从其三阶统计或BISPectrum的傅立叶变换中检索信号的检索出现在各种信号处理问题中。常规方法不提供双谱的独特反演。在本文中,我们介绍了一种方法,该方法从其BISPectrum函数(BF)的至少3B $测量值,唯一地恢复具有有限频谱支持(带限量信号)的信号,其中$ B $是信号的带宽。我们的方法也延伸到有限的信号。我们提出了一种两步信任区域算法,可最大限度地减少非凸面目标函数。首先,我们通过光谱算法近似信号。然后,我们基于一系列渐变迭代序列来优化实现的初始化。数值实验表明,我们的所提出的算法能够为完整和未采样的观察估计来自其BF的带/时间有限的信号。
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Erroneous correspondences between samples and their respective channel or target commonly arise in several real-world applications. For instance, whole-brain calcium imaging of freely moving organisms, multiple target tracking or multi-person contactless vital sign monitoring may be severely affected by mismatched sample-channel assignments. To systematically address this fundamental problem, we pose it as a signal reconstruction problem where we have lost correspondences between the samples and their respective channels. We show that under the assumption that the signals of interest admit a sparse representation over an overcomplete dictionary, unique signal recovery is possible. Our derivations reveal that the problem is equivalent to a structured unlabeled sensing problem without precise knowledge of the sensing matrix. Unfortunately, existing methods are neither robust to errors in the regressors nor do they exploit the structure of the problem. Therefore, we propose a novel robust two-step approach for the reconstruction of shuffled sparse signals. The performance and robustness of the proposed approach is illustrated in an application of whole-brain calcium imaging in computational neuroscience. The proposed framework can be generalized to sparse signal representations other than the ones considered in this work to be applied in a variety of real-world problems with imprecise measurement or channel assignment.
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This paper considers the model problem of reconstructing an object from incomplete frequency samples. Consider a discrete-time signal f ∈ C N and a randomly chosen set of frequencies Ω of mean size τ N . Is it possible to reconstruct f from the partial knowledge of its Fourier coefficients on the set Ω?A typical result of this paper is as follows: for each M > 0, suppose that f obeysthen with probability at least 1 − O(N −M ), f can be reconstructed exactly as the solution to the ℓ 1 minimization problem min g N −1 t=0 |g(t)|, s.t. ĝ(ω) = f (ω) for all ω ∈ Ω.In short, exact recovery may be obtained by solving a convex optimization problem.We give numerical values for α which depends on the desired probability of success; except for the logarithmic factor, the condition on the size of the support is sharp.The methodology extends to a variety of other setups and higher dimensions. For example, we show how one can reconstruct a piecewise constant (one or two-dimensional) object from incomplete frequency samples-provided that the number of jumps (discontinuities) obeys the condition above-by minimizing other convex functionals such as the total-variation of f .
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We consider the nonlinear inverse problem of learning a transition operator $\mathbf{A}$ from partial observations at different times, in particular from sparse observations of entries of its powers $\mathbf{A},\mathbf{A}^2,\cdots,\mathbf{A}^{T}$. This Spatio-Temporal Transition Operator Recovery problem is motivated by the recent interest in learning time-varying graph signals that are driven by graph operators depending on the underlying graph topology. We address the nonlinearity of the problem by embedding it into a higher-dimensional space of suitable block-Hankel matrices, where it becomes a low-rank matrix completion problem, even if $\mathbf{A}$ is of full rank. For both a uniform and an adaptive random space-time sampling model, we quantify the recoverability of the transition operator via suitable measures of incoherence of these block-Hankel embedding matrices. For graph transition operators these measures of incoherence depend on the interplay between the dynamics and the graph topology. We develop a suitable non-convex iterative reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm, establish its quadratic local convergence, and show that, in optimal scenarios, no more than $\mathcal{O}(rn \log(nT))$ space-time samples are sufficient to ensure accurate recovery of a rank-$r$ operator $\mathbf{A}$ of size $n \times n$. This establishes that spatial samples can be substituted by a comparable number of space-time samples. We provide an efficient implementation of the proposed IRLS algorithm with space complexity of order $O(r n T)$ and per-iteration time complexity linear in $n$. Numerical experiments for transition operators based on several graph models confirm that the theoretical findings accurately track empirical phase transitions, and illustrate the applicability and scalability of the proposed algorithm.
