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It has become common to publish large (billion parameter) language models that have been trained on private datasets. This paper demonstrates that in such settings, an adversary can perform a training data extraction attack to recover individual training examples by querying the language model. We demonstrate our attack on GPT-2, a language model trained on scrapes of the public Internet, and are able to extract hundreds of verbatim text sequences from the model's training data. These extracted examples include (public) personally identifiable information (names, phone numbers, and email addresses), IRC conversations, code, and 128-bit UUIDs. Our attack is possible even though each of the above sequences are included in just one document in the training data.We comprehensively evaluate our extraction attack to understand the factors that contribute to its success. Worryingly, we find that larger models are more vulnerable than smaller models. We conclude by drawing lessons and discussing possible safeguards for training large language models.
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大型语言模型在各种任务上显示出令人印象深刻的几次结果。但是,当知识是此类结果的关键时,就像问题回答和事实检查之类的任务一样,似乎需要存储知识的大量参数计数。众所周知,检索增强模型可以在不需要多个参数的情况下在知识密集的任务上表现出色,但是目前尚不清楚它们是否在几个弹药设置中工作。在这项工作中,我们介绍了地图集,这是一个经过精心设计和预先训练的增强语言模型,能够通过很少的培训示例学习知识密集型任务。我们对包括MMLU,苏格兰短裙和归类等各种任务进行评估,并研究文档索引内容的影响,表明它可以很容易地进行更新。值得注意的是,在自然问题上仅使用64个示例在自然问题上达到超过42 \%的准确性,尽管参数少了50倍,但比540B参数模型的表现优于540b参数模型。
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本文是我们尝试回答两个问题,涵盖道德和作者资格分析领域的问题。首先,由于用于执行作者身份分析的方法意味着他或她创建的内容可以识别作者,因此我们有兴趣找出作者身份证系统是否有可能正确地将作者归因于作者,如果年来,他们经历了重大的心理过渡。其次,从作者的道德价值观演变的角度来看,我们检查了如果作者归因系统在检测单个作者身份方面遇到困难,这将是什么意思。我们着手使用基于预训练的变压器模型的文本分类器执行二进制作者资格分析任务来回答这些问题,并依靠常规相似性指标来回答这些问题。对于测试套装,我们选择了教育史上的日本教育家和专家Arata Osada的作品,其中一半是在第二次世界大战之前写的书,在1950年代又是一半,在此期间,他进行了转变。政治意见的条款。结果,我们能够确认,在10年以上的时间跨度中,Arata Osada撰写的文本,而分类准确性下降了很大的利润率,并且大大低于其他非虚构的文本作家,预测的信心得分仍然与时间跨度较短的水平相似,这表明分类器在许多情况下被欺骗来决定在多年的时间跨度上写的文本实际上是由两个不同的人编写的,这反过来又使我们相信这种变化会影响作者身份分析,并且历史事件对人的著作中所表达的道德观。
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We demonstrate that scaling up language models greatly improves task-agnostic, few-shot performance, sometimes even becoming competitive with prior state-ofthe-art fine-tuning approaches. Specifically, we train GPT-3, an autoregressive language model with 175 billion parameters, 10x more than any previous nonsparse language model, and test its performance in the few-shot setting. For all tasks, GPT-3 is applied without any gradient updates or fine-tuning, with tasks and few-shot demonstrations specified purely via text interaction with the model. GPT-3 achieves strong performance on many NLP datasets, including translation, question-answering, and cloze tasks. We also identify some datasets where GPT-3's few-shot learning still struggles, as well as some datasets where GPT-3 faces methodological issues related to training on large web corpora.
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As text generated by large language models proliferates, it becomes vital to understand how humans engage with such text, and whether or not they are able to detect when the text they are reading did not originate with a human writer. Prior work on human detection of generated text focuses on the case where an entire passage is either human-written or machine-generated. In this paper, we study a more realistic setting where text begins as human-written and transitions to being generated by state-of-the-art neural language models. We show that, while annotators often struggle at this task, there is substantial variance in annotator skill and that given proper incentives, annotators can improve at this task over time. Furthermore, we conduct a detailed comparison study and analyze how a variety of variables (model size, decoding strategy, fine-tuning, prompt genre, etc.) affect human detection performance. Finally, we collect error annotations from our participants and use them to show that certain textual genres influence models to make different types of errors and that certain sentence-level features correlate highly with annotator selection. We release the RoFT dataset: a collection of over 21,000 human annotations paired with error classifications to encourage future work in human detection and evaluation of generated text.
