adversarial samples based on a precise understanding of the mapping between inputs and outputs of DNNs. In an application to computer vision, we show that our algorithms can reliably produce samples correctly classified by human subjects but misclassified in specific targets by a DNN with a 97% adversarial success rate while only modifying on average 4.02% of the input features per sample. We then evaluate the vulnerability of different sample classes to adversarial perturbations by defining a hardness measure. Finally, we describe preliminary work outlining defenses against adversarial samples by defining a predictive measure of distance between a benign input and a target classification.
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Deep learning algorithms have been shown to perform extremely well on many classical machine learning problems. However, recent studies have shown that deep learning, like other machine learning techniques, is vulnerable to adversarial samples: inputs crafted to force a deep neural network (DNN) to provide adversary-selected outputs. Such attacks can seriously undermine the security of the system supported by the DNN, sometimes with devastating consequences. For example, autonomous vehicles can be crashed, illicit or illegal content can bypass content filters, or biometric authentication systems can be manipulated to allow improper access. In this work, we introduce a defensive mechanism called defensive distillation to reduce the effectiveness of adversarial samples on DNNs. We analytically investigate the generalizability and robustness properties granted by the use of defensive distillation when training DNNs. We also empirically study the effectiveness of our defense mechanisms on two DNNs placed in adversarial settings. The study shows that defensive distillation can reduce effectiveness of sample creation from 95% to less than 0.5% on a studied DNN. Such dramatic gains can be explained by the fact that distillation leads gradients used in adversarial sample creation to be reduced by a factor of 10 30 . We also find that distillation increases the average minimum number of features that need to be modified to create adversarial samples by about 800% on one of the DNNs we tested.
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由于机器学习(ML)系统变得普遍存在,因此保护其安全性至关重要。然而,最近已经证明,动机的对手能够通过使用语义转换扰乱测试数据来误导ML系统。虽然存在丰富的研究机构,但为ML模型提供了可提供的稳健性保证,以防止$ \ ell_p $ norm界限对抗对抗扰动,抵御语义扰动的保证仍然很广泛。在本文中,我们提供了TSS - 一种统一的框架,用于针对一般对抗性语义转换的鲁棒性认证。首先,根据每个转换的性质,我们将常见的变换划分为两类,即可解决的(例如,高斯模糊)和差异可解的(例如,旋转)变换。对于前者,我们提出了特定于转型的随机平滑策略并获得强大的稳健性认证。后者类别涵盖涉及插值错误的变换,我们提出了一种基于分层采样的新方法,以证明稳健性。我们的框架TSS利用这些认证策略并结合了一致性增强的培训,以提供严谨的鲁棒性认证。我们对十种挑战性语义转化进行了广泛的实验,并表明TSS显着优于现有技术。此外,据我们所知,TSS是第一种在大规模想象数据集上实现非竞争认证稳健性的方法。例如,我们的框架在ImageNet上实现了旋转攻击的30.4%认证的稳健准确性(在$ \ PM 30 ^ \ CIC $)。此外,要考虑更广泛的转换,我们展示了TSS对自适应攻击和不可预见的图像损坏,例如CIFAR-10-C和Imagenet-C。
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在本文中,我们启动了对分类中低维对逆动力(LDAP)现象的严格研究。与经典设置不同,这些扰动仅限于尺寸$ k $的子空间,该子空间比功能空间的尺寸$ d $小得多。 $ k = 1 $的情况对应于所谓的通用对抗扰动(UAPS; Moosavi-Dezfooli等,2017)。首先,我们考虑在通用规律条件(包括RELU网络)下的二进制分类器,并根据任何子空间的愚蠢率计算分析下限。这些界限明确强调了愚蠢率对模型的点缘的依赖性(即,在测试点的输出与其梯度的$ L_2 $ norm的比率),以及给定子空间与该梯度的对齐模型W.R.T.的梯度输入。我们的结果为启发式方法的最新成功提供了有效产生低维对对抗性扰动的严格解释。最后,我们表明,如果决策区域紧凑,那么它将接受通用的对抗性扰动,其$ l_2 $ norm,比典型的$ \ sqrt {d} $倍乘以数据点的典型$ l_2 $ norm。我们的理论结果通过对合成和真实数据的实验证实。