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未知视图断层扫描(UVT)从其2D投影以未知的随机取向重建了3D密度图。从Kam(Kam(1980))开始的工作线采用了具有旋转不变的傅立叶特征的矩(MOM)方法,可以在频域中求解UVT,假设方向是均匀分布的。这项工作系列包括基于矩阵分解的最新正交矩阵检索(OMR)方法,虽然优雅地需要有关无法可用的密度的侧面信息,或者无法充分强大。为了使OMR摆脱这些限制,我们建议通过要求它们相互一致来共同恢复密度图和正交矩阵。我们通过deno的参考投影和非负约束来使所得的非凸优化问题正常。这是通过空间自相关功能的新闭合表达式启用的。此外,我们设计了一个易于计算的初始密度图,可有效地降低重建问题的非凸性。实验结果表明,在典型的3D UVT的典型低SNR场景中,具有空间共识的拟议的OMR比以前最新的OMR方法更好。
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随机奇异值分解(RSVD)是用于计算大型数据矩阵截断的SVD的一类计算算法。给定A $ n \ times n $对称矩阵$ \ mathbf {m} $,原型RSVD算法输出通过计算$ \ mathbf {m mathbf {m} $的$ k $引导singular vectors的近似m}^{g} \ mathbf {g} $;这里$ g \ geq 1 $是一个整数,$ \ mathbf {g} \ in \ mathbb {r}^{n \ times k} $是一个随机的高斯素描矩阵。在本文中,我们研究了一般的“信号加上噪声”框架下的RSVD的统计特性,即,观察到的矩阵$ \ hat {\ mathbf {m}} $被认为是某种真实但未知的加法扰动信号矩阵$ \ mathbf {m} $。我们首先得出$ \ ell_2 $(频谱规范)和$ \ ell_ {2 \ to \ infty} $(最大行行列$ \ ell_2 $ norm)$ \ hat {\ hat {\ Mathbf {M}} $和信号矩阵$ \ Mathbf {M} $的真实单数向量。这些上限取决于信噪比(SNR)和功率迭代$ g $的数量。观察到一个相变现象,其中较小的SNR需要较大的$ g $值以保证$ \ ell_2 $和$ \ ell_ {2 \ to \ fo \ infty} $ distances的收敛。我们还表明,每当噪声矩阵满足一定的痕量生长条件时,这些相变发生的$ g $的阈值都会很清晰。最后,我们得出了近似奇异向量的行波和近似矩阵的进入波动的正常近似。我们通过将RSVD的几乎最佳性能保证在应用于三个统计推断问题的情况下,即社区检测,矩阵完成和主要的组件分析,并使用缺失的数据来说明我们的理论结果。
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This paper proposes a novel kernel-based optimization scheme to handle tasks in the analysis, e.g., signal spectral estimation and single-channel source separation of 1D non-stationary oscillatory data. The key insight of our optimization scheme for reconstructing the time-frequency information is that when a nonparametric regression is applied on some input values, the output regressed points would lie near the oscillatory pattern of the oscillatory 1D signal only if these input values are a good approximation of the ground-truth phase function. In this work, Gaussian Process (GP) is chosen to conduct this nonparametric regression: the oscillatory pattern is encoded as the Pattern-inducing Points (PiPs) which act as the training data points in the GP regression; while the targeted phase function is fed in to compute the correlation kernels, acting as the testing input. Better approximated phase function generates more precise kernels, thus resulting in smaller optimization loss error when comparing the kernel-based regression output with the original signals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithm that can satisfactorily handle fully non-stationary oscillatory data, close and crossover frequencies, and general oscillatory patterns. Even in the example of a signal {produced by slow variation in the parameters of a trigonometric expansion}, we show that PiPs admits competitive or better performance in terms of accuracy and robustness than existing state-of-the-art algorithms.