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Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) is the task of automatically detecting and correcting errors in text. The task not only includes the correction of grammatical errors, such as missing prepositions and mismatched subject-verb agreement, but also orthographic and semantic errors, such as misspellings and word choice errors respectively. The field has seen significant progress in the last decade, motivated in part by a series of five shared tasks, which drove the development of rule-based methods, statistical classifiers, statistical machine translation, and finally neural machine translation systems which represent the current dominant state of the art. In this survey paper, we condense the field into a single article and first outline some of the linguistic challenges of the task, introduce the most popular datasets that are available to researchers (for both English and other languages), and summarise the various methods and techniques that have been developed with a particular focus on artificial error generation. We next describe the many different approaches to evaluation as well as concerns surrounding metric reliability, especially in relation to subjective human judgements, before concluding with an overview of recent progress and suggestions for future work and remaining challenges. We hope that this survey will serve as comprehensive resource for researchers who are new to the field or who want to be kept apprised of recent developments.
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当前的语言模型达到了较低的困惑,但其产生的几代人仍然遭受有毒的反应,重复性和矛盾。标准语言建模设置无法解决这些问题。在本文中,我们介绍了一个新的体系结构{\ sc导演},由一个统一的生成器分类器组成,具有语言建模和每个输出令牌的分类头。培训是使用标准语言建模数据共同进行的,并以所需和不良序列标记的数据。与标准语言模型相比,该模型在多种设置中的实验表明,该模型具有竞争性的培训和解码速度,同时产生了较高的结果,从而减轻了已知的问题,同时保持发电质量。就准确性和效率而言,它还优于现有的模型指导方法。
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当前的语言模型可以产生高质量的文本。他们只是复制他们之前看到的文本,或者他们学习了普遍的语言抽象吗?要取笑这些可能性,我们介绍了乌鸦,这是一套评估生成文本的新颖性,专注于顺序结构(n-gram)和句法结构。我们将这些分析应用于四种神经语言模型(LSTM,变压器,变换器-XL和GPT-2)。对于本地结构 - 例如,单个依赖性 - 模型生成的文本比来自每个模型的测试集的人类生成文本的基线显着不那么新颖。对于大规模结构 - 例如,总句结构 - 模型生成的文本与人生成的基线一样新颖甚至更新颖,但模型仍然有时复制,在某些情况下,在训练集中重复超过1000字超过1,000字的通道。我们还表现了广泛的手动分析,表明GPT-2的新文本通常在形态学和语法中形成良好,但具有合理的语义问题(例如,是自相矛盾)。
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Controllable Text Generation (CTG) is emerging area in the field of natural language generation (NLG). It is regarded as crucial for the development of advanced text generation technologies that are more natural and better meet the specific constraints in practical applications. In recent years, methods using large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs), in particular the widely used transformer-based PLMs, have become a new paradigm of NLG, allowing generation of more diverse and fluent text. However, due to the lower level of interpretability of deep neural networks, the controllability of these methods need to be guaranteed. To this end, controllable text generation using transformer-based PLMs has become a rapidly growing yet challenging new research hotspot. A diverse range of approaches have emerged in the recent 3-4 years, targeting different CTG tasks which may require different types of controlled constraints. In this paper, we present a systematic critical review on the common tasks, main approaches and evaluation methods in this area. Finally, we discuss the challenges that the field is facing, and put forward various promising future directions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey paper to summarize CTG techniques from the perspective of PLMs. We hope it can help researchers in related fields to quickly track the academic frontier, providing them with a landscape of the area and a roadmap for future research.