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Deep Generative Models (DGMs) are a popular class of deep learning models which find widespread use because of their ability to synthesize data from complex, high-dimensional manifolds. However, even with their increasing industrial adoption, they haven't been subject to rigorous security and privacy analysis. In this work we examine one such aspect, namely backdoor attacks on DGMs which can significantly limit the applicability of pre-trained models within a model supply chain and at the very least cause massive reputation damage for companies outsourcing DGMs form third parties. While similar attacks scenarios have been studied in the context of classical prediction models, their manifestation in DGMs hasn't received the same attention. To this end we propose novel training-time attacks which result in corrupted DGMs that synthesize regular data under normal operations and designated target outputs for inputs sampled from a trigger distribution. These attacks are based on an adversarial loss function that combines the dual objectives of attack stealth and fidelity. We systematically analyze these attacks, and show their effectiveness for a variety of approaches like Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), as well as different data domains including images and audio. Our experiments show that - even for large-scale industry-grade DGMs (like StyleGAN) - our attacks can be mounted with only modest computational effort. We also motivate suitable defenses based on static/dynamic model and output inspections, demonstrate their usefulness, and prescribe a practical and comprehensive defense strategy that paves the way for safe usage of DGMs.
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We consider the problem of data classification where the training set consists of just a few data points. We explore this phenomenon mathematically and reveal key relationships between the geometry of an AI model's feature space, the structure of the underlying data distributions, and the model's generalisation capabilities. The main thrust of our analysis is to reveal the influence on the model's generalisation capabilities of nonlinear feature transformations mapping the original data into high, and possibly infinite, dimensional spaces.
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尽管使用对抗性训练捍卫深度学习模型免受对抗性扰动的经验成功,但到目前为止,仍然不清楚对抗性扰动的存在背后的原则是什么,而对抗性培训对神经网络进行了什么来消除它们。在本文中,我们提出了一个称为特征纯化的原则,在其中,我们表明存在对抗性示例的原因之一是在神经网络的训练过程中,在隐藏的重量中积累了某些小型密集混合物;更重要的是,对抗训练的目标之一是去除此类混合物以净化隐藏的重量。我们介绍了CIFAR-10数据集上的两个实验,以说明这一原理,并且一个理论上的结果证明,对于某些自然分类任务,使用随机初始初始化的梯度下降训练具有RELU激活的两层神经网络确实满足了这一原理。从技术上讲,我们给出了我们最大程度的了解,第一个结果证明,以下两个可以同时保持使用RELU激活的神经网络。 (1)对原始数据的训练确实对某些半径的小对抗扰动确实不舒适。 (2)即使使用经验性扰动算法(例如FGM),实际上也可以证明对对抗相同半径的任何扰动也可以证明具有强大的良好性。最后,我们还证明了复杂性的下限,表明该网络的低复杂性模型,例如线性分类器,低度多项式或什至是神经切线核,无论使用哪种算法,都无法防御相同半径的扰动训练他们。
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Adaptive attacks have (rightfully) become the de facto standard for evaluating defenses to adversarial examples. We find, however, that typical adaptive evaluations are incomplete. We demonstrate that thirteen defenses recently published at ICLR, ICML and NeurIPS-and which illustrate a diverse set of defense strategies-can be circumvented despite attempting to perform evaluations using adaptive attacks. While prior evaluation papers focused mainly on the end result-showing that a defense was ineffective-this paper focuses on laying out the methodology and the approach necessary to perform an adaptive attack. Some of our attack strategies are generalizable, but no single strategy would have been sufficient for all defenses. This underlines our key message that adaptive attacks cannot be automated and always require careful and appropriate tuning to a given defense. We hope that these analyses will serve as guidance on how to properly perform adaptive attacks against defenses to adversarial examples, and thus will allow the community to make further progress in building more robust models.