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This paper is about a curious phenomenon. Suppose we have a data matrix, which is the superposition of a low-rank component and a sparse component. Can we recover each component individually? We prove that under some suitable assumptions, it is possible to recover both the low-rank and the sparse components exactly by solving a very convenient convex program called Principal Component Pursuit; among all feasible decompositions, simply minimize a weighted combination of the nuclear norm and of the 1 norm. This suggests the possibility of a principled approach to robust principal component analysis since our methodology and results assert that one can recover the principal components of a data matrix even though a positive fraction of its entries are arbitrarily corrupted. This extends to the situation where a fraction of the entries are missing as well. We discuss an algorithm for solving this optimization problem, and present applications in the area of video surveillance, where our methodology allows for the detection of objects in a cluttered background, and in the area of face recognition, where it offers a principled way of removing shadows and specularities in images of faces.
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在这项工作中,我们将轨道恢复问题超过$ SO(3)$,其中目标是从嘈杂的测量到它的随机旋转副本中的球体上恢复带有限制功能。这是通过冷冻电子断层扫描恢复分子的三维结构的问题的自然抽象。对称发挥重要作用:恢复旋转函数相当于求解来自与组动作相关的不变环的多项式方程系统。先前的工作通过计算代数工具调查了该系统,该工具高达一定尺寸。然而,许多统计和算法问题仍然存在:恢复有多少次,或者等效在何种程度下,不变多项式会产生全不变环?是否有可能算法解决该多项式方程系统?从平滑分析的角度来看,我们重新审视这些问题,从而基于球面谐波扰乱了该功能的系数。我们的主要结果是轨道恢复的准多项式时间算法超过$ SO(3)$在此模型中。我们通过建立一个{\ EM线性}方程来利用多项式方程系统的分层结构来分析一个被称为频率行进的频率谱系,以便为已经找到了较低阶频率来解决高阶频率的{\ EM线性}方程的系统。主要问题是:这些系统有一个独特的解决方案吗?错误的错误有多快?我们的主要技术贡献是在限制这些代数结构线性系统的条件数。因此,平滑分析提供了一个引人注目的模型,我们可以扩展我们可以在轨道恢复中处理的组动作类型,超出有限和/或雅典的情况。
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新磁共振(MR)成像方式可以量化血流动力学,但需要长时间的采集时间,妨碍其广泛用于早期诊断心血管疾病。为了减少采集​​时间,常规使用来自未采样测量的重建方法,使得利用旨在提高图像可压缩性的表示。重建的解剖和血液动力学图像可能存在视觉伪影。尽管这些工件中的一些基本上是重建错误,因此欠采样的后果,其他人可能是由于测量噪声或采样频率的随机选择。另有说明,重建的图像变为随机变量,并且其偏差和其协方差都可以导致视觉伪影;后者会导致可能误解的空间相关性以用于视觉信息。虽然前者的性质已经在文献中已经研究过,但后者尚未得到关注。在这项研究中,我们研究了从重建过程产生的随机扰动的理论特性,并对模拟和主动脉瘤进行了许多数值实验。我们的结果表明,当基于$ \ ell_1 $ -norm最小化的高斯欠采样模式与恢复算法组合时,相关长度保持限制为2到三个像素。然而,对于其他欠采样模式,相关长度可以显着增加,较高的欠采样因子(即8倍或16倍压缩)和不同的重建方法。