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State-of-the-art poetry generation systems are often complex. They either consist of task-specific model pipelines, incorporate prior knowledge in the form of manually created constraints or both. In contrast, end-to-end models would not suffer from the overhead of having to model prior knowledge and could learn the nuances of poetry from data alone, reducing the degree of human supervision required. In this work, we investigate end-to-end poetry generation conditioned on styles such as rhyme, meter, and alliteration. We identify and address lack of training data and mismatching tokenization algorithms as possible limitations of past attempts. In particular, we successfully pre-train and release ByGPT5, a new token-free decoder-only language model, and fine-tune it on a large custom corpus of English and German quatrains annotated with our styles. We show that ByGPT5 outperforms other models such as mT5, ByT5, GPT-2 and ChatGPT, while also being more parameter efficient and performing favorably compared to humans. In addition, we analyze its runtime performance and introspect the model's understanding of style conditions. We make our code, models, and datasets publicly available.
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Despite considerable advances in neural language modeling, it remains an open question what the best decoding strategy is for text generation from a language model (e.g. to generate a story). The counter-intuitive empirical observation is that even though the use of likelihood as training objective leads to high quality models for a broad range of language understanding tasks, maximization-based decoding methods such as beam search lead to degeneration -output text that is bland, incoherent, or gets stuck in repetitive loops.To address this we propose Nucleus Sampling, a simple but effective method to draw considerably higher quality text out of neural language models than previous decoding strategies. Our approach avoids text degeneration by truncating the unreliable tail of the probability distribution, sampling from the dynamic nucleus of tokens containing the vast majority of the probability mass. To properly examine current maximization-based and stochastic decoding methods, we compare generations from each of these methods to the distribution of human text along several axes such as likelihood, diversity, and repetition. Our results show that (1) maximization is an inappropriate decoding objective for openended text generation, (2) the probability distributions of the best current language models have an unreliable tail which needs to be truncated during generation and (3) Nucleus Sampling is currently the best available decoding strategy for generating long-form text that is both high-quality -as measured by human evaluation -and as diverse as human-written text.Context: In a shocking finding, scientist discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote, previously unexplored valley, in the Andes Mountains. Even more surprising to the researchers was the fact that the unicorns spoke perfect English.
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本地语言识别(NLI)是培训(通过监督机器学习)的任务,该分类器猜测文本作者的母语。在过去的十年中,这项任务已经进行了广泛的研究,多年来,NLI系统的性能稳步改善。我们专注于NLI任务的另一个方面,即分析由\ emph {Aupplable}机器学习算法培训的NLI分类器的内部组件,以获取其分类决策的解释,并具有获得的最终目标,即获得最终的目标。深入了解语言现象````赋予说话者''的母语''。我们使用这种观点来解决NLI和(研究得多的)伴侣任务,即猜测是由本地人还是非本地人说的文本。使用三个不同出处的数据集(英语学习者论文的两个数据集和社交媒体帖子的数据集),我们研究哪种语言特征(词汇,形态学,句法和统计)最有效地解决了我们的两项任务,即,最大的表明说话者的L1。我们还提出了两个案例研究,一个关于西班牙语,另一个关于意大利英语学习者,其中我们分析了分类器对发现这些L1最重要的单个语言特征。总体而言,我们的研究表明,使用可解释的机器学习可能是TH的宝贵工具
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The recent success of large language models for text generation poses a severe threat to academic integrity, as plagiarists can generate realistic paraphrases indistinguishable from original work. However, the role of large autoregressive transformers in generating machine-paraphrased plagiarism and their detection is still developing in the literature. This work explores T5 and GPT-3 for machine-paraphrase generation on scientific articles from arXiv, student theses, and Wikipedia. We evaluate the detection performance of six automated solutions and one commercial plagiarism detection software and perform a human study with 105 participants regarding their detection performance and the quality of generated examples. Our results suggest that large models can rewrite text humans have difficulty identifying as machine-paraphrased (53% mean acc.). Human experts rate the quality of paraphrases generated by GPT-3 as high as original texts (clarity 4.0/5, fluency 4.2/5, coherence 3.8/5). The best-performing detection model (GPT-3) achieves a 66% F1-score in detecting paraphrases.
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We present a novel approach to generating news headlines in Finnish for a given news story. We model this as a summarization task where a model is given a news article, and its task is to produce a concise headline describing the main topic of the article. Because there are no openly available GPT-2 models for Finnish, we will first build such a model using several corpora. The model is then fine-tuned for the headline generation task using a massive news corpus. The system is evaluated by 3 expert journalists working in a Finnish media house. The results showcase the usability of the presented approach as a headline suggestion tool to facilitate the news production process.
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