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即使机器学习算法已经在数据科学中发挥了重要作用,但许多当前方法对输入数据提出了不现实的假设。由于不兼容的数据格式,或数据集中的异质,分层或完全缺少的数据片段,因此很难应用此类方法。作为解决方案,我们提出了一个用于样本表示,模型定义和培训的多功能,统一的框架,称为“ Hmill”。我们深入审查框架构建和扩展的机器学习的多个范围范式。从理论上讲,为HMILL的关键组件的设计合理,我们将通用近似定理的扩展显示到框架中实现的模型所实现的所有功能的集合。本文还包含有关我们实施中技术和绩效改进的详细讨论,该讨论将在MIT许可下发布供下载。该框架的主要资产是其灵活性,它可以通过相同的工具对不同的现实世界数据源进行建模。除了单独观察到每个对象的一组属性的标准设置外,我们解释了如何在框架中实现表示整个对象系统的图表中的消息推断。为了支持我们的主张,我们使用框架解决了网络安全域的三个不同问题。第一种用例涉及来自原始网络观察结果的IoT设备识别。在第二个问题中,我们研究了如何使用以有向图表示的操作系统的快照可以对恶意二进制文件进行分类。最后提供的示例是通过网络中实体之间建模域黑名单扩展的任务。在所有三个问题中,基于建议的框架的解决方案可实现与专业方法相当的性能。
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本文通过引入几何深度学习(GDL)框架来构建通用馈电型型模型与可区分的流形几何形状兼容的通用馈电型模型,从而解决了对非欧国人数据进行处理的需求。我们表明,我们的GDL模型可以在受控最大直径的紧凑型组上均匀地近似任何连续目标函数。我们在近似GDL模型的深度上获得了最大直径和上限的曲率依赖性下限。相反,我们发现任何两个非分类紧凑型歧管之间始终都有连续的函数,任何“局部定义”的GDL模型都不能均匀地近似。我们的最后一个主要结果确定了数据依赖性条件,确保实施我们近似的GDL模型破坏了“维度的诅咒”。我们发现,任何“现实世界”(即有限)数据集始终满足我们的状况,相反,如果目标函数平滑,则任何数据集都满足我们的要求。作为应用,我们确认了以下GDL模型的通用近似功能:Ganea等。 (2018)的双波利馈电网络,实施Krishnan等人的体系结构。 (2015年)的深卡尔曼 - 滤波器和深度玛克斯分类器。我们构建了:Meyer等人的SPD-Matrix回归剂的通用扩展/变体。 (2011)和Fletcher(2003)的Procrustean回归剂。在欧几里得的环境中,我们的结果暗示了Kidger和Lyons(2020)的近似定理和Yarotsky和Zhevnerchuk(2019)无估计近似率的数据依赖性版本的定量版本。
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Adversarial examples that fool machine learning models, particularly deep neural networks, have been a topic of intense research interest, with attacks and defenses being developed in a tight back-and-forth. Most past defenses are best effort and have been shown to be vulnerable to sophisticated attacks. Recently a set of certified defenses have been introduced, which provide guarantees of robustness to normbounded attacks. However these defenses either do not scale to large datasets or are limited in the types of models they can support. This paper presents the first certified defense that both scales to large networks and datasets (such as Google's Inception network for ImageNet) and applies broadly to arbitrary model types. Our defense, called PixelDP, is based on a novel connection between robustness against adversarial examples and differential privacy, a cryptographically-inspired privacy formalism, that provides a rigorous, generic, and flexible foundation for defense.
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Post-hoc explanation methods are used with the intent of providing insights about neural networks and are sometimes said to help engender trust in their outputs. However, popular explanations methods have been found to be fragile to minor perturbations of input features or model parameters. Relying on constraint relaxation techniques from non-convex optimization, we develop a method that upper-bounds the largest change an adversary can make to a gradient-based explanation via bounded manipulation of either the input features or model parameters. By propagating a compact input or parameter set as symbolic intervals through the forwards and backwards computations of the neural network we can formally certify the robustness of gradient-based explanations. Our bounds are differentiable, hence we can incorporate provable explanation robustness into neural network training. Empirically, our method surpasses the robustness provided by previous heuristic approaches. We find that our training method is the only method able to learn neural networks with certificates of explanation robustness across all six datasets tested.
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