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我们调查与高斯的混合的数据分享共同但未知,潜在虐待协方差矩阵的数据。我们首先考虑具有两个等级大小的组件的高斯混合,并根据最大似然估计导出最大切割整数程序。当样品的数量在维度下线性增长时,我们证明其解决方案实现了最佳的错误分类率,直到对数因子。但是,解决最大切割问题似乎是在计算上棘手的。为了克服这一点,我们开发了一种高效的频谱算法,该算法达到最佳速率,但需要一种二次样本量。虽然这种样本复杂性比最大切割问题更差,但我们猜测没有多项式方法可以更好地执行。此外,我们收集了支持统计计算差距存在的数值和理论证据。最后,我们将MAX-CUT程序概括为$ k $ -means程序,该程序处理多组分混合物的可能性不平等。它享有相似的最优性保证,用于满足运输成本不平等的分布式的混合物,包括高斯和强烈的对数的分布。
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具有转换学习的非负矩阵分解(TL-NMF)是最近的一个想法,其旨在学习适合NMF的数据表示。在这项工作中,我们将TL-NMF与古典矩阵关节 - 对角化(JD)问题相关联。我们展示,当数据实现的数量足够大时,TL-NMF可以由作为JD + NMF称为JD + NMF的两步接近 - 通过JD在NMF计算之前估计变换。相比之下,我们发现,当数据实现的数量有限时,不仅是JD + NMF不等于TL-NMF,但TL-NMF的固有低级约束结果是学习有意义的基本成分转变为NMF。
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在本文中,我们介绍了来自离散傅里叶变换(DFT)的一位或两位噪声观察的信号重建算法的两个变化。 DFT的单位观察对应于其实体部分的符号,而DFT的两位观察对应于DFT的真实和虚部的迹象。我们专注于图像进行分析和仿真,从而使用2D-DFT的标志。这类信号的选择是通过之前的作品启发的。对于我们的算法,我们表明,信号重建中的预期均方误差(MSE)与采样率的倒数渐近成比例。样品受到已知分布的添加零平均噪声的影响。我们通过设计使用收缩映射的算法来解决该信号估计问题,基于Banach TEXT点定理。提供了具有四个基准图像的数值测试以显示算法的有效性。采用PSNR,SSIM,ESSIM和MS-SSIM等图像重建质量评估的各种度量标准。在所有四个基准图像上,我们的算法通过显着的边距来满足所有这些指标中的最先进。
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由于其快速和低功率配置,可重新配置的智能表面(RISS)最近被视为未来无线网络的节能解决方案,这在实现大规模连通性和低延迟通信方面具有增加的潜力。基于RIS的系统中的准确且低空的通道估计是通常的RIS单元元素及其独特的硬件约束,这是最关键的挑战之一。在本文中,我们专注于RIS授权的多用户多用户多输入单输出(MISO)上行链路通信系统的上行链路,并根据并行因子分解提出了一个通道估计框架,以展开所得的级联通道模型。我们为基站和RIS之间的渠道以及RIS与用户之间的渠道提供了两种迭代估计算法。一个基于交替的最小二乘(ALS),而另一个使用向量近似消息传递到迭代的迭代中,从估计的向量重建了两个未知的通道。为了从理论上评估基于ALS的算法的性能,我们得出了其估计值CRAM \'ER-RAO BOND(CRB)。我们还通过估计的通道和基本站的不同预码方案讨论了可实现的总和率计算。我们的广泛仿真结果表明,我们的算法表现优于基准方案,并且ALS技术可实现CRB。还证明,使用估计通道的总和率总是在各种设置下达到完美通道的总和,从而验证了提出的估计算法的有效性和鲁棒性。
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近期在应用于培训深度神经网络和数据分析中的其他优化问题中的非凸优化的优化算法的兴趣增加,我们概述了最近对非凸优化优化算法的全球性能保证的理论结果。我们从古典参数开始,显示一般非凸面问题无法在合理的时间内有效地解决。然后,我们提供了一个问题列表,可以通过利用问题的结构来有效地找到全球最小化器,因为可能的问题。处理非凸性的另一种方法是放宽目标,从找到全局最小,以找到静止点或局部最小值。对于该设置,我们首先为确定性一阶方法的收敛速率提出了已知结果,然后是最佳随机和随机梯度方案的一般理论分析,以及随机第一阶方法的概述。之后,我们讨论了非常一般的非凸面问题,例如最小化$ \ alpha $ -weakly-are-convex功能和满足Polyak-lojasiewicz条件的功能,这仍然允许获得一阶的理论融合保证方法。然后,我们考虑更高阶和零序/衍生物的方法及其收敛速率,以获得非凸优化问题。